ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
ImGearDICOMTagsIDs Enumeration

ImageGear.Formats.Dicom Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.DICOM Namespace : ImGearDICOMTagsIDs Enumeration
Specifies DICOM tag identifiers.
Public Enum ImGearDICOMTagsIDs 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearDICOMTagsIDs
public enum ImGearDICOMTagsIDs : System.Enum 
__value public enum ImGearDICOMTagsIDs : public System.Enum 
public enum class ImGearDICOMTagsIDs : public System.Enum 
AbortFlag1074794532 Abort Flag.
AbortReason1074794529 Abort Reason.
AbsoluteChannelDisplayScale3801672 Absolute Channel Display Scale.
AbstractPriorCodeSequence7471166 Abstract Prior Code Sequence.
AbstractPriorValue7471164 Abstract Prior Value.
AccessionNumber524368 Accession Number.
AccessoryCode805961977 Accessory Code.
AcqStartCondition1572979Acquisition Start Condition. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
AcqStartConditionData1572980Acquisition Start Condition Data. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
AcqStopConditionData1572981Acquisition Termination Condition Data. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
AcquiredImageAreaDoseProduct1610867 Acquired Image Area Dose Product.
AcquiredSoundpathLength1327153 Acquired Soundpath Length.
AcquisitionComments1589248Acquisition Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AcquisitionCompressionType1327154 Acquisition Compression Type.
AcquisitionContextDesc4195670Acquisition Context Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
AcquisitionContextDescription4195670 Acquisition Context Description.
AcquisitionContextSequence4195669 Acquisition Context Sequence.
AcquisitionContrast561673 Acquisition Contrast.
AcquisitionDate524322 Acquisition Date.
AcquisitionDatetime524330Acquisition DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
AcquisitionDateTime524330 Acquisition DateTime.
AcquisitionDeviceProcessingCode1577985 Acquisition Device Processing Code.
AcquisitionDeviceProcessingDescription1577984 Acquisition Device Processing Description.
AcquisitionDeviceTypeCodeSequence2228245 Acquisition Device Type Code Sequence.
AcquisitionDuration1609843 Acquisition Duration.
AcquisitionIndex2135320 Acquisition Index.
AcquisitionMatrix1577744 Acquisition Matrix.
AcquisitionNumber2097170 Acquisition Number.
AcquisitionProtocolDescription1610788 Acquisition Protocol Description.
AcquisitionProtocolName1610787 Acquisition Protocol Name.
AcquisitionSampleSize1327155 Acquisition Sample Size.
AcquisitionsInSeries2101249Acquisitions in Series. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AcquisitionsInStudy2101252Acquisitions in Study. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AcquisitionStartCondition1572979 Acquisition Start Condition.
AcquisitionStartConditionData1572980 Acquisition Start Condition Data.
AcquisitionStatus1074794564 Acquisition Status.
AcquisitionTerminationCondition1572977 Acquisition Termination Condition.
AcquisitionTerminationConditionData1572981 Acquisition Termination Condition Data.
AcquisitionTime524338 Acquisition Time.
AcquisitionTimeSynchronized1579008 Acquisition Time Synchronized.
AcquisitionType1610498 Acquisition Type.
AcrossScanSpatialResolution2228296 Across-scan Spatial Resolution.
ActionTypeID4104 Action Type ID.
ActiveSourceDiameter805962264 Active Source Diameter.
ActiveSourceLength805962266 Active Source Length.
ActualCardiacTriggerDelayTime2134610 Actual Cardiac Trigger Delay Time.
ActualCardiacTriggerTimePriorToRPeak2134357 Actual Cardiac Trigger Time Prior To R-Peak.
ActualEnvironmentalConditions1314832 Actual Environmental Conditions.
ActualFrameDuration1577538 Actual Frame Duration.
ActualHumanPerformerSequence4210741Actual Human Performers Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ActualHumanPerformersSequence4210741 Actual Human Performers Sequence.
ActualRespiratoryTriggerDelayTime2134615 Actual Respiratory Trigger Delay Time.
AdaptiveMapFormat2623280Adaptive Map Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AddGrayScale20816Add Gray Scale. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AddIntermediateSequence4587777 Add Intermediate Sequence.
AdditionalDrugSequence1572906 Additional Drug Sequence.
AdditionalPatientHistory1057200 Additional Patient History.
AddNearSequence4587776 Add Near Sequence.
AddOtherSequence4587778 Add Other Sequence.
AddPower4587780 Add Power.
Address4236115Address (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AddressTrial4236115Address (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AdministrationRouteCodeSequence5505794 Administration Route Code Sequence.
AdmissionID3670032 Admission ID.
AdmittingDate3670048 Admitting Date.
AdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequence528516 Admitting Diagnoses Code Sequence.
AdmittingDiagnosesDescription528512 Admitting Diagnoses Description.
AdmittingDiagnosisCodeSequence528516Admitting Diagnoses Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
AdmittingTime3670049 Admitting Time.
AffectedSOPClassUID2 Affected SOP Class UID.
AffectedSOPInstanceUID4096 Affected SOP Instance UID.
AgeCorrectedSensitivityDeviationAlgorithmSequence2359397 Age Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Algorithm Sequence.
AgeCorrectedSensitivityDeviationProbabilityValue2359552 Age Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Probability Value.
AgeCorrectedSensitivityDeviationValue2359442 Age Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Value.
AirCounts1323120 Air Counts.
AlarmDecision1074794545 Alarm Decision.
AlarmDecisionTime1074794539 Alarm Decision Time.
AlertCodeSequence4235351Alert Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
AlgorithmCodeSequenceTrial4235926Algorithm Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AlgorithmDescription1611048 Algorithm Description.
AlgorithmDescriptionTrial4235927Algorithm Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AlgorithmFamilyCodeSequence6684719 Algorithm Family Code Sequence.
AlgorithmName6684726 Algorithm Name.
AlgorithmNameCodeSequence6684720 Algorithm Name Code Sequence.
AlgorithmParameters6684722 Algorithm Parameters.
AlgorithmRoutingCodeSequence1074794596 Algorithm Routing Code Sequence.
AlgorithmSource2359810 Algorithm Source.
AlgorithmType1611047 Algorithm Type.
AlgorithmVersion6684721 Algorithm Version.
AliasedDataType1611787 Aliased Data Type.
ALinePixelSpacing5373972 A?line Pixel Spacing.
ALineRate5373969 A?line Rate.
ALinesPerFrame5373970 A?lines Per Frame.
Allergies1057040 Allergies value.
AllowLossyCompression570425359 Allow Lossy Compression.
AllowMediaSplitting570425351 Allow Media Splitting.
AlongScanSpatialResolution2228279 Along-scan Spatial Resolution.
AlphaLUTTransferFunction2626576 Alpha LUT Transfer Function.
AlphaPaletteColorLookupTableData2626052 Alpha Palette Color Lookup Table Data.
AlphaPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor2625796 Alpha Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor.
AlternateContainerIdentifierSequence4195605 Alternate Container Identifier Sequence.
AlternateContentDescriptionSequence7340167 Alternate Content Description Sequence.
AlternateRepresentationSequence536577 Alternate Representation Sequence.
AmplifierType1327114 Amplifier Type.
AnatomicalOrientationType1057296 Anatomical Orientation Type.
AnatomicApproachDirectionCodeSequence533077Anatomic Approach Direction Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AnatomicLocationOfExaminingInstrumentCodeSequence533081Anatomic Location Of Examining Instrument Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AnatomicLocationOfExaminingInstrumentDescription533080Anatomic Location Of Examining Instrument Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AnatomicPerspectiveCodeSequence533079Anatomic Perspective Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AnatomicPerspectiveDescription533078Anatomic Perspective Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AnatomicPortalOfEntranceCodeSequence533075Anatomic Portal Of Entrance Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AnatomicRegionModifierSequence533024 Anatomic Region Modifier Sequence.
AnatomicRegionSequence533016 Anatomic Region Sequence.
AnatomicStructure533000 Anatomic Structure.
AnatomicStructureSpaceOrRegionCodeSequence533073Anatomic Structure Space Or Region Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AnatomicStructureSpaceOrRegionModifierCodeSequence533082Anatomic Structure Space Or Region Modifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AnatomicStructureSpaceOrRegionSequence533033 Anatomic Structure, Space or Region Sequence.
AnatomicStructureSpaceRegionSequence533033Anatomic Structure, Space or Region Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
AnchorPoint7340052 Anchor Point.
AnchorPointAnnotationUnits7340036 Anchor Point Annotation Units.
AnchorPointVisibility7340053 Anchor Point Visibility.
AngioFlag1572901 Angio Flag.
AngleNumber2097176Angle Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AngularPosition1577281Angular Position. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AngularStep1577284 Angular Step.
AngularViewVector5505168 Angular View Vector.
AnnotationContentSequence556793936Annotation Content Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AnnotationDisplayFormatID537919536 Annotation Display Format ID.
AnnotationFlag536871013Annotation Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AnnotationGroupNumber4235648 Annotation Group Number.
AnnotationPosition540016656 Annotation Position.
AnnotationSequence4239392Waveform Annotation Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
AnodeTargetMaterial1577361 Anode Target Material.
AnteriorChamberDepth2232625 Anterior Chamber Depth.
AnteriorChamberDepthDefinitionCodeSequence2232613 Anterior Chamber Depth Definition Code Sequence.
ApexPosition2134792 Apex Position.
ApplicableFrameRange2646274 Applicable Frame Range.
ApplicableSafetyStandardAgency1610100 Applicable Safety Standard Agency.
ApplicableSafetyStandardDesc1610101Applicable Safety Standard Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ApplicableSafetyStandardDescription1610101 Applicable Safety Standard Description.
ApplicationManufacturer1611046 Application Manufacturer.
ApplicationMaximumRepaintTime7471374 Application Maximum Repaint Time.
ApplicationName1611044 Application Name.
ApplicationSetupCheck805830934 Application Setup Check.
ApplicationSetupManufacturer805962296 Application Setup Manufacturer.
ApplicationSetupName805962294 Application Setup Name.
ApplicationSetupNumber805962292 Application Setup Number.
ApplicationSetupSequence805962288 Application Setup Sequence.
ApplicationSetupType805962290 Application Setup Type.
ApplicationVersion1611045 Application Version.
ApplicatorApertureShape805962802 Applicator Aperture Shape.
ApplicatorDescription805961994 Applicator Description.
ApplicatorGeometrySequence805962801 Applicator Geometry Sequence.
ApplicatorID805961992 Applicator ID.
ApplicatorOpening805962803 Applicator Opening.
ApplicatorOpeningX805962804 Applicator Opening X.
ApplicatorOpeningY805962805 Applicator Opening Y.
ApplicatorSequence805961991 Applicator Sequence.
ApplicatorType805961993 Applicator Type.
ApprovalStatus806223874 Approval Status.
ApprovalStatusDateTime4456452 Approval Status DateTime.
ApprovalStatusFurtherDescription4456451 Approval Status Further Description.
AppSetupCheck805830934Application Setup Check. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
Arbitrary1073741840Arbitrary. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ArchiveRequested4236436 Archive Requested.
ArterialSpinLabelingContrast1610320 Arterial Spin Labeling Contrast.
ASLBolusCutoffDelayTime1610335 ASL Bolus Cut-off Delay Time.
ASLBolusCutoffFlag1610332 ASL Bolus Cut-off Flag.
ASLBolusCutoffTechnique1610334 ASL Bolus Cut-off Technique.
ASLBolusCutoffTimingSequence1610333 ASL Bolus Cut-off Timing Sequence.
ASLContext1610327 ASL Context.
ASLCrusherDescription1610331 ASL Crusher Description.
ASLCrusherFlag1610329 ASL Crusher Flag.
ASLCrusherFlow1610330 ASL Crusher Flow.
ASLMidSlabPosition1610326 ASL Mid Slab Position.
ASLPulseTrainDuration1610328 ASL Pulse Train Duration.
ASLSlabNumber1610323 ASL Slab Number.
ASLSlabOrientation1610325 ASL Slab Orientation.
ASLSlabSequence1610336 ASL Slab Sequence.
ASLSlabThickness1610324 ASL Slab Thickness.
ASLTechniqueDescription1610322 ASL Technique Description.
AssignedLocation1074794538 Assigned Location.
AssigningAgencyOrDepartmentCodeSequence4194362 Assigning Agency or Department Code Sequence.
AssigningFacilitySequence4194358 Assigning Facility Sequence.
AssigningJurisdictionCodeSequence4194361 Assigning Jurisdiction Code Sequence.
ATDAbilityAssessment1074794516 ATD Ability Assessment.
ATDAssessmentFlag1074794517 ATD Assessment Flag.
ATDAssessmentProbability1074794518 ATD Assessment Probability.
ATDAssessmentSequence1074794552 ATD Assessment Sequence.
AttachedContours805699657 Attached Contours.
AttenuationCorrected1611609 Attenuation Corrected.
AttenuationCorrectionMethod5509377 Attenuation Correction Method.
AttenuationCorrectionSource1611576 Attenuation Correction Source.
AttenuationCorrectionTemporalRelationship1611632 Attenuation Correction Temporal Relationship.
AttributeIdentifierList4101 Attribute Identifier List.
AttributeItemSelector7606356 Attribute Item Selector.
AttributeModificationDatetime67110242Attribute Modification DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
AttributeModificationDateTime67110242 Attribute Modification DateTime.
AttributeOccurrencePointer7606354 Attribute Occurrence Pointer.
AttributeOccurrencePrivateCreator7606358 Attribute Occurrence Private Creator.
AttributeOccurrenceSequence7606352 Attribute Occurrence Sequence.
AudioComments1358897166Audio Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AudioSampleData1358897164Audio Sample Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AudioSampleFormat1358897154Audio Sample Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AudioType1358897152Audio Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AuthorizationEquipmentCertificationNumber16778278 Authorization Equipment Certification Number.
AuthorObserverSequence4235384 Author Observer Sequence.
AutorefractionLeftEyeSequence4587602 Autorefraction Left Eye Sequence.
AutorefractionRightEyeSequence4587600 Autorefraction Right Eye Sequence.
AveragePulseWidth1577300 Average Pulse Width.
AxialAcceptance5509632 Axial Acceptance.
AxialDetectorDimension1611559 Axial Detector Dimension.
AxialLengthOfTheEye2228272 Axial Length of the Eye.
AxialMash5509633 Axial Mash.
AxialResolution5373960 Axial Resolution.
AxisLabels1358889024Axis Labels. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
AxisOfRotation6684699 Axis of Rotation.
AxisUnits1358889008Axis Units. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
BackgroundColor4587666 Background Color.
BackgroundIlluminationColorCodeSequence2359332 Background Illumination Color Code Sequence.
BackgroundLuminance2359328 Background Luminance.
BadPixelImage1323136 Bad Pixel Image.
BarcodeSymbology570425350 Barcode Symbology.
BarcodeValue570425349 Barcode Value.
BaselineCorrection1609831 Baseline Correction.
BasicColorImageSequence538968337 Basic Color Image Sequence.
BasicGrayscaleImageSequence538968336 Basic Grayscale Image Sequence.
BasisMaterialsCodeSequence1074794565 Basis Materials Code Sequence.
BeamAngle1610825 Beam Angle.
BeamCurrentModulationID805962572 Beam Current Modulation ID.
BeamDescription805961923 Beam Description.
BeamDose805961860 Beam Dose.
BeamDosePointDepth805961864 Beam Dose Point Depth.
BeamDosePointEquivalentDepth805961865 Beam Dose Point Equivalent Depth.
BeamDosePointSSD805961866 Beam Dose Point SSD.
BeamDoseSpecificationPoint805961858 Beam Dose Specification Point.
BeamLimitingDeviceAngle805962016 Beam Limiting Device Angle.
BeamLimitingDeviceAngleTolerance805961798 Beam Limiting Device Angle Tolerance.
BeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairSequence805830816Beam Limiting Device Leaf Pairs Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequence805830816 Beam Limiting Device Leaf Pairs Sequence.
BeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence805962010 Beam Limiting Device Position Sequence.
BeamLimitingDevicePositionTolerance805961802 Beam Limiting Device Position Tolerance.
BeamLimitingDeviceRotationDirection805962017 Beam Limiting Device Rotation Direction.
BeamLimitingDeviceSequence805961910 Beam Limiting Device Sequence.
BeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequence805961800 Beam Limiting Device Tolerance Sequence.
BeamMeterset805961862 Beam Meterset.
BeamName805961922 Beam Name.
BeamNumber805961920 Beam Number.
BeamOrderIndex7607076 Beam Order Index.
BeamOrderIndexTrial7606308Beam Order Index (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
BeamSequence805961904 Beam Sequence.
BeamSpotSize5373955 Beam Spot Size.
BeamStopperPosition805831216 Beam Stopper Position.
BeamTaskSequence7606304 Beam Task Sequence.
BeamTaskType7606306 Beam Task Type.
BeamType805961924 Beam Type.
BeatRejectionFlag1577088 Beat Rejection Flag.
BeltHeight1074794594 Belt Height.
BibliographicCitationTrial4235626Bibliographic Citation (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
BillingItemSequence4194966 Billing Item Sequence.
BillingProcedureStepSequence4195104 Billing Procedure Step Sequence.
BillingSuppliesAndDevicesSequence4195108 Billing Supplies and Devices Sequence.
BillingSupplyDeviceSequence4195108Billing Supplies and Devices Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BiPlaneAcquisitionSequence2641920Bi-Plane Acquisition Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
BitAllocated1627324672Overlay Bits Allocated. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BitPosition1627324674Overlay Bit Position. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BitsAllocated2621696 Bits Allocated.
BitsForCodeWord2623732Bits For Code Word. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
BitsGrouped2621545Bits Grouped. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
BitsMappedToColorLookupTable2626563 Bits Mapped to Color Lookup Table.
BitsStored2621697 Bits Stored.
BlendingLookupTableData2626568 Blending Lookup Table Data.
BlendingLookupTableDescriptor2626567 Blending Lookup Table Descriptor.
BlendingLUT1Sequence2626564 Blending LUT 1 Sequence.
BlendingLUT1TransferFunction2626565 Blending LUT 1 Transfer Function.
BlendingLUT2Sequence2626572 Blending LUT 2 Sequence.
BlendingLUT2TransferFunction2626573 Blending LUT 2 Transfer Function.
BlendingOperationType7472384 Blending Operation Type.
BlendingPosition7341061 Blending Position.
BlendingSequence7341058 Blending Sequence.
BlendingWeightConstant2626566 Blending Weight Constant.
BlindSpotLocalized2359558 Blind Spot Localized.
BlindSpotXCoordinate2359559 Blind Spot X-Coordinate.
BlindSpotYCoordinate2359560 Blind Spot Y-Coordinate.
BlockColumns2621586Block Columns. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
BlockData805961990 Block Data.
BlockDivergence805961978 Block Divergence.
BlockedPixels2621584Blocked Pixels. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
BlockMountingPosition805961979 Block Mounting Position.
BlockName805961982 Block Name.
BlockNumber805961980 Block Number.
BlockNumberOfPoints805961988 Block Number of Points.
BlockRows2621585Block Rows. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
BlockSequence805961972 Block Sequence.
BlockThickness805961984 Block Thickness.
BlockTransmission805961986 Block Transmission.
BlockTrayID805961973 Block Tray ID.
BlockType805961976 Block Type.
BloodSignalNulling1609762 Blood Signal Nulling.
BluePaletteColorLookupTableData2626051 Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data.
BluePaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor2625795 Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor.
BoardingPassID1074794522 Boarding Pass ID.
BodyPartExamined1572885 Body Part Examined.
BodyPartThickness1577376 Body Part Thickness.
Bold7340617 Bold.
BolusDescription805961949 Bolus Description.
BolusID805961948 Bolus Identifier.
BoneThermalIndex1593380 Bone Thermal Index.
BorderDensity537919744 Border Density.
Borders20832Borders. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
BottomRightHandCornerOfLocalizerArea4719106 Bottom Right Hand Corner of Localizer Area.
BoundingBoxAnnotationUnits7340035 Bounding Box Annotation Units.
BoundingBoxBottomRightHandCorner7340049 Bounding Box Bottom Right Hand Corner.
BoundingBoxTextHorizontalJustification7340050 Bounding Box Text Horizontal Justification.
BoundingBoxTopLeftHandCorner7340048 Bounding Box Top Left Hand Corner.
BoundingPolygon1074794525 Bounding Polygon.
BoundingRectangle6841159 Bounding Rectangle.
BrachyAccDeviceID805962339Brachy Accessory Device ID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BrachyAccDeviceName805962342Brachy Accessory Device Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BrachyAccDeviceNominalThickness805962346Brachy Accessory Device Nominal Thickness. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BrachyAccDeviceNominalTransmission805962348Brachy Accessory Device Nominal Transmission. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BrachyAccDeviceNumber805962338Brachy Accessory Device Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BrachyAccDeviceSequence805962336Brachy Accessory Device Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BrachyAccDeviceType805962340Brachy Accessory Device Type. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BrachyAccessoryDeviceID805962339 Brachy Accessory Device ID.
BrachyAccessoryDeviceName805962342 Brachy Accessory Device Name.
BrachyAccessoryDeviceNominalThickness805962346 Brachy Accessory Device Nominal Thickness.
BrachyAccessoryDeviceNominalTransmission805962348 Brachy Accessory Device Nominal Transmission.
BrachyAccessoryDeviceNumber805962338 Brachy Accessory Device Number.
BrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence805962336 Brachy Accessory Device Sequence.
BrachyAccessoryDeviceType805962340 Brachy Accessory Device Type.
BrachyApplicationSetupDose805961892 Brachy Application Setup Dose.
BrachyApplicationSetupDoseSpecificationPoint805961890 Brachy Application Setup Dose Specification Point.
BrachyChannelLength805962372Channel Length. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BrachyChannelNumber805962370Channel Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BrachyChannelSequence805962368Channel Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BrachyChannelTotalTime805962374Channel Total Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BrachyControlPointDeliveredSequence805831008 Brachy Control Point Delivered Sequence.
BrachyControlPointSequence805962448 Brachy Control Point Sequence.
BrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequence806092885 Brachy Referenced Dose Reference Sequence.
BrachySetupDose805961892Brachy Application Setup Dose. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BrachySetupDoseSpecificationPoint805961890Brachy Application Setup Dose Specification Point. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BrachyTreatmentTechnique805962240 Brachy Treatment Technique.
BrachyTreatmentType805962242 Brachy Treatment Type.
BranchOfService1052801 Branch of Service.
BreastImplantPresent2626304 Breast Implant Present.
BreedRegistrationNumber1057429 Breed Registration Number.
BreedRegistrationSequence1057428 Breed Registration Sequence.
BreedRegistryCodeSequence1057430 Breed Registry Code Sequence.
BulkMotionCompensationTechnique1610098 Bulk Motion Compensation Technique.
BulkMotionCompTechnique1610098Bulk Motion Compensation Technique. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
BulkMotionSignalSource1610099 Bulk Motion Signal Source.
BulkMotionStatus1610086Bulk Motion Status. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
BurnedInAnnotation2622209 Burned In Annotation.
CADFileFormat1310755 CAD File Format.
CalcDoseRefDesc805830772Calculated Dose Reference Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
CalcDoseRefDoseValue805830774Calculated Dose Reference Dose Value. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
CalcDoseRefNumber805830770Calculated Dose Reference Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
CalcDoseRefSequence805830768Calculated Dose Reference Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
CalciumScoringMassFactorDevice1610578 Calcium Scoring Mass Factor Device.
CalciumScoringMassFactorPatient1610577 Calcium Scoring Mass Factor Patient.
CalculatedAnatomyThickness1610834 Calculated Anatomy Thickness.
CalculatedDoseReferenceDescription805830772 Calculated Dose Reference Description.
CalculatedDoseReferenceDoseValue805830774 Calculated Dose Reference Dose Value.
CalculatedDoseReferenceNumber805830770 Calculated Dose Reference Number.
CalculatedDoseReferenceSequence805830768 Calculated Dose Reference Sequence.
CalculatedFrameList528738 Calculated Frame List.
CalibrationDataSequence5505798 Calibration Data Sequence.
CalibrationDate1327230 Calibration Date.
CalibrationImage5242884 Calibration Image.
CalibrationNotes1323161 Calibration Notes.
CalibrationProcedure1327218 Calibration Procedure.
CalibrationSequence1610837 Calibration Sequence.
CalibrationSettingsSequence1327216 Calibration Settings Sequence.
CalibrationTime1327228 Calibration Time.
CameraAngleOfView2228254 Camera Angle of View.
CardiacBeatRejectionTechnique1610089 Cardiac Beat Rejection Technique.
CardiacCyclePosition1610294 Cardiac Cycle Position.
CardiacFramingType1577060 Cardiac Framing Type.
CardiacNumberOfImages1577104 Cardiac Number of Images.
CardiacRRintervalSpecified1609840 Cardiac R-R Interval Specified.
CardiacSignalSource1609861 Cardiac Signal Source.
CardiacSynchronizationSequence1610008 Cardiac Synchronization Sequence.
CardiacSynchronizationTechnique1609783 Cardiac Synchronization Technique.
CardiacSyncTechnique1609783Cardiac Synchronization Technique. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
CardiacTriggerSequence1610008Cardiac Synchronization Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
CarmPositionerTabletopRelationship1610868 C-arm Positioner Tabletop Relationship.
CarrierID1074794584 Carrier ID.
CarrierIDAssigningAuthority1074794585 Carrier ID Assigning Authority.
CassetteID1576967 Cassette ID.
CassetteOrientation1577986 Cassette Orientation.
CassetteSize1577987 Cassette Size.
CatchTrialsDataFlag2359381 Catch Trials Data Flag.
CatheterDirectionOfRotation5374001 Catheter Direction of Rotation.
CatheterRotationalRate5373971 Catheter Rotational Rate.
CenterOfCircularCollimator1578768 Center of Circular Collimator.
CenterofCircularExposureControlSensingRegion1610816 Center of Circular Exposure Control Sensing Region.
CenterOfCircularShutter1578512 Center of Circular Shutter.
CenterOfMass1074794523 Center of Mass.
CenterOfPTO1074794524 Center of PTO.
CenterOfRotation6684700 Center of Rotation.
CenterOfRotationOffset1577285 Center of Rotation Offset.
CertificateOfSigner67109141 Certificate of Signer.
CertificateType67109136 Certificate Type.
CertifiedTimestamp67109648 Certified Timestamp.
CertifiedTimestampType67109637 Certified Timestamp Type.
ChannelBaseline3801619 Channel Baseline.
ChannelDefinitionSequence3801600 Channel Definition Sequence.
ChannelDerivationDescription3801612 Channel Derivation Description.
ChannelDescriptionCodeSequence2228250 Channel Description Code Sequence.
ChannelDisplaySequence3801666 Channel Display Sequence.
ChannelIdentificationCode3801857 Channel Identification Code.
ChannelLabel3801603 Channel Label.
ChannelLength805962372 Channel Length.
ChannelMaximumValue1409286418 Channel Maximum Value.
ChannelMinimumValue1409286416 Channel Minimum Value.
ChannelMode3801858 Channel Mode.
ChannelNumber805962370 Channel Number.
ChannelOffset3801624 Channel Offset.
ChannelPosition3801669 Channel Position.
ChannelRecommendedDisplayCIELabValue3801668 Channel Recommended Display CIELab Value.
ChannelSampleSkew3801621 Channel Sample Skew.
ChannelSensitivity3801616 Channel Sensitivity.
ChannelSensitivityCorrectionFactor3801618 Channel Sensitivity Correction Factor.
ChannelSensitivityUnits3801617Channel Sensitivity Units Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ChannelSensitivityUnitsSequence3801617 Channel Sensitivity Units Sequence.
ChannelSequence805962368 Channel Sequence.
ChannelShieldID805962419 Channel Shield ID.
ChannelShieldName805962420 Channel Shield Name.
ChannelShieldNominalThickness805962424 Channel Shield Nominal Thickness.
ChannelShieldNominalTransmission805962426 Channel Shield Nominal Transmission.
ChannelShieldNumber805962418 Channel Shield Number.
ChannelShieldSequence805962416 Channel Shield Sequence.
ChannelSourceModifiersSequence3801609 Channel Source Modifiers Sequence.
ChannelSourceSequence3801608 Channel Source Sequence.
ChannelStatus3801605 Channel Status.
ChannelTimeSkew3801620 Channel Time Skew.
ChannelTotalTime805962374 Channel Total Time.
ChannelWidth4587586 Channel Width.
CharSet266562Specific Character Set of File-set Descriptor File. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ChemicalShiftMaximumIntegrationLimitInppm1610390 Chemical Shift Maximum Integration Limit in ppm.
ChemicalShiftMinimumIntegrationLimitInppm1610389 Chemical Shift Minimum Integration Limit in ppm.
ChemicalShiftReference1609811 Chemical Shift Reference.
ChemicalShiftSequence1609860 Chemical Shift Sequence.
ChemicalShiftsMaximumIntegrationLimitInHz1610134Chemical Shifts Maximum Integration Limit in Hz. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ChemicalShiftsMaximumIntegrationLimitinppm1610390Chemical Shift Maximum Integration Limit in ppm. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ChemicalShiftsMinimumIntegrationLimitInHz1610133Chemical Shifts Minimum Integration Limit in Hz. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ChemicalShiftsMinimumIntegrationLimitinppm1610389Chemical Shift Minimum Integration Limit in ppm. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
CineRate1572928 Cine Rate.
CineRelativetoRealTime7471920 Cine Relative to Real-Time.
ClinicalTrialCenterName1179744Clinical Trial Coordinating Center Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ClinicalTrialCoordinatingCenterName1179744 Clinical Trial Coordinating Center Name.
ClinicalTrialProtocolEthicsCommitteeApprovalNumber1179778 Clinical Trial Protocol Ethics Committee Approval Number.
ClinicalTrialProtocolEthicsCommitteeName1179777 Clinical Trial Protocol Ethics Committee Name.
ClinicalTrialProtocolID1179680 Clinical Trial Protocol ID.
ClinicalTrialProtocolName1179681 Clinical Trial Protocol Name.
ClinicalTrialSeriesDescription1179762 Clinical Trial Series Description.
ClinicalTrialSeriesID1179761 Clinical Trial Series ID.
ClinicalTrialSiteID1179696 Clinical Trial Site ID.
ClinicalTrialSiteName1179697 Clinical Trial Site Name.
ClinicalTrialSponsorName1179664 Clinical Trial Sponsor Name.
ClinicalTrialSubjectID1179712 Clinical Trial Subject ID.
ClinicalTrialSubjectReadingID1179714 Clinical Trial Subject Reading ID.
ClinicalTrialTimePointDesc1179729Clinical Trial Time Point Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ClinicalTrialTimePointDescription1179729 Clinical Trial Time Point Description.
ClinicalTrialTimePointID1179728 Clinical Trial Time Point ID.
CoatingMaterialsCodeSequence6841252 Coating Materials Code Sequence.
CodeLabel2623728Code Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CodeMeaning524548 Code Meaning.
CodeNumberFormat2623296Code Number Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CodeTableLocation2623731Code Table Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CodeValue524544 Code Value.
CodingSchemeDesignator524546 Coding Scheme Designator.
CodingSchemeExternalID524564 Coding Scheme External ID.
CodingSchemeIdentificationSequence524560 Coding Scheme Identification Sequence.
CodingSchemeIDSequence524560Coding Scheme Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
CodingSchemeName524565 Coding Scheme Name.
CodingSchemeRegistry524562 Coding Scheme Registry.
CodingSchemeResponsibleOrganization524566 Coding Scheme Responsible Organization.
CodingSchemeUID524556 Coding Scheme UID.
CodingSchemeVersion524547 Coding Scheme Version.
CoefficientCoding2622706Coefficient Coding. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CoefficientCodingPointers2622707Coefficient Coding Pointers. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CoefficientsSDDN2145386560Coefficients SDDN. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CoefficientsSDHN2145386544Coefficients SDHN. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CoefficientsSDVN2145386528Coefficients SDVN. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CoincidenceWindowWidth5509648 Coincidence Window Width.
CollationFlag536871011Collation Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CollimatorGridName1577344 Collimator/grid Name.
CollimatorLeftVerticalEdge1578754 Collimator Left Vertical Edge.
