ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
Nuget Packages
Getting Started > Nuget Packages

This topic provides information about the following:

What are NuGet Packages?

NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform that includes .NET. NuGet packages make it easy to add, remove, and update libraries and tools in Visual Studio projects that use the .NET Framework.

To read more about NuGet, please visit

Installing NuGet

Starting with Visual Studio 2012, NuGet is included in every version of Visual Studio (except Team Foundation Server) by default. For Visual Studio 2010, you will need to install the NuGet Extension manually using the Extension Manager.

To check if your copy of Visual Studio already has the NuGet extension, in the Visual Studio Tools menu, look for Library Package Manager (VS2012) or NuGet Package Manager (VS2015).

If your copy of Visual Studio does not already have the Library Package Manager (NuGet) extension, you can install it using the Extension Manager. See for details.

Adding Accusoft NuGet Packages

All of our packages can be found at, which is the central package repository used by all package authors and consumers. The NuGet Package Manager is configured by default to use for packages' sources.

To add NuGet packages into your imaging application:

  1. Open the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio using one of the following methods:
    • Tools > Library Package Manager (VS2012) or NuGet Package Manager (VS2015) > Manage NuGet packages for solution
    • Right-click on the project or solution in the Solution Explorer and choose Manage NuGet packages
  2. In the opened window make sure that Package source is set to and find the required package from the list of packages. See the ImageGear .NET NuGet Packages table below to determine which packages to install. If you are unsure which package to use, you can use the ImageGear.All package for evaluation purposes.
  3. After selecting and installing the required package(s), you should see the newly added assemblies in your application's References folder. If your selected package requires native binaries or additional resources, they will be copied to the application's Output directory after building the project.
  4. Add using [namespace]; to any CS/VB file where you want to reference these libraries.

To learn more, we also recommend following the official tutorials available at

ImageGear .NET NuGet Packages

Package Dependencies are automatically included; so, for example, if you select the ImageGear.PDF package, the ImageGear.Core package is also included.

ImageGear .Net NuGet packages are self-sufficient and provide all the necessary functionality for the package they describe. However, if you want to extend the package capabilities with functionality from other packages, you need to install those corresponding packages, too. For example:

Package Name Description Assemblies Package Dependencies
ImageGear.All ImageGear .NET adds enterprise-class image viewing, compression, image processing and editing functions easily to any application, with support for PDF, more than 100 file formats, and expanded functionality such as optical character recognition (OCR), barcode recognition, and support for medical DICOM images. All All
ImageGear.Core Includes all functionality to work with common files. Also includes Core ImageGear API, Display API, File format manager, general metadata API, and Metadata dictionary API for the file formats. (BMP, ICO, CUR, CLP, PNG, GIF, TIFF and JFIF file formats. CCITT, Deflate, LZW, JPEG compressions. EXIF metadata.)
  • ImageGear.Core.dll
  • ImageGear.Evaluation.dll
  • ImageGear.Formats.Common.dll
  • ImageGear.Formats.SimplifiedMetadata.dll

Also includes:

  • ig_cmyk_profile.icm
  • ig_rgb_profile.icm
  • igpict1.dll
ImageGear.AdvancedProcessing Advanced Processing including image processing effects and document cleaning API.
  • ImageGear.Processing.Advanced.dll
ImageGear.ART.WinForms Includes all functionality to work with WinForms Annotation controls and UI.
  • ImageGear.Art.dll
  • ImageGear.Art.Forms.dll
ImageGear.ART.WPF Provides GUI and annotation controls for use with the Windows Presentation Foundation framework.
  • ImageGear.Art.dll
  • ImageGear.Art.Windows.Controls.dll

NOTE: The ImageGear.Barcode namespace has been deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future release.

Provides a set of objects that provides access to barcode recognition technology.

  • ImageGear.Barcode.dll
ImageGear.CameraRaw Includes all functionality to work with the following digital camera raw formats: CRW, ORF, PEF, NEF, Adobe DNG, KodakRAW, SonyRaw, LeicaRAW, MOS, MEF, CR2, Imacon Raw, MRW, RAF, Headerless Camera Raw.
  • ImageGear.Formats.CameraRaw.dll
ImageGear.Formats.Advanced Includes all functionality to work with the following raster file formats: PSD, PCX, DCX, PCD, PBM, RAS, MSP, Scitex CT, SGI, IFF, WPG, CAL, BTR, IMR, IMT, KFX, LV, NCR, GEM, WBMP, XWD, XBM, XPM, IBM IOCA, IBM MO:DCA, TGA, CUT.
  • ImageGear.Formats.Advanced.dll
ImageGear.Jpeg2k Provides support for JPEG 2000 compression and the JPEG 2000 file format.
  • ImageGear.Formats.Jpeg2k.dll

Also includes:

  • igjpeg2knu.dll
ImageGear.Medical.WinForms Provides functionality to support the end user's interaction and Windows Forms UI for multi-planar reconstruction (MPR).
  • ImageGear.Dicom.Forms.dll
  • ImageGear.Formats.Dicom.dll
ImageGear.Medical.WPF Provides functionality to support the end user's interaction and WPF UI for multi-planar reconstruction (MPR).
  • ImageGear.Formats.Dicom.dll
  • ImageGear.Windows.Controls.Dicom.dll
ImageGear.Office Provides support for Microsoft Office formats.
  • ImageGear.Formats.Office.dll

Note: If you have not set up the OfficeCore dependencies prior to downloading the NuGet package "Accusoft.ImageGear.Office", then you will not be able to utilize any of the functionality of the ImageGear.Formats.Office namespace; you must still download the full product ZIP to use Office functionality.

