ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
Package Your Dependencies Using NuGet
Developer Guide > Licensing and Distributing > Deploying Your Product > Package Your Dependencies Using NuGet

Starting with v22, ImageGear .NET provides Nuget Packages to simplify the packaging process. You can add NuGet dependencies for the ImageGear .NET DLLs your application requires. NuGet packages make it easy to add, remove, and update libraries and tools in Visual Studio projects that use the .NET Framework.

Application Using PDF Component

In addition to what is packaged using NuGet, if your application uses the PDF and/or CAD component(s), you also need to install the following Microsoft component:

This can be installed with the following merge modules:

Application Using Office Component

In addition to what is packaged using NuGet, if your application uses the Office component, you also need to install all of the following Microsoft components:

This can be installed with the following merge modules:

If your application uses the Office component, you also have to setup the OfficeCore dependencies on the target machine. See Manually Packaging Office Dependencies.

Application Using Recognition Components

In addition to what is packaged using NuGet, if your application uses the Recognition components (Recognition or Recognition.Asian), you also need to install the following Microsoft components:

This can be installed with the following merge modules:

Application Using CAD Component

In addition to what is packaged using NuGet, if your application uses the CAD component, you also need to install the following Microsoft component:

This can be installed with one of the following merge modules:


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