CollimatorLowerHorizontalEdge1578760 Collimator Lower Horizontal Edge.
CollimatorRightVerticalEdge1578756 Collimator Right Vertical Edge.
CollimatorShape1578752 Collimator Shape.
CollimatorShapeSequence1610759 Collimator Shape Sequence.
CollimatorType1577345 Collimator Type.
CollimatorUpperHorizontalEdge1578758 Collimator Upper Horizontal Edge.
ColorImagePrintingFlag536871010Color Image Printing Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ColumnAngulation1578064 Column Angulation.
ColumnAngulationPatient1610823 Column Angulation (Patient).
ColumnOverlap2621588Column Overlap. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ColumnPositionInTotalImagePixelMatrix4719135 Column Position In Total Image Pixel Matrix.
Columns2621457 Columns. Width of the DICOM image.
ColumnsForNthOrderCoefficients2622705Columns For Nth Order Coefficients. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CommandField256 Command Field.
CommandGroupLength0 Command Group Length.
CommandLengthToEnd1Command Length to End. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CommentsOnPatientPerformanceOfVisualField2359364 Comments on Patient's Performance of Visual Field.
CommentsOnRadiationDose4195088 Comments on Radiation Dose.
CommentsOnThePerformedProcedureStep4194944 Comments on the Performed Procedure Step.
CommentsOnTheScheduledProcedureStep4195328 Comments on the Scheduled Procedure Step.
CompensatorColumn805961960Compensator Columns. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
CompensatorColumnOffset805962469 Compensator Column Offset.
CompensatorColumns805961960 Compensator Columns.
CompensatorDescription805962475 Compensator Description.
CompensatorDivergence805962464 Compensator Divergence.
CompensatorID805961957 Compensator ID.
CompensatorMillingToolDiameter805962472 Compensator Milling Tool Diameter.
CompensatorMountingPosition805962465 Compensator Mounting Position.
CompensatorNumber805961956 Compensator Number.
CompensatorPixelSpacing805961961 Compensator Pixel Spacing.
CompensatorPosition805961962 Compensator Position.
CompensatorRelativeStoppingPowerRatio805962471 Compensator Relative Stopping Power Ratio.
CompensatorRow805961959Compensator Rows. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
CompensatorRows805961959 Compensator Rows.
CompensatorSequence805961955 Compensator Sequence.
CompensatorThicknessData805961964 Compensator Thickness Data.
CompensatorTransmissionData805961963 Compensator Transmission Data.
CompensatorType805961966 Compensator Type.
CompletionFlag4236433 Completion Flag.
CompletionFlagDescription4236434 Completion Flag Description.
ComplexImageComponent561672 Complex Image Component.
ComplexImgComponent561672Complex Image Component. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
Component1ReferencedID7733360 Component 1 Referenced ID.
Component1ReferencedMatingFeatureID7733392 Component 1 Referenced Mating Feature ID.
Component1ReferencedMatingFeatureSetID7733376 Component 1 Referenced Mating Feature Set ID.
Component2ReferencedID7733408 Component 2 Referenced ID.
Component2ReferencedMatingFeatureID7733440 Component 2 Referenced Mating Feature ID.
Component2ReferencedMatingFeatureSetID7733424 Component 2 Referenced Mating Feature Set ID.
ComponentAssemblySequence7733344 Component Assembly Sequence.
ComponentID7733333 Component ID.
ComponentManufacturer1310760 Component Manufacturer.
ComponentManufacturingProcedure1310757 Component Manufacturing Procedure.
ComponentReferenceSystem1310756 Component Reference System.
ComponentSequence7733312 Component Sequence.
ComponentShape1310800 Component Shape.
ComponentTypeCodeSequence7733300 Component Type Code Sequence.
ComponentTypesSequence7733298 Component Types Sequence.
CompoundGraphicInstanceID7340582 Compound Graphic Instance ID.
CompoundGraphicSequence7340553 Compound Graphic Sequence.
CompoundGraphicType7340692 Compound Graphic Type.
CompoundGraphicUnits7340674 Compound Graphic Units.
CompressionCode2621536Compression Code. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CompressionDescription2621539Compression Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CompressionForce1577378 Compression Force.
CompressionLabel2621538Compression Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CompressionOriginator2621537Compression Originator. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CompressionRecognitionCode2621535Compression Recognition Code. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CompressionSequence2621541Compression Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CompressionStepPointers2621542Compression Step Pointers. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ConcatenationFrameOffsetNumber2134568 Concatenation Frame Offset Number.
ConcatenationUID2134369 Concatenation UID.
ConceptCodeSequence4235624 Concept Code Sequence.
ConceptCodeSequenceModifier4235669Modifier Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ConceptNameCodeSequence4235331 Concept Name Code Sequence.
CondenserLensPower4718865 Condenser Lens Power.
ConfidentialityCode4198408 Confidentiality Code.
ConfidentialityConstraint4206593 Confidentiality Constraint on Patient Data Description.
ConfidentialityConstraintOnPatientDataDescription4206593 Confidentiality Constraint on Patient Data Description.
ConfigurationInformation537919824 Configuration Information.
ConfigurationInformationDescription537919826 Configuration Information Description.
ConsentForClinicalTrialUseSequence1179779 Consent for Clinical Trial Use Sequence.
ConsentForDistributionFlag1179781 Consent for Distribution Flag.
ConsraintWeight805961761Constraint Weight. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ConstantVolumeFlag1610547 Constant Volume Flag.
ConstraintWeight805961761 Constraint Weight.
ContactDisplayName7606284 Contact Display Name.
ContactURI7606282 Contact URI.
ContainerComponentDescription5242910 Container Component Description.
ContainerComponentDiameter5242909 Container Component Diameter.
ContainerComponentID5242907 Container Component ID.
ContainerComponentLength5242908 Container Component Length.
ContainerComponentMaterial5242906 Container Component Material.
ContainerComponentSequence4195616 Container Component Sequence.
ContainerComponentThickness5242899 Container Component Thickness.
ContainerComponentTypeCodeSequence5242898 Container Component Type Code Sequence.
ContainerComponentWidth5242901 Container Component Width.
ContainerDescription4195610 Container Description.
ContainerIdentifier4195602 Container Identifier.
ContainerTypeCodeSequence4195608 Container Type Code Sequence.
ContentCreatorIdentificationCodeSequence7340166 Content Creator's Identification Code Sequence.
ContentCreatorName7340164 Content Creator's Name.
ContentCreatorsIdentificationCodeSequence7340166Content Creator's Identification Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ContentCreatorsName7340164Content Creator's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ContentDate524323 Content Date.
ContentDescription7340161 Content Description.
ContentItemModifierSequence4195393 Content Item Modifier Sequence.
ContentLabel7340160 Content Label.
ContentQualification1609732 Content Qualification.
ContentSequence4237104 Content Sequence.
ContentTemplateSequence4236548 Content Template Sequence.
ContentTime524339 Content Time.
ContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID524557 Context Group Extension Creator UID.
ContextGroupExtensionFlag524555 Context Group Extension Flag.
ContextGroupLocalVersion524551 Context Group Local Version.
ContextGroupVersion524550 Context Group Version.
ContextIdentifier524559 Context Identifier.
ContextUID524567 Context UID.
ContinuationEndMeterset7602465 Continuation End Meterset.
ContinuationStartMeterset7602464 Continuation Start Meterset.
ContinuityOfContent4235344 Continuity Of Content.
ContourData805699664 Contour Data.
ContourGeometricType805699650 Contour Geometric Type.
ContourImageSequence805699606 Contour Image Sequence.
ContourNumber805699656 Contour Number.
ContourOffsetVector805699653 Contour Offset Vector.
ContourSequence805699648 Contour Sequence.
ContourSlabThickness805699652 Contour Slab Thickness.
ContourUncertaintyRadius7340818 Contour Uncertainty Radius.
ContrastAdministrationProfileSequence1610560 Contrast Administration Profile Sequence.
ContrastAllergies1057040Allergies value. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequence1572884 Contrast/Bolus Administration Route Sequence.
ContrastBolusAdminRouteSequence1572884Contrast/Bolus Administration Route Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ContrastBolusAgent1572880 Contrast/Bolus Agent.
ContrastBolusAgentAdministered1610562 Contrast/Bolus Agent Administered.
ContrastBolusAgentDetected1610563 Contrast/Bolus Agent Detected.
ContrastBolusAgentNumber1610551 Contrast/Bolus Agent Number.
ContrastBolusAgentPhase1610564 Contrast/Bolus Agent Phase.
ContrastBolusAgentSequence1572882 Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence.
ContrastBolusIngredient1577032 Contrast/Bolus Ingredient.
ContrastBolusIngredientCodeSequence1610552 Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Code Sequence.
ContrastBolusIngredientConcentration1577033 Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Concentration.
ContrastBolusIngredientOpaque1610789 Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Opaque.
ContrastBolusIngredientPercentByVolume5373953 Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Percent by Volume.
ContrastBolusRoute1577024 Contrast/Bolus Route.
ContrastBolusStartTime1577026 Contrast/Bolus Start Time.
ContrastBolusStopTime1577027 Contrast/Bolus Stop Time.
ContrastBolusTotalDose1577028 Contrast/Bolus Total Dose.
ContrastBolusUsageSequence1610561 Contrast/Bolus Usage Sequence.
ContrastBolusVolume1577025 Contrast/Bolus Volume.
ContrastFlowDuration1577031 Contrast Flow Duration.
ContrastFlowRate1577030 Contrast Flow Rate.
ContrastFrameAveraging2646290 Contrast Frame Averaging.
ContributingEquipmentSequence1613825 Contributing Equipment Sequence.
ContributingSOPInstancesReferenceSequence2135337 Contributing SOP Instances Reference Sequence.
ContributingSourcesSequence1611014 Contributing Sources Sequence.
ContributionDateTime1613826 Contribution Date Time.
ContributionDesc1613827Contribution Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ContributionDescription1613827 Contribution Description.
ControlPoint3dPosition805962452 Control Point 3D Position.
ControlPointDeliverySequence805830720 Control Point Delivery Sequence.
ControlPointIndex805962002 Control Point Index.
ControlPointOrientation805962770 Control Point Orientation.
ControlPointRelativePosition805962450 Control Point Relative Position.
ControlPointSequence805962001 Control Point Sequence.
ConventionalControlPointVerificationSequence7606348 Conventional Control Point Verification Sequence.
ConventionalMachineVerificationSequence7606340 Conventional Machine Verification Sequence.
ConversionType524388 Conversion Type.
ConvolutionKernel1577488 Convolution Kernel.
ConvolutionKernelGroup1610518 Convolution Kernel Group.
CoordinateGeometricType4235920Coordinate Geometric Type. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
CoordinatesSetGeometricTypeTrial4235920Coordinates Set Geometric Type (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CoordinateStartValue1358889234Coordinate Start Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CoordinateStepValue1358889236Coordinate Step Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CoordinateSystemAxesSequence1319428 Coordinate System Axes Sequence.
CoordinateSystemAxisCodeSequence4196570Coordinate System Axis Code Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CoordinateSystemAxisDescription1319430 Coordinate System Axis Description.
CoordinateSystemAxisNumber1319434 Coordinate System Axis Number.
CoordinateSystemAxisType1319436 Coordinate System Axis Type.
CoordinateSystemAxisUnits1319438 Coordinate System Axis Units.
CoordinateSystemAxisValues1319440 Coordinate System Axis Values.
CoordinateSystemDataSetMapping1319432 Coordinate System Data Set Mapping.
CoordinateSystemNumberOfAxes1319426 Coordinate System Number of Axes.
CoordinateSystemTransformRotationAndScaleMatrix1319466 Coordinate System Transform Rotation and Scale Matrix.
CoordinateSystemTransformSequence1319456 Coordinate System Transform Sequence.
CoordinateSystemTransformTranslationMatrix1319468 Coordinate System Transform Translation Matrix.
CoordSystemAxisCodeSequence4196570Coordinate System Axis Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
Copies20848Copies. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CornealSize4587590 Corneal Size.
CorrectedImage2621521 Corrected Image.
CorrectedLocalizedDeviationFromNormal2359417 Corrected Localized Deviation From Normal.
CorrectedLocalizedDeviationFromNormalCalculated2359416 Corrected Localized Deviation From Normal Calculated.
CorrectedLocalizedDeviationFromNormalProbability2359425 Corrected Localized Deviation From Normal Probability.
CorrectedLocalizedDeviationFromNormalProbabilityCalculated2359424 Corrected Localized Deviation From Normal Probability Calculated.
CorrectedParameterSequence805830760 Corrected Parameter Sequence.
CorrectionValue805830762 Correction Value.
CountLossNormalizationCorrected1611620 Count Loss Normalization Corrected.
CountRate1577539 Count Rate.
CountryOfResidence1057104 Country of Residence.
CountsAccumulated1572976 Counts Accumulated.
CountsIncluded5510144Counts Included. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CountsSource5509122 Counts Source.
CouplingMedium1327190 Coupling Medium.
CouplingTechnique1327188 Coupling Technique.
CouplingVelocity1327191 Coupling Velocity.
CoverageOfKspace1609876 Coverage of k-Space.
CranialThermalIndex1593382 Cranial Thermal Index.
CreationDate553648192 Creation Date.
CreationTime553648208 Creation Time.
CreatorVersionUID561443 Creator Version UID.
CrystalCenterLocationX1327192 Crystal Center Location X.
CrystalCenterLocationZ1327193 Crystal Center Location Z.
CSSFontName7340585 CSS Font Name.
CTAcquisitionDetailsSequence1610500 CT Acquisition Details Sequence.
CTAcquisitionTypeSequence1610497 CT Acquisition Type Sequence.
CTAdditionalXRaySourceSequence1610592 CT Additional X-Ray Source Sequence.
CTDIPhantomTypeCodeSequence1610566 CTDI Phantom Type Code Sequence.
CTDIvol1610565 The CTDIvol.
CTExposureSequence1610529 CT Exposure Sequence.
CTGeometrySequence1610514 CT Geometry Sequence.
CTImageFrameTypeSequence1610537 CT Image Frame Type Sequence.
CTPositionSequence1610534 CT Position Sequence.
CTReconstructionSequence1610516 CT Reconstruction Sequence.
CTTableDynamicsSequence1610504 CT Table Dynamics Sequence.
CTX_rayDetailsSequence1610533CT X-Ray Details Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
CTXRayDetailsSequence1610533 CT X-Ray Details Sequence.
CumulativeDoseReferenceCoefficient805961996 Cumulative Dose Reference Coefficient.
CumulativeDoseToDoseRef805830738Cumulative Dose to Dose Reference. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
CumulativeDoseToDoseReference805830738 Cumulative Dose to Dose Reference.
CumulativeMetersetWeight805962036 Cumulative Meterset Weight.
CumulativeTimeWeight805962454 Cumulative Time Weight.
CurrentFractionNumber805830690 Current Fraction Number.
CurrentObserverTrial4236039Current Observer (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CurrentPatientLocation3670784 Current Patient Location.
CurrentRequestedProcedureEvidenceSequence4236149 Current Requested Procedure Evidence Sequence.
CurrentTreatmentStatus805831168 Current Treatment Status.
CurvatureType1310802 Curvature Type.
CurveActivationLayer1358893057Curve Activation Layer. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CurveData1358901248Curve Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CurveDataDescriptor1358889232Curve Data Descriptor. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CurveDate524325Curve Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CurveDescription1358888994Curve Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CurveDimensions1358888965Curve Dimensions. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CurveLabel1358898432Curve Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CurveNumber2097188Curve Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CurveRange1358889222Curve Range. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CurveReferencedOverlayGroup1358898704Curve Referenced Overlay Group. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CurveReferencedOverlaySequence1358898688Curve Referenced Overlay Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CurveTime524341Curve Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
CustodialOrganizationSequence4235388 Custodial Organization Sequence.
CylinderAxis2228233 Cylinder Axis.
CylinderLensPower2228232 Cylinder Lens Power.
CylinderPower4587847 Cylinder Power.
CylinderSequence4587544 Cylinder Sequence.
DACAmplitude1327164 DAC Amplitude.
DACGainPoints1327160 DAC Gain Points.
DACSequence1327157 DAC Sequence.
DACTimePoints1327162 DAC Time Points.
DACType1327158 DAC Type.
Damping1327144 Damping.
DarkCurrentCounts1323088 Dark Current Counts.
DarkCurrentSequence1323072 Dark Current Sequence.
DataBlock2623234Data Block. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DataBlockDescription2623233Data Block Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DataCollectionCenterPatient1610515 Data Collection Center (Patient).
DataCollectionDiameter1573008 Data Collection Diameter.
DataElementsSigned67108896 Data Elements Signed.
DataFrameAssignmentSequence2626561 Data Frame Assignment Sequence.
DataInformationSequence5505123 Data Information Sequence.
DataInfoSequence5505123Data Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DataObservationSequence2360101 Data Observation Sequence.
DataPathAssignment2626562 Data Path Assignment.
DataPathID2626574 Data Path ID.
DataPointColumns2658306 Data Point Columns.
DataPointRows2658305 Data Point Rows.
DataRepresentation2658568 Data Representation.
DataSet7 DICOM dataset.
DataSetDescription2360073 Data Set Description.
DataSetName2360070 Data Set Name.
DatasetPadding-196612Data Set Trailing Padding. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DataSetSource2360072 Data Set Source.
DataSetSubtype524353Data Set Subtype. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DataSetTrailingPadding-196612 Data Set Trailing Padding.
DataSetType2048 Data Set Type.
DataSetTypeRetired524352Data Set Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DataSetVersion2360071 Data Set Version.
DataStreamEncodingFragment-73728 Data Stream Encoding Fragment.
DataType1611784 Data Type.
DataValueRepresentation1358889219Data Value Representation. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Date4235553 Date value.
DateOfDocumentOrVerbalTransactionTrial4235536Date of Document or Verbal Transaction (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DateOfGainCalibration1323126 Date of Gain Calibration.
DateOfLastCalibration1577472 Date of Last Calibration.
DateOfLastDetectorCalibration1601548 Date of Last Detector Calibration.
DateOfSecondaryCapture1576978 Date of Secondary Capture.
DateTime4235552 DateTime value.
DbDt1577752 The dB/dt.
DCTLabel2623232DCT Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DeadTimeCorrected1611617 Dead Time Corrected.
DeadTimeCorrectionFlag5510145Dead Time Correction Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DeadTimeFactor5509924 Dead Time Factor.
DecayCorrected1611608 Decay Corrected.
DecayCorrection5509378 Decay Correction.
DecayCorrectionDateTime1611521 Decay Correction DateTime.
DecayFactor5509921 Decay Factor.
DecimalVisualAcuity4587831 Decimal Visual Acuity.
DecimateCropRequested538968128Requested Decimate/Crop Behavior. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DecimateCropResult538968226 Decimate/Crop Result.
DecoupledNucleus1609824 De-coupled Nucleus.
Decoupling1609817 De-coupling value.
DecouplingChemicalShiftReference1609827 De-coupling Chemical Shift Reference.
DecouplingFrequency1609825 De-coupling Frequency.
DecouplingMethod1609826 De-coupling Method.
DefaultMagnificationType537919654 Default Magnification Type.
DefaultPrinterResolutionID537919572 Default Printer Resolution ID.
DefaultSmoothingType537919656 Default Smoothing Type.
DeformableRegistrationGridSequence6553605 Deformable Registration Grid Sequence.
DeformableRegistrationSequence6553602 Deformable Registration Sequence.
DegreeofDilation2228238 Degree of Dilation.
DegreeOfFreedomID6841360 Degree of Freedom ID.
DegreeOfFreedomType6841376 Degree of Freedom Type.
DeidentificationMethod1179747 De-identification Method.
DeidentificationMethodCodeSequence1179748 De-identification Method Code Sequence.
DelayLawIdentifier1327196 Delay Law Identifier.
DeletionLock7606832 Deletion Lock.
DeliveredChannelTotalTime805830964 Delivered Channel Total Time.
DeliveredMeterset805830724 Delivered Meterset.
DeliveredNumberofPulses805830968 Delivered Number of Pulses.
DeliveredPrimaryMeterset805830710 Delivered Primary Meterset.
DeliveredPulseRepetitionInterval805830972 Delivered Pulse Repetition Interval.
DeliveredSecondaryMeterset805830711 Delivered Secondary Meterset.
DeliveredTreatmentTime805830715 Delivered Treatment Time.
DeliveryMaximumDose805961763 Delivery Maximum Dose.
DeliveryVerificationImageSequence7606320 Delivery Verification Image Sequence.
DeliveryWarningDose805961762 Delivery Warning Dose.
Density1074794520 Density.
DepthOfScanField1593424 Depth of Scan Field.
DepthOfTransverseImage2228289 Depth of Transverse Image.
DepthsOfFocus1611777 Depth(s) of Focus.
DepthSpatialResolution2228277 Depth Spatial Resolution.
DerivationCodeSequence561685 Derivation Code Sequence.
DerivationDescription532753 Derivation Description.
DerivationImageSequence561444 Derivation Image Sequence.
DerivationImgSequence561444Derivation Image Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DerivationImplantAssemblyTemplateSequence7733262 Derivation Implant Assembly Template Sequence.
DerivationImplantTemplateSequence6840868 Derivation Implant Template Sequence.
DestinationAe553648448Destination AE. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DetailsOfCoefficients2622468Details of Coefficients. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DetectorActivationOffset1601558Detector Activation Offset From Exposure. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DetectorActivationOffsetFromExposure1601558 Detector Activation Offset From Exposure.
DetectorActiveDimension1601574Detector Active Dimension(s). This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DetectorActiveDimensions1601574 Detector Active Dimension(s).
DetectorActiveOrigin1601576 Detector Active Origin.
DetectorActiveShape1601572 Detector Active Shape.
DetectorActiveTime1601556 Detector Active Time.
DetectorBinning1601562 Detector Binning.
DetectorCalibrationData1074794604 Detector Calibration Data.
DetectorCalibrationDate1601548Date of Last Detector Calibration. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DetectorCalibrationTime1601550Time of Last Detector Calibration. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DetectorConditionsNominalFlag1601536 Detector Conditions Nominal Flag.
DetectorConfiguration1601541 Detector Configuration.
DetectorDescription1601542 Detector Description.
DetectorElementPhysicalSize1601568 Detector Element Physical Size.
DetectorElementSize5509635 Detector Element Size.
DetectorElementSpacing1601570 Detector Element Spacing.
DetectorGeometry1611557 Detector Geometry.
DetectorGeometrySequence1074790404 Detector Geometry Sequence.
DetectorID1601546 Detector ID.
DetectorInformationSequence5505058 Detector Information Sequence.
DetectorInfoSequence5505058Detector Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DetectorLinesOfResponseUsed5509380 Detector Lines of Response Used.
DetectorManufacturerModelName1601579 Detector Manufacturer's Model Name.
DetectorManufacturerName1601578 Detector Manufacturer Name.
DetectorManufacturersModelName1601579Detector Manufacturer's Model Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DetectorMode1601544 Detector Mode.
DetectorNormalizationCorrection1611624 Detector Normalization Correction.
DetectorPrimaryAngle1578288 Detector Primary Angle.
DetectorSecondaryAngle1578289 Detector Secondary Angle.
DetectorTemperature1601537 Detector Temperature.
DetectorTemperatureSequence1323040 Detector Temperature Sequence.
DetectorTimeSinceExposure1601554Detector Time Since Last Exposure. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DetectorTimeSinceLastExposure1601554 Detector Time Since Last Exposure.
DetectorType1601540 Detector Type.
DetectorVector5505056 Detector Vector.
DeviationIndex1578003 Deviation Index.
DeviceDescription5242912 Device Description.
DeviceDiameter5242902 Device Diameter.
DeviceDiameterUnit5242903Device Diameter Units. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DeviceDiameterUnits5242903 Device Diameter Units.
DeviceID1576963 Device ID.
DeviceLength5242900 Device Length.
DeviceSequence5242896 Device Sequence.
DeviceSerialNumber1576960 Device Serial Number.
DeviceUID1576962 Device UID.
DeviceVolume5242904 Device Volume.
DIALOGReceiver16384DIALOG Receiver. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DiameterOfVisibility7340642 Diameter of Visibility.
DiaphragmPosition805437492 Diaphragm Position.
DICOMMediaRetrievalSequence4251682 DICOM Media Retrieval Sequence.
DICOMRetrievalSequence4251681 DICOM Retrieval Sequence.
DICOSVersion1074794554 DICOS Version.
DifferentialWaveformSource3801610Source Waveform Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DifferentialWaveformSourceModifiers3801611Differential Waveform Source Modifiers. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Diffusion_b_matrixSequence1611265Diffusion b-matrix Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
Diffusion_b_value1609863Diffusion b-value. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
Diffusion_b_valueXX1611266Diffusion b-value XX. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
Diffusion_b_valueXY1611267Diffusion b-value XY. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
Diffusion_b_valueXZ1611268Diffusion b-value XZ. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
Diffusion_b_valueYY1611269Diffusion b-value YY. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
Diffusion_b_valueYZ1611270Diffusion b-value YZ. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
Diffusion_b_valueZZ1611271Diffusion b-value ZZ. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DiffusionAnisotropyType1610055 Diffusion Anisotropy Type.
DiffusionBMatrixSequence1611265 Diffusion b-matrix Sequence.
DiffusionBvalue1609863 Diffusion b-value.
DiffusionBValueXX1611266 Diffusion b-value XX.
DiffusionBValueXY1611267 Diffusion b-value XY.
DiffusionBValueXZ1611268 Diffusion b-value XZ.
DiffusionBValueYY1611269 Diffusion b-value YY.
DiffusionBValueYZ1611270 Diffusion b-value YZ.
DiffusionBValueZZ1611271 Diffusion b-value ZZ.
DiffusionDirectionality1609845 Diffusion Directionality.
DiffusionGradientDirectionSequence1609846 Diffusion Gradient Direction Sequence.
DiffusionGradientOrientation1609865 Diffusion Gradient Orientation.
DigitalImageFormatAcquired1576995 Digital Image Format Acquired.
DigitalSignatureDateTime67109125 Digital Signature DateTime.
DigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequence67109889 Digital Signature Purpose Code Sequence.
DigitalSignaturesSequence-327686 Digital Signatures Sequence.
DigitalSignatureUID67109120 Digital Signature UID.
DigitizingDeviceTransportDirection1581088 Digitizing Device Transport Direction.
DimensionDescriptionLabel2135073 Dimension Description Label.
DimensionIndexPointer2134373 Dimension Index Pointer.
DimensionIndexPrivateCreator2134547 Dimension Index Private Creator.
DimensionIndexSequence2134562 Dimension Index Sequence.
DimensionIndexValue2134359Dimension Index Values. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DimensionIndexValues2134359 Dimension Index Values.
DimensionOrganizationSequence2134561 Dimension Organization Sequence.
DimensionOrganizationType2134801 Dimension Organization Type.
DimensionOrganizationUID2134372 Dimension Organization UID.
DirectoryRecordSequence266784 Directory Record Sequence.
DirectoryRecordType267312 Directory Record Type.
DischargeDate3670064Discharge Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DischargeDiagnosisCodeSequence3670084Discharge Diagnosis Code Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DischargeDiagnosisDescription3670080Discharge Diagnosis Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DischargeTime3670066Discharge Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DisplayedAreaBottomRightHandCorner7340115 Displayed Area Bottom Right Hand Corner.
DisplayedAreaBottomRightHandCornerTrial7340113Displayed Area Bottom Right Hand Corner (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DisplayedAreaSelectionSequence7340122 Displayed Area Selection Sequence.
DisplayedAreaTopLeftHandCorner7340114 Displayed Area Top Left Hand Corner.
DisplayedAreaTopLeftHandCornerTrial7340112Displayed Area Top Left Hand Corner (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DisplayEnvironmentSpatialPosition7471368 Display Environment Spatial Position.
DisplayFilterPercentage2659345 Display Filter Percentage.
DisplayFormat20752Display Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DisplaySetHorizontalJustification7472919 Display Set Horizontal Justification.
DisplaySetLabel7471619 Display Set Label.
DisplaySetNumber7471618 Display Set Number.
DisplaySetPatientOrientation7472896 Display Set Patient Orientation.
DisplaySetPatientOrientationCS27472896Display Set Patient Orientation. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DisplaySetPresentationGroup7471620 Display Set Presentation Group.
DisplaySetPresentationGroupDescription7471622 Display Set Presentation Group Description.
DisplaySetScrollingGroup7471634 Display Set Scrolling Group.
DisplaySetsSequence7471616 Display Sets Sequence.
DisplaySetVerticalJustification7472920 Display Set Vertical Justification.
DisplayShadingFlag3801670 Display Shading Flag.
DisplayWindowLabelVector1581062 Display Window Label Vector.
DistanceBetweenFocalPlanes4718612 Distance Between Focal Planes.
DistanceObjecttoTableTop1610755 Distance Object to Table Top.
DistancePupillaryDistance4587616 Distance Pupillary Distance.
DistanceReceptorPlanetoDetectorHousing1610790 Distance Receptor Plane to Detector Housing.
DistanceSourcetoDataCollectionCenter1610549 Distance Source to Data Collection Center.
DistanceSourceToDetector1577232 Distance Source to Detector.
DistanceSourceToEntrance4195078 Distance Source to Entrance.
DistanceSourcetoIsocenter1610754 Distance Source to Isocenter.
DistanceSourceToPatient1577233 Distance Source to Patient.
DistanceSourcetoSupport4195079Distance Source to Support. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DistributionAddress1074266394Distribution Address. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DistributionName1074266393Distribution Name. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DistributionType1179780 Distribution Type.
DocumentAuthorIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial4235368Document Author Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DocumentAuthorTrial4235367Document Author (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DocumentClassCodeSequence4251656 Document Class Code Sequence.
DocumentIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial4235366Document Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DocumentingObserverIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial4235382Documenting Observer Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DocumentingOrganizationIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial4235304Documenting Organization Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DocumentTitle4325392 Document Title.
DopplerCorrectionAngle1597492 Doppler Correction Angle.
DopplerSampleVolumeXPosition1597497 Doppler Sample Volume X Position.
DopplerSampleVolumeXPositionRetired1597496Doppler Sample Volume X Position (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DopplerSampleVolumeYPosition1597499 Doppler Sample Volume Y Position.
DopplerSampleVolumeYPositionRetired1597498Doppler Sample Volume Y Position (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DoseCalibrationFactor5509922 Dose Calibration Factor.
DoseComment805568518 Dose Comment.
DoseGridScaling805568526 Dose Grid Scaling.
DoseRateDelivered805830728 Dose Rate Delivered.
DoseRateSet805962005 Dose Rate Set.
DoseReferenceDescription805961750 Dose Reference Description.
DoseReferenceNumber805961746 Dose Reference Number.
DoseReferencePointCoordinate805961752Dose Reference Point Coordinates. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DoseReferencePointCoordinates805961752 Dose Reference Point Coordinates.
DoseReferenceSequence805961744 Dose Reference Sequence.
DoseReferenceStructureType805961748 Dose Reference Structure Type.
DoseReferenceType805961760 Dose Reference Type.
DoseReferenceUID805961747 Dose Reference UID.
DoseSummationType805568522 Dose Summation Type.
DoseType805568516 Dose Type.
DoseUnit805568514Dose Units. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DoseUnits805568514 Dose Units.
DoseValue805568530 Dose Value.
DoubleExposureFieldDelta7607098 Double Exposure Field Delta.
DoubleExposureFieldDeltaTrial7606330Double Exposure Field Delta (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DoubleExposureFlag7606324 Double Exposure Flag.
DoubleExposureMeterset7607096 Double Exposure Meterset.
DoubleExposureMetersetTrial7606328Double Exposure Meterset (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
DoubleExposureOrdering7606326 Double Exposure Ordering.
DvhData805568600 The DVH Data.
DvhDoseScaling805568594 DVH Dose Scaling.
DvhMaximumDose805568626 DVH Maximum Dose.
DvhMeanDose805568628 DVH Mean Dose.
DvhMinimumDose805568624 DVH Minimum Dose.
DvhNormalizationDoseValue805568578 DVH Normalization Dose Value.
DvhNormalizationPoint805568576 DVH Normalization Point.
DvhNumberOfBins805568598 DVH Number of Bins.
