ImageGear PDF v25.1 - Updated
File Formats Reference
User Guide > File Formats and Compressions > File Formats > File Formats Reference

This section provides a reference for every imaging file format supported by ImageGear. Each file format page provides the following information:

Currently ImageGear supports the following file formats: 

Format Read/Write Description Assembly
BMP Read/Write Standard Windows format including OS/2 bitmap format ImageGear.Formats.Common.dll
CLP Read/Write Windows Clipboard format for raster images ImageGear.Formats.Common.dll
CUR Read/Write For reading Windows 3.x and Windows95 mouse cursor display ImageGear.Formats.Common.dll
GIF Read/Write Graphic Image Format developed originally in accommodate the transmission of images via a modem; uses LZW compression algorithm. ImageGear.Formats.Common.dll
ICO Read/Write Windows ICON format ImageGear.Formats.Common.dll
JPEG Read/Write ANSI-standard, full-color image format; IG supports all aspects of this format including lossless and progressive; JFIF - industry standard header for JPEG compressed images. ImageGear.Formats.Common.dll
PDF Read/Write Adobe PDF file format. ImageGear.Formats.Pdf.dll
PNG Read/Write Portable Network Graphics, intended as successor to GIF ImageGear.Formats.Common.dll
PS Read/Write Adobe PostScript file format. ImageGear.Formats.Pdf.dll
SVG Read/Write Scalable Vector Graphics ImageGear.Formats.Vector.dll
TIFF Read/Write Tagged Image File Format; ImageGear supports every aspect of this format. ImageGear.Formats.Common.dll