ImageGear.Formats.Pdf.dll (and its dependencies)

See Manually Packaging Office Dependencies and Manually Packaging PDF Dependencies.

ImageGear.PDF Includes all functionality to work with Adobe PDF and PostScript file formats, and PDF editing API.
  • ImageGear.Formats.Pdf.dll
  • ImageGear.Formats.Vector.dll

Also includes:

  • igpdfnu.dll
  • Native Dependencies
  • Resource files
ImageGear.Recognition Provides a set of objects that provide access to document recognition technology.
  • ImageGear.OCR.dll
  • ImageGear.OCR.Forms.dll

Also includes:

  • Native OCR dependencies
  • IgOcrIpc.dll
ImageGear.Recognition.Asian This adds files for Asian OCR feature. OCR resource files for Asian support. ImageGear.Core
ImageGear.TWAIN Provides support for TWAIN scanning API
  • ImageGear.Twain.dll
ImageGear.Vector Includes all functionality to work with the DWG, DXF, CGM, DGN, DWF, HPGL, SVG, and U3D vector file formats.
  • ImageGear.Formats.Vector.dll
  • ImageGear.Presentation.dll

Also includes:

  • igdwfnu.dll
  • igu3dnu.dll
  • igvectnu.dll
  • ACCAMERA_24.7_14.tx
  • AcDbPointCloudObj_24.7_14.tx
  • AcDgnLS_24.7_14.tx
  • AcGeolocationObj_24.7_14.tx
  • AcIdViewObj_24.7_14.tx
  • AcModelDocObj_24.7_14.tx
  • AcMPolygonObj15_24.7_14.tx
  • AcTrace_24.7_14.tx
  • AECIIB_24.7_14.tx
  • ATEXT_24.7_14.tx
  • AutoSurfServices_24.7_14.tx
  • DbConstraints_24.7_14.tx
  • ISM_24.7_14.tx
  • ModelerGeometry_24.7_14.tx
  • OdBrepModeler_24.7_14.dll
  • OdOleItemHandler_24.7_14.tx
  • OdPrcBaseExport_24.7_14.tx
  • OdPrcModule_24.7_14.tx
  • OdSpatialReference_24.7_14.tx
  • oless.dll
  • PlotSettingsValidator_24.7_14.tx
  • PSToolkit_24.7_14.dll
  • RasterProcessor_24.7_14.tx
  • RecomputeDimBlock_24.7_14.tx
  • RText_24.7_14.tx
  • RxCommonDataAccess_24.7_14.tx
  • SCENEOE_24.7_14.tx
  • TD_3DSolidHistory_24.7_14.tx
  • TD_AcisBuilder_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_Alloc_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_Ave_24.7_14.tx
  • TD_BrepBuilderFiller_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_BrepBuilder_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_BrepRenderer_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_Br_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_ColorBookReader_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_DbCore_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_DbEntities_24.7_14.tx
  • TD_DbIO_24.7_14.tx
  • TD_DbRoot_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_Db_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_DynBlocks_24.7_14.tx
  • TD_Ge_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_Gi_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_Gs_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_PdfExport_24.7_14.tx
  • TD_PDFToolkit_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_Root_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_Sm_24.7_14.tx
  • TD_SpatialIndex_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_STLExport_24.7_14.tx
  • TD_SvgExport_24.7_14.tx
  • TD_SwigCoreMgd.dll
  • TD_SwigCore_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_SwigDbMgd.dll
  • TD_SwigDb_24.7_14.dll
  • TD_TfCore_24.7_14.tx
  • TD_Tf_24.7_14.tx
  • TD_Zlib.dll
  • TG_Db_24.7_14.tx
  • TG_Dgn7IO_24.7_14.tx
  • TG_ModelerGeometry_24.7_14.tx
  • TG_SwigDbMgd.dll
  • TG_SwigDb_24.7_14.dll
  • tinyxml.dll
  • WinBitmap_24.7_14.txv
  • WinDirectX_24.7_14.txv
  • WinGDI_24.7_14.txv
  • WinOpenGL_24.7_14.txv
  • WipeOut_24.7_14.tx
ImageGear.Web Supports easy creation of web-based imaging systems.
  • ImageGear.Web.dll
  • ImageGear.Web.ImageDataProcessor.dll
  • ImageGear.Web.Services.dll

Also includes:

  • ImGearClientArt.js
  • ImGearClientViewer.js
  • ImGearCore.js
  • ImGearIsis.js
  • ImGearPlugins.js
  • ImGearThumbnailList.js
ImageGear.WinForms Provides a set of objects to simplify development of WinForms based applications.
  • ImageGear.Presentation.dll
  • ImageGear.Windows.Forms.dll
ImageGear.WPF Provides UI controls for use with the Windows Presentation Foundation framework. Also enables HD Photo and XPS file formats, and BitmapSource converters.
  • ImageGear.Presentation.dll
  • ImageGear.Windows.Controls.dll
  • ImageGear.Wpf.dll
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