DvhReferencedRoiSequence805568608 DVH Referenced ROI Sequence.
DvhRoiContributionType805568610 DVH ROI Contribution Type.
DvhSequence805568592 DVH Sequence.
DvhType805568513 DVH (Dose-volume histogram) Type.
DvhVolumeUnit805568596DVH Volume Units. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
DvhVolumeUnits805568596 DVH Volume Units.
DynamicRange1593392Dynamic Range. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
EchoNumbers1572998 Echo Number(s).
EchoPlanarPulseSequence1609752 Echo Planar Pulse Sequence.
EchoPulseSequence1609736 Echo Pulse Sequence.
EchoTime1572993 Echo Time.
EchoTrainLength1573009 Echo Train Length.
EdgePointIndexList6684708 Edge Point Index List.
EffectiveDateTime6840870 Effective DateTime.
EffectiveDuration1572978 Effective Duration.
EffectiveEchoTime1609858 Effective Echo Time.
EffectiveRefractiveIndex5373956 Effective Refractive Index.
EffectiveSeriesDuration1572978Effective Duration. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ElementDimensionA1327124 Element Dimension A.
ElementDimensionB1327125 Element Dimension B.
ElementPitch1327126 Element Pitch.
ElementShape1327123 Element Shape.
EmmetropicMagnification2228234 Emmetropic Magnification.
EmptyImageBoxCIELabValue7472161 Empty Image Box CIELab Value.
EmptyImageDensity537919760 Empty Image Density.
EncapsulatedDocument4325393 Encapsulated Document.
EncryptedAttributesSequence67110144 Encrypted Attributes Sequence.
EncryptedContent67110176 Encrypted Content.
EncryptedContentTransferSyntaxUID67110160 Encrypted Content Transfer Syntax UID.
EndAcquisitionDateTime1611031 End Acquisition DateTime.
EndCumulativeMetersetWeight806092809 End Cumulative Meterset Weight.
EndingRespiratoryAmplitude2134600 Ending Respiratory Amplitude.
EndingRespiratoryPhase2134601 Ending Respiratory Phase.
EndMessageID20512End Message ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
EndMeterset805830778 End Meterset.
EnergyWeightingFactor1610579 Energy Weighting Factor.
EnergyWindowCenterline1572914Energy Window Centerline. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
EnergyWindowInformationSequence5505042 Energy Window Information Sequence.
EnergyWindowInfoSequence5505042Energy Window Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
EnergyWindowLowerLimit5505044 Energy Window Lower Limit.
EnergyWindowName5505048 Energy Window Name.
EnergyWindowNumber5505800 Energy Window Number.
EnergyWindowRangeSequence5505043 Energy Window Range Sequence.
EnergyWindowTotalWidth1572915Energy Window Total Width. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
EnergyWindowUpperLimit5505045 Energy Window Upper Limit.
EnergyWindowVector5505040 Energy Window Vector.
EnhancedPaletteColorLookupTableSequence2626571 Enhanced Palette Color Lookup Table Sequence.
EntranceDose4195074 Entrance Dose.
EntranceDoseInmGy4227842 Entrance Dose in mGy.
EnvironmentalConditions1314880 Environmental Conditions.
EquipmentCoordinateSystemIdentification2659639 Equipment Coordinate System Identification.
EquivalentCDADocumentSequence4235408Equivalent CDA Document Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Erase20880Erase. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ErrorComment2306 Error Comment.
ErrorID2307 Error Identifier.
EscapeTriplet268500976Escape Triplet. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
EstimatedDoseSaving1610532 Estimated Dose Saving.
EstimatedRadiographicMagnificationFactor1577236 Estimated Radiographic Magnification Factor.
EstRadiographicMagFactor1577236Estimated Radiographic Magnification Factor. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
EthnicGroup1057120 Ethnic Group.
EvaluationAttempt1318920 Evaluation Attempt.
EvaluatorName1318918 Evaluator Name.
EvaluatorNumber1318916 Evaluator Number.
EvaluatorSequence1318914 Evaluator Sequence.
EventCodeSequence532789 Event Code Sequence.
EventElapsedTimes532784 Event Elapsed Time(s).
EventTimeOffset532788 Event Time Offset.
EventTimerNames532786 Event Timer Name(s).
EventTimerSequence532787 Event Timer Sequence.
EventTypeID4098 Event Type ID.
ExaminedBodyThickness1086513 Examined Body Thickness.
ExcessiveFalseNegatives2359378 Excessive False Negatives.
ExcessiveFalseNegativesDataFlag2359377 Excessive False Negatives Data Flag.
ExcessiveFalsePositives2359394 Excessive False Positives.
ExcessiveFalsePositivesDataFlag2359393 Excessive False Positives Data Flag.
ExcessiveFixationLosses2359360 Excessive Fixation Losses.
ExcessiveFixationLossesDataFlag2359353 Excessive Fixation Losses Data Flag.
ExcitationFrequency1327140 Excitation Frequency.
ExcludedIntervalsSequence1611779 Excluded Intervals Sequence.
ExclusionDuration1611781 Exclusion Duration.
ExclusionStartDatetime1611780 Exclusion Start Datetime.
ExclusiveComponentType7733302 Exclusive Component Type.
ExecutionStatus553648160 Execution Status.
ExecutionStatusInfo553648176 Execution Status Info.
ExpectedCompletionDateAndTime4210705Expected Completion Date and Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ExpectedCompletionDateTime4210705 Expected Completion Date Time.
ExpectedCompletionDT4210705Expected Completion Date and Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ExpiryDate1314848 Expiry Date.
ExposedArea4195075 Exposed Area.
Exposure1577298 Exposure value.
ExposureControlMode1601632 Exposure Control Mode.
ExposureControlModeDesc1601634Exposure Control Mode Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ExposureControlModeDescription1601634 Exposure Control Mode Description.
ExposureControlSensingRegionLeftVerticalEdge1610806 Exposure Control Sensing Region Left Vertical Edge.
ExposureControlSensingRegionLowerHorizontal1610809Exposure Control Sensing Region Lower Horizontal Edge. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ExposureControlSensingRegionLowerHorizontalEdge1610809 Exposure Control Sensing Region Lower Horizontal Edge.
ExposureControlSensingRegionRightVerticalEdge1610807 Exposure Control Sensing Region Right Vertical Edge.
ExposureControlSensingRegionShape1610805 Exposure Control Sensing Region Shape.
ExposureControlSensingRegionsSequence1610804 Exposure Control Sensing Regions Sequence.
ExposureControlSensingRegionUpperHorizontal1610808Exposure Control Sensing Region Upper Horizontal Edge. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ExposureControlSensingRegionUpperHorizontalEdge1610808 Exposure Control Sensing Region Upper Horizontal Edge.
ExposureDoseSequence4195086 Exposure Dose Sequence.
ExposureIndex1578001 Exposure Index.
ExposureinmAs1610546 Exposure in mAs.
ExposureInMicroA1577299Exposure in micro As. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ExposureInMicroAs1577299Exposure in micro As. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ExposureInuAs1577299 Exposure in micro As.
ExposureModulationType1610531 Exposure Modulation Type.
ExposureOnPlate1577988Exposures on Plate. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ExposureSequence805437488 Exposure Sequence.
ExposuresOnDetectorSinceLastCalibration1601552 Exposures on Detector Since Last Calibration.
ExposuresOnDetectorSinceManufactured1601553 Exposures on Detector Since Manufactured.
ExposuresOnPlate1577988 Exposures on Plate.
ExposuresSinceCalibration1601552Exposures on Detector Since Last Calibration. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ExposuresSinceManufactured1601553Exposures on Detector Since Manufactured. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ExposureStatus1601636 Exposure Status.
ExposureTime1577296 Exposure Time.
ExposureTimeIn_mS1605968Exposure Time in micro S. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ExposureTimeInMicroS1605968Exposure Time in micro S. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ExposureTimeinms1610536 Exposure Time in ms.
ExposureTimeInuS1605968 Exposure Time in micro S.
ExtendedDepthOfField4718610 Extended Depth of Field.
FacetSequence6684724 Facet Sequence.
FailedAttributesSequence7606344 Failed Attributes Sequence.
FailedSOPInstanceUIDList524376 Failed SOP Instance UID List.
FailedSOPSequence528792 Failed SOP Sequence.
FailureAttributes570425358 Failure Attributes.
FailureReason528791 Failure Reason.
FalseNegativesEstimate2359366 False Negatives Estimate.
FalseNegativesEstimateFlag2359365 False Negatives Estimate Flag.
FalseNegativesQuantity2359376 False Negatives Quantity.
FalsePositivesEstimate2359380 False Positives Estimate.
FalsePositivesEstimateFlag2359379 False Positives Estimate Flag.
FalsePositivesQuantity2359392 False Positives Quantity.
FiducialDescription7340815 Fiducial Description.
FiducialIdentifier7340816 Fiducial Identifier.
FiducialIdentifierCodeSequence7340817 Fiducial Identifier Code Sequence.
FiducialSequence7340830 Fiducial Sequence.
FiducialSetSequence7340828 Fiducial Set Sequence.
FiducialUID7340826 Fiducial UID.
FieldofViewDescription1610803 Field of View Description.
FieldOfViewDimensions1577289 Field of View Dimension(s).
FieldofViewDimensionsInFloat1610849 Field of View Dimension(s) in Float.
FieldOfViewHorizontalFlip1601588 Field of View Horizontal Flip.
FieldOfViewOrigin1601584 Field of View Origin.
FieldOfViewRotation1601586 Field of View Rotation.
FieldofViewSequence1610802 Field of View Sequence.
FieldOfViewShape1577287 Field of View Shape.
FileMetaInformationGroupLength131072 File Meta Information Group Length.
FileMetaInformationVersion131073 File Meta Information Version.
FilesetConsistencyFlag266770 File-set Consistency Flag.
FilesetDescriptorFileID266561 File-set Descriptor File ID.
FilesetID266544 File-set ID.
FillerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequest4202519 Filler Order Number / Imaging Service Request.
FillerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequestRetired4202503Filler Order Number / Imaging Service Request (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
FillerOrderNumberProcedure4198407Filler Order Number / Procedure. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
FillMode7340631 Fill Mode.
FillPattern7340630 Fill Pattern.
FillStyleSequence7340595 Fill Style Sequence.
FilmBoxContentSequence556793904Film Box Content Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
FilmConsumptionSequence4195105 Film Consumption Sequence.
FilmDestination536870976 Film Destination.
FilmImagePosition538968080Image Box Position. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
FilmOrientation537919552 Film Orientation.
FilmSessionLabel536870992 Film Session Label.
FilmSizeID537919568 Film Size ID.
FilterBeamPathLengthMaximum1601624 Filter Beam Path Length Maximum.
FilterBeamPathLengthMinimum1601622 Filter Beam Path Length Minimum.
FilterbyAttributePresence7472132 Filter-by Attribute Presence.
FilterbyCategory7472130 Filter-by Category.
FilterbyOperator7472134 Filter-by Operator.
FilterHighFrequency3801633 Filter High Frequency.
FilterLowFrequency3801632 Filter Low Frequency.
FilterMaterial1601616 Filter Material.
FilterMaterialUsedInGainCalibration1323124 Filter Material Used in Gain Calibration.
FilterMaxThickness1601620Filter Thickness Maximum. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
FilterMinThickness1601618Filter Thickness Minimum. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
FilterOperationsSequence7472128 Filter Operations Sequence.
FilterThicknessMaximum1601620 Filter Thickness Maximum.
FilterThicknessMinimum1601618 Filter Thickness Minimum.
FilterThicknessUsedInGainCalibration1323125 Filter Thickness Used in Gain Calibration.
FilterType1577312 Filter Type.
FinalCumulativeMetersetWeight805961998 Final Cumulative Meterset Weight.
FinalCumulativeTimeWeight805962440 Final Cumulative Time Weight.
FindingsFlagTrial4235271Findings Flag (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
FindingsGroupRecordingDateTrial4235299Findings Group Recording Date (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
FindingsGroupRecordingTimeTrial4235300Findings Group Recording Time (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
FindingsGroupUIDTrial4235297Findings Group UID (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
FindingsSequenceTrial4235296Findings Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
FindingsSourceCategoryCodeSequenceTrial4235302Findings Source Category Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
FindLocation1024Find Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
FiniteVolume6684686 Finite Volume.
FirstALineLocation5374004 First A?line Location.
FirstOrderPhaseCorrection1610136 First Order Phase Correction.
FirstOrderPhaseCorrectionAngle1442840592 First Order Phase Correction Angle.
FirstTreatmentDate805830740 First Treatment Date.
FixationCheckedQuantity2359349 Fixation Checked Quantity.
FixationDeviceDescription805962134 Fixation Device Description.
FixationDeviceLabel805962132 Fixation Device Label.
FixationDevicePitchAngle805962137 Fixation Device Pitch Angle.
FixationDevicePosition805962136 Fixation Device Position.
FixationDeviceRollAngle805962138 Fixation Device Roll Angle.
FixationDeviceSequence805962128 Fixation Device Sequence.
FixationDeviceType805962130 Fixation Device Type.
FixationLightAzimuthalAngle805962582 Fixation Light Azimuthal Angle.
FixationLightPolarAngle805962584 Fixation Light Polar Angle.
FixationMethodCodeSequence6841260 Fixation Method Code Sequence.
FixationMonitoringCodeSequence2359347 Fixation Monitoring Code Sequence.
FixationSequence2359346 Fixation Sequence.
FlatKeratometricAxisSequence4587648 Flat Keratometric Axis Sequence.
FlipAngle1577748 Flip Angle.
FlowCompDirection1610115Flow Compensation Direction. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
FlowCompensation1609744 Flow Compensation.
FlowCompensationDirection1610115 Flow Compensation Direction.
FluenceDataScale805437506 Fluence Data Scale.
FluenceDataSource805437505 Fluence Data Source.
FluenceMapSequence805437504 Fluence Map Sequence.
FluenceMode805437521 Fluence Mode.
FluenceModeID805437522 Fluence Mode ID.
FluoroscopyFlag1610548 Fluoroscopy Flag.
FocalDistance1577346 Focal Distance.
FocalSpots1577360 Focal Spot(s).
FocusDepth1593362 Focus Depth.
FocusMethod4718609 Focus Method.
FontName7340583 Font Name.
FontNameType7340584 Font Name Type.
FORMAT48 DICOM format marker.
FovealPointNormativeDataFlag2359575 Foveal Point Normative Data Flag.
FovealPointProbabilityValue2359576 Foveal Point Probability Value.
FovealSensitivity2359431 Foveal Sensitivity.
FovealSensitivityMeasured2359430 Foveal Sensitivity Measured.
FovHorizontalFlip1601588Field of View Horizontal Flip. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
FovOrigin1601584Field of View Origin. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
FovRotation1601586Field of View Rotation. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
FractionalChannelDisplayScale3801671 Fractional Channel Display Scale.
FractionGroupDescription805961842 Fraction Group Description.
FractionGroupNumber805961841 Fraction Group Number.
FractionGroupSequence805961840 Fraction Group Sequence.
FractionGroupSummarySequence805831200 Fraction Group Summary Sequence.
FractionGroupType805831204 Fraction Group Type.
FractionNumber805437481 Fraction Number.
FractionPattern805961851 Fraction Pattern.
FractionStatusSummarySequence805831232 Fraction Status Summary Sequence.
FrameAcqDatetime1609844Frame Acquisition DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
FrameAcqDuration1610272Frame Acquisition Duration. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
FrameAcqNumber2134358Frame Acquisition Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
FrameAcquisitionDateTime1609844 Frame Acquisition DateTime.
FrameAcquisitionDuration1610272 Frame Acquisition Duration.
FrameAcquisitionNumber2134358 Frame Acquisition Number.
FrameAcquisitionSequence1610775 Frame Acquisition Sequence.
FrameAnatomySequence2134129 Frame Anatomy Sequence.
FrameComments2134360 Frame Comments.
FrameContentSequence2134289 Frame Content Sequence.
FrameDelay1577062 Frame Delay.
FrameDetectorParametersSequence1610833 Frame Detector Parameters Sequence.
FrameDimensionPointer2621450 Frame Dimension Pointer.
FrameDisplaySequence562264 Frame Display Sequence.
FrameDisplayShutterSequence1610866 Frame Display Shutter Sequence.
FrameExtractionSequence528740 Frame Extraction Sequence.
FrameIncrementPointer2621449 Frame Increment Pointer.
FrameLabel2135123 Frame Label.
FrameLabelVector1581058 Frame Label Vector.
FrameLaterality2134130 Frame Laterality.
FrameNumbersOfInterest2646048 Frame Numbers of Interest (FOI).
FrameOfInterestDescription2646050 Frame of Interest Description.
FrameofInterestType2646051 Frame of Interest Type.
FrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequence805699776 Frame of Reference Relationship Sequence.
FrameOfReferenceTransformationComment805699784 Frame of Reference Transformation Comment.
FrameOfReferenceTransformationMatrix805699782 Frame of Reference Transformation Matrix.
FrameofReferenceTransformationMatrixType7340812 Frame of Reference Transformation Matrix Type.
FrameOfReferenceTransformationType805699780 Frame of Reference Transformation Type.
FrameOfReferenceUID2097234 Frame of Reference UID.
FramePixelDataPropertiesSequence2659395 Frame Pixel Data Properties Sequence.
FramePixelShiftSequence2659349 Frame Pixel Shift Sequence.
FramePrimaryAngleVector1581059 Frame Primary Angle Vector.
FrameReferenceDatetime1610065Frame Reference DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
FrameReferenceDateTime1610065 Frame Reference DateTime.
FrameReferenceTime5509888 Frame Reference Time.
FrameSecondaryAngleVector1581060 Frame Secondary Angle Vector.
FramesOfInterestDescription2646050Frame of Interest Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
FrameTime1577059 Frame Time.
FrameTimeVector1577061 Frame Time Vector.
FrameType561159 Frame Type.
FrameVoiLutSequence2658610 Frame VOI LUT Sequence.
FramingType1577060Cardiac Framing Type. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
FrequencyCorrection1609985 Frequency Correction.
FunctionalGroupPointer2134375 Functional Group Pointer.
FunctionalGroupPrivateCreator2134584 Functional Group Private Creator.
GainCorrectionReferenceSequence1323104 Gain Correction Reference Sequence.
GantryAngle805962014 Gantry Angle.
GantryAngleTolerance805961796 Gantry Angle Tolerance.
GantryDetectorSlew1577249 Gantry/Detector Slew.
GantryDetectorTilt1577248 Gantry/Detector Tilt.
GantryID1576968 Gantry ID.
GantryMotionCorrected1611618 Gantry Motion Corrected.
GantryPitchAngle805962058 Gantry Pitch Angle.
GantryPitchAngleTolerance805962062 Gantry Pitch Angle Tolerance.
GantryPitchRotationDirection805962060 Gantry Pitch Rotation Direction.
GantryRotationDirection805962015 Gantry Rotation Direction.
GantryType1074794504 Gantry Type.
GapLength7340641 Gap Length.
GatedInformationSequence5505122 Gated Information Sequence.
GatedInfoSequence5505122Gated Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
GateSettingsSequence1327200 Gate Settings Sequence.
GateThreshold1327202 Gate Threshold.
GeneralAccessoryDescription805962786 General Accessory Description.
GeneralAccessoryID805962785 General Accessory ID.
GeneralAccessoryNumber805962788 General Accessory Number.
GeneralAccessorySequence805962784 General Accessory Sequence.
GeneralAccessoryType805962787 General Accessory Type.
GeneralizedDefectCorrectedSensitivityDeviationFlag2359554 Generalized Defect Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Flag.
GeneralizedDefectCorrectedSensitivityDeviationProbabilityValue2359556 Generalized Defect Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Probability Value.
GeneralizedDefectCorrectedSensitivityDeviationValue2359555 Generalized Defect Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Value.
GeneralizedDefectSensitivityDeviationAlgorithmSequence2359399 Generalized Defect Sensitivity Deviation Algorithm Sequence.
GeneralMachineVerificationSequence7606338 General Machine Verification Sequence.
GeneralPerformedProcedureStepStatus4210690General Purpose Performed Procedure Step Status. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
GeneralPurposePerformedProcedureStepStatus4210690 General Purpose Performed Procedure Step Status.
GeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepPriority4210691 General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Priority.
GeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepStatus4210689 General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Status.
GeneralScheduledProcedureStepPriority4210691General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Priority. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
GeneralScheduledProcedureStepStatus4210689General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Status. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
GeneratorID1576965 Generator ID.
GeneratorPower1577328 Generator Power.
GeometricalProperties2659396 Geometrical Properties.
GeometricMaximumDistortion2659397 Geometric Maximum Distortion.
GeometryOfKspaceTraversal1609778 Geometry of k-Space Traversal.
GlobalDeviationFromNormal2359398 Global Deviation From Normal.
GlobalDeviationProbability2359409 Global Deviation Probability.
GlobalDeviationProbabilityNormalsFlag2359385 Global Deviation Probability Normals Flag.
GlobalDeviationProbabilitySequence2359427 Global Deviation Probability Sequence.
GradientEchoTrainLength1610305 Gradient Echo Train Length.
GradientOutput1610114 Gradient Output.
GradientOutputType1610112 Gradient Output Type.
GraphicAnnotationSequence7340033 Graphic Annotation Sequence.
GraphicAnnotationUnits7340037 Graphic Annotation Units.
GraphicCoordinatesDataSequence7340824 Graphic Coordinates Data Sequence.
GraphicData7340066 Graphic Data.
GraphicDimensions7340064 Graphic Dimensions.
GraphicFilled7340068 Graphic Filled.
GraphicGroupDescription7340552 Graphic Group Description.
GraphicGroupID7340693 Graphic Group ID.
GraphicGroupLabel7340551 Graphic Group Label.
GraphicGroupSequence7340596 Graphic Group Sequence.
GraphicLayer7340034 Graphic Layer.
GraphicLayerDescription7340136 Graphic Layer Description.
GraphicLayerOrder7340130 Graphic Layer Order.
GraphicLayerRecommendedDisplayCIELabValue7341057 Graphic Layer Recommended Display CIELab Value.
GraphicLayerRecommendedDisplayGrayscaleValue7340134 Graphic Layer Recommended Display Grayscale Value.
GraphicLayerRecommendedDisplayRGBValue7340135Graphic Layer Recommended Display RGB Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
GraphicLayerSequence7340128 Graphic Layer Sequence.
GraphicObjectSequence7340041 Graphic Object Sequence.
GraphicType7340067 Graphic Type.
GrayLookupTableData2626048Gray Lookup Table Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
GrayLookupTableDescriptor2625792Gray Lookup Table Descriptor. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
GrayScale2625664Gray Scale. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
GreenPaletteColorLookupTableData2626050 Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data.
GreenPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor2625794 Green Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor.
Grid1577318 Grid value.
GridAbsorbingMaterial1601600 Grid Absorbing Material.
GridAspectRatio1601606 Grid Aspect Ratio.
GridDimensions6553607 Grid Dimensions.
GridFocalDistance1601612 Grid Focal Distance.
GridFrameOffsetVector805568524 Grid Frame Offset Vector.
GridID1576966 Grid Identifier.
GridPeriod1601608 Grid Period.
GridPitch1601604 Grid Pitch.
GridResolution6553608 Grid Resolution.
GridSpacingMaterial1601601 Grid Spacing Material.
GridThickness1601602 Grid Thickness.
Group0000Length0Command Group Length. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
Group0000LengthToEnd1Command Length to End. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0002Length131072File Meta Information Group Length. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
Group0004Length262144Group 0004 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0008Length524288Group 0008 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0008LengthToEnd524289Group 0008 Length to End. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0010Length1048576Group 0010 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0012Length1179648Group 0012 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0014Length1310720Group 0014 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0018Length1572864Group 0018 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0020Length2097152Group 0020 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0022Length2228224Group 0022 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0024Length2359296Group 0024 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0028Length2621440Group 0028 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0032Length3276800Group 0032 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0038Length3670016Group 0038 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group003ALength3801088Group 003A Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0040Length4194304Group 0040 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0042Length4325376Group 0042 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0044Length4456448Group 0044 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0046Length4587520Group 0046 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0048Length4718592Group 0048 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0050Length5242880Group 0050 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0052Length5373952Group 0052 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0054Length5505024Group 0054 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0060Length6291456Group 0060 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0062Length6422528Group 0062 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0064Length6553600Group 0064 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0066Length6684672Group 0066 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0068Length6815744Group 0068 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0070Length7340032Group 0070 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0072Length7471104Group 0072 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0074Length7602176Group 0074 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0076Length7733248Group 0076 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0078Length7864320Group 0078 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0088Length8912896Group 0088 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0100Length16777216Group 0100 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group0400Length67108864Group 0400 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group1000Length268435456Group 1000 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group1010Length269484032Group 1010 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group2000Length536870912Group 2000 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group2010Length537919488Group 2010 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group2020Length538968064Group 2020 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group2030Length540016640Group 2030 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group2040Length541065216Group 2040 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group2050Length542113792Group 2050 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group2100Length553648128Group 2100 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group2110Length554696704Group 2110 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group2120Length555745280Group 2120 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group2130Length556793856Group 2130 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group2200Length570425344Group 2200 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group3002Length805437440Group 3002 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group3004Length805568512Group 3004 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group3006Length805699584Group 3006 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group3008Length805830656Group 3008 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group300ALength805961728Group 300A Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group300CLength806092800Group 300C Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group300ELength806223872Group 300E Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group4000Length1073741824Group 4000 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group4008Length1074266112Group 4008 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group4010Length1074790400Group 4010 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group4FFELength1342046208Group 4FFE Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group50xxLength1358888960Group 50xx Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group5200Length1375731712Group 5200 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group5400Length1409286144Group 5400 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group5600Length1442840576Group 5600 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group60xxLength1627324416Group 60xx Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group7FE0Length2145386496Group 7FE0 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Group7FFFLength2147418112Group 7FFF Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
GroupLabel3801120Multiplex Group Label. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
HalfValueLayer4195092 Half Value Layer.
HangingProtocolCreationDatetime7471114Hanging Protocol Creation DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
HangingProtocolCreationDateTime7471114 Hanging Protocol Creation DateTime.
HangingProtocolCreator7471112 Hanging Protocol Creator.
HangingProtocolDefinitionSequence7471116 Hanging Protocol Definition Sequence.
HangingProtocolDescription7471108 Hanging Protocol Description.
HangingProtocolLevel7471110 Hanging Protocol Level.
HangingProtocolName7471106 Hanging Protocol Name.
HangingProtocolUserGroupName7471120 Hanging Protocol User Group Name.
HangingProtocolUserIdentificationCodeSequence7471118 Hanging Protocol User Identification Code Sequence.
HardcopyCreationDeviceID1576977Hardcopy Creation Device ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
HardcopyDeviceManufacturer1576983Hardcopy Device Manufacturer. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
HardcopyDeviceManufacturersModelName1576987Hardcopy Device Manufacturer's Model Name. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
HardcopyDeviceSoftwareVersion1576986Hardcopy Device Software Version. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
HeadFixationAngle805962056 Head Fixation Angle.
HeartRate1577096 Heart Rate.
HighBit2621698 Image High Bit.
HighDoseTechniqueType805961927 High-Dose Technique Type.
HighEnergyDetectors1074790402 High Energy Detectors.
HighRrValue1577090 High R-R Value.
HistogramBinNumber6303746Histogram Number of Bins. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
HistogramBinWidth6303752 Histogram Bin Width.
HistogramData6303776 Histogram Data.
HistogramExplanation6303760 Histogram Explanation.
HistogramFirstBinValue6303748 Histogram First Bin Value.
HistogramLastBinValue6303750 Histogram Last Bin Value.
HistogramNumberOfBins6303746 Histogram Number of Bins.
HistogramSequence6303744 Histogram Sequence.
HL7DocumentEffectiveTime4251652 HL7 Document Effective Time.
HL7DocumentTypeCodeSequence4251654 HL7 Document Type Code Sequence.
HL7InstanceIdentifier4251649 HL7 Instance Identifier.
HL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequence4236176 HL7 Structured Document Reference Sequence.
HomeCommunityID4251697 Home Community ID.
HorizontalAlignment7340610 Horizontal Alignment.
HorizontalFieldofView2228236 Horizontal Field of View.
HorizontalOffsetOfSensor1323044 Horizontal Offset of Sensor.
HorizontalPrismBase4587570 Horizontal Prism Base.
HorizontalPrismPower4587568 Horizontal Prism Power.
HPGLContourPenNumber6841104 HPGL Contour Pen Number.
HPGLDocument6841088 HPGL Document.
HPGLDocumentID6841040 HPGL Document ID.
HPGLDocumentLabel6841045 HPGL Document Label.
HPGLDocumentScaling6841074 HPGL Document Scaling.
HPGLDocumentSequence6841024 HPGL Document Sequence.
HPGLPenDescription6841157 HPGL Pen Description.
HPGLPenLabel6841152 HPGL Pen Label.
HPGLPenNumber6841136 HPGL Pen Number.
HPGLPenSequence6841120 HPGL Pen Sequence.
HuffmanTableSize268500978Huffman Table Size. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
HuffmanTableTriplet268500979Huffman Table Triplet. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
HumanPerformerCodeSequence4210697 Human Performer Code Sequence.
HumanPerformerName4210743 Human Performer's Name.
HumanPerformerOrganization4210742 Human Performer's Organization.
HumanPerformersName4210743Human Performer's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
HumanPerformersOrganization4210742Human Performer's Organization. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ICCProfile2629632 ICC Profile.
IconImageSequence8913408 Icon Image Sequence.
IdenticalDocumentsSequence4236581 Identical Documents Sequence.
IdentificationDescriptionTrial4235812Identification Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
IdentifierCodeSequenceTrial4235376Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
IdentifierTypeCode4194357 Identifier Type Code.
IdentifyingComments540672Identifying Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Illumination537919838 Illumination value.
IlluminationBandwidth2228311 Illumination Bandwidth.
IlluminationColorCodeSequence4718856 Illumination Color Code Sequence.
IlluminationPower2228310 Illumination Power.
IlluminationTypeCodeSequence2228246 Illumination Type Code Sequence.
IlluminationWaveLength2228309 Illumination Wave Length.
IlluminatorTypeCodeSequence4718848 Illuminator Type Code Sequence.
ImageAndFluoroscopyAreaDoseProduct1577310 Image and Fluoroscopy Area Dose Product.
ImageAreaDoseProduct1577310Image and Fluoroscopy Area Dose Product. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ImageBoxContentSequence556793920Image Box Content Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImageBoxesSequence7471872 Image Boxes Sequence.
ImageBoxLargeScrollAmount7471896 Image Box Large Scroll Amount.
ImageBoxLargeScrollType7471894 Image Box Large Scroll Type.
ImageBoxLayoutType7471876 Image Box Layout Type.
ImageBoxNumber7471874 Image Box Number.
ImageBoxOverlapPriority7471904 Image Box Overlap Priority.
ImageBoxPosition538968080 Image Box Position.
ImageBoxPresentationLUTFlag536871018Image Box Presentation LUT Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImageBoxScrollDirection7471888 Image Box Scroll Direction.
ImageBoxSmallScrollAmount7471892 Image Box Small Scroll Amount.
ImageBoxSmallScrollType7471890 Image Box Small Scroll Type.
ImageBoxSynchronizationSequence7472176 Image Box Synchronization Sequence.
ImageBoxTileHorizontalDimension7471878 Image Box Tile Horizontal Dimension.
ImageBoxTileVerticalDimension7471880 Image Box Tile Vertical Dimension.
ImageCenterPointCoordinatesSequence4196122 Image Center Point Coordinates Sequence.
ImageCenterPointCoordSequence4196122Image Center Point Coordinates Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ImageComments2113536 Image Comments.
ImageDataLocation2623736Image Data Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImageDataTypeSequence1611783 Image Data Type Sequence.
ImageDimensions2621445Image Dimensions. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImageDisplayFormat537919504 Image Display Format.
ImagedNucleus1572997 Imaged Nucleus.
ImagedVolumeDepth4718595 Imaged Volume Depth.
ImagedVolumeHeight4718594 Imaged Volume Height.
ImagedVolumeWidth4718593 Imaged Volume Width.
ImageFilter1610528 Image Filter.
ImageFormat2621504Image Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImageFrameOrigin1627324497 Image Frame Origin.
ImageGeometryType2097264Image Geometry Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImageHorizontalFlip7340097 Image Horizontal Flip.
ImageID5506048 Image Identifier.
ImageIndex5509936 Image Index.
ImageLaterality2097250 Image Laterality.
ImageLocation2621952Image Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImageOrientation2097205Image Orientation. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImageOrientationPatient2097207 Image Orientation (Patient).
ImageOrientationSlide4718850 Image Orientation (Slide).
ImageOrientationVolume2134786 Image Orientation (Volume).
ImageOverlayBoxContentSequence556793952Image Overlay Box Content Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImageOverlayFlag536871015Image Overlay Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImagePathFilterPassBand2228228 Image Path Filter Pass Band.
ImagePathFilterPassThroughWavelength2228227 Image Path Filter Pass-Through Wavelength.
ImagePathFilterTypeStackCodeSequence2228248 Image Path Filter Type Stack Code Sequence.
ImagePlanePixelSpacing805437457 Image Plane Pixel Spacing.
ImagePosition2097200Image Position. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImagePositionPatient2097202 Image Position (Patient).
ImagePositionVolume2134785 Image Position (Volume).
ImagePresentationComments2637824Image Presentation Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImageProcessingApplied2659398 Image Processing Applied.
ImageRotation7340098 Image Rotation.
ImageRotationRetired7340096Image Rotation (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImagerPixelSpacing1577316 Imager Pixel Spacing.
ImageSetLabel7471168 Image Set Label.
ImageSetNumber7471154 Image Set Number.
ImageSetSelectorCategory7471156 Image Set Selector Category.
ImageSetSelectorSequence7471138 Image Set Selector Sequence.
ImageSetSelectorUsageFlag7471140 Image Set Selector Usage Flag.
ImageSetsSequence7471136 Image Sets Sequence.
ImagesInAcquisition2101250 Images in Acquisition.
ImagesInSeries2101251Images in Series. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImagesInStudy2101253Images in Study. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImageSizeFlagRequested538968224Requested Image Size Flag. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ImageToEquipmentMappingMatrix2659616 Image to Equipment Mapping Matrix.
ImageTransformationMatrix1593872Image Transformation Matrix. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImageTranslationVector1593874Image Translation Vector. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImageTriggerDelay1577063 Image Trigger Delay.
ImageType524296 Image Type.
ImagingDeviceSpecificAcqParameter805961932Imaging Device-Specific Acquisition Parameters. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ImagingDeviceSpecificAcquisitionParameters805961932 Imaging Device-Specific Acquisition Parameters.
ImagingFrequency1572996 Imaging Frequency.
ImagingServiceRequestComment4203520Imaging Service Request Comments. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ImagingServiceRequestComments4203520 Imaging Service Request Comments.
ImagingServiceRequestDate4202500Issue Date of Imaging Service Request. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ImagingServiceRequestFillerOrderNum4202503Filler Order Number / Imaging Service Request (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImagingServiceRequestPlacerOrderNum4202502Placer Order Number / Imaging Service Request (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ImagingServiceRequestTime4202501Issue Time of Imaging Service Request. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ImplantAssemblyTemplateIssuer7733251 Implant Assembly Template Issuer.
ImplantAssemblyTemplateName7733249 Implant Assembly Template Name.
ImplantAssemblyTemplateTargetAnatomySequence7733264 Implant Assembly Template Target Anatomy Sequence.
ImplantAssemblyTemplateType7733258 Implant Assembly Template Type.
ImplantAssemblyTemplateVersion7733254 Implant Assembly Template Version.
ImplantPresent2626304Breast Implant Present. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ImplantRegulatoryDisapprovalCodeSequence6840992 Implant Regulatory Disapproval Code Sequence.
ImplantSize6840848 Implant Size.
ImplantTargetAnatomySequence6840880 Implant Target Anatomy Sequence.
ImplantTemplate3DModelSurfaceNumber6841168 Implant Template 3D Model Surface Number.
ImplantTemplateGroupDescription7864336 Implant Template Group Description.
ImplantTemplateGroupIssuer7864352 Implant Template Group Issuer.
ImplantTemplateGroupMemberID7864366 Implant Template Group Member ID.
ImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatching2DCoordinatesSequence7864432 Implant Template Group Member Matching 2D Coordinates Sequence.
ImplantTemplateGroupMembersSequence7864362 Implant Template Group Members Sequence.
ImplantTemplateGroupName7864321 Implant Template Group Name.
ImplantTemplateGroupTargetAnatomySequence7864360 Implant Template Group Target Anatomy Sequence.
ImplantTemplateGroupVariationDimensionName7864498 Implant Template Group Variation Dimension Name.
ImplantTemplateGroupVariationDimensionRank7864504 Implant Template Group Variation Dimension Rank.
ImplantTemplateGroupVariationDimensionRankSequence7864500 Implant Template Group Variation Dimension Rank Sequence.
ImplantTemplateGroupVariationDimensionSequence7864496 Implant Template Group Variation Dimension Sequence.
ImplantTemplateGroupVersion7864356 Implant Template Group Version.
ImplantTemplateVersion6840865 Implant Template Version.
ImplantType6840867 Implant Type.
ImplantTypeCodeSequence6841256 Implant Type Code Sequence.
ImplementationClassUID131090 Implementation Class UID.
ImplementationVersionName131091 Implementation Version Name.
Impressions1074266880Impressions. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InboundArrivalType1074794582 Inbound Arrival Type.
IncidentAngle1327186 Incident Angle.
IncludeDisplayApplication570425353 Include Display Application.
IncludeNonDICOMObjects570425352 Include Non-DICOM Objects.
InConcatenationNumber2134370 In-concatenation Number.
InConcatenationTotalNumber2134371 In-concatenation Total Number.
IndexNormalsFlag2360120 Index Normals Flag.
IndexProbability2360129 Index Probability.
IndexProbabilitySequence2360132 Index Probability Sequence.
IndicationDescription1318936 Indication Description.
IndicationDisposition1318940 Indication Disposition.
IndicationLabel1318934 Indication Label.
IndicationNumber1318932 Indication Number.
IndicationPhysicalPropertySequence1318960 Indication Physical Property Sequence.
IndicationROISequence1318942 Indication ROI Sequence.
IndicationSequence1318930 Indication Sequence.
IndicationType1318938 Indication Type.
InformationFromManufacturerSequence6840928 Information From Manufacturer Sequence.
InformationIssueDateTime6840944 Information Issue DateTime.
InformationSummary6840960 Information Summary.
InitialCineRunState1572930 Initial Cine Run State.
InnerDiameter1310806 Inner Diameter.
InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection1577746 In-plane Phase Encoding Direction.
InputAvailabilityFlag4210720 Input Availability Flag.
InputInformationSequence4210721 Input Information Sequence.
InputReadinessState4210753 Input Readiness State.
InStackPositionNumber2134103 In-Stack Position Number.
InstanceAvailability524374 Instance Availability.
InstanceCreationDate524306 Instance Creation Date.
InstanceCreationTime524307 Instance Creation Time.
InstanceCreatorUID524308 Instance Creator UID.
InstanceNumber2097171 Instance Number.
InstitutionAddress524417 Institution Address.
InstitutionalDepartmentName528448 Institutional Department Name.
InstitutionCodeSequence524418 Institution Code Sequence.
InstitutionName524416 Institution Name.
InsurancePlanIdentification1052752Insurance Plan Identification. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
IntendedRecipientOfResultIDSequence4198417Intended Recipients of Results Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
IntendedRecipients4198416Names of Intended Recipients of Results. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
IntendedRecipientsOfResultsIdentificationSequence4198417 Intended Recipients of Results Identification Sequence.
IntensifierActiveDimensions1610792 Intensifier Active Dimension(s).
IntensifierActiveShape1610791 Intensifier Active Shape.
IntensifierSize1577314 Intensifier Size.
InterMarkerDistance5242905 Inter-Marker Distance.
IntermediatePupillaryDistance4587619 Intermediate Pupillary Distance.
InternalDetectorFrameTime1323025 Internal Detector Frame Time.
InternationalRouteSegment1074794536 International Route Segment.
InterpolationType5374009 Interpolation Type.
InterpretationApprovalDate1074266386Interpretation Approval Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationApprovalTime1074266387Interpretation Approval Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationApproverSequence1074266385Interpretation Approver Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationAuthor1074266380Interpretation Author. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationDiagnosisCodeSequence1074266391Interpretation Diagnosis Code Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationDiagnosisDescription1074266389Interpretation Diagnosis Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationID1074266624Interpretation ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationIDIssuer1074266626Interpretation ID Issuer. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationRecordedDate1074266368Interpretation Recorded Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationRecordedTime1074266369Interpretation Recorded Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationRecorder1074266370Interpretation Recorder. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationStatusID1074266642Interpretation Status ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationText1074266379Interpretation Text. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationTranscriber1074266378Interpretation Transcriber. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationTranscriptionDate1074266376Interpretation Transcription Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationTranscriptionTime1074266377Interpretation Transcription Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
InterpretationTypeID1074266640Interpretation Type ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
IntervalNumber2097174Interval Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
IntervalsAcquired1577091 Intervals Acquired.
IntervalsRejected1577092 Intervals Rejected.
InterventionalStatus1572920Intervention Status. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
InterventionalTherapySequence1572918Intervention Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
InterventionDescription1572922 Intervention Description.
InterventionDrugCodeSequence1572905 Intervention Drug Code Sequence.
InterventionDrugDose1572904 Intervention Drug Dose.
InterventionDrugInformationSequence1572902 Intervention Drug Information Sequence.
InterventionDrugInfoSequence1572902Intervention Drug Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
InterventionDrugName1572916 Intervention Drug Name.
InterventionDrugSequence1572905Intervention Drug Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
InterventionDrugStartTime1572917 Intervention Drug Start Time.
InterventionDrugStopTime1572903 Intervention Drug Stop Time.
InterventionSequence1572918 Intervention Sequence.
InterventionStatus1572920 Intervention Status.
IntraocularLensCalculationsLeftEyeSequence2233104 Intraocular Lens Calculations Left Eye Sequence.
IntraocularLensCalculationsRightEyeSequence2233088 Intraocular Lens Calculations Right Eye Sequence.
IntraOcularPressure2228235 Intra Ocular Pressure.
IntravascularFrameContentSequence5373991 Intravascular Frame Content Sequence.
IntravascularLongitudinalDistance5373992 Intravascular Longitudinal Distance.
IntravascularOCTFrameContentSequence5373993 Intravascular OCT Frame Content Sequence.
IntravascularOCTFrameTypeSequence5373989 Intravascular OCT Frame Type Sequence.
InversionRecovery1609737 Inversion Recovery.
InversionTime1572994 Inversion Time.
InversionTimes1609849 Inversion Times.
IOLFormulaCodeSequence2232360 IOL Formula Code Sequence.
IOLFormulaDetail2232361 IOL Formula Detail.
IOLManufacturer2232467 IOL Manufacturer.
IOLPower2232403 IOL Power.
IOLPowerForExactEmmetropia2232609 IOL Power For Exact Emmetropia.
IOLPowerForExactTargetRefraction2232610 IOL Power For Exact Target Refraction.
IOLPowerSequence2232464 IOL Power Sequence.
IonBeamLimitingDeviceSequence805962660 Ion Beam Limiting Device Sequence.
IonBeamSequence805962658 Ion Beam Sequence.
IonBlockSequence805962662 Ion Block Sequence.
IonControlPointDeliverySequence805830721 Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence.
IonControlPointSequence805962664 Ion Control Point Sequence.
IonControlPointVerificationSequence7606350 Ion Control Point Verification Sequence.
IonMachineVerificationSequence7606342 Ion Machine Verification Sequence.
IonRangeCompensatorSequence805962474 Ion Range Compensator Sequence.
IonToleranceTableSequence805962656 Ion Tolerance Table Sequence.
IonWedgePositionSequence805962668 Ion Wedge Position Sequence.
IonWedgeSequence805962666 Ion Wedge Sequence.
IrradiationEventIdentificationSequence1610871 Irradiation Event Identification Sequence.
IrradiationEventUID536592 Irradiation Event UID.
IsocenterPosition805962028 Isocenter Position.
IsocenterReferenceSystemSequence1610850 Isocenter Reference System Sequence.
IsocentertoBeamLimitingDeviceDistance805961915 Isocenter to Beam Limiting Device Distance.
IsocentertoBlockTrayDistance805961975 Isocenter to Block Tray Distance.
IsocentertoCompensatorDistances805962470 Isocenter to Compensator Distances.
IsocentertoCompensatorTrayDistance805962468 Isocenter to Compensator Tray Distance.
IsocentertoLateralSpreadingDeviceDistance805962612 Isocenter to Lateral Spreading Device Distance.
IsocentertoRangeModulatorDistance805962634 Isocenter to Range Modulator Distance.
IsocentertoRangeShifterDistance805962596 Isocenter to Range Shifter Distance.
IsocentertoWedgeTrayDistance805961945 Isocenter to Wedge Tray Distance.
IsotopeNumber2097172Isotope Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
IssueDateOfImagingServiceRequest4202500 Issue Date of Imaging Service Request.
IssuerOfAccessionNumberSequence524369 Issuer of Accession Number Sequence.
IssuerOfAdmissionID3670033Issuer of Admission ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
IssuerOfAdmissionIDSequence3670036 Issuer of Admission ID Sequence.
IssuerOfPatientID1048609 Issuer of Patient ID.
IssuerOfPatientIDQualifiersSequence1048612 Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence.
IssuerOfServiceEpisodeID3670113Issuer of Service Episode ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
IssuerOfServiceEpisodeIDSequence3670116 Issuer of Service Episode ID Sequence.
IssuerOfTheContainerIdentifierSequence4195603 Issuer of the Container Identifier Sequence.
IssuerOfTheSpecimenIdentifierSequence4195682 Issuer of the Specimen Identifier Sequence.
IssueTimeOfImagingServiceRequest4202501 Issue Time of Imaging Service Request.
Italic7340624 Italic.
Item-73728 Item marker.
ItemDelimitationItem-73715 Item Delimitation Item.
ItemItem-73728Item marker. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ItemNumber2097177 Item Number.
IterativeReconstructionMethod1611625 Iterative Reconstruction Method.
ItineraryID1074794577 Itinerary ID.
ItineraryIDAssigningAuthority1074794579 Itinerary ID Assigning Authority.
ItineraryIDType1074794578 Itinerary ID Type.
IvusAcquisition1585408 IVUS Acquisition.
IvusGatedRate1585410 IVUS Gated Rate.
IvusPullbackRate1585409 IVUS Pullback Rate.
IvusPullbackStartFrameNumber1585411 IVUS Pullback Start Frame Number.
IvusPullbackStopFrameNumber1585412 IVUS Pullback Stop Frame Number.
KeratometerIndex2232371 Keratometer Index.
KeratometricAxis4587639 Keratometric Axis.
KeratometricPower4587638 Keratometric Power.
KeratometryLeftEyeSequence4587633 Keratometry Left Eye Sequence.
KeratometryMeasurementTypeCodeSequence2232470 Keratometry Measurement Type Code Sequence.
KeratometryRightEyeSequence4587632 Keratometry Right Eye Sequence.
KspaceFiltering1609828 K-space Filtering.
Kvp1572960 KVP (kilovolts peak).
KVUsedInGainCalibration1323121 KV Used in Gain Calibration.
LabelStyleSelection570425347 Label Style Selection.
LabelText570425346 Label Text.
LabelUsingInformationExtractedFromInstances570425345 Label Using Information Extracted From Instances.
LanguageCodeSequence524294 Language Code Sequence.
LanguageCodeSequenceTrial4237124Language Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LargeBluePaletteColorLookupTableData2626067Large Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LargeBluePaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor2625811Large Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LargeGreenPaletteColorLookupTableData2626066 Large Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data(RET). See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LargeGreenPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor2625810Large Green Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LargePaletteColorLookupTableUID2626068Large Palette Color Lookup Table UID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LargeRedPaletteColorLookupTableData2626065Large Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LargeRedPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor2625809Large Red Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LargestImagePixelValue2621703 Largest Image Pixel Value.
LargestImagePixelValueInPlane2621713Largest Image Pixel Value in Plane. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LargestMonochromePixelValue2658457Largest Monochrome Pixel Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LargestPixelValueInSeries2621705 Largest Pixel Value in Series.
LargestValidPixelValue2621701Largest Valid Pixel Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LastMenstrualDate1057232 Last Menstrual Date.
Laterality2097248 The Laterality.
LateralSpreadingDeviceDescription805962554 Lateral Spreading Device Description.
LateralSpreadingDeviceID805962550 Lateral Spreading Device ID.
LateralSpreadingDeviceNumber805962548 Lateral Spreading Device Number.
LateralSpreadingDeviceSequence805962546 Lateral Spreading Device Sequence.
LateralSpreadingDeviceSetting805962610 Lateral Spreading Device Setting.
LateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequence805962608 Lateral Spreading Device Settings Sequence.
LateralSpreadingDeviceType805962552 Lateral Spreading Device Type.
LateralSpreadingDeviceWaterEquivalentThickness805962556 Lateral Spreading Device Water Equivalent Thickness.
LeafJawPosition805962012 Leaf/Jaw Positions.
LeafJawPositions805962012 Leaf/Jaw Positions.
LeafPositionBoundaries805961918 Leaf Position Boundaries.
LeftImageSequence2228257 Left Image Sequence.
LeftLensSequence4587541 Left Lens Sequence.
LengthToEnd1Command Length to End. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LensConstantDescription2232468 Lens Constant Description.
LensConstantSequence2232466 Lens Constant Sequence.
LensDescription4587538 Lens Description.
LensesCodeSequence2228249 Lenses Code Sequence.
LensSegmentType4587576 Lens Segment Type.
LensStatusCodeSequence2232356 Lens Status Code Sequence.
LensStatusDescription2232421 Lens Status Description.
LensThickness2232624 Lens Thickness.
LesionNumber1585413 Lesion Number.
LightPathFilterPassBand2228226 Light Path Filter Pass Band.
LightPathFilterPassThroughWavelength2228225 Light Path Filter Pass-Through Wavelength.
LightPathFilterTypeStackCodeSequence2228247 Light Path Filter Type Stack Code Sequence.
LINACEnergy1331202 LINAC Energy.
LINACOutput1331204 LINAC Output.
LineDashingStyle7340628 Line Dashing Style.
LinePattern7340629 Line Pattern.
LineSequence6684712 Line Sequence.
LineStyleSequence7340594 Line Style Sequence.
LineThickness7340627 Line Thickness.
ListOfMIMETypes4325396 List of MIME Types.
LocalDeviationProbabilityNormalsFlag2359410 Local Deviation Probability Normals Flag.
LocalizedDeviationfromNormal2359400 Localized Deviation from Normal.
LocalizedDeviationProbability2359411 Localized Deviation Probability.
LocalizedDeviationProbabilitySequence2359429 Localized Deviation Probability Sequence.
LocalNamespaceEntityID4194353 Local Namespace Entity ID.
Location2097232Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LocationOfMeasuredBeamDiameter1327129 Location of Measured Beam Diameter.
LongitudinalTemporalInformationModified2622211 Longitudinal Temporal Information Modified.
LookupTableNumber2097190Lookup Table Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LossyImageCompression2629904 Lossy Image Compression.
LossyImageCompressionMethod2629908 Lossy Image Compression Method.
LossyImageCompressionRatio2629906 Lossy Image Compression Ratio.
LossyImageCompressionRetired532752Lossy Image Compression (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LowEnergyDetectors1074790401 Low Energy Detectors.
LowRrValue1577089 Low R-R Value.
LUTData2633734 LUT (Lookup Table) Data.
LUTDescriptor2633730 LUT Descriptor.
LUTExplanation2633731 LUT Explanation.
LUTFrameRange2659591 LUT Frame Range.
LUTFunction2659444 LUT Function.
LutLabel4231696 LUT Label.
LUTNumber2097190LUT Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
LutUID2625945Palette Color Lookup Table UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MAC67109892 MAC (Message Authentication Code).
MacAlgorithm67108885 MAC Algorithm.
MacCalcTransferSyntaxUID67108880MAC Calculation Transfer Syntax UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MacCalculationTransferSyntaxUID67108880 MAC Calculation Transfer Syntax UID.
MacIDNumber67108869 MAC ID Number.
MacParametersSequence1342046209 MAC Parameters Sequence.
MagneticFieldStrength1572999 Magnetic Field Strength.
MagnetizationTransfer1609760 Magnetization Transfer.
MagnificationType537919584 Magnification Type.
MagnifytoNumberofColumns541065332Magnify to Number of Columns. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
MajorTicksSequence7340679 Major Ticks Sequence.
MandatoryComponentType7733304 Mandatory Component Type.
Manifold6684688 Manifold tag.
ManipulatedImage2621520Manipulated Image. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Manufacturer524400 The Manufacturer.
ManufacturerModelName528528 Manufacturer's Model Name.
ManufacturersModelName528528Manufacturer's Model Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MappingResource524549 Mapping Resource.
MaskFrameNumbers2646288 Mask Frame Numbers.
MaskingImage2097280Masking Image. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
MaskOperation2646273 Mask Operation.
MaskOperationExplanation2646416 Mask Operation Explanation.
MaskPointers2646064Mask Pointer(s). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
MaskSelectionMode2659412 Mask Selection Mode.
MaskSubpixelShift2646292 Mask Sub-pixel Shift.
MaskSubtractionSequence2646272 Mask Subtraction Sequence.
MaskVisibilityPercentage2659448 Mask Visibility Percentage.
Mass1074794519 Mass.
MaterialGrade1310786 Material Grade.
MaterialID805961953 Material ID.
MaterialIsolationDiameter1310772 Material Isolation Diameter.
MaterialNotes1310790 Material Notes.
MaterialPipeDiameter1310770 Material Pipe Diameter.
MaterialPropertiesFileFormat1310789 Material Properties File Format.
MaterialPropertiesFileID1310788 Material Properties File ID.
MaterialsCodeSequence6841248 Materials Code Sequence.
MaterialThickness1310768 Material Thickness.
MatingFeatureDegreeOfFreedomSequence6841344 Mating Feature Degree of Freedom Sequence.
MatingFeatureID6841328 Mating Feature ID.
MatingFeatureSequence6841312 Mating Feature Sequence.
MatingFeatureSetID6841280 Mating Feature Set ID.
MatingFeatureSetLabel6841296 Mating Feature Set Label.
MatingFeatureSetsSequence6841264 Mating Feature Sets Sequence.
MatrixRegistrationSequence7340809 Matrix Registration Sequence.
MatrixSequence7340810 Matrix Sequence.
MAUsedInGainCalibration1323122 MA Used in Gain Calibration.
MaxDensity537919792 Max Density.
MaximumAcrossScanDistortion2228297 Maximum Across-scan Distortion.
MaximumAlongScanDistortion2228280 Maximum Along-scan Distortion.
MaximumCollatedFilms537919828 Maximum Collated Films.
MaximumCoordinateValue1358889221Maximum Coordinate Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
MaximumDepthDistortion2228278 Maximum Depth Distortion.
MaximumFractionalValue6422542 Maximum Fractional Value.
MaximumMemoryAllocation536871009 Maximum Memory Allocation.
MaximumPointDistance6684697 Maximum Point Distance.
MaximumStimulusLuminance2359320 Maximum Stimulus Luminance.
MaxMemoryAllocation536871009Maximum Memory Allocation. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MeanPointDistance6684696 Mean Point Distance.
MeasuredBandwidth1327132 Measured Bandwidth.
MeasuredBeamDimensionA1327127 Measured Beam Dimension A.
MeasuredBeamDimensionB1327128 Measured Beam Dimension B.
MeasuredCenterFrequency1327131 Measured Center Frequency.
MeasuredDoseDesc805830674Measured Dose Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MeasuredDoseDescription805830674 Measured Dose Description.
MeasuredDoseReferenceNumber805830756 Measured Dose Reference Number.
MeasuredDoseReferenceSequence805830672 Measured Dose Reference Sequence.
MeasuredDoseRefNumber805830756Measured Dose Reference Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MeasuredDoseRefSequence805830672Measured Dose Reference Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MeasuredDoseType805830676 Measured Dose Type.
MeasuredDoseValue805830678 Measured Dose Value.
MeasuredValueSequence4236032 Measured Value Sequence.
MeasurementAutomationTrial4235668Measurement Automation (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
MeasurementLaterality2359571 Measurement Laterality.
MeasurementPrecisionDescriptionTrial4235335Measurement Precision Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
MeasurementUnitCodeSequence4196586Measurement Units Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MeasurementUnitsCodeSequence4196586 Measurement Units Code Sequence.
MeasuringUnitSequence4194965Measuring Units Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MeasuringUnitsSequence4194965 Measuring Units Sequence.
MechanicalIndex1593378 Mechanical Index.
MediaDisposition570425348 Media Disposition.
MediaInstalledSequence536871074 Media Installed Sequence.
MediaStorageSOPClassUID131074 Media Storage SOP Class UID.
MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID131075 Media Storage SOP Instance UID.
MediaStoredSOPClassUID131074Media Storage SOP Class UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MediaStoredSOPInstanceUID131075Media Storage SOP Instance UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MedicalAlerts1056768 Medical Alerts.
MedicalRecordLocator1052816 Medical Record Locator.
MediumType536870960 Medium Type.
MemoryAllocation536871008 Memory Allocation.
MemoryBitDepth536871072 Memory Bit Depth.
MessageID272 Message ID.
MessageIDBeingRespondedTo288 Message ID Being Responded To.
MessageSetID20496Message Set ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
MetaboliteMapCodeSequence1609859 Metabolite Map Code Sequence.
MetaboliteMapDesc1609856Metabolite Map Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MetaboliteMapDescription1609856 Metabolite Map Description.
MetaInfoHeader6 DICOM meta information header.
MetersetExposure805437490 Meterset Exposure.
MetersetRate805962586 Meterset Rate.
MetersetRateDelivered805830726 Meterset Rate Delivered.
MetersetRateSet805830725 Meterset Rate Set.
MidSlabPosition1609990 Mid Slab Position.
MilitaryRank1052800 Military Rank.
MIMETypeofEncapsulatedDocument4325394 MIME Type of Encapsulated Document.
MinDensity537919776 Min Density.
MinimumCoordinateValue1358889220Minimum Coordinate Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
MinimumSensitivityValue2359557 Minimum Sensitivity Value.
ModalitiesInStudy524385 Modalities in Study.
Modality524384 Modality value.
ModalityLUTSequence2633728 Modality LUT Sequence.
ModalityLUTType2633732 Modality LUT Type.
ModeOfPercutaneousAccessSequence5373974 Mode of Percutaneous Access Sequence.
ModifiedAttributesSequence67110224 Modified Attributes Sequence.
ModifiedImageDate2110467Modified Image Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ModifiedImageDescription2110470Modified Image Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ModifiedImageID2110466Modified Image ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ModifiedImageTime2110469Modified Image Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ModifierCodeSequence4235669 Modifier Code Sequence.
ModifyingDeviceID2110465Modifying Device ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ModifyingDeviceManufacturer2110468Modifying Device Manufacturer. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ModifyingSystem67110243 Modifying System.
ModulationType1327142 Modulation Type.
MostRecentTreatmentDate805830742 Most Recent Treatment Date.
MotionSynchronizationSequence805962768 Motion Synchronization Sequence.
MoveDestination1536 Move Destination.
MoveOriginatorApplicationEntityTitle4144 Move Originator Application Entity Title.
MoveOriginatorMessageID4145 Move Originator Message ID.
MrAcqFrequencyEncodingSteps1609816MR Acquisition Frequency Encoding Steps. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MrAcqPhaseEncodingStepsInPlane1610289MR Acquisition Phase Encoding Steps in-plane. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MrAcqPhaseEncodingStepsOutOfPlane1610290MR Acquisition Phase Encoding Steps out-of-plane. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MRAcquisitionFrequencyEncodingSteps1609816 MR Acquisition Frequency Encoding Steps.
MRAcquisitionPhaseEncodingStepsInPlane1610289 MR Acquisition Phase Encoding Steps in-plane.
MRAcquisitionPhaseEncodingStepsOutOfPlane1610290 MR Acquisition Phase Encoding Steps out-of-plane.
MrAcquisitionType1572899 MR Acquisition Type.
MRArterialSpinLabelingSequence1610321 MR Arterial Spin Labeling Sequence.
MrAveragesSequence1610009 MR Averages Sequence.
MrDiffusionSequence1610007 MR Diffusion Sequence.
MRDRDirectoryRecordOffset267524MRDR Directory Record Offset. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
MrEchoSequence1610004 MR Echo Sequence.
MrFovGeometrySequence1610021 MR FOV/Geometry Sequence.
MrImageFrameTypeSequence1610278 MR Image Frame Type Sequence.
MrImagingModifierSequence1609734 MR Imaging Modifier Sequence.
MrMetaboliteMapSequence1610066 MR Metabolite Map Sequence.
MrModifierSequence1610005 MR Modifier Sequence.
MrReceiveCoilSequence1609794 MR Receive Coil Sequence.
MrSpatialSaturationSequence1609991 MR Spatial Saturation Sequence.
MrSpectroscopyAcqType1610240MR Spectroscopy Acquisition Type. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MRSpectroscopyAcquisitionType1610240 MR Spectroscopy Acquisition Type.
MrSpectroscopyFovGeometrySequence1609987 MR Spectroscopy FOV/Geometry Sequence.
MrSpectroscopyFrameTypeSequence1610279 MR Spectroscopy Frame Type Sequence.
MrTimingAndRelatedParametersSequence1610002 MR Timing and Related Parameters Sequence.
MrTimingParameterSequence1610002MR Timing and Related Parameters Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
MrTransmitCoilSequence1609801 MR Transmit Coil Sequence.
MrVelocityEncodingSequence1610135 MR Velocity Encoding Sequence.
MultiCoilConfiguration1609798 Multi-Coil Configuration.
MultiCoilDefinitionSequence1609797 Multi-Coil Definition Sequence.
MultiCoilElementName1609799 Multi-Coil Element Name.
MultiCoilElementUsed1609800 Multi-Coil Element Used.
MultiFramePresentationSequence2659589 Multi-frame Presentation Sequence.
MultiFrameSourceSOPInstanceUID528743 Multi-Frame Source SOP Instance UID.
MultiPlanarExcitation1609746 Multi-planar Excitation.
MultipleCopiesFlag4210694 Multiple Copies Flag.
MultipleSpinEcho1609745 Multiple Spin Echo.
MultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequence3801856 Multiplexed Audio Channels Description Code Sequence.
MultiplexGroupLabel3801120 Multiplex Group Label.
MultiplexGroupTimeOffset1577064 Multiplex Group Time Offset.
MydriaticAgentCodeSequence2228252 Mydriatic Agent Code Sequence.
MydriaticAgentConcentration2228302 Mydriatic Agent Concentration.
MydriaticAgentConcentrationUnitsSequence2228290 Mydriatic Agent Concentration Units Sequence.
MydriaticAgentSequence2228312 Mydriatic Agent Sequence.
NameOfPhysiciansReadingStudy528480 Name of Physician(s) Reading Study.
NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResults4198416 Names of Intended Recipients of Results.
NavigationDisplaySet7471638 Navigation Display Set.
NavigationIndicatorSequence7471636 Navigation Indicator Sequence.
NearPupillaryDistance4587618 Near Pupillary Distance.
NegativeCatchTrialsQuantity2359368 Negative Catch Trials Quantity.
NetworkID528384Network ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
NextDirectoryRecordOffset267264Offset of the Next Directory Record. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
NominalBeamEnergy805962004 Nominal Beam Energy.
NominalBeamEnergyUnit805961749 Nominal Beam Energy Unit.
NominalCardiacTriggerDelayTime2134355 Nominal Cardiac Trigger Delay Time.
NominalCardiacTriggerTimePriorToRPeak2134356 Nominal Cardiac Trigger Time Prior To R-Peak.
NominalFrequency1327130 Nominal Frequency.
NominalInterval1577058 Nominal Interval.
NominalPercentageOfCardiacPhase2134593 Nominal Percentage of Cardiac Phase.
NominalPercentageOfRespiratoryPhase2134597 Nominal Percentage of Respiratory Phase.
NominalPriorDose805961754 Nominal Prior Dose.
NominalRespiratoryTriggerDelayTime2134613 Nominal Respiratory Trigger Delay Time.
NominalScannedPixelSpacing1581072 Nominal Scanned Pixel Spacing.
NominalScreenDefinitionSequence7471362 Nominal Screen Definition Sequence.
NonDICOMOutputCodeSequence4210738 Non-DICOM Output Code Sequence.
NonUniformRadialSamplingCorrected1611622 Non-uniform Radial Sampling Corrected.
NormalizationFactorFormat2623248Normalization Factor Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
NormalizationPoint805568520 Normalization Point.
NormalReverse20800Normal Reverse. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
NorRev20800Normal Reverse. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
NotchFilterBandwidth3801635 Notch Filter Bandwidth.
NotchFilterFrequency3801634 Notch Filter Frequency.
NotificationFromManufacturerSequence6840933 Notification From Manufacturer Sequence.
NTPSourceAddress1579011 NTP Source Address.
NuclearMedicineSeriesType524354Nuclear Medicine Series Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
NumberOfAlarmObjects1074794548 Number of Alarm Objects.
NumberOfAverages1572995 Number of Averages.
NumberOfBeams805961856 Number of Beams.
NumberOfBlock805961968Number of Blocks. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
NumberOfBlocks805961968 Number of Blocks.
NumberOfBoli805961965 Number of Boli.
NumberOfBrachyApplicationSetup805961888Number of Brachy Application Setups. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
NumberOfBrachyApplicationSetups805961888 Number of Brachy Application Setups.
NumberOfChannels1358897156Number of Channels. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
NumberOfCompensator805961952Number of Compensators. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
NumberOfCompensators805961952 Number of Compensators.
NumberOfCompletedSuboperations4129 Number of Completed Sub-operations.
NumberOfContourPoints805699654 Number of Contour Points.
NumberOfControlPoints805962000 Number of Control Points.
NumberOfCopies536870928 Number of Copies.
NumberOfDetectors5505057 Number of Detectors.
NumberOfElements1327122 Number of Elements.
NumberOfEnergyWindows5505041 Number of Energy Windows.
NumberOfEventTimers532777 Number of Event Timers.
NumberOfFailedSuboperations4130 Number of Failed Sub-operations.
NumberOfFilms553648496 Number of Films.
NumberOfFocalPlanes4718611 Number of Focal Planes.
NumberOfFractionDelivered805830746Number of Fractions Delivered. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
NumberOfFractionPatternDigitsPerDay805961849 Number of Fraction Pattern Digits Per Day.
NumberOfFractionPerDay805961849Number of Fraction Pattern Digits Per Day. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
NumberOfFractionPlanned805961848Number of Fractions Planned. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
NumberOfFractionsDelivered805830746 Number of Fractions Delivered.
NumberOfFractionsPlanned805961848 Number of Fractions Planned.
NumberOfFrames2621448 Number of Frames.
NumberOfFramesInOverlay1627324437 Number of Frames in Overlay.
NumberOfFramesInPhase5505075 Number of Frames in Phase.
NumberOfFramesInRotation5505107 Number of Frames in Rotation.
NumberOfFramesIntegrated1323026 Number of Frames Integrated.
NumberOfFramesUsedForIntegration1323123 Number of Frames Used for Integration.
NumberOfGraphicPoints7340065 Number of Graphic Points.
NumberofHorizontalPixels7471366 Number of Horizontal Pixels.
NumberOfIterations1611577 Number of Iterations.
NumberOfKspaceTrajectories1609875 Number of k-Space Trajectories.
NumberofLateralSpreadingDevices805962544 Number of Lateral Spreading Devices.
NumberOfLeafJawPairs805961916 Number of Leaf/Jaw Pairs.
NumberOfMatches2128Number of Matches. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
NumberOfPaddedAlines5374008 Number of Padded A?lines.
NumberofPaintings805962650 Number of Paintings.
NumberOfPatientRelatedInstances2101764 Number of Patient Related Instances.
NumberOfPatientRelatedSeries2101762 Number of Patient Related Series.
NumberOfPatientRelatedStudies2101760 Number of Patient Related Studies.
NumberOfPhaseEncodingSteps1573001 Number of Phase Encoding Steps.
NumberOfPhases5505073 Number of Phases.
NumberOfPoints1358888976Number of Points. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
NumberofPriorsReferenced7471124 Number of Priors Referenced.
NumberOfPulses805962378 Number of Pulses.
NumberofRangeModulators805962560 Number of Range Modulators.
NumberofRangeShifters805962514 Number of Range Shifters.
NumberOfReferences267776Number of References. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
NumberOfRemainingSuboperations4128 Number of Remaining Sub-operations.
NumberOfRotations5505105 Number of Rotations.
NumberOfRrIntervals5505121 Number of R-R Intervals.
NumberOfSamples1358897158Number of Samples. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
NumberofScanSpotPositions805962642 Number of Scan Spot Positions.
NumberofScreens7471360 Number of Screens.
NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances2101769 Number of Series Related Instances.
NumberOfSlices5505153 Number of Slices.
NumberOfStages532772 Number of Stages.
NumberOfStudyRelatedInstances2101768 Number of Study Related Instances.
NumberOfStudyRelatedSeries2101766 Number of Study Related Series.
NumberOfSubsets1611584 Number of Subsets.
NumberOfSurfacePoints6684693 Number of Surface Points.
NumberOfSurfaces6684673 Number of Surfaces.
NumberOfTable2623730Number of Tables. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
NumberOfTableBreakPoints1597520 Number of Table Break Points.
NumberOfTableEntries1597526 Number of Table Entries.
NumberOfTables2623730Number of Tables. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
NumberOfTemporalPositions2097413 Number of Temporal Positions.
NumberOfTimeSlices5505281 Number of Time Slices.
NumberOfTimeSlots5505137 Number of Time Slots.
NumberOfTomosynthesisSourceImages1578133 Number of Tomosynthesis Source Images.
NumberOfTotalObjects1074794547 Number of Total Objects.
NumberOfTransformSteps2622466Number of Transform Steps. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
NumberOfTriggersInPhase5505553 Number of Triggers in Phase.
NumberOfVectors6684702 Number of Vectors.
NumberofVerticalPixels7471364 Number of Vertical Pixels.
NumberOfViewsInStage532778 Number of Views in Stage.
NumberOfVisualStimuli2359352 Number of Visual Stimuli.
NumberOfWarningSuboperations4131 Number of Warning Sub-operations.
NumberOfWaveformChannels3801093 Number of Waveform Channels.
NumberOfWaveformSamples3801104 Number of Waveform Samples.
NumberOfWedge805961936Number of Wedges. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
NumberOfWedges805961936 Number of Wedges.
NumberOfZeroFills1609830 Number of Zero fills.
NumericValue4236042 Numeric Value.
NumericValueQualifierCodeSequence4236033 Numeric Value Qualifier Code Sequence.
ObjectBinaryIdentifierTrial4235380Object Binary Identifier (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ObjectDirectoryBinaryIdentifierTrial4235401Object Directory Binary Identifier (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ObjectiveLensNumericalAperture4718867 Objective Lens Numerical Aperture.
ObjectiveLensPower4718866 Objective Lens Power.
ObjectPixelSpacinginCenterofBeam1610756 Object Pixel Spacing in Center of Beam.
ObjectThicknessSequence1610838 Object Thickness Sequence.
ObservationCategoryCodeSequenceTrial4235623Observation Category Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ObservationDateTime4235314 Observation Date Time.
ObservationDateTrial4235666Observation Date (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ObservationNumber805699714 Observation Number.
ObservationSubjectClassTrial4236291Observation Subject Class (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ObservationSubjectContextFlagTrial4236800Observation Subject Context Flag (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ObservationSubjectTypeCodeSequenceTrial4236292Observation Subject Type Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ObservationSubjectUIDTrial4236290Observation Subject UID (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ObservationTimeTrial4235667Observation Time (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ObservationUIDTrial4235633Observation UID (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ObserverContextFlagTrial4236801Observer Context Flag (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ObserverType4235396 Observer Type.
Occupation1057152 Patient's Occupation.
OCTAcquisitionDomain5373958 OCT Acquisition Domain.
OCTFocalDistance5373954 OCT Focal Distance.
OCTOpticalCenterWavelength5373959 OCT Optical Center Wavelength.
OCTZOffsetApplied5373990 OCT Z Offset Applied.
OCTZOffsetCorrection5374000 OCT Z Offset Correction.
OffendingElement2305 Offending Element.
OffsetOfReferencedLowerLevelDirectoryEntity267296 Offset of Referenced Lower-Level Directory Entity.
OffsetOfTheFirstDirectoryRecordOfTheRootDirectoryEntity266752 Offset of the First Directory Record of the Root Directory Entity.
OffsetOfTheLastDirectoryRecordOfTheRootDirectoryEntity266754 Offset of the Last Directory Record of the Root Directory Entity.
OffsetOfTheNextDirectoryRecord267264 Offset of the Next Directory Record.
OnAxisBackgroundAnatomicStructureCodeSequence533084OnAxis Background Anatomic Structure Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OOIOwnerCreationTime1074794561 OOI Owner Creation Time.
OOIOwnerSequence1074794567 OOI Owner Sequence.
OOIOwnerType1074794505 OOI Owner Type.
OOISize1074794563 OOI Size.
OOIType1074794562 OOI Type.
OOITypeDescriptor1074794600 OOI Type Descriptor.
OperatingMode1610104 Operating Mode.
OperatingModeSequence1610102 Operating Mode Sequence.
OperatingModeType1610103 Operating Mode Type.
OperatorIdentificationSequence528498 Operator Identification Sequence.
OperatorIDSequence528498Operator Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
OperatorsName528496 Operators' Name.
OphthalmicAxialLength2232345 Ophthalmic Axial Length.
OphthalmicAxialLengthAcquisitionMethodCodeSequence2232659 Ophthalmic Axial Length Acquisition Method Code Sequence.
OphthalmicAxialLengthDataSourceCodeSequence2232656 Ophthalmic Axial Length Data Source Code Sequence.
OphthalmicAxialLengthDataSourceDescription2232665 Ophthalmic Axial Length Data Source Description.
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementModified2232640 Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurement Modified.
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsLengthSummationSequence2232850 Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Length Summation Sequence.
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSegmentalLengthSequence2232849 Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Segmental Length Sequence.
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSegmentNameCodeSequence2232577 Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Segment Name Code Sequence.
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSequence2232400 Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Sequence.
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsTotalLengthSequence2232848 Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Total Length Sequence.
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsType2232336 Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Type.
OphthalmicAxialLengthQualityMetricSequence2232930 Ophthalmic Axial Length Quality Metric Sequence.
OphthalmicAxialLengthQualityMetricTypeDescription2232947 Ophthalmic Axial Length Quality Metric Type Description.
OphthalmicAxialLengthSelectionMethodCodeSequence2232912 Ophthalmic Axial Length Selection Method Code Sequence.
OphthalmicAxialLengthVelocity2232409 Ophthalmic Axial Length Velocity.
OphthalmicAxialMeasurementsLeftEyeSequence2232328 Ophthalmic Axial Measurements Left Eye Sequence.
OphthalmicAxialMeasurementsRightEyeSequence2232327 Ophthalmic Axial Measurements Right Eye Sequence.
OphthalmicFrameLocationSequence2228273 Ophthalmic Frame Location Sequence.
OphthalmicImageOrientation2228281 Ophthalmic Image Orientation.
OphthalmicPatientClinicalInformationLeftEyeSequence2359572 Ophthalmic Patient Clinical Information Left Eye Sequence.
OphthalmicPatientClinicalInformationRightEyeSequence2359573 Ophthalmic Patient Clinical Information Right Eye Sequence.
OphthalmicUltrasoundAxialMeasurementsTypeCodeSequence2232388 Ophthalmic Ultrasound Axial Measurements Type Code Sequence.
OpticalOphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSequence2232869 Optical Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Sequence.
OpticalPathDescription4718855 Optical Path Description.
OpticalPathIdentificationSequence4719111 Optical Path Identification Sequence.
OpticalPathIdentifier4718854 Optical Path Identifier.
OpticalPathSequence4718853 Optical Path Sequence.
OpticalSelectedOphthalmicAxialLengthSequence2232917 Optical Selected Ophthalmic Axial Length Sequence.
OpticalTransmittance4587584 Optical Transmittance.
Optotype4587668 Optotype tag.
OptotypeDetailedDefinition4587833 Optotype Detailed Definition.
OptotypePresentation4587669 Optotype Presentation.
OrderCallbackPhoneNumber4202512 Order Callback Phone Number.
OrderEnteredBy4202504 Order Entered By.
OrderEnterer4202504Order Entered By. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
OrderEntererLocation4202505Order Enterer's Location. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
OrderEnterersLocation4202505 Order Enterer's Location.
OrderFillerIdentifierSequence4194343 Order Filler Identifier Sequence.
OrderPlacerIdentifierSequence4194342 Order Placer Identifier Sequence.
OrganAtRiskFullVolumeDose805961770 Organ at Risk Full-volume Dose.
OrganAtRiskLimitDose805961771 Organ at Risk Limit Dose.
OrganAtRiskMaximumDose805961772 Organ at Risk Maximum Dose.
OrganAtRiskOverdoseVolumeFraction805961773 Organ at Risk Overdose Volume Fraction.
OrganDose4195094 Organ Dose.
OrganExposed4195096 Organ Exposed.
Origin1627324496Overlay Origin. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
OriginalAttributesSequence67110241 Original Attributes Sequence.
OriginalImageIdentification2117632Original Image Identification. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OriginalImageIdentificationNomenclature2117634Original Image Identification Nomenclature. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OriginalImageSequence556794048Original Image Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OriginalImplantAssemblyTemplateSequence7733260 Original Implant Assembly Template Sequence.
OriginalImplantTemplateSequence6840869 Original Implant Template Sequence.
OriginalSpecialized524315Original Specialized SOP Class UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
OriginalSpecializedSOPClassUID524315 Original Specialized SOP Class UID.
Originator553648240 The Originator.
OtherMagnificationTypesAvailable537919655 Other Magnification Types Available.
OtherMediaAvailableSequence536871076 Other Media Available Sequence.
OtherPatientIDs1052672 Other Patient IDs.
OtherPatientIDsSequence1052674 Other Patient IDs Sequence.
OtherPatientNames1052673 Other Patient Names.
OtherPupillaryDistance4587620 Other Pupillary Distance.
OtherSmoothingTypesAvailable537919657 Other Smoothing Types Available.
OtherStudyNumbers2101360Other Study Numbers. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OuterDiameter1310804 Outer Diameter.
OutputInformationSequence4210739 Output Information Sequence.
OutputPower1593344 Output Power.
OverallTemplateSpatialTolerance6840997 Overall Template Spatial Tolerance.
OverlayActivationLayer1627328513 Overlay Activation Layer.
OverlayBackgroundDensity541065346Overlay Background Density. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayBitPosition1627324674 Overlay Bit Position.
OverlayBitsAllocated1627324672 Overlay Bits Allocated.
OverlayBitsForCodeWord1627326468Overlay Bits For Code Word. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayBitsGrouped1627324521Overlay Bits Grouped. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayCodeLabel1627326464Overlay Code Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayCodeTableLocation1627326467Overlay Number of Tables. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayColumns1627324433 Overlay Columns.
OverlayComments1627340800Overlay Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayCompressionCode1627324512Overlay Compression Code. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayCompressionDescription1627324515Overlay Compression Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayCompressionLabel1627324514Overlay Compression Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayCompressionOriginator1627324513Overlay Compression Originator. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayCompressionStepPointers1627324518Overlay Compression Step Pointers. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayData1627336704 Overlay Data.
OverlayDate524324Overlay Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayDescription1627324450 Overlay Description.
OverlayDescriptorBlue1627328771Overlay Descriptor - Blue. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayDescriptorGray1627328768Overlay Descriptor - Gray. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayDescriptorGreen1627328770Overlay Descriptor - Green. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayDescriptorRed1627328769Overlay Descriptor - Red. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayForegroundDensity541065344Overlay Foreground Density. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayFormat1627324688Overlay Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayLabel1627329792 Overlay Label.
OverlayLocation1627324928Overlay Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayMagnificationType541065312Overlay Magnification Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayMode541065360Overlay Mode. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayNumber2097186Overlay Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayNumberOfTables1627326466Overlay Number of Tables. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayOrigin1627324496 Overlay Origin.
OverlayorImageMagnification541065330Overlay or Image Magnification. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayPixelDataSequence541065248Overlay Pixel Data Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayPlaneOrigin1627324498Overlay Plane Origin. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayPlanes1627324434Overlay Planes. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayRepeatInterval1627324520Overlay Repeat Interval. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayRows1627324432 Overlay Rows.
Overlays20912Overlays. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlaysBlue1627329027Overlays - Blue. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlaysGray1627329024Overlays - Gray. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlaysGreen1627329026Overlays - Green. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlaySmoothingType541065328Overlay Smoothing Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlaysRed1627329025Overlays - Red. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlaySubtype1627324485 Overlay Subtype.
OverlayTime524340Overlay Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
OverlayType1627324480 Overlay Type.
OverriddenAttributesSequence7606346 Overridden Attributes Sequence.
OverrideParameterPointer805830754 Override Parameter Pointer.
OverrideReason805830758 Override Reason.
OverrideSequence805830752 Override Sequence.
OverSamplingPhase1609769 Oversampling Phase.
OwnerID553648480 Owner Identifier.
PageNumberVector1581057 Page Number Vector.
PagePositionID20768Page Position ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PaletteColorLookupTableSequence4718880 Palette Color Lookup Table Sequence.
PaletteColorLookupTableUID2625945 Palette Color Lookup Table UID.
ParallelAcqTechnique1609848Parallel Acquisition Technique. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ParallelAcquisition1609847 Parallel Acquisition.
ParallelAcquisitionTechnique1609848 Parallel Acquisition Technique.
ParallelReductionFactorInPlane1609833 Parallel Reduction Factor In-plane.
ParallelReductionFactorInPlaneRetired1609878Parallel Reduction Factor In-plane (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ParallelReductionFactorOutOfPlane1610069 Parallel Reduction Factor out-of-plane.
ParallelReductionFactorSecondInPlane1610088 Parallel Reduction Factor Second In-plane.
ParameterItemIndex805830755 Parameter Item Index.
ParameterPointer805830757 Parameter Pointer.
ParameterSequencePointer805830753 Parameter Sequence Pointer.
PartialDataDisplayHandling7471624 Partial Data Display Handling.
PartialFourier1609857 Partial Fourier.
PartialFourierDirection1609782 Partial Fourier Direction.
PartialView2626384 Partial View.
PartialViewCodeSequence2626386 Partial View Code Sequence.
PartialViewDescription2626385 Partial View Description.
ParticipantSequence4235386 Participant Sequence.
ParticipationDatetime4235394Participation DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ParticipationDateTime4235394 Participation DateTime.
ParticipationType4235392 Participation Type.
PatientAdditionalPosition805962116 Patient Additional Position.
PatientAddress1052736 Patient's Address.
PatientAge1052688 Patient's Age.
PatientBirthDate1048624 Patient's Birth Date.
PatientBirthName1052677 Patient's Birth Name.
PatientBirthTime1048626 Patient's Birth Time.
PatientBreedCodeSequence1057427 Patient Breed Code Sequence.
PatientBreedDescription1057426 Patient Breed Description.
PatientClinicalTrialParticipationSequence3671298 Patient Clinical Trial Participation Sequence.
PatientComments1064960 Patient Comments.
PatientEyeMovementCommandCodeSequence2228230 Patient Eye Movement Command Code Sequence.
PatientEyeMovementCommanded2228229 Patient Eye Movement Commanded.
PatientFrameOfReferenceSource2134796 Patient Frame of Reference Source.
PatientGantryRelationCodeSequence5506068Patient Gantry Relationship Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientGantryRelationshipCodeSequence5506068 Patient Gantry Relationship Code Sequence.
PatientID1048608 Patient ID.
PatientIdentityRemoved1179746 Patient Identity Removed.
PatientInstitutionResidence3671040 Patient's Institution Residence.
PatientInsurancePlanCodeSequence1048656 Patient's Insurance Plan Code Sequence.
PatientMotherBirthName1052768 Patient's Mother's Birth Name.
PatientMotionCorrected1611619 Patient Motion Corrected.
PatientName1048592 Patient's Name.
PatientNotProperlyFixatedQuantity2359350 Patient Not Properly Fixated Quantity.
PatientOrientation2097184 Patient Orientation.
PatientOrientationCodeSequence5506064 Patient Orientation Code Sequence.
PatientOrientationinFrameSequence2135120 Patient Orientation in Frame Sequence.
PatientOrientationModifierCodeSequence5506066 Patient Orientation Modifier Code Sequence.
PatientOrientCodeSequence5506064Patient Orientation Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientOrientModifierCodeSequence5506066Patient Orientation Modifier Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientPhysiologicalStateCodeSequence1611634 Patient Physiological State Code Sequence.
PatientPhysiologicalStateSequence1611633 Patient Physiological State Sequence.
PatientPosition1593600 Patient Position.
PatientPrimaryLangCodeModSequence1048834Patient's Primary Language Code Modifier Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientPrimaryLangCodeSequence1048833Patient's Primary Language Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientPrimaryLanguageCodeSequence1048833 Patient's Primary Language Code Sequence.
PatientPrimaryLanguageModifierCodeSequence1048834 Patient's Primary Language Modifier Code Sequence.
PatientReliabilityIndicator2359401 Patient Reliability Indicator.
PatientReligiousPreference1057264 Patient's Religious Preference.
PatientResponsibleOrganization1057433Responsible Organization. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientsAddress1052736Patient's Address. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientsAge1052688Patient's Age. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientsBirthDate1048624Patient's Birth Date. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientsBirthName1052677Patient's Birth Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientsBirthTime1048626Patient's Birth Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientSetupLabel805962115 Patient Setup Label.
PatientSetupNumber805962114 Patient Setup Number.
PatientSetupSequence805962112 Patient Setup Sequence.
PatientSex1048640 Patient's Sex.
PatientSexNeutered1057283 Patient's Sex Neutered.
PatientsInstitutionResidence3671040Patient's Institution Residence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientsInsurancePlanCodeSequence1048656Patient's Insurance Plan Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientSize1052704 Patient's Size.
PatientSizeCodeSequence1052705 Patient's Size Code Sequence.
PatientsMothersBirthName1052768Patient's Mother's Birth Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientsName1048592Patient's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientSpeciesCodeSequence1057282 Patient Species Code Sequence.
PatientSpeciesDescription1057281 Patient Species Description.
PatientsPrimaryLanguageCodeModifierSequence1048834Patient's Primary Language Code Modifier Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientsPrimaryLanguageCodeSequence1048833Patient's Primary Language Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientsReligiousPreference1057264Patient's Religious Preference. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientsSex1048640Patient's Sex. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientsSexNeutered1057283Patient's Sex Neutered. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientsSize1052704Patient's Size. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientState3671296 Patient State.
PatientsTelephoneNumbers1057108Patient's Telephone Numbers. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientSupportAccessoryCode805962580 Patient Support Accessory Code.
PatientSupportAdjustedAngle7606314 Patient Support Adjusted Angle.
PatientSupportAngle805962018 Patient Support Angle.
PatientSupportAngleTolerance805961804 Patient Support Angle Tolerance.
PatientSupportID805962578 Patient Support ID.
PatientSupportRotationDirection805962019 Patient Support Rotation Direction.
PatientSupportType805962576 Patient Support Type.
PatientsWeight1052720Patient's Weight. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientTelephoneNumbers1057108 Patient's Telephone Numbers.
PatientTransport4198404Patient Transport Arrangements. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PatientTransportArrangements4198404 Patient Transport Arrangements.
PatientWeight1052720 Patient's Weight.
PatternOffColorCIELabValue7340626 Pattern Off Color CIELab Value.
PatternOffOpacity7340677 Pattern Off Opacity.
PatternOnColorCIELabValue7340625 Pattern On Color CIELab Value.
PatternOnOpacity7340676 Pattern On Opacity.
PauseBetweenFrames5505080 Pause Between Frames.
PercentPhaseFieldOfView1573012 Percent Phase Field of View.
PercentSampling1573011 Percent Sampling.
PerformedActionItemSequence4194912Performed Protocol Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PerformedLocation4194883 Performed Location.
PerformedProcedureCodeSequence4236146 Performed Procedure Code Sequence.
PerformedProcedureStepComment4194944Comments on the Performed Procedure Step. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PerformedProcedureStepDesc4194900Performed Procedure Step Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PerformedProcedureStepDescription4194900 Performed Procedure Step Description.
PerformedProcedureStepDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequence4194945 Performed Procedure Step Discontinuation Reason Code Sequence.
PerformedProcedureStepEndDate4194896 Performed Procedure Step End Date.
PerformedProcedureStepEndDateTime4210769 Performed Procedure Step End DateTime.
PerformedProcedureStepEndTime4194897 Performed Procedure Step End Time.
PerformedProcedureStepID4194899 Performed Procedure Step ID.
PerformedProcedureStepStartDate4194884 Performed Procedure Step Start Date.
PerformedProcedureStepStartDateTime4210768 Performed Procedure Step Start DateTime.
PerformedProcedureStepStartTime4194885 Performed Procedure Step Start Time.
PerformedProcedureStepStatus4194898 Performed Procedure Step Status.
PerformedProcedureTypeDesc4194901Performed Procedure Type Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PerformedProcedureTypeDescription4194901 Performed Procedure Type Description.
PerformedProcessingAppCodeSequence4210695Performed Processing Applications Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PerformedProcessingApplicationsCodeSequence4210695 Performed Processing Applications Code Sequence.
PerformedProcessingParametersSequence7606802 Performed Processing Parameters Sequence.
PerformedProtocolCodeSequence4194912 Performed Protocol Code Sequence.
PerformedProtocolType4194913 Performed Protocol Type.
PerformedSeriesSequence4195136 Performed Series Sequence.
PerformedStationAeTitle4194881 Performed Station AE Title.
PerformedStationClassCodeSequence4210729 Performed Station Class Code Sequence.
PerformedStationGeographicLocationCodeSequence4210736 Performed Station Geographic Location Code Sequence.
PerformedStationGeoLocationCode4210736Performed Station Geographic Location Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PerformedStationName4194882 Performed Station Name.
PerformedStationNameCodeSequence4210728 Performed Station Name Code Sequence.
PerformedWorkitemCodeSequence4210713 Performed Workitem Code Sequence.
PerformingPhysicianIdentificationSequence528466 Performing Physician Identification Sequence.
PerformingPhysicianIDSequence528466Performing Physician Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PerformingPhysicianName528464 Performing Physician's Name.
PerformingPhysiciansName528464Performing Physician's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PerfProcStepDiscontReasonCodeSequence4194945Performed Procedure Step Discontinuation Reason Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PerFrameFunctionalGroupSequence1375769136Per-frame Functional Groups Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence1375769136 Per-frame Functional Groups Sequence.
PerimeterTable2621552Perimeter Table. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PerimeterValue2621553Perimeter Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PerProjectionAcquisitionSequence1611064 Per Projection Acquisition Sequence.
PersonAddress4198658Person's Address. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PersonIDCodeSequence4198657Person Identification Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PersonIdentificationCodeSequence4198657 Person Identification Code Sequence.
PersonName4235555 Person Name.
PersonsAddress4198658 Person's Address.
PersonsTelephoneNumbers4198659Person's Telephone Numbers. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PersonTelephoneNumber4198659Person's Telephone Numbers. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PersonTelephoneNumbers4198659 Person's Telephone Numbers.
PertinentDocumentsSequence3670272 Pertinent Documents Sequence.
PertinentOtherEvidenceSequence4236165 Pertinent Other Evidence Sequence.
PETDetectorMotionDetailsSequence1611571 PET Detector Motion Details Sequence.
PETFrameAcquisitionSequence1611570 PET Frame Acquisition Sequence.
PETFrameCorrectionFactorsSequence1611574 PET Frame Correction Factors Sequence.
PETFrameTypeSequence1611601 PET Frame Type Sequence.
PETPositionSequence1611573 PET Position Sequence.
PETReconstructionSequence1611593 PET Reconstruction Sequence.
PETTableDynamicsSequence1611572 PET Table Dynamics Sequence.
PhantomType1074794566 Phantom Type.
PhaseContrast1609748 Phase Contrast.
PhaseDelay5505078 Phase Delay.
PhaseDescription5505081 Phase Description.
PhaseInformationSequence5505074 Phase Information Sequence.
PhaseInfoSequence5505074Phase Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PhaseNumber2097173Phase Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PhaseVector5505072 Phase Vector.
PhosphorType1577569 Phosphor Type.
PhotometricInterpretation2621444 Photometric Interpretation.
PhototimerSetting1601637 Phototimer Setting.
PhysicalDeltaX1597484 Physical Delta X.
PhysicalDeltaY1597486 Physical Delta Y.
PhysicalDetectorSize1610793 Physical Detector Size.
PhysicalUnitsXDirection1597476 Physical Units X Direction.
PhysicalUnitsYDirection1597478 Physical Units Y Direction.
PhysicianApprovingInterpretation1074266388Physician Approving Interpretation. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PhysicianOfRecordIDSequence528457Physician(s) of Record Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PhysicianReadingStudyIDSequence528482Physician(s) Reading Study Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PhysiciansOfRecord528456 Physician(s) of Record.
PhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequence528457 Physician(s) of Record Identification Sequence.
PhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequence528482 Physician(s) Reading Study Identification Sequence.
PixelAspectRatio2621492 Pixel Aspect Ratio.
PixelBandwidth1573013 Pixel Bandwidth.
PixelComponentDataType1597518 Pixel Component Data Type.
PixelComponentMask1597510 Pixel Component Mask.
PixelComponentOrganization1597508 Pixel Component Organization.
PixelComponentPhysicalUnits1597516 Pixel Component Physical Units.
PixelComponentRangeStart1597512 Pixel Component Range Start.
PixelComponentRangeStop1597514 Pixel Component Range Stop.
PixelCoordinateSet4235930Pixel Coordinate Set. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PixelCoordinatesSetTrial4235930Pixel Coordinates Set (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PixelData2145386512 Pixel Data.
PixelDataAreaOriginRelativeToFOV1601590 Pixel Data Area Origin Relative To FOV.
PixelDataAreaRotationAngleRelativeToFOV1601592 Pixel Data Area Rotation Angle Relative To FOV.
PixelDataProviderURL2654176 Pixel Data Provider URL.
PixelIntensityRelationship2625600 Pixel Intensity Relationship.
PixelIntensityRelationshipLUTSequence2659362 Pixel Intensity Relationship LUT Sequence.
PixelIntensityRelationshipSign2625601 Pixel Intensity Relationship Sign.
PixelMeasuresSequence2658576 Pixel Measures Sequence.
PixelOriginInterpretation4719361 Pixel Origin Interpretation.
PixelPaddingRangeLimit2621729 Pixel Padding Range Limit.
PixelPaddingValue2621728 Pixel Padding Value.
PixelPresentation561669 Pixel Presentation.
PixelRepresentation2621699 Pixel Representation.
PixelShiftFrameRange2659590 Pixel Shift Frame Range.
PixelShiftSequence2659585 Pixel Shift Sequence.
PixelSpacing2621488 Pixel Spacing.
PixelSpacingCalibrationDescription2624004 Pixel Spacing Calibration Description.
PixelSpacingCalibrationType2624002 Pixel Spacing Calibration Type.
PixelSpacingSequence4196568Pixel Spacing Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PixelValueMappingCodeSequence4231320 Pixel Value Mapping Code Sequence.
PixelValueTransformationSequence2658629 Pixel Value Transformation Sequence.
PlacerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequest4202518 Placer Order Number / Imaging Service Request.
PlacerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequestRetired4202502Placer Order Number / Imaging Service Request (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PlacerOrderNumberProcedure4198406Placer Order Number / Procedure. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PlanarConfiguration2621446 Planar Configuration.
PlaneIdentification1610839 Plane Identification.
PlaneOrientationSequence2134294 Plane Orientation Sequence.
PlaneOrientationVolumeSequence2134799 Plane Orientation (Volume) Sequence.
PlanePositionSequence2134291 Plane Position Sequence.
PlanePositionSlideSequence4719130 Plane Position (Slide) Sequence.
PlanePositionVolumeSequence2134798 Plane Position (Volume) Sequence.
Planes2621458Planes. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PlanesInAcquisition1610768 Planes in Acquisition.
PlanIntent805961738 Plan Intent.
PlannedVerificationImageSequence805961930 Planned Verification Image Sequence.
PlanningLandmarkDescription6841664 Planning Landmark Description.
PlanningLandmarkID6841648 Planning Landmark ID.
PlanningLandmarkIdentificationCodeSequence6841669 Planning Landmark Identification Code Sequence.
PlanningLandmarkLineSequence6841616 Planning Landmark Line Sequence.
PlanningLandmarkPlaneSequence6841632 Planning Landmark Plane Sequence.
PlanningLandmarkPointSequence6841600 Planning Landmark Point Sequence.
PlateID1576964 Plate Identifier.
PlateType1577568 Plate Type.
PointCoordinatesData6684694 Point Coordinates Data.
PointPositionAccuracy6684695 Point Position Accuracy.
PointsBoundingBoxCoordinates6684698 Points Bounding Box Coordinates.
Polarity538968096 Image Polarity.
PolygonalCollimatorVertices1578784Vertices of the Polygonal Collimator. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PolygonalShutterVertices1578528Vertices of the Polygonal Shutter. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PositionerIsocenterDetectorRotationAngle1610853 Positioner Isocenter Detector Rotation Angle.
PositionerIsocenterPrimaryAngle1610851 Positioner Isocenter Primary Angle.
PositionerIsocenterSecondaryAngle1610852 Positioner Isocenter Secondary Angle.
PositionerMotion1578240 Positioner Motion.
PositionerPositionSequence1610757 Positioner Position Sequence.
PositionerPrimaryAngle1578256 Positioner Primary Angle.
PositionerPrimaryAngleIncr1578272Positioner Primary Angle Increment. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PositionerPrimaryAngleIncrement1578272 Positioner Primary Angle Increment.
PositionerSecondaryAngle1578257 Positioner Secondary Angle.
PositionerSecondaryAngleIncr1578273Positioner Secondary Angle Increment. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PositionerSecondaryAngleIncrement1578273 Positioner Secondary Angle Increment.
PositionerType1578248 Positioner Type.
PositionMeasuringDeviceUsed1611788 Position Measuring Device Used.
PositionofIsocenterProjection1610800 Position of Isocenter Projection.
PositionReferenceIndicator2101312 Position Reference Indicator.
PositiveCatchTrialsQuantity2359382 Positive Catch Trials Quantity.
PostDeformationMatrixRegistrationSequence6553616 Post Deformation Matrix Registration Sequence.
PostprocessingFunction1593377Postprocessing Function. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PotentialThreatObjectID1074794512 Potential Threat Object ID.
Preamble5 DICOM preamble.
PreAmplifierEquipmentSequence1327118 Pre-Amplifier Equipment Sequence.
PreAmplifierNotes1327119 Pre-Amplifier Notes.
PreAmplifierSettingsSequence1327168 Pre-Amplifier Settings Sequence.
PredecessorDocumentsSequence4236128 Predecessor Documents Sequence.
PreDeformationMatrixRegistrationSequence6553615 Pre Deformation Matrix Registration Sequence.
PredictedRefractiveError2232404 Predicted Refractive Error.
PredictorColumns2621569Predictor Columns. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PredictorConstants2621570Predictor Constants. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PredictorRows2621568Predictor Rows. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PreferredPlaybackSequencing1577540 Preferred Playback Sequencing.
PreformattedColorImageSequence538968337Basic Color Image Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PreformattedGrayscaleImageSequence538968336Basic Grayscale Image Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PregnancyStatus1057216 Pregnancy Status.
PreliminaryFlag4236438 Preliminary Flag.
PreMedication4194322 Pre Medication.
PreprocessingFunction1593376Processing Function. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PrescriptionDescription805961742 Prescription Description.
PresentationCreationDate7340162 Presentation Creation Date.
PresentationCreationTime7340163 Presentation Creation Time.
PresentationCreatorsName7340164Content Creator's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PresentationDescription7340161Content Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PresentationGroupNumber3801665 Presentation Group Number.
PresentationIntentType524392 Presentation Intent Type.
PresentationLabel7340160Content Label. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PresentationLutContentSequence556793984Presentation LUT Content Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PresentationLutFlag536871017Presentation LUT Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PresentationLutSequence542113808 Presentation LUT Sequence.
PresentationLutShape542113824 Presentation LUT Shape.
PresentationPixelAspectRatio7340290 Presentation Pixel Aspect Ratio.
PresentationPixelMagnificationRatio7340291 Presentation Pixel Magnification Ratio.
PresentationPixelSpacing7340289 Presentation Pixel Spacing.
PresentationSizeMode7340288 Presentation Size Mode.
PresentedVisualStimuliDataFlag2359351 Presented Visual Stimuli Data Flag.
PreserveCompositeInstancesAfterMediaCreation570425354 Preserve Composite Instances After Media Creation.
PrimaryAnatomicStructureModifierSequence533040 Primary Anatomic Structure Modifier Sequence.
PrimaryAnatomicStructureSequence533032 Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence.
PrimaryCountsAccumulated5509904Primary (Prompts) Counts Accumulated. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PrimaryDosimeterUnit805961907 Primary Dosimeter Unit.
PrimaryFluenceModeSequence805437520 Primary Fluence Mode Sequence.
PrimaryPositionerIncrement1611028 Primary Positioner Increment.
PrimaryPositionerScanArc1611016 Primary Positioner Scan Arc.
PrimaryPositionerScanStartAngle1611024 Primary Positioner Scan Start Angle.
PrimaryPromptsCountsAccumulated5509904 Primary (Prompts) Counts Accumulated.
PrimitivePointIndexList6684713 Primitive Point Index List.
Print20896Print. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PrinterCharacteristicsSequence556793877Printer Characteristics Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PrinterConfigSequence536870942Printer Configuration Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PrinterConfigurationSequence536870942 Printer Configuration Sequence.
PrinterName554696752 Printer Name.
PrinterPixelSpacing537920374 Printer Pixel Spacing.
PrinterResolutionID537919570 Printer Resolution ID.
PrinterStatus554696720 Printer Status.
PrinterStatusInfo554696736 Printer Status Info.
PrintingBitDepth536871073 Printing Bit Depth.
PrintJobDescriptionSequence555745360Print Job Description Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PrintJobID553648144Print Job ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PrintManagementCapabilitiesSequence556793872Print Management Capabilities Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
PrintPriority536870944 Print Priority.
PrintQueueID554696857Print Queue ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Priority1792 Operation Priority.
PrismSequence4587560 Prism Sequence.
PrivateInformation131330 Private Information.
PrivateInformationCreatorUID131328 Private Information Creator UID.
PrivateRecordUID267314 Private Record UID.
ProcedureCodeSequence528434 Procedure Code Sequence.
ProcedureContextFlagTrial4236803Procedure Context Flag (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ProcedureContextSequenceTrial4236096Procedure Context Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ProcedureCreationDate1327222 Procedure Creation Date.
ProcedureExpirationDate1327224 Procedure Expiration Date.
ProcedureIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial4235397Procedure Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ProcedureLastModifiedDate1327226 Procedure Last Modified Date.
ProcedureStepCancellationDateTime4210770 Procedure Step Cancellation DateTime.
ProcedureStepCommunicationsURISequence7606280 Procedure Step Communications URI Sequence.
ProcedureStepDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequence7606286 Procedure Step Discontinuation Reason Code Sequence.
ProcedureStepLabel7606788 Procedure Step Label.
ProcedureStepProgress7606276 Procedure Step Progress.
ProcedureStepProgressDescription7606278 Procedure Step Progress Description.
ProcedureStepProgressInformationSequence7606274 Procedure Step Progress Information Sequence.
ProcedureStepRelationshipType7606818 Procedure Step Relationship Type.
ProcedureStepState7606272 Procedure Step State.
ProcedureTypeCodeSequence7733280 Procedure Type Code Sequence.
ProcedureVersion1327220 Procedure Version.
ProcessingFunction1593376 Processing Function.
ProductDescription4456457 Product Description.
ProductExpirationDateTime4456459 Product Expiration DateTime.
ProductLotIdentifier4456458 Product Lot Identifier.
ProductName4456456 Product Name.
ProductPackageIdentifier4456449 Product Package Identifier.
ProductParameterSequence4456467 Product Parameter Sequence.
ProductTypeCodeSequence4456455 Product Type Code Sequence.
ProjectionEponymousNameCodeSequence1593604 Projection Eponymous Name Code Sequence.
ProjectionPixelCalibrationSequence1610753 Projection Pixel Calibration Sequence.
ProjEponymousNameCodeSequence1593604Projection Eponymous Name Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
PropertyLabel1318962 Property Label.
ProposedStudySequence556794016Proposed Study Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ProtocolContextSequence4195392 Protocol Context Sequence.
ProtocolName1577008 Protocol Name.
PseudoColorPaletteInstanceReferenceSequence7472901 Pseudo-Color Palette Instance Reference Sequence.
PseudocolorType7472900 Pseudo-color Type.
PTORepresentationSequence1074794551 PTO Representation Sequence.
PulseRepetitionFrequency1597490 Pulse Repetition Frequency.
PulseRepetitionInterval805962380 Pulse Repetition Interval.
PulserEquipmentSequence1327106 Pulser Equipment Sequence.
PulserNotes1327110 Pulser Notes.
PulserSettingsSequence1327136 Pulser Settings Sequence.
PulserType1327108 Pulser Type.
PulseSequenceName1609733 Pulse Sequence Name.
PulseWidth1327138 Pulse Width.
PupilDilated2228237 Pupil Dilated.
PupilSize4587588 Pupil Size.
PurposeOfReferenceCodeSequence4235632 Purpose of Reference Code Sequence.
PvcRejection1577093 PVC Rejection.
QuadratureReceiveCoil1609796 Quadrature Receive Coil.
QualityControlImage2622208 Quality Control Image.
QuantifiedDefect2359448 Quantified Defect.
Quantity4194964 Quantity value.
QuantitySequence4194963 Quantity Sequence.
QueryRetrieveLevel524370 Query/Retrieve Level.
QueueStatus555745296Queue Status. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
R_Wave_Time_Vector1597536R Wave Time Vector. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RadialPosition1577282 Radial Position.
RadiationAtomicNumber805962500 Radiation Atomic Number.
RadiationChargeState805962502 Radiation Charge State.
RadiationDoseComment4195088Comments on Radiation Dose. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RadiationMachineName805437472 Radiation Machine Name.
RadiationMachineSad805437474 Radiation Machine SAD.
RadiationMachineSsd805437476 Radiation Machine SSD.
RadiationMassNumber805962498 Radiation Mass Number.
RadiationMode1577306 Radiation Mode.
RadiationSetting1577301 Radiation Setting.
RadiationType805961926 Radiation Type.
Radionuclide1572912Radionuclide. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
RadionuclideCodeSequence5505792 Radionuclide Code Sequence.
RadionuclideHalfLife1577077 Radionuclide Half Life.
RadionuclidePositronFraction1577078 Radionuclide Positron Fraction.
RadionuclideTotalDose1577076 Radionuclide Total Dose.
Radiopharmaceutical1572913 Radiopharmaceutical value.
RadiopharmaceuticalAgentNumber1611561 Radiopharmaceutical Agent Number.
RadiopharmaceuticalCodeSequence5505796 Radiopharmaceutical Code Sequence.
RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence5505046 Radiopharmaceutical Information Sequence.
RadiopharmaceuticalRoute1577072 Radiopharmaceutical Route.
RadiopharmaceuticalSpecificActivity1577079 Radiopharmaceutical Specific Activity.
RadiopharmaceuticalStartDatetime1577080Radiopharmaceutical Start DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RadiopharmaceuticalStartDateTime1577080 Radiopharmaceutical Start DateTime.
RadiopharmaceuticalStartTime1577074 Radiopharmaceutical Start Time.
RadiopharmaceuticalStopDatetime1577081Radiopharmaceutical Stop DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RadiopharmaceuticalStopDateTime1577081 Radiopharmaceutical Stop DateTime.
RadiopharmaceuticalStopTime1577075 Radiopharmaceutical Stop Time.
RadiopharmaceuticalUsageSequence1611575 Radiopharmaceutical Usage Sequence.
RadiopharmaceuticalVolume1577073 Radiopharmaceutical Volume.
RadiopharmaCodeSequence5505796Radiopharmaceutical Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RadiopharmaInfoSequence5505046Radiopharmaceutical Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RadiopharmaRoute1577072Radiopharmaceutical Route. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RadiopharmaSpecificActivity1577079Radiopharmaceutical Specific Activity. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RadiopharmaStartTime1577074Radiopharmaceutical Start Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RadiopharmaStopTime1577075Radiopharmaceutical Stop Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RadiopharmaVolume1577073Radiopharmaceutical Volume. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RadiusOfCircularCollimator1578770 Radius of Circular Collimator.
RadiusofCircularExposureControlSensingRegion1610817 Radius of Circular Exposure Control Sensing Region.
RadiusOfCircularShutter1578514 Radius of Circular Shutter.
RadiusOfCurvature4587637 Radius of Curvature.
RandomsCorrected1611621 Randoms Corrected.
RandomsCorrectionMethod5509376 Randoms Correction Method.
RangeModulatorDescription805962570 Range Modulator Description.
RangeModulatorGatingStartValue805962626 Range Modulator Gating Start Value.
RangeModulatorGatingStartWaterEquivalent805962630Range Modulator Gating Start Water Equivalent Thickness. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RangeModulatorGatingStartWaterEquivalentThickness805962630 Range Modulator Gating Start Water Equivalent Thickness.
RangeModulatorGatingStopValue805962628 Range Modulator Gating Stop Value.
RangeModulatorGatingStopWaterEquivalent805962632Range Modulator Gating Stop Water Equivalent Thickness. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RangeModulatorGatingStopWaterEquivalentThickness805962632 Range Modulator Gating Stop Water Equivalent Thickness.
RangeModulatorID805962566 Range Modulator ID.
RangeModulatorNumber805962564 Range Modulator Number.
RangeModulatorSequence805962562 Range Modulator Sequence.
RangeModulatorSettingsSequence805962624 Range Modulator Settings Sequence.
RangeModulatorType805962568 Range Modulator Type.
RangeOfFreedom6841504 Range of Freedom.
RangeShifterDescription805962530 Range Shifter Description.
RangeShifterID805962520 Range Shifter ID.
RangeShifterNumber805962518 Range Shifter Number.
RangeShifterSequence805962516 Range Shifter Sequence.
RangeShifterSetting805962594 Range Shifter Setting.
RangeShifterSettingsSequence805962592 Range Shifter Settings Sequence.
RangeShifterType805962528 Range Shifter Type.
RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness805962598 Range Shifter Water Equivalent Thickness.
RangingDepth5373961 Ranging Depth.
RawDataHandling4210752 Raw Data Handling.
RealWorldValFirstValMapped4231702Real World Value First Value Mapped. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RealWorldValIntercept4231716Real World Value Intercept. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RealWorldValLastValMapped4231697Real World Value Last Value Mapped. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RealWorldValLutData4231698Real World Value LUT Data. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RealWorldValMappingSequence4231318Real World Value Mapping Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RealWorldValSlope4231717Real World Value Slope. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RealWorldValueFirstValueMapped4231702 Real World Value First Value Mapped.
RealWorldValueIntercept4231716 Real World Value Intercept.
RealWorldValueLastValueMapped4231697 Real World Value Last Value Mapped.
RealWorldValueLUTData4231698 Real World Value LUT Data.
RealWorldValueMappingSequence4231318 Real World Value Mapping Sequence.
RealWorldValueSlope4231717 Real World Value Slope.
ReasonForCancellation7606840 Reason for Cancellation.
ReasonForPerformedProcedureCodeSequence4198418 Reason For Performed Procedure Code Sequence.
ReasonforRequestedProcedureCodeSequence4198410 Reason for Requested Procedure Code Sequence.
ReasonForStudy3280944Reason for Study. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReasonForTheAttributeModification67110245 Reason for the Attribute Modification.
ReasonForTheImagingServiceRequest4202497Reason for the Imaging Service Request. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReasonForTheRequestedProcedure4198402 Reason for the Requested Procedure.
ReceiveCoilManufacturerName1609793 Receive Coil Manufacturer Name.
ReceiveCoilName1577552 Receive Coil Name.
ReceiveCoilType1609795 Receive Coil Type.
ReceiverAeTitle768Receiver. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReceiverEquipmentSequence1327112 Receiver Equipment Sequence.
ReceiverNotes1327116 Receiver Notes.
ReceiverSettingsSequence1327152 Receiver Settings Sequence.
ReceiveTransducerSequence1327121 Receive Transducer Sequence.
ReceiveTransducerSettingsSequence1327185 Receive Transducer Settings Sequence.
ReceivingAE7606836 Receiving AE.
RecognitionCode16Recognition Code. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
RecognitionCodeRetired524304Recognition Code (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
RecognizableVisualFeatures2622210 Recognizable Visual Features.
RecommendedAbsentPixelCIELabValue4718613 Recommended Absent Pixel CIELab Value.
RecommendedDisplayCIELabValue6422541 Recommended Display CIELab Value.
RecommendedDisplayFrameRate532804 Recommended Display Frame Rate.
RecommendedDisplayFrameRateinFloat562265 Recommended Display Frame Rate in Float.
RecommendedDisplayGrayscaleValue6422540 Recommended Display Grayscale Value.
RecommendedPresentationOpacity6684684 Recommended Presentation Opacity.
RecommendedPresentationType6684685 Recommended Presentation Type.
RecommendedRotationPoint6841158 Recommended Rotation Point.
RecommendedViewingMode2625680 Recommended Viewing Mode.
ReconstructionAlgorithm1610517 Reconstruction Algorithm.
ReconstructionAngle1610521 Reconstruction Angle.
ReconstructionDescription1611057 Reconstruction Description.
ReconstructionDiameter1577216 Reconstruction Diameter.
ReconstructionFieldofView1610519 Reconstruction Field of View.
ReconstructionIndex2135350 Reconstruction Index.
ReconstructionMethod5509379 Reconstruction Method.
ReconstructionPixelSpacing1610530 Reconstruction Pixel Spacing.
ReconstructionTargetCenterPatient1610520 Reconstruction Target Center (Patient).
ReconstructionType1611606 Reconstruction Type.
RecordedBlockSequence805830864 Recorded Block Sequence.
RecordedBrachyAccDeviceSequence805830944Recorded Brachy Accessory Device Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RecordedBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence805830944 Recorded Brachy Accessory Device Sequence.
RecordedChannelSequence805830960 Recorded Channel Sequence.
RecordedChannelShieldSequence805830992 Recorded Channel Shield Sequence.
RecordedCompensatorSequence805830848 Recorded Compensator Sequence.
RecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence805830900 Recorded Lateral Spreading Device Sequence.
RecordedRangeModulatorSequence805830902 Recorded Range Modulator Sequence.
RecordedRangeShifterSequence805830898 Recorded Range Shifter Sequence.
RecordedSnoutSequence805830896 Recorded Snout Sequence.
RecordedSourceApplicatorSequence805830976 Recorded Source Applicator Sequence.
RecordedSourceSequence805830912 Recorded Source Sequence.
RecordedWedgeSequence805830832 Recorded Wedge Sequence.
RecordInUseFlag267280 Record In-use Flag.
RectificationType1577302 Rectification Type.
RectifierSmoothing1327156 Rectifier Smoothing.
RectilinearPhaseEncodeReordering1609780 Rectilinear Phase Encode Reordering.
RedPaletteColorLookupTableData2626049 Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data.
RedPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor2625793 Red Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor.
RefBrachyAccDevNumber805830946Referenced Brachy Accessory Device Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RefCalcDoseRefNumber805830802Referenced Calculated Dose Reference Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RefCalcDoseRefSequence805830800Referenced Calculated Dose Reference Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
Reference2101280Reference. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferenceAirKermaRate805962282 Reference Air Kerma Rate.
ReferenceCoordinates2228274 Reference Coordinates.
ReferencedAccessionSequenceTrial4236051Referenced Accession Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedBasicAnnotationBoxSequence537920800 Referenced Basic Annotation Box Sequence.
ReferencedBasicImageBoxSequence537920784Referenced Image Box Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferencedBeamNumber806092806 Referenced Beam Number.
ReferencedBeamSequence806092804 Referenced Beam Sequence.
ReferencedBlockNumber806093024 Referenced Block Number.
ReferencedBolusSequence806092976 Referenced Bolus Sequence.
ReferencedBrachyAccessoryDeviceNumber805830946 Referenced Brachy Accessory Device Number.
ReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupNumber806092812 Referenced Brachy Application Setup Number.
ReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequence806092810 Referenced Brachy Application Setup Sequence.
ReferencedBrachyAppSetupNumber806092812Referenced Brachy Application Setup Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferencedBrachyAppSetupSequence806092810Referenced Brachy Application Setup Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceNumber805830802 Referenced Calculated Dose Reference Number.
ReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence805830800 Referenced Calculated Dose Reference Sequence.
ReferencedChannelShieldNumber805830994 Referenced Channel Shield Number.
ReferencedColorPaletteInstanceUID2622212 Referenced Color Palette Instance UID.
ReferencedCompensatorNumber806093008 Referenced Compensator Number.
ReferencedContentItemID4250483Referenced Content Item Identifier. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferencedContentItemIdentifier4250483 Referenced Content Item Identifier.
ReferencedControlPoint806093040Referenced Control Point Index. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferencedControlPointIndex806093040 Referenced Control Point Index.
ReferencedControlPointSequence806093042 Referenced Control Point Sequence.
ReferencedCurveSequence528709Referenced Curve Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedDatetime4235578Referenced DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferencedDateTime4235578 Referenced DateTime.
ReferencedDigitalSignatureSequence67109890 Referenced Digital Signature Sequence.
ReferencedDoseReferenceNumber806092881 Referenced Dose Reference Number.
ReferencedDoseReferenceSequence806092880 Referenced Dose Reference Sequence.
ReferencedDoseSequence806092928 Referenced Dose Sequence.
ReferencedFileID267520 Referenced File ID.
ReferencedFileXferSynUID267538 Referenced Transfer Syntax UID in File.
ReferencedFilmBoxSequence536872192 Referenced Film Box Sequence.
ReferencedFilmSessionSequence537920768 Referenced Film Session Sequence.
ReferencedFindingsGroupUIDTrial4235298Referenced Findings Group UID (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedFirstFrameSequence7472167 Referenced First Frame Sequence.
ReferencedFractionGroupNumber806092834 Referenced Fraction Group Number.
ReferencedFractionGroupSequence806092832 Referenced Fraction Group Sequence.
ReferencedFractionNumber805831203 Referenced Fraction Number.
ReferencedFrameNumber528736 Referenced Frame Number.
ReferencedFrameNumbers4235574 Referenced Frame Numbers.
ReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence805699600 Referenced Frame of Reference Sequence.
ReferencedFrameOfReferenceUID805699620 Referenced Frame of Reference UID.
ReferencedGeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepSequence4210710 Referenced General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence.
ReferencedGeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepTransactionUID4210723 Referenced General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Transaction UID.
ReferencedGenScheduledProcStepUID4210723Referenced General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Transaction UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferencedGrayscalePresentationStateSequence561719Referenced Grayscale Presentation State Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferencedHPGLDocumentID6841408 Referenced HPGL Document ID.
ReferencedImageBoxSequence537920784 Referenced Image Box Sequence.
ReferencedImageBoxSequenceRetired541066496Referenced Image Box Sequence (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedImageEvidenceSequence561298 Referenced Image Evidence Sequence.
ReferencedImageNavigationSequence4719104 Referenced Image Navigation Sequence.
ReferencedImageOverlayBoxSequence538968368Referenced Image Overlay Box Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedImageRealWorldValueMappingSequence4231316 Referenced Image Real World Value Mapping Sequence.
ReferencedImageSequence528704 Referenced Image Sequence.
ReferencedImplantTemplateGroupMemberID7864502 Referenced Implant Template Group Member ID.
ReferencedInstanceSequence528714 Referenced Instance Sequence.
ReferencedInterpretationSequence1074266192Referenced Interpretation Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferenceDisplaySets7471640 Reference Display Sets.
ReferencedLateralSpreadingDeviceNumber806093058 Referenced Lateral Spreading Device Number.
ReferencedLowerlevelDirectoryEntityOffset267296Offset of Referenced Lower-Level Directory Entity. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceNumber805830786 Referenced Measured Dose Reference Number.
ReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence805830784 Referenced Measured Dose Reference Sequence.
ReferencedNonImageCompositeSOPInstanceSequence4194848 Referenced Non-Image Composite SOP Instance Sequence.
ReferencedObjectObservationClassTrial4235636Referenced Object Observation Class (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedObservationClassTrial4235635Referenced Observation Class (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedObservationUIDTrial4235634Referenced Observation UID (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedOphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementQCImageSequence2233136 Referenced Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurement QC Image Sequence.
ReferencedOphthalmicAxialMeasurementsSequence2232576 Referenced Ophthalmic Axial Measurements Sequence.
ReferencedOtherPlaneSequence562192 Referenced Other Plane Sequence.
ReferencedOverlayPlaneGroups541065233Referenced Overlay Plane Groups. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedOverlayPlaneSequence541065232Referenced Overlay Plane Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedOverlaySequence528688Referenced Overlay Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedPatientAliasSequence3670020 Referenced Patient Alias Sequence.
ReferencedPatientSequence528672 Referenced Patient Sequence.
ReferencedPatientSetupNumber806092906 Referenced Patient Setup Number.
ReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence528657 Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence.
ReferencedPerformedProcStepSequence528657Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferencedPresentationLutSequence542115072 Referenced Presentation LUT Sequence.
ReferencedPresentationStateSequence561719 Referenced Presentation State Sequence.
ReferencedPreviousWaveform528712 Referenced Previous Waveform.
ReferencedPrintJobSequence555745392Referenced Print Job Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedPrintJobSequencePullStoredPrint553649408Referenced Print Job Sequence (Pull Stored Print). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedProcedureStepSequence4195120Referenced Procedure Step Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedRangeModulatorNumber806093060 Referenced Range Modulator Number.
ReferencedRangeShifterNumber806093056 Referenced Range Shifter Number.
ReferencedRawDataSequence561441 Referenced Raw Data Sequence.
ReferencedRealWorldValueMappingInstance528715Referenced Real World Value Mapping Instance Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferencedRealWorldValueMappingInstanceSequence528715 Referenced Real World Value Mapping Instance Sequence.
ReferencedReferenceImageNumber806092807 Referenced Reference Image Number.
ReferencedReferenceImageSequence806092866 Referenced Reference Image Sequence.
ReferencedRefractiveMeasurementsSequence4587845 Referenced Refractive Measurements Sequence.
ReferencedRelatedGeneralSOPClassUIDinFile267546 Referenced Related General SOP Class UID in File.
ReferencedRequestSequence4236144 Referenced Request Sequence.
ReferencedResultsSequence528640Referenced Results Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedRoiNumber805699716 Referenced ROI Number.
ReferencedRtPlanSequence806092802 Referenced RT Plan Sequence.
ReferencedSampleOffsets4235570Referenced Sample Positions. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferencedSamplePositions4235570 Referenced Sample Positions.
ReferencedSegmentNumber6422539 Referenced Segment Number.
ReferencedSeriesSequence528661 Referenced Series Sequence.
ReferencedSetupImageSequence805962753 Referenced Setup Image Sequence.
ReferencedSimultaneousWaveforms528714Referenced Instance Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferencedSOPClassUID528720 Referenced SOP Class UID.
ReferencedSOPClassUIDInFile267536 Referenced SOP Class UID in File.
ReferencedSOPInstanceMACSequence67109891 Referenced SOP Instance MAC Sequence.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUID528725 Referenced SOP Instance UID.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUIDInFile267537 Referenced SOP Instance UID in File.
ReferencedSOPSequence528793 Referenced SOP Sequence.
ReferencedSourceApplicatorNumber805830978 Referenced Source Applicator Number.
ReferencedSourceNumber806092814 Referenced Source Number.
ReferencedSpatialRegistrationSequence7341060 Referenced Spatial Registration Sequence.
ReferencedStartControlPointIndex806093044 Referenced Start Control Point Index.
ReferencedStereometricInstanceSequence528692 Referenced Stereometric Instance Sequence.
ReferencedStopControlPointIndex806093046 Referenced Stop Control Point Index.
ReferencedStorageMediaSequence570425357 Referenced Storage Media Sequence.
ReferencedStoredPrintSequence536872208Referenced Stored Print Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedStructureSetSequence806092896 Referenced Structure Set Sequence.
ReferencedStudySequence528656 Referenced Study Sequence.
ReferencedSubsequentWaveform528716Referenced Subsequent Waveform. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedSurfaceNumber6684716 Referenced Surface Number.
ReferencedSurfaceSequence6684715 Referenced Surface Sequence.
ReferencedTimeOffsets4235576 Referenced Time Offsets.
ReferencedToleranceTableNumber806092960 Referenced Tolerance Table Number.
ReferencedTransferSyntaxUIDInFile267538 Referenced Transfer Syntax UID in File.
ReferencedTreatmentRecordSequence805830704 Referenced Treatment Record Sequence.
ReferencedTypeofData4235424 Referenced Type of Data.
ReferencedVerificationImageSequence806092864 Referenced Verification Image Sequence.
ReferencedVisitSequence528677 Referenced Visit Sequence.
ReferencedVOILUTBoxSequence538968384Referenced VOI LUT Box Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferencedWaveformChannels4235440 Referenced Waveform Channels.
ReferencedWaveformSequence528698 Referenced Waveform Sequence.
ReferencedWedgeNumber806092992 Referenced Wedge Number.
ReferenceImageNumber805961928 Reference Image Number.
ReferencePixelPhysicalValueX1597480 Reference Pixel Physical Value X.
ReferencePixelPhysicalValueY1597482 Reference Pixel Physical Value Y.
ReferencePixelX01597472 Reference Pixel X0.
ReferencePixelY01597474 Reference Pixel Y0.
ReferencetoRecordedSound1074266371Reference to Recorded Sound. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReferringPhysicianAddress524434 Referring Physician's Address.
ReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequence524438 Referring Physician Identification Sequence.
ReferringPhysicianIDSequence524438Referring Physician Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferringPhysicianName524432 Referring Physician's Name.
ReferringPhysiciansAddress524434Referring Physician's Address. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferringPhysiciansName524432Referring Physician's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferringPhysiciansTelephoneNumbers524436Referring Physician's Telephone Numbers. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReferringPhysicianTelephoneNumbers524436 Referring Physician's Telephone Numbers.
RefGenScheduledProcStepSequence4210710Referenced General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RefGrayscalePresStateSequence561719Referenced Grayscale Presentation State Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RefImgEvidenceSequence561298Referenced Image Evidence Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReflectedAmbientLight537919840 Reflected Ambient Light.
RefMeasuredDoseRefNumber805830786Referenced Measured Dose Reference Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RefMeasuredDoseRefSequence805830784Referenced Measured Dose Reference Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ReformattingInterval7472404 Reformatting Interval.
ReformattingOperationInitialViewDirection7472406 Reformatting Operation Initial View Direction.
ReformattingOperationType7472400 Reformatting Operation Type.
ReformattingThickness7472402 Reformatting Thickness.
RefractiveErrorBeforeRefractiveSurgeryCodeSequence2232579 Refractive Error Before Refractive Surgery Code Sequence.
RefractiveIndexApplied5374010 Refractive Index Applied.
RefractiveParametersUsedOnPatientSequence2359570 Refractive Parameters Used on Patient Sequence.
RefractiveProcedureOccurred2232377 Refractive Procedure Occurred.
RefractiveStateSequence2228251 Refractive State Sequence.
RefractiveSurgeryTypeCodeSequence2232384 Refractive Surgery Type Code Sequence.
