ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
Tutorial: Create Your First OCR Project for a Console Application
Developer Guide > How to Work with... > OCR > Getting Started with ImageGear OCR > Tutorial: Create Your First OCR Project for a Console Application

In this tutorial, you will configure a C# or VB.NET project for a console application and use ImageGear .NET OCR capabilities to load an image, OCR and export the data to the console.

The following tutorial refers specifically to 64-bit installations; for 32-bit installations:

Using the desired version of Visual Studio (2010 or later):

  1. Create a new "Console App (.NET Framework)" project, using C# or VB.NET, and name the project: my_first_OCR_project
  2. If you downloaded ImageGear .NET 64-bit, using the Configuration Manager, create a new project platform (if you don't have one already) for x64. Make sure your project is set to compile targeting Debug and x64. Confirm you now have $YOURLOCALPROJ\bin\x64\Debug\, and if it's not there, create it.
  3. Add references and required resources into your projects in one of the following ways:
    • Manually:
    • Copy all files (and folders) inside $INSTALLDIR\Bin\x64 to your local output bin directory in your project (i.e., $YOURLOCALPROJ\bin\x64\Debug\ ).
    • Add the following references to your project from $YOURLOCALPROJ\bin\x64\Debug\:
    • ImageGear.Core.dll
    • ImageGear.Evaluation.dll
    • ImageGear.Formats.Common.dll
    • ImageGear.Formats.SimplifiedMetadata.dll
    • ImageGear.OCR.dll
Your output target directory (output path) should be set to $YOURLOCALPROJ\bin\x64\Debug\ 
  1. At this point all necessary assembly references and resources have been added to the project. 
    Add the following using statements to the top of the file.
    Copy Code
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using ImageGear.Core;
    using ImageGear.Formats;
    using ImageGear.OCR;
    using ImageGear.Evaluation;
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    Imports ImageGear.Core
    Imports ImageGear.Formats
    Imports ImageGear.OCR
    Imports ImageGear.Evaluation
    Imports System.IO
  1. Add the following code to create a private method to OCR, and export the data to the console. This code sets up licensing, initializes the ImageGear Formats assembly and initializes the OCR engine.
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    namespace my_first_OCR_project
       class Program
         public void OCRFile(string fileToBeRecognizedPath)
           // Initialize the license.
           ImGearEvaluationManager.Mode = ImGearEvaluationMode.Watermark;
           // Initialize the common formats.
           // Initialize the OCR object.
           ImGearOCR igOCR = ImGearOCR.Create();
           ImGearPage igPage;
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    Module Module1
      Public Sub OCRFile(fileToOCR As String)
        ' Initialize the license.
        ImGearEvaluationManager.Mode = ImGearEvaluationMode.Watermark
        ' Initialize the common formats.
        ' Initialize the OCR object.
        Dim igOCR As ImGearOCR = ImGearOCR.Create()
        Dim igPage As ImGearPage
  1. Add the following code to load the image, and set the ImGearRecPage.
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    using (FileStream localFile = new FileStream(fileToBeRecognizedPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
       igPage = ImGearFileFormats.LoadPage(localFile, 0);
    if (igPage is ImGearVectorPage)
        // Rasterize vector images before performing OCR.
        igPage = (igPage as ImGearVectorPage).Rasterize(24, 300, 300);
    ImGearOCRPage igOCRPage = igOCR.ImportPage((ImGearRasterPage)igPage);
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    Using localFile As New FileStream(fileToOCR, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
       igPage = ImGearFileFormats.LoadPage(localFile, 0)
    End Using
    If TypeOf igPage Is ImGearVectorPage Then
        ' Rasterize vector images before performing OCR.
        igPage = DirectCast(igPage, ImGearVectorPage).Rasterize(24, 300, 300)
    End If
    Dim igOCRPage As ImGearOCRPage = igOCR.ImportPage(DirectCast(igPage, ImGearRasterPage))
  1. Add the following code to output the data to the console.
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  1. Add the following code to dispose the igOCR and page object.
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    // You must explicitly call the page/document dispose method before calling igOCR.Dispose()
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    ' You must explicitly call the page/document dispose method before calling igOCR.Dispose()
  1. Finally, add in the Main function, the OCRFile method passing in your image, and output to the console. Replace "C:\PATHTOOCR\FILENAME.tif" with the path to your image file to recognize.
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    static void Main(string[] args)
         Program myProgram = new Program();
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        Sub Main()
         End Sub
     End Module

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