ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
ImGearOfficeCoreErrorCodes Enumeration

ImageGear.Formats.Office Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.Office Namespace : ImGearOfficeCoreErrorCodes Enumeration
Error codes for imported office core functions.
Public Enum ImGearOfficeCoreErrorCodes 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearOfficeCoreErrorCodes
public enum ImGearOfficeCoreErrorCodes : System.Enum 
__value public enum ImGearOfficeCoreErrorCodes : public System.Enum 
public enum class ImGearOfficeCoreErrorCodes : public System.Enum 
OC_CACHE_FILE_EMPTY12 Reserved for future use
OC_DOCUMENT_CONVERSION_FAILURE8 Can't convert the document.
OC_DOCUMENT_INVALID_PROPERTIES11 Internal failure when getting spreadsheet margins.
OC_DOCUMENT_LOAD_FAILED6 Can't load the document.
OC_DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND7 Document not found.
OC_DOCUMENT_REPAGINATE_FAILURE9 Can't repaginate the document.
OC_INVALID_DOCUMENT_TYPE4 Invalid document type.
OC_INVALID_INPUT_LOCATION1 Invalid input location.
OC_INVALID_OUTPUT_LOCATION2 Invalid output location.
OC_INVALID_PARAMETER3 Invalid input parameter.
OC_LIM_IS_FULL13 Maximal count of LibreOffice instances is achieved.
OC_LIM_NOT_FOUND10 LibreOffice Instance Manager is not found.
OC_NO_ERROR0 Success, no errors.
OC_OUT_OF_MEMORY5 Out of memory.
OC_VALUE_ABOVE_MAX1000 Value is above the maximum limit.
OC_VALUE_BELLOW_MIN1001 Value is below the minimum limit.
These values ​​can be passed as an additional parameter when an ImageGear.Core.ImGearException with the underlying code ImageGear.Core.ImGearErrorCodes.INTERNAL_FAILURE is thrown, and can help understand the cause of the internal error.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.Formats.Office Namespace

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