RefRawDataSequence561441Referenced Raw Data Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RefStandaloneSOPInstSequence4194848Referenced Non-Image Composite SOP Instance Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RefTreatmentRecSequence805830704Referenced Treatment Record Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RegionDataType1597460 Region Data Type.
RegionFlags1597462 Region Flags.
RegionLocationMaxX11597468 Region Location Max X1.
RegionLocationMaxY11597470 Region Location Max Y1.
RegionLocationMinX01597464 Region Location Min X0.
RegionLocationMinY01597466 Region Location Min Y0.
RegionOfResidence1057106 Region of Residence.
RegionPixelShiftSequence2659586 Region Pixel Shift Sequence.
RegionSpatialFormat1597458 Region Spatial Format.
RegistrationSequence7340808 Registration Sequence.
RegistrationTypeCodeSequence7340813 Registration Type Code Sequence.
RelatedFrameOfReferenceUID805699778 Related Frame of Reference UID.
RelatedGeneral524314Related General SOP Class UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RelatedGeneralSOPClassUID524314 Related General SOP Class UID.
RelatedProcedureStepSequence7606816 Related Procedure Step Sequence.
RelatedReferenceRTImageSequence7606336 Related Reference RT Image Sequence.
RelatedRtRoiObservationSequence805699744Related RT ROI Observations Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RelatedRtRoiObservationsSequence805699744 Related RT ROI Observations Sequence.
RelatedSeriesSequence528976 Related Series Sequence.
RelationshipSequenceTrial4237105Relationship Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
RelationshipType4235280 Relationship Type.
RelationshipTypeCodeSequence4237106Relationship Type Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RelationshipTypeCodeSequenceTrial4237106Relationship Type Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
RelativeImagePositionCodeSequence2228253 Relative Image Position Code Sequence.
RelativeOpacity7341059 Relative Opacity.
RelativeTime7471160 Relative Time.
RelativeTimeUnits7471162 Relative Time Units.
RelativeXrayExposure1577989Relative X-Ray Exposure. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RelativeXRayExposure1577989 Relative X-Ray Exposure.
RelevantInformationSequence4210722 Relevant Information Sequence.
RenderingType3D74724163D Rendering Type. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RepeatFractionCycleLength805961850 Repeat Fraction Cycle Length.
RepeatInterval2621544Repeat Interval. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
RepetitionTime1572992 Repetition Time.
ReplacedImplantAssemblyTemplateSequence7733256 Replaced Implant Assembly Template Sequence.
ReplacedImplantTemplateGroupSequence7864358 Replaced Implant Template Group Sequence.
ReplacedImplantTemplateSequence6840866 Replaced Implant Template Sequence.
ReplacedProcedureStepSequence7606820 Replaced Procedure Step Sequence.
ReportDetailSequenceTrial4236160Report Detail Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReportedValuesOrigin805437450 Reported Values Origin.
ReportingPriority4198409 Reporting Priority.
ReportNumber2097322Report Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReportProductionStatusTrial1074266367Report Production Status (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReportStatusCommentTrial4236090Report Status Comment (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ReportStatusIDTrial4235557Report Status ID (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
RepositoryUniqueID4251696 Repository Unique ID.
RepresentativeFrameNumber2646032 Representative Frame Number.
ReprojectionMethod5509124 Reprojection Method.
RequestAttributesSequence4194933 Request Attributes Sequence.
RequestedContrastAgent3281008 Requested Contrast Agent.
RequestedDecimateCropBehavior538968128 Requested Decimate/Crop Behavior.
RequestedImageSize538968112 Requested Image Size.
RequestedImageSizeFlag538968224 Requested Image Size Flag.
RequestedMediaApplicationProfile570425356 Requested Media Application Profile.
RequestedProcedureCodeSequence3280996 Requested Procedure Code Sequence.
RequestedProcedureComment4199424Requested Procedure Comments. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RequestedProcedureComments4199424 Requested Procedure Comments.
RequestedProcedureDescription3280992 Requested Procedure Description.
RequestedProcedureDescriptionTrial4198496Requested Procedure Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
RequestedProcedureID4198401 Requested Procedure ID.
RequestedProcedureLocation4198405 Requested Procedure Location.
RequestedProcedurePriority4198403 Requested Procedure Priority.
RequestedProcedureReason4198402Reason for the Requested Procedure. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RequestedResolutionID538968144 Requested Resolution ID.
RequestedSOPClassUID3 Requested SOP Class UID.
RequestedSOPInstanceUID4097 Requested SOP Instance UID.
RequestedSubsequentWorkitemCodeSequence4210737 Requested Subsequent Workitem Code Sequence.
RequestedSubsWorkitemCodeSequence4210737Requested Subsequent Workitem Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RequestingAE7606838 Requesting AE.
RequestingPhysician3280946 Requesting Physician.
RequestingPhysicianIdentificationSequence3280945 Requesting Physician Identification Sequence.
RequestingPhysicianIDSequence3280945Requesting Physician Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RequestingService3280947 Requesting Service.
RequestingServiceCodeSequence3280948 Requesting Service Code Sequence.
RequestPriority570425376 Request Priority.
RescaleIntercept2625618 Rescale Intercept.
RescaleSlope2625619 Rescale Slope.
RescaleType2625620 Rescale Type.
ResidualSyringeCounts5505047 Residual Syringe Counts.
ResolutionIDRequested538968144Requested Resolution ID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ResonantNucleus1609984 Resonant Nucleus.
RespiratoryCyclePosition1610260 Respiratory Cycle Position.
RespiratoryIntervalTime2134612 Respiratory Interval Time.
RespiratoryMotionCompensationTechnique1610096 Respiratory Motion Compensation Technique.
RespiratoryMotionCompensationTechniqueDescription1610117 Respiratory Motion Compensation Technique Description.
RespiratoryMotionCompTechnique1610096Respiratory Motion Compensation Technique. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RespiratorySignalSource1610097 Respiratory Signal Source.
RespiratorySignalSourceID1610118 Respiratory Signal Source ID.
RespiratorySynchronizationSequence2134611 Respiratory Synchronization Sequence.
RespiratoryTriggerDelayThreshold2134614 Respiratory Trigger Delay Threshold.
RespiratoryTriggerDelayTime2134613Nominal Respiratory Trigger Delay Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RespiratoryTriggerSequence2134611Respiratory Synchronization Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RespiratoryTriggerType2134608 Respiratory Trigger Type.
ResponseSequenceNumber2144Response Sequence Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ResponsibleOrganization1057433 Responsible Organization.
ResponsiblePerson1057431 Responsible Person.
ResponsiblePersonRole1057432 Responsible Person Role.
ResultingGeneralPurposePerformedProcedureStepsSequence4210709 Resulting General Purpose Performed Procedure Steps Sequence.
ResultingGenPerformedProcStepSequence4210709Resulting General Purpose Performed Procedure Steps Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ResultsComments1074282496Results Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ResultsDistributionListSequence1074266392Results Distribution List Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ResultsID1074266176Results ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ResultsIDIssuer1074266178Results ID Issuer. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ResultsNormalsSequence2359396 Results Normals Sequence.
RET1610821RET. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
RetestSensitivityValue2359446 Retest Sensitivity Value.
RetestStimulusSeen2359445 Retest Stimulus Seen.
RetrieveAETitle524372 Retrieve AE Title.
RetrieveLocationUID4251665 Retrieve Location UID.
RetrieveURI4251664 Retrieve URI.
ReviewDate806223876 Review Date.
ReviewerName806223880 Reviewer Name.
ReviewTime806223877 Review Time.
RevolutionTime1610501 Revolution Time.
RFEchoTrainLength1610304 RF Echo Train Length.
RGBLUTTransferFunction2626575 RGB LUT Transfer Function.
RightImageSequence2228258 Right Image Sequence.
RightLensSequence4587540 Right Lens Sequence.
RoiArea1627329281 The ROI Area.
RoiContourSequence805699641 ROI Contour Sequence.
RoiDescription805699624 ROI Description.
RoiDisplayColor805699626 ROI Display Color.
ROIElementalCompositionAtomicMassFraction805699768 ROI Elemental Composition Atomic Mass Fraction.
ROIElementalCompositionAtomicNumber805699767 ROI Elemental Composition Atomic Number.
ROIElementalCompositionSequence805699766 ROI Elemental Composition Sequence.
RoiGenerationAlgorithm805699638 ROI Generation Algorithm.
RoiGenerationDescription805699640 ROI Generation Description.
RoiInterpreter805699750 ROI Interpreter.
RoiMean1627329282 The ROI Mean.
RoiName805699622 ROI (Region of Interest) Name.
RoiNumber805699618 ROI Number.
RoiObservationDescription805699720 ROI Observation Description.
RoiObservationLabel805699717 ROI Observation Label.
ROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence805699760 ROI Physical Properties Sequence.
RoiPhysicalProperty805699762 ROI Physical Property.
RoiPhysicalPropertySequence805699760ROI Physical Properties Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RoiPhysicalPropertyValue805699764 ROI Physical Property Value.
RoiStandardDeviation1627329283 ROI Standard Deviation.
RoiVolume805699628 ROI Volume.
RootDirectoryEntitysFirstDirectoryRecordOffset266752Offset of the First Directory Record of the Root Directory Entity. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RootDirectoryEntitysLastDirectoryRecordOffset266754Offset of the Last Directory Record of the Root Directory Entity. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RotationAngle7340592 Rotation Angle.
RotationDirection1577280 Rotation Direction.
RotationInformationSequence5505106 Rotation Information Sequence.
RotationInfoSequence5505106Rotation Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RotationOffset1577286 Rotation Offset.
RotationOfScannedFilm1581104 Rotation of Scanned Film.
RotationPoint7340659 Rotation Point.
RotationVector5505104 Rotation Vector.
RouteID1074794580 Route ID.
RouteIDAssigningAuthority1074794581 Route ID Assigning Authority.
RouteOfAdmissions3670038 Route of Admissions.
RouteSegmentEndLocationID1074794527 Route Segment End Location ID.
RouteSegmentEndTime1074794534 Route Segment End Time.
RouteSegmentID1074794503 Route Segment ID.
RouteSegmentLocationIDType1074794528 Route Segment Location ID Type.
RouteSegmentSequence1074794506 Route Segment Sequence.
RouteSegmentStartLocationID1074794526 Route Segment Start Location ID.
RouteSegmentStartTime1074794533 Route Segment Start Time.
RowOverlap2621587Row Overlap. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
RowPositionInTotalImagePixelMatrix4719134 Row Position In Total Image Pixel Matrix.
Rows2621456 Rows. Height of the DICOM image.
RowsForNthOrderCoefficients2622704Rows For Nth Order Coefficients. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
RRIntervalTimeMeasured2134609R-R Interval Time Nominal. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RRIntervalTimeNominal2134609 R-R Interval Time Nominal.
RrIntervalVector5505120 R-R Interval Vector.
RtBeamLimitingDeviceType805961912 RT Beam Limiting Device Type.
RtDoseRoiSequence805568528 RT Dose ROI Sequence.
RtImageDescription805437444 RT Image Description.
RtImageLabel805437442 RT Image Label.
RtImageName805437443 RT Image Name.
RtImageOrientation805437456 RT Image Orientation.
RtImagePlane805437452 RT Image Plane.
RtImagePosition805437458 RT Image Position.
RtImageSid805437478 RT Image SID.
RtPlanDate805961734 RT Plan Date.
RtPlanDescription805961732 RT Plan Description.
RtPlanGeometry805961740 RT Plan Geometry.
RtPlanLabel805961730 RT Plan Label.
RtPlanName805961731 RT Plan Name.
RtPlanRelationship805961813 RT Plan Relationship.
RtPlanTime805961735 RT Plan Time.
RtReferencedSeriesSequence805699604 RT Referenced Series Sequence.
RtReferencedStudySequence805699602 RT Referenced Study Sequence.
RtRelatedRoiSequence805699632 RT Related ROI Sequence.
RtRoiIdentificationCodeSequence805699718 RT ROI Identification Code Sequence.
RtRoiIndentificationCodeSequence805699718RT ROI Identification Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RtRoiInterpretedType805699748 RT ROI Interpreted Type.
RtRoiObservationSequence805699712RT ROI Observations Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RtRoiObservationsSequence805699712 RT ROI Observations Sequence.
RtRoiRelationship805699635 RT ROI Relationship.
RunLengthTriplet268500977Run Length Triplet. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
RWavePointer2646080 R Wave Pointer.
RWavePoints2646080R Wave Pointer. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
RWaveTimeVector1597536 R Wave Time Vector.
SafePositionExitDate805831010 Safe Position Exit Date.
SafePositionExitTime805831012 Safe Position Exit Time.
SafePositionReturnDate805831014 Safe Position Return Date.
SafePositionReturnTime805831016 Safe Position Return Time.
SampleRate1358897160Sample Rate. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SamplesPerPixel2621442 Samples per Pixel.
SamplesperPixelUsed2621443 Samples per Pixel Used.
SamplingFrequency3801114 Sampling Frequency.
Sar1577750 SAR (specific absorption rate).
SaturationRecovery1609764 Saturation Recovery.
ScanArc1577283 Scan Arc value.
ScanLength1577730 Scan Length.
ScanMode805962504 Scan Mode.
ScanningSequence1572896 Scanning Sequence.
ScanningSpotSize805962648 Scanning Spot Size.
ScanOptions1572898 Scan Options.
ScanSpotMetersetsDelivered805830727 Scan Spot Metersets Delivered.
ScanSpotMetersetWeights805962646 Scan Spot Meterset Weights.
ScanSpotPositionMap805962644 Scan Spot Position Map.
ScanSpotTuneID805962640 Scan Spot Tune ID.
ScanType1074794568 Scan Type.
ScanVelocity1577728 Scan Velocity.
ScatterCorrected1611616 Scatter Corrected.
ScatterCorrectionMethod5509381 Scatter Correction Method.
ScatterFractionFactor5509923 Scatter Fraction Factor.
ScheduledActionItemCodeSequence4194312Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ScheduledAdmissionDate3670042Scheduled Admission Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ScheduledAdmissionTime3670043Scheduled Admission Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ScheduledDischargeDate3670044Scheduled Discharge Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ScheduledDischargeTime3670045Scheduled Discharge Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ScheduledHumanPerformerSequence4210740Scheduled Human Performers Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ScheduledHumanPerformersSequence4210740 Scheduled Human Performers Sequence.
ScheduledPatientInstitutionResidence3670046Scheduled Patient Institution Residence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianIdentificationSequence4194315 Scheduled Performing Physician Identification Sequence.
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianIDSequence4194315Scheduled Performing Physician Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianName4194310Scheduled Performing Physician's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ScheduledPerformingPhysiciansName4194310 Scheduled Performing Physician's Name.
ScheduledProcedureComment4195328Comments on the Scheduled Procedure Step. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ScheduledProcedureStepDescription4194311 Scheduled Procedure Step Description.
ScheduledProcedureStepEndDate4194308 Scheduled Procedure Step End Date.
ScheduledProcedureStepEndTime4194309 Scheduled Procedure Step End Time.
ScheduledProcedureStepID4194313 Scheduled Procedure Step ID.
ScheduledProcedureStepLocation4194321 Scheduled Procedure Step Location.
ScheduledProcedureStepModificationDateandTime4210704Scheduled Procedure Step Modification Date and Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ScheduledProcedureStepModificationDateTime4210704 Scheduled Procedure Step Modification Date Time.
ScheduledProcedureStepPriority7606784 Scheduled Procedure Step Priority.
ScheduledProcedureStepSequence4194560 Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence.
ScheduledProcedureStepStartDate4194306 Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date.
ScheduledProcedureStepStartDateAndTime4210693Scheduled Procedure Step Start DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ScheduledProcedureStepStartDateTime4210693 Scheduled Procedure Step Start DateTime.
ScheduledProcedureStepStartDT4210693Scheduled Procedure Step Start DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ScheduledProcedureStepStartTime4194307 Scheduled Procedure Step Start Time.
ScheduledProcedureStepStatus4194336 Scheduled Procedure Step Status.
ScheduledProcessingAppCodeSequence4210692Scheduled Processing Applications Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ScheduledProcessingApplicationsCodeSequence4210692 Scheduled Processing Applications Code Sequence.
ScheduledProcessingParametersSequence7606800 Scheduled Processing Parameters Sequence.
ScheduledProtocolCodeSequence4194312 Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence.
ScheduledSpecimenSequence4195584 Scheduled Specimen Sequence.
ScheduledStationAeTitle4194305 Scheduled Station AE Title.
ScheduledStationClassCodeSequence4210726 Scheduled Station Class Code Sequence.
ScheduledStationGeographicLocationCodeSequence4210727 Scheduled Station Geographic Location Code Sequence.
ScheduledStationGeoLocationCode4210727Scheduled Station Geographic Location Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ScheduledStationName4194320 Scheduled Station Name.
ScheduledStationNameCodeSequence4210725 Scheduled Station Name Code Sequence.
ScheduledStepAttributesSequence4194928 Scheduled Step Attributes Sequence.
ScheduledStudyLocation3280928Scheduled Study Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ScheduledStudyLocationAeTitles3280929Scheduled Study Location AE Title. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ScheduledStudyStartDate3280896Scheduled Study Start Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ScheduledStudyStartTime3280897Scheduled Study Start Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ScheduledStudyStopDate3280912Scheduled Study Stop Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ScheduledStudyStopTime3280913Scheduled Study Stop Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ScheduledWorkitemCodeSequence4210712 Scheduled Workitem Code Sequence.
SCPStatus7606850 SCP Status.
ScreeningBaselineMeasured2359584 Screening Baseline Measured.
ScreeningBaselineMeasuredSequence2359586 Screening Baseline Measured Sequence.
ScreeningBaselineType2359588 Screening Baseline Type.
ScreeningBaselineValue2359590 Screening Baseline Value.
ScreeningTestModeCodeSequence2359318 Screening Test Mode Code Sequence.
ScreenMinimumColorBitDepth7471372 Screen Minimum Color Bit Depth.
ScreenMinimumGrayscaleBitDepth7471370 Screen Minimum Grayscale Bit Depth.
SeamLineIndex5374006 Seam Line Index.
SeamLineLocation5374003 Seam Line Location.
SecondaryCaptureDeviceID1576976 Secondary Capture Device ID.
SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturer1576982 Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer.
SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturerModelName1576984 Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer's Model Name.
SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturers1576982Secondary Capture Device Manufacturers. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturersModelName1576984Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer's Model Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SecondaryCaptureDeviceSoftwareVersions1576985 Secondary Capture Device Software Version(s).
SecondaryCountsAccumulated5509905 Secondary Counts Accumulated.
SecondaryCountsType5509664 Secondary Counts Type.
SecondaryPositionerIncrement1611029 Secondary Positioner Increment.
SecondaryPositionerScanArc1611017 Secondary Positioner Scan Arc.
SecondaryPositionerScanStartAngle1611025 Secondary Positioner Scan Start Angle.
SegmentAlgorithmName6422537 Segment Algorithm Name.
SegmentAlgorithmType6422536 Segment Algorithm Type.
SegmentationFractionalType6422544 Segmentation Fractional Type.
SegmentationType6422529 Segmentation Type.
SegmentDescription6422534 Segment Description.
SegmentedBlueLutData2626083Segmented Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SegmentedBluePaletteColorLookupTableData2626083 Segmented Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data.
SegmentedGreenLutData2626082Segmented Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SegmentedGreenPaletteColorLookupTableData2626082 Segmented Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data.
SegmentedKspaceTraversal1609779 Segmented k-Space Traversal.
SegmentedPropertyCategoryCodeSequence6422531 Segmented Property Category Code Sequence.
SegmentedPropertyTypeCodeSequence6422543 Segmented Property Type Code Sequence.
SegmentedRedLutData2626081Segmented Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data.This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SegmentedRedPaletteColorLookupTableData2626081 Segmented Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data.
SegmentIdentificationSequence6422538 Segment Identification Sequence.
SegmentLabel6422533 Segment Label.
SegmentNumber6422532 Segment Number.
SegmentSequence6422530 Segment Sequence.
SegmentSurfaceGenerationAlgorithmIdentificationSequence6684717 Segment Surface Generation Algorithm Identification Sequence.
SegmentSurfaceSourceInstanceSequence6684718 Segment Surface Source Instance Sequence.
SelectedSegmentalOphthalmicAxialLengthSequence2232919 Selected Segmental Ophthalmic Axial Length Sequence.
SelectedTotalOphthalmicAxialLengthSequence2232928 Selected Total Ophthalmic Axial Length Sequence.
SelectorAttribute7471142 Selector Attribute.
SelectorAttributePrivateCreator7471190 Selector Attribute Private Creator.
SelectorAttributeVR7471184 Selector Attribute VR.
SelectorATValue7471200 Selector AT Value.
SelectorCodeSequenceValue7471232 Selector Code Sequence Value.
SelectorCSValue7471202 Selector CS Value.
SelectorDSValue7471218 Selector DS Value.
SelectorFDValue7471220 Selector FD Value.
SelectorFLValue7471222 Selector FL Value.
SelectorISValue7471204 Selector IS Value.
SelectorLOValue7471206 Selector LO Value.
SelectorLTValue7471208 Selector LT Value.
SelectorPNValue7471210 Selector PN Value.
SelectorSequencePointer7471186 Selector Sequence Pointer.
SelectorSequencePointerItems7606359 Selector Sequence Pointer Items.
SelectorSequencePointerPrivateCreator7471188 Selector Sequence Pointer Private Creator.
SelectorSHValue7471212 Selector SH Value.
SelectorSLValue7471228 Selector SL Value.
SelectorSSValue7471230 Selector SS Value.
SelectorSTValue7471214 Selector ST Value.
SelectorULValue7471224 Selector UL Value.
SelectorUSValue7471226 Selector US Value.
SelectorUTValue7471216 Selector UT Value.
SelectorValueNumber7471144 Selector Value Number.
SenderAeTitle512Initiator. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Sensitivity1597440 Sensitivity value.
SensitivityCalibrated1611623 Sensitivity Calibrated.
SensitivityValue2359444 Sensitivity Value.
SensorName1323042 Sensor Name.
SensorTemperature1323048 Sensor Temperature.
SequenceDelimitationItem-73507 Sequence Delimitation Item.
SequenceName1572900 Sequence Name.
SequenceOfCompressedData2622467Sequence of Compressed Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SequenceOfUltrasoundRegions1597457 Sequence of Ultrasound Regions.
SequenceVariant1572897 Sequence Variant.
SequencingIndicatorTrial4235360Sequencing Indicator (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SeriesDate524321 Series Date.
SeriesDescription528446 Series Description.
SeriesDescriptionCodeSequence528447 Series Description Code Sequence.
SeriesInstanceUID2097166 Series Instance UID.
SeriesInStudy2101248Series in Study. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SeriesNumber2097169 Series Number.
SeriesTime524337 Series Time.
SeriesType5509120 Series Type.
ServiceEpisodeDescription3670114 Service Episode Description.
ServiceEpisodeID3670112 Service Episode ID.
SetupDeviceDescription805962170 Setup Device Description.
SetupDeviceLabel805962168 Setup Device Label.
SetupDeviceParameter805962172 Setup Device Parameter.
SetupDeviceSequence805962164 Setup Device Sequence.
SetupDeviceType805962166 Setup Device Type.
SetupImageComment805962754 Setup Image Comment.
SetupReferenceDescription805962192 Setup Reference Description.
SetupTechnique805962160 Setup Technique.
SetupTechniqueDescription805962162 Setup Technique Description.
ShadowColorCIELabValue7340615 Shadow Color CIELab Value.
ShadowOffsetX7340613 Shadow Offset X.
ShadowOffsetY7340614 Shadow Offset Y.
ShadowOpacity7340632 Shadow Opacity.
ShadowStyle7340612 Shadow Style.
ShapeType7340806 Shape Type.
SharedFunctionalGroupSequence1375769129Shared Functional Groups Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SharedFunctionalGroupsSequence1375769129 Shared Functional Groups Sequence.
ShieldingDeviceDescription805962150 Shielding Device Description.
ShieldingDeviceLabel805962148 Shielding Device Label.
ShieldingDevicePosition805962152 Shielding Device Position.
ShieldingDeviceSequence805962144 Shielding Device Sequence.
ShieldingDeviceType805962146 Shielding Device Type.
ShiftTableSize268500980Shift Table Size. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ShiftTableTriplet268500981Shift Table Triplet. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ShortTermFluctuation2359413 Short Term Fluctuation.
ShortTermFluctuationCalculated2359412 Short Term Fluctuation Calculated.
ShortTermFluctuationProbability2359415 Short Term Fluctuation Probability.
ShortTermFluctuationProbabilityCalculated2359414 Short Term Fluctuation Probability Calculated.
ShowAcquisitionTechniquesFlag7472918 Show Acquisition Techniques Flag.
ShowGraphicAnnotationFlag7472914 Show Graphic Annotation Flag.
ShowGrayscaleInverted7472902 Show Grayscale Inverted.
ShowImageTrueSizeFlag7472912 Show Image True Size Flag.
ShowPatientDemographicsFlag7472916 Show Patient Demographics Flag.
ShowTickLabel7340664 Show Tick Label.
ShutterLeftVerticalEdge1578498 Shutter Left Vertical Edge.
ShutterLowerHorizontalEdge1578504 Shutter Lower Horizontal Edge.
ShutterOverlayGroup1578531 Shutter Overlay Group.
ShutterPresentationColorCIELabValue1578532 Shutter Presentation Color CIELab Value.
ShutterPresentationValue1578530 Shutter Presentation Value.
ShutterRightVerticalEdge1578500 Shutter Right Vertical Edge.
ShutterShape1578496 Shutter Shape.
ShutterUpperHorizontalEdge1578502 Shutter Upper Horizontal Edge.
SignalDomainColumns2658307 Signal Domain Columns.
SignalDomainRows2658869 Signal Domain Rows.
SignalToNoiseRatio2232661 Signal to Noise Ratio.
Signature67109152 The Signature.
SimpleFrameList528737 Simple Frame List.
SingleCollimationWidth1610502 Single Collimation Width.
SkipBeats1577094 Skip Beats.
SkipFrameRangeFlag562272 Skip Frame Range Flag.
SlabOrientation1609989 Slab Orientation.
SlabThickness1609988 Slab Thickness.
SliceLocation2101313 Slice Location.
SliceLocationVector1581061 Slice Location Vector.
SliceProgressionDirection5506304 Slice Progression Direction.
SliceSensitivityFactor5509920 Slice Sensitivity Factor.
SliceThickness1572944 Slice Thickness.
SliceVector5505152 Slice Vector.
SlideIdentifier4196090Slide Identifier. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SmallestImagePixelValue2621702 Smallest Image Pixel Value.
SmallestImagePixelValueInPlane2621712Smallest Image Pixel Value in Plane. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SmallestPixelValueInSeries2621704 Smallest Pixel Value in Series.
SmallestValidPixelValue2621700Smallest Valid Pixel Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SmokingStatus1057184 Smoking Status.
SmoothingType537919616 Smoothing Type.
SnoutID805962511 Snout Identifier.
SnoutPosition805962509 Snout Position.
SnoutPositionTolerance805961803 Snout Position Tolerance.
SnoutSequence805962508 Snout Sequence.
SoftcopyVOILUTSequence2634000 Softcopy VOI LUT Sequence.
SoftTissueFocusThermalIndex1593384 Soft Tissue-focus Thermal Index.
SoftTissueSurfaceThermalIndex1593385 Soft Tissue-surface Thermal Index.
SoftTissueThermalIndex1593383 Soft Tissue Thermal Index.
SoftwareVersions1576992 Software Version(s).
SOPAuthorizationComment16778276 SOP Authorization Comment.
SOPAuthorizationDateandTime16778272SOP Authorization DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SOPAuthorizationDateTime16778272 SOP Authorization DateTime.
SOPClassesInStudy524386 SOP Classes In Study.
SOPClassesSupported528730 SOP Classes Supported.
SOPClassSupported528730SOP Classes Supported. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SOPClassUID524310 SOP Class UID.
SOPInstanceStatus16778256 SOP Instance Status.
SOPInstanceUID524312 SOP Instance UID.
SOPInstanceUIDOfConcatenationSource2097730 SOP Instance UID of Concatenation Source.
SortbyCategory7472642 Sort-by Category.
SortingDirection7472644 Sorting Direction.
SortingOperationsSequence7472640 Sorting Operations Sequence.
SoundPathLength1327194 Sound Path Length.
SourceApplicationEntityTitle131094 Source Application Entity Title.
SourceApplicatorID805962385 Source Applicator ID.
SourceApplicatorLength805962390 Source Applicator Length.
SourceApplicatorManufacturer805962392 Source Applicator Manufacturer.
SourceApplicatorName805962388 Source Applicator Name.
SourceApplicatorNumber805962384 Source Applicator Number.
SourceApplicatorStepSize805962400 Source Applicator Step Size.
SourceApplicatorType805962386 Source Applicator Type.
SourceApplicatorWallNominalThickness805962396 Source Applicator Wall Nominal Thickness.
SourceApplicatorWallNominalTransmission805962398 Source Applicator Wall Nominal Transmission.
SourceAxisDistance805961908 Source-Axis Distance.
SourceEncapsulationNominalThickness805962274 Source Encapsulation Nominal Thickness.
SourceEncapsulationNominalTransmission805962276 Source Encapsulation Nominal Transmission.
SourceFrameOfReferenceUID6553603 Source Frame of Reference UID.
SourceHangingProtocolSequence7471122 Source Hanging Protocol Sequence.
SourceImageEvidenceSequence561492 Source Image Evidence Sequence.
SourceImageIDs2109696Source Image IDs. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SourceImageSequence532754 Source Image Sequence.
SourceInstanceSequence4325395 Source Instance Sequence.
SourceIsotopeHalfLife805962280 Source Isotope Half Life.
SourceIsotopeName805962278 Source Isotope Name.
SourceManufacturer805962262 Source Manufacturer.
SourceMovementType805962376 Source Movement Type.
SourceNumber805962258 Source Number.
SourceOfAnteriorChamberDepthDataCodeSequence2232627 Source of Anterior Chamber Depth Data Code Sequence.
SourceOfLensThicknessDataCodeSequence2232626 Source of Lens Thickness Data Code Sequence.
SourceOfOphthalmicAxialLengthCodeSequence2232373 Source of Ophthalmic Axial Length Code Sequence.
SourceOfPreviousValues67110244 Source of Previous Values.
SourceOfRefractiveErrorDataCodeSequence2232629 Source of Refractive Error Data Code Sequence.
SourceOrientation1074794592 Source Orientation.
SourcePosition1074794593 Source Position.
SourceSequence805962256 Source Sequence.
SourceSerialNumber805830917 Source Serial Number.
SourceStrength805962283 Source Strength.
SourceStrengthAirKermaRateReferenceDateDA1805962284Source Strength Reference Date. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SourceStrengthAirKermaRateReferenceTimeTM1805962286Source Strength Reference Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SourceStrengthReferenceDate805962284 Source Strength Reference Date.
SourceStrengthReferenceTime805962286 Source Strength Reference Time.
SourceStrengthUnits805962281 Source Strength Units.
SourceToApplicatorMountingPositionDistance805962806 Source to Applicator Mounting Position Distance.
SourceToBeamLimitingDeviceDistance805961914 Source to Beam Limiting Device Distance.
SourceToBlockTrayDistance805961974 Source to Block Tray Distance.
SourceToCompensatorDistance805962466 Source to Compensator Distance.
SourceToCompensatorTrayDistance805961958 Source to Compensator Tray Distance.
SourceToEntranceDistance4195078Distance Source to Entrance. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SourceToReferenceObjectDistance805437480 Source to Reference Object Distance.
SourceToSurfaceDistance805962032 Source to Surface Distance.
SourceToWedgeTrayDistance805961946 Source to Wedge Tray Distance.
SourceType805962260 Source Type.
SourceWaveformSequence3801610 Source Waveform Sequence.
SpacingBetweenSlices1573000 Spacing Between Slices.
SpatialLocationsPreserved2626394 Spatial Locations Preserved.
SpatialPresaturation1609767 Spatial Pre-saturation.
SpatialResolution1577040 Spatial Resolution.
SpecialNeeds3670096 Special Needs.
SpecificAbsorptionRateDefinition1610105 Specific Absorption Rate Definition.
SpecificAbsorptionRateSequence1610297 Specific Absorption Rate Sequence.
SpecificAbsorptionRateValue1610113 Specific Absorption Rate Value.
SpecificCharacterSet524293 Specific Character Set.
SpecificCharacterSetOfFilesetDescriptorFile266562 Specific Character Set of File-set Descriptor File.
SpecifiedChannelTotalTime805830962 Specified Channel Total Time.
SpecifiedMeterset805830722 Specified Meterset.
SpecifiedNumberofPulses805830966 Specified Number of Pulses.
SpecifiedPrimaryMeterset805830706 Specified Primary Meterset.
SpecifiedPulseRepetitionInterval805830970 Specified Pulse Repetition Interval.
SpecifiedSecondaryMeterset805830707 Specified Secondary Meterset.
SpecifiedTreatmentTime805830714 Specified Treatment Time.
SpecimenAccessionNumber4195594Specimen Accession Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SpecimenDescription4195667Specimen Description - Trial. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SpecimenDescriptionSequence4195680 Specimen Description Sequence.
SpecimenDescriptionSequenceTrial4195666Specimen Description Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SpecimenDescriptionTrial4195667Specimen Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SpecimenDetailedDescription4195842 Specimen Detailed Description.
SpecimenIdentifier4195665 Specimen Identifier.
SpecimenLabelInImage4718608 Specimen Label in Image.
SpecimenLocalizationContentItemSequence4195872 Specimen Localization Content Item Sequence.
SpecimenPreparationSequence4195856 Specimen Preparation Sequence.
SpecimenPreparationStepContentItemSequence4195858 Specimen Preparation Step Content Item Sequence.
SpecimenReferenceSequence4718864 Specimen Reference Sequence.
SpecimenSequence4195664Specimen Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SpecimenShortDescription4195840 Specimen Short Description.
SpecimenTypeCodeSequence4195738 Specimen Type Code Sequence.
SpecimenUID4195668 Specimen UID.
SpectrallySelectedExcitation1609766 Spectrally Selected Excitation.
SpectrallySelectedSuppression1609765 Spectrally Selected Suppression.
SpectralWidth1609810 Spectral Width.
SpectroscopyAcqDataColumns1610023Spectroscopy Acquisition Data Columns. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SpectroscopyAcqOutOfPlanePhaseStep1610073Spectroscopy Acquisition Out-of-plane Phase Steps. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SpectroscopyAcqPhaseColumns1610292Spectroscopy Acquisition Phase Columns. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SpectroscopyAcqPhaseRows1609877Spectroscopy Acquisition Phase Rows. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SpectroscopyAcquisitionDataColumns1610023 Spectroscopy Acquisition Data Columns.
SpectroscopyAcquisitionOutOfPlanePhaseSteps1610073 Spectroscopy Acquisition Out-of-plane Phase Steps.
SpectroscopyAcquisitionPhaseColumns1610292 Spectroscopy Acquisition Phase Columns.
SpectroscopyAcquisitionPhaseRows1609877 Spectroscopy Acquisition Phase Rows.
SpectroscopyData1442840608 Spectroscopy Data.
SpherePower4587846 Sphere Power.
SphericalLensPower2228231 Spherical Lens Power.
SpiralPitchFactor1610513 Spiral Pitch Factor.
Spoiling1609750 Spoiling value.
SrcImgEvidenceSequence561492Source Image Evidence Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
StackID2134102 Stack Identifier.
StageCodeSequence4194314 Stage Code Sequence.
StageName532768 Stage Name.
StageNumber532770 Stage Number.
StartAcquisitionDateTime1611030 Start Acquisition DateTime.
StartAngle5505536 Start Angle.
StartAngleVector5505536Start Angle. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
StartCardiacTriggerCountThreshold1611543 Start Cardiac Trigger Count Threshold.
StartCumulativeMetersetWeight806092808 Start Cumulative Meterset Weight.
StartDensityThreshold1611541 Start Density Threshold.
StartingRespiratoryAmplitude2134598 Starting Respiratory Amplitude.
StartingRespiratoryPhase2134599 Starting Respiratory Phase.
StartMeterset805830776 Start Meterset.
StartRelativeDensityDifferenceThreshold1611542 Start Relative Density Difference Threshold.
StartRespiratoryTriggerCountThreshold1611544 Start Respiratory Trigger Count Threshold.
StartTrim532802 Start Trim.
StationName528400 Station Name.
Status2304 Operation Status.
SteadyStatePulseSequence1609751 Steady State Pulse Sequence.
SteepKeratometricAxisSequence4587636 Steep Keratometric Axis Sequence.
SteeringAngle1597494 Steering Angle.
StereoBaselineAngle2228240 Stereo Baseline Angle.
StereoBaselineDisplacement2228241 Stereo Baseline Displacement.
StereoHorizontalPixelOffset2228242 Stereo Horizontal Pixel Offset.
StereoPairsSequence2228256 Stereo Pairs Sequence.
StereoRotation2228244 Stereo Rotation.
StereoVerticalPixelOffset2228243 Stereo Vertical Pixel Offset.
StimuliRetestingQuantity2359362 Stimuli Retesting Quantity.
StimulusArea2359333 Stimulus Area.
StimulusColorCodeSequence2359329 Stimulus Color Code Sequence.
StimulusPresentationTime2359336 Stimulus Presentation Time.
StimulusResults2359443 Stimulus Results.
StopTrim532803 Stop Trim.
StorageMediaFilesetID8913200 Storage Media File-set ID.
StorageMediaFilesetUID8913216 Storage Media File-set UID.
StructuredDisplayBackgroundCIELabValue7472160 Structured Display Background CIELab Value.
StructuredDisplayImageBoxSequence7472162 Structured Display Image Box Sequence.
StructuredDisplayTextBoxSequence7472164 Structured Display Text Box Sequence.
StructureSetDate805699592 Structure Set Date.
StructureSetDescription805699590 Structure Set Description.
StructureSetLabel805699586 Structure Set Label.
StructureSetName805699588 Structure Set Name.
StructureSetRoiSequence805699616 Structure Set ROI Sequence.
StructureSetTime805699593 Structure Set Time.
StudiesContainingOtherReferencedInstancesSequence528896 Studies Containing Other Referenced Instances Sequence.
StudyArrivalDate3280960Study Arrival Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
StudyArrivalTime3280961Study Arrival Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
StudyComments3293184Study Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
StudyCompletionDate3280976Study Completion Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
StudyCompletionTime3280977Study Completion Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
StudyComponentStatusID3280981Study Component Status ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
StudyDate524320 Study Date.
StudyDescription528432 Study Description.
StudyID2097168 Study Identifier.
StudyIDIssuer3276818Study ID Issuer. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
StudyInstanceUID2097165 Study Instance UID.
StudyPriorityID3276812Study Priority ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
StudyReadDate3276852Study Read Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
StudyReadTime3276853Study Read Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
StudyStatusID3276810Study Status ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
StudyTime524336 Study Time.
StudyVerifiedDate3276850Study Verified Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
StudyVerifiedTime3276851Study Verified Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
SubjectiveRefractionLeftEyeSequence4587672 Subjective Refraction Left Eye Sequence.
SubjectiveRefractionRightEyeSequence4587671 Subjective Refraction Right Eye Sequence.
SubscriptionListStatus7606852 Subscription List Status.
SubstanceAdministrationApproval4456450 Substance Administration Approval.
SubstanceAdministrationDateTime4456464 Substance Administration DateTime.
SubstanceAdministrationDeviceID4456466 Substance Administration Device ID.
SubstanceAdministrationNotes4456465 Substance Administration Notes.
SubstanceAdministrationParameterSequence4456473 Substance Administration Parameter Sequence.
SubtractionItemID2659350 Subtraction Item ID.
SupportedImageDisplayFormatsSequence536871080 Supported Image Display Formats Sequence.
SurfaceComments6684676 Surface Comments.
SurfaceCount6684714 Surface Count.
SurfaceEntryPoint805962030 Surface Entry Point.
SurfaceMeshPrimitivesSequence6684691 Surface Mesh Primitives Sequence.
SurfaceModelDescriptionSequence6841184 Surface Model Description Sequence.
SurfaceModelLabel6841216 Surface Model Label.
SurfaceModelScalingFactor6841232 Surface Model Scaling Factor.
SurfaceNumber6684675 Surface Number.
SurfacePointsNormalsSequence6684690 Surface Points Normals Sequence.
SurfacePointsSequence6684689 Surface Points Sequence.
SurfaceProcessing6684681 Surface Processing.
SurfaceProcessingAlgorithmIdentificationSequence6684725 Surface Processing Algorithm Identification Sequence.
SurfaceProcessingDescription6684683 Surface Processing Description.
SurfaceProcessingRatio6684682 Surface Processing Ratio.
SurfaceSequence6684674 Surface Sequence.
SurgicalTechnique7733296 Surgical Technique.
SUVType5509126 SUV Type.
SyncFrameOfRefUID2097664Synchronization Frame of Reference UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
SynchronizationChannel1577068 Synchronization Channel.
SynchronizationFrameOfReferenceUID2097664 Synchronization Frame of Reference UID.
SynchronizationTrigger1577066 Synchronization Trigger.
SynchronizedImageBoxList7472178 Synchronized Image Box List.
SynchronizedScrollingSequence7471632 Synchronized Scrolling Sequence.
SyringeCounts1577029 Syringe Counts.
T2Preparation1609761 T2 Preparation.
TableAngle1577272 Table Angle.
TableCradleTiltAngle1610865 Table Cradle Tilt Angle.
TableFeedperRotation1610512 Table Feed per Rotation.
TableFrameOfReferenceUID2134803 Table Frame of Reference UID.
TableHeadTiltAngle1610864 Table Head Tilt Angle.
TableHeight1577264 Table Height.
TableHorizontalRotationAngle1610857 Table Horizontal Rotation Angle.
TableLateralIncrement1577270 Table Lateral Increment.
TableLongitudinalIncrement1577271 Table Longitudinal Increment.
TableMotion1577268 Table Motion.
TableOfParameterValues1597530 Table of Parameter Values.
TableOfPixelValues1597528 Table of Pixel Values.
TableOfXBreakPoints1597522 Table of X Break Points.
TableOfYBreakPoints1597524 Table of Y Break Points.
TablePosition1610535 Table Position.
TablePositionSequence1610758 Table Position Sequence.
TableSpeed1610505 Table Speed.
TableTopEccentricAdjustedAngle7606315 Table Top Eccentric Adjusted Angle.
TableTopEccentricAngle805962021 Table Top Eccentric Angle.
TableTopEccentricAngleTolerance805961806 Table Top Eccentric Angle Tolerance.
TableTopEccentricAxisDistance805962020 Table Top Eccentric Axis Distance.
TableTopEccentricRotationDirection805962022 Table Top Eccentric Rotation Direction.
TableTopLateralAdjustedPosition7606312 Table Top Lateral Adjusted Position.
TableTopLateralPosition805962026 Table Top Lateral Position.
TableTopLateralPositionTolerance805961811 Table Top Lateral Position Tolerance.
TableTopLateralSetupDisplacement805962198 Table Top Lateral Setup Displacement.
TableTopLogitudinalPositionTolerance805961810Table Top Longitudinal Position Tolerance. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
TableTopLogitudinalSetupDisplacement805962196Table Top Longitudinal Setup Displacement. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
TableTopLongitudinalAdjustedPosition7606311 Table Top Longitudinal Adjusted Position.
TableTopLongitudinalPosition805962025 Table Top Longitudinal Position.
TableTopLongitudinalPositionTolerance805961810 Table Top Longitudinal Position Tolerance.
TableTopLongitudinalSetupDisplacement805962196 Table Top Longitudinal Setup Displacement.
TableTopPitchAdjustedAngle7606316 Table Top Pitch Adjusted Angle.
TableTopPitchAngle805962048 Table Top Pitch Angle.
TableTopPitchAngleTolerance805961807 Table Top Pitch Angle Tolerance.
TableTopPitchRotationDirection805962050 Table Top Pitch Rotation Direction.
TableTopRollAdjustedAngle7606317 Table Top Roll Adjusted Angle.
TableTopRollAngle805962052 Table Top Roll Angle.
TableTopRollAngleTolerance805961808 Table Top Roll Angle Tolerance.
TableTopRollRotationDirection805962054 Table Top Roll Rotation Direction.
TableTopVerticalAdjustedPosition7606310 Table Top Vertical Adjusted Position.
TableTopVerticalPosition805962024 Table Top Vertical Position.
TableTopVerticalPositionTolerance805961809 Table Top Vertical Position Tolerance.
TableTopVerticalSetupDisplacement805962194 Table Top Vertical Setup Displacement.
TableTraverse1577265 Table Traverse.
TableType1577274 Table Type.
TableVerticalIncrement1577269 Table Vertical Increment.
TableXPositiontoIsocenter1610854 Table X Position to Isocenter.
TableYPositiontoIsocenter1610855 Table Y Position to Isocenter.
TableZPositiontoIsocenter1610856 Table Z Position to Isocenter.
TagAngleFirstAxis1609753 Tag Angle First Axis.
TagAngleSecondAxis1610265 Tag Angle Second Axis.
Tagging1609768 Tagging value.
TaggingDelay1610116 Tagging Delay.
TagSpacingFirstDimension1609776 Tag Spacing First Dimension.
TagSpacingSecondDimension1610264 Tag Spacing Second Dimension.
TagThickness1609781 Tag Thickness.
TargetExposureIndex1578002 Target Exposure Index.
TargetMaximumDose805961767 Target Maximum Dose.
TargetMinimumDose805961765 Target Minimum Dose.
TargetPrescriptionDose805961766 Target Prescription Dose.
TargetRefraction2232375 Target Refraction.
TargetUnderdoseVolumeFraction805961768 Target Underdose Volume Fraction.
TDRType1074794535 TDR Type.
TelephoneNumber4236116Telephone Number (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TelephoneNumberTrial4236116Telephone Number (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TemplateExtensionCreatorUID4250381Template Extension Creator UID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TemplateExtensionFlag4250379Template Extension Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TemplateExtensionOrganizationUID4250380Template Extension Organization UID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TemplateIdentifier4250368 Template Identifier.
TemplateLocalVersion4250375Template Local Version. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TemplateName805962308 Template Name.
TemplateNumber805962304 Template Number.
TemplateType805962306 Template Type.
TemplateVersion4250374Template Version. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TemporalPositionIdentifier2097408 Temporal Position Identifier.
TemporalPositionIndex2134312 Temporal Position Index.
TemporalPositionSequence2134800 Temporal Position Sequence.
TemporalPositionTimeOffset2134797 Temporal Position Time Offset.
TemporalRangeType4235568 Temporal Range Type.
TemporalResolution2097424 Temporal Resolution.
TerminalType16400Terminal Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TerminationCardiacTriggerCountThreshold1611555 Termination Cardiac Trigger Count Threshold.
TerminationCountsThreshold1611545 Termination Counts Threshold.
TerminationDensityThreshold1611552 Termination Density Threshold.
TerminationRelativeDensityThreshold1611553 Termination Relative Density Threshold.
TerminationRespiratoryTriggerCountThreshold1611556 Termination Respiratory Trigger Count Threshold.
TerminationTimeThreshold1611554 Termination Time Threshold.
TestPointNormalsDataFlag2359383 Test Point Normals Data Flag.
TestPointNormalsSequence2359384 Test Point Normals Sequence.
TextColorCIELabValue7340609 Text Color CIELab Value.
TextComments1073758208Text Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TextFormatID20784Text Format ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TextObjectSequence7340040 Text Object Sequence.
TextString540016672 Text String.
TextStyleSequence7340593 Text Style Sequence.
TextValue4235616 Text Value.
TherapyDescription1572921Therapy Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TherapyType1572919Therapy Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ThreatCategory1074794514 Threat Category.
ThreatCategoryDescription1074794515 Threat Category Description.
ThreatDetectionAlgorithmandVersion1074794537 Threat Detection Algorithm and Version.
ThreatROIBase1074794500 Threat ROI Base.
ThreatROIBitmap1074794502 Threat ROI Bitmap.
ThreatROIExtents1074794501 Threat ROI Extents.
ThreatROIVoxelSequence1074794497 Threat ROI Voxel Sequence.
ThreatSequence1074794513 Threat Sequence.
ThreeDDegreeOfFreedomAxis6841488 3D Degree of Freedom Axis.
ThreeDImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatchingAxes7864416 3D Implant Template Group Member Matching Axes.
ThreeDImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatchingPoint7864400 3D Implant Template Group Member Matching Point.
ThreeDLineCoordinates6841808 3D Line Coordinates.
ThreeDMatingAxes6841552 3D Mating Axes.
ThreeDMatingPoint6841536 3D Mating Point.
ThreeDPlaneNormal6841888 3D Plane Normal.
ThreeDPlaneOrigin6841872 3D Plane Origin.
ThreeDPointCoordinates6841744 3D Point Coordinates.
ThreeDRenderingType7472416 3D Rendering Type.
ThresholdDensity541065472Threshold Density. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TickAlignment7340660 Tick Alignment.
TickLabel7340681 Tick Label.
TickLabelAlignment7340665 Tick Label Alignment.
TickPosition7340680 Tick Position.
TidOffset2646304 TID Offset.
Time4235554 Time value.
TimeBasedImageSetsSequence7471152 Time Based Image Sets Sequence.
TimeDistributionProtocol1579010 Time Distribution Protocol.
TimeDomainFiltering1609829 Time Domain Filtering.
TimeOfDocumentCreationOrVerbalTransactionTrial4235538Time of Document Creation or Verbal Transaction (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TimeOfFlightContrast1609749 Time of Flight Contrast.
TimeOfFlightInformationUsed1611605 Time of Flight Information Used.
TimeOfGainCalibration1323127 Time of Gain Calibration.
TimeOfLastCalibration1577473 Time of Last Calibration.
TimeOfLastDetectorCalibration1601550 Time of Last Detector Calibration.
TimeOfSecondaryCapture1576980 Time of Secondary Capture.
TimeRange528739 Time Range.
TimeSliceVector5505280 Time Slice Vector.
TimeSlotInformationSequence5505138 Time Slot Information Sequence.
TimeSlotInfoSequence5505138Time Slot Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
TimeSlotNumber2097175Time Slot Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TimeSlotTime5505139 Time Slot Time.
TimeSlotVector5505136 Time Slot Vector.
TimeSource1579009 Time Source.
TimezoneOffsetFromUTC524801 Timezone Offset From UTC.
TIPType1074794553 TIP Type.
TissueHeterogeneityCorrection805568532 Tissue Heterogeneity Correction.
TmLinePositionX01597501 TM-Line Position X0.
TMLinePositionX0Retired1597500TM-Line Position X0 (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TmLinePositionX11597505 TM-Line Position X1.
TMLinePositionX1Retired1597504TM-Line Position X1 (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TmLinePositionY01597503 TM-Line Position Y0.
TMLinePositionY0Retired1597502TM-Line Position Y0 (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TmLinePositionY11597507 TM-Line Position Y1.
TMLinePositionY1Retired1597506TM-Line Position Y1 (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ToleranceTableLabel805961795 Tolerance Table Label.
ToleranceTableNumber805961794 Tolerance Table Number.
ToleranceTableSequence805961792 Tolerance Table Sequence.
TomoAngle1578096 Tomo Angle.
TomoClass1578129 Tomo Class.
TomoLayerHeight1578080 Tomo Layer Height.
TomoSourceImageNumber1578133Number of Tomosynthesis Source Images. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
TomoTime1578112 Tomo Time.
TomoType1578128 Tomo Type.
TopicAuthor8915216Topic Author. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TopicKeywords8915218Topic Keywords. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TopicSubject8915206Topic Subject. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TopicTitle8915204Topic Title. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TopLeftHandCornerOfLocalizerArea4719105 Top Left Hand Corner of Localizer Area.
TotalBlockTrayFactor805961970 Total Block Tray Factor.
TotalBlockTrayWaterEquivalentThickness805961971 Total Block Tray Water-Equivalent Thickness.
TotalCollimationWidth1610503 Total Collimation Width.
TotalCompensatorTrayFactor805961954 Total Compensator Tray Factor.
TotalCompensatorTrayWaterEquivalentThickness805962467 Total Compensator Tray Water-Equivalent Thickness.
TotalGain1593408Total Gain. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TotalNumberofExposure4195073Total Number of Exposures. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
TotalNumberofExposures4195073 Total Number of Exposures.
TotalNumberofPiecesofMediaCreated570425355 Total Number of Pieces of Media Created.
TotalPixelMatrixColumns4718598 Total Pixel Matrix Columns.
TotalPixelMatrixOriginSequence4718600 Total Pixel Matrix Origin Sequence.
TotalPixelMatrixRows4718599 Total Pixel Matrix Rows.
TotalProcessingTime1074794601 Total Processing Time.
TotalReferenceAirKerma805962320 Total Reference Air Kerma.
TotalTime1358897162Total Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TotalTimeofFluoroscopy4195072 Total Time of Fluoroscopy.
TotalWedgeTrayWaterEquivalentThickness805961943 Total Wedge Tray Water-Equivalent Thickness.
TransactionUID528789 Transaction UID.
TransducerApplicationCodeSequence1611791 Transducer Application Code Sequence.
TransducerBeamSteeringCodeSequence1611790 Transducer Beam Steering Code Sequence.
TransducerData1593360 Transducer Data.
TransducerFrequency1597488 Transducer Frequency.
TransducerGeometryCodeSequence1611789 Transducer Geometry Code Sequence.
TransducerOrientation532996 Transducer Orientation.
TransducerOrientationModifierSequence533062Transducer Orientation Modifier Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TransducerOrientationSequence533060Transducer Orientation Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TransducerPosition532992 Transducer Position.
TransducerPositionModifierSequence533058Transducer Position Modifier Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TransducerPositionSequence533056Transducer Position Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TransducerScanPatternCodeSequence1611785 Transducer Scan Pattern Code Sequence.
TransducerType1597489 Transducer Type.
TransferSyntaxUID131088 Transfer Syntax UID. This tells whether the DICOM file uses big or little endian format, which compression is used, if any, and whether the file uses Implicit or Explicit Value Representation syntax.
TransferTubeLength805962404 Transfer Tube Length.
TransferTubeNumber805962402 Transfer Tube Number.
TransformDescription1319458 Transform Description.
TransformedAxisUnits1319464 Transformed Axis Units.
TransformLabel2622464Transform Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TransformNumberOfAxes1319460 Transform Number of Axes.
TransformOrderOfAxes1319462 Transform Order of Axes.
TransformVersionNumber2622465Transform Version Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TransmitCoilManufacturerName1609808 Transmit Coil Manufacturer Name.
TransmitCoilName1577553 Transmit Coil Name.
TransmitCoilType1609809 Transmit Coil Type.
TransmitterFrequency1609880 Transmitter Frequency.
TransmitTransducerSequence1327120 Transmit Transducer Sequence.
TransmitTransducerSettingsSequence1327184 Transmit Transducer Settings Sequence.
TransportClassification1074794599 Transport Classification.
TransverseDetectorSeparation1611558 Transverse Detector Separation.
TransverseMash5509634 Transverse Mash.
TreatmentControlPointDate805830692 Treatment Control Point Date.
TreatmentControlPointTime805830693 Treatment Control Point Time.
TreatmentDate805831248 Treatment Date.
TreatmentDeliveryType805961934 Treatment Delivery Type.
TreatmentIntent805961738Plan Intent. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
TreatmentMachineName805961906 Treatment Machine Name.
TreatmentMachineSequence805962246 Treatment Machine Sequence.
TreatmentProtocol805961737Treatment Protocols. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
TreatmentProtocols805961737 Treatment Protocols.
TreatmentSessionApplicationSetupSequence805830928 Treatment Session Application Setup Sequence.
TreatmentSessionBeamSequence805830688 Treatment Session Beam Sequence.
TreatmentSessionIonBeamSequence805830689 Treatment Session Ion Beam Sequence.
TreatmentSessionSetupSequence805830928Treatment Session Application Setup Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
TreatmentSite805961739Treatment Sites. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
TreatmentSites805961739 Treatment Sites.
TreatmentStatusComment805831170 Treatment Status Comment.
TreatmentSummaryCalcDoseRef805830736Treatment Summary Calculated Dose Reference Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
TreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence805830736 Treatment Summary Calculated Dose Reference Sequence.
TreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence805830880 Treatment Summary Measured Dose Reference Sequence.
TreatmentSummarySequence805830880Treatment Summary Measured Dose Reference Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
TreatmentTerminationCode805830699 Treatment Termination Code.
TreatmentTerminationStatus805830698 Treatment Termination Status.
TreatmentTime805831249 Treatment Time.
TreatmentVerificationStatus805830700 Treatment Verification Status.
TriangleFanSequence6684711 Triangle Fan Sequence.
TrianglePointIndexList6684707 Triangle Point Index List.
TriangleStripSequence6684710 Triangle Strip Sequence.
TriggerDelayTime2134355Nominal Cardiac Trigger Delay Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
TriggerSamplePosition1577070 Trigger Sample Position.
TriggerSourceorType1577057 Trigger Source or Type.
TriggerTime1577056 Trigger Time.
TriggerTimeOffset1577065 Trigger Time Offset.
TriggerVector5505552 Trigger Vector.
TriggerWindow1577108 Trigger Window.
Trim537919808 Trim value.
TubeAngle1610499 Tube Angle.
TwoDDegreeOfFreedomAxis6841584 2D Degree of Freedom Axis.
TwoDDegreeOfFreedomSequence6841456 2D Degree of Freedom Sequence.
TwoDImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatchingAxes7864480 2D Implant Template Group Member Matching Axes.
TwoDImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatchingPoint7864464 2D Implant Template Group Member Matching Point.
TwoDLineCoordinates6841776 2D Line Coordinates.
TwoDLineCoordinatesSequence6841760 2D Line Coordinates Sequence.
TwoDMatingAxes6841440 2D Mating Axes.
TwoDMatingFeatureCoordinatesSequence6841392 2D Mating Feature Coordinates Sequence.
TwoDMatingPoint6841424 2D Mating Point.
TwoDPlaneCoordinatesSequence6841824 2D Plane Coordinates Sequence.
TwoDPlaneIntersection6841840 2D Plane Intersection.
TwoDPointCoordinates6841696 2D Point Coordinates.
TwoDPointCoordinatesSequence6841680 2D Point Coordinates Sequence.
TypeOfData1358888992Type of Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
TypeOfDetectorMotion5505538 Type of Detector Motion.
TypeOfFilters1577313 Type of Filters.
TypeOfInstances4251680 Type of Instances.
TypeOfPatientID1048610 Type of Patient ID.
TypeOfSynchronization7472180 Type of Synchronization.
UID4235556 UID (unique identifier).
UltrasoundAcquisitionGeometry2134791 Ultrasound Acquisition Geometry.
UltrasoundColorDataPresent2621460 Ultrasound Color Data Present.
UltrasoundOphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSequence2232864 Ultrasound Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Sequence.
UltrasoundSelectedOphthalmicAxialLengthSequence2232880 Ultrasound Selected Ophthalmic Axial Length Sequence.
Underlined7340616 Underlined.
UnformattedTextValue7340038 Unformatted Text Value.
UnifiedProcedureStepCommunicationsURISequence7606280Unified Procedure Step Communications URI Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
UnifiedProcedureStepDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequence7606286Unified Procedure Step Discontinuation Reason Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
UnifiedProcedureStepListStatus7606854 Unified Procedure Step List Status.
UnifiedProcedureStepPerformedProcedureSequence7606806 Unified Procedure Step Performed Procedure Sequence.
UnifiedProcedureStepProgress7606276Unified Procedure Step Progress. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
UnifiedProcedureStepProgressDescription7606278Unified Procedure Step Progress Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
UnifiedProcedureStepProgressInformationSequence7606274Unified Procedure Step Progress Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
UnifiedProcedureStepState7606272Unified Procedure Step State. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
UniformResourceLocatorTrial4237714Uniform Resource Locator (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
Units5509121 The Units.
UniversalEntityID4194354 Universal Entity ID.
UniversalEntityIDType4194355 Universal Entity ID Type.
UNKNOWN8 Tag not found in the dictionary.
UnspecifiedLateralityLensSequence4587542 Unspecified Laterality Lens Sequence.
UpperLowerPixelValues1577536Upper/Lower Pixel Values. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
UPSListStatus7606854Unified Procedure Step List Status. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
UPSPerformedProcedureSequence7606806Unified Procedure Step Performed Procedure Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
UPSProgressInformationSequence7606274Unified Procedure Step Progress Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
UrgencyOrPriorityAlertsTrial4235351Urgency or Priority Alerts (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
UsedFiducialsSequence7340820 Used Fiducials Sequence.
USImageDescriptionSequence1611782 US Image Description Sequence.
ValueType4235328 Value Type.
VariableCoefficientsSDDN2147418176Variable Coefficients SDDN. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
VariableCoefficientsSDHN2147418160Variable Coefficients SDHN. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
VariableCoefficientsSDVN2147418144Variable Coefficients SDVN. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
VariableFlipAngleFlag1577749 Variable Flip Angle Flag.
VariableNextDataGroup2147418129Variable Next Data Group. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
VariablePixelData2147418128Variable Pixel Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
VectorAccuracy6684704 Vector Accuracy.
VectorCoordinateData6684705 Vector Coordinate Data.
VectorDimensionality6684703 Vector Dimensionality.
VectorGridData6553609 Vector Grid Data.
VelocityEncodingAcquisitionSequence1609874 Velocity Encoding Acquisition Sequence.
VelocityEncodingDirection1609872 Velocity Encoding Direction.
VelocityEncodingMaximumValue1610263 Velocity Encoding Maximum Value.
VelocityEncodingMaxValue1610263Velocity Encoding Maximum Value. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
VelocityEncodingMinimumValue1609873 Velocity Encoding Minimum Value.
VelocityEncodingMinValue1609873Velocity Encoding Minimum Value. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
VelocityOfSound1327204 Velocity of Sound.
VerbalSourceIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial4236120Verbal Source Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
VerbalSourceTrial4236114Verbal Source (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
VerificationDateTime4235312 Verification Date Time.
VerificationFlag4236435 Verification Flag.
VerificationImageTiming7606322 Verification Image Timing.
VerifyingObserverIDCodeSequence4235400Verifying Observer Identification Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
VerifyingObserverIdentificationCodeSequence4235400 Verifying Observer Identification Code Sequence.
VerifyingObserverName4235381 Verifying Observer Name.
VerifyingObserverSequence4235379 Verifying Observer Sequence.
VerifyingOrganization4235303 Verifying Organization.
VertexPointIndexList6684709 Vertex Point Index List.
VerticalAlignment7340611 Vertical Alignment.
VerticalOffsetOfSensor1323046 Vertical Offset of Sensor.
VerticalPrismBase4587574 Vertical Prism Base.
VerticalPrismPower4587572 Vertical Prism Power.
VerticesOfThePolygonalCollimator1578784 Vertices of the Polygonal Collimator.
VerticesofthePolygonalExposureControlSensing1610818Vertices of the Polygonal Exposure Control Sensing Region. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
VerticesOfThePolygonalExposureControlSensingRegion1610818 Vertices of the Polygonal Exposure Control Sensing Region.
VerticesOfThePolygonalShutter1578528 Vertices of the Polygonal Shutter.
VerticesOfTheRegion2659587 Vertices of the Region.
VideoImageFormatAcquired1576994 Video Image Format Acquired.
ViewAngulationModifierCodeSequence5505570View Modifier Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ViewCodeSequence5505568 View Code Sequence.
ViewCodeSequnce5505568View Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ViewingDistance4587782 Viewing Distance.
ViewingDistanceType4587813 Viewing Distance Type.
ViewModifierCodeSequence5505570 View Modifier Code Sequence.
ViewName532775 View Name.
ViewNumber532776 View Number.
ViewOrientationCodeSequence6841056 View Orientation Code Sequence.
ViewOrientationModifier6841072 View Orientation Modifier.
ViewPosition1593601 View Position.
VirtualSourceAxisDistances805962506 Virtual Source-Axis Distances.
VisitComments3686400 Visit Comments.
VisitStatusID3670024 Visit Status ID.
VisualAcuityBothEyesOpenