ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventHandler Delegate

ImageGear.Twain Assembly > ImageGear.TWAIN Namespace : ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventHandler Delegate
Object which triggered the event.
Data about the event.
This is the delegate used to pass ImGearTWAIN.BeforePage events on to an application event handler.
Public Delegate Sub ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventHandler( _
   ByVal sender As Object, _
   ByVal e As ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventArgs _
Dim instance As New ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventHandler(AddressOf HandlerMethod)
public delegate void ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventHandler( 
   object sender,
   ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventArgs e
public: __gc __delegate void ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventHandler( 
   Object* sender,
   ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventArgs* e
public delegate void ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventHandler( 
   Object^ sender,
   ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventArgs^ e


Object which triggered the event.
Data about the event.

The delegate follows the standard .NET event model. The ImGearTWAIN.BeforePage event occurs before scanning a page. It provides the page number to be scanned and gives an opportunity to cancel scanning.

Here's an example of typical ImGearTWAIN.BeforePage event registration and declaration:

// Event Registration
ImGearTWAIN imGearTWAIN = new ImGearTWAIN();
imGearTWAIN.BeforePage += new ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventHandler(imGearTWAIN_BeforePage);
// Event Declaration
void imGearTWAIN_BeforePage(object sender, ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventArgs e)
    // Access event arguments via ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventArgs e 
See Also


ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventHandler Members
ImageGear.TWAIN Namespace
ImGearTWAINBeforePageEventArgs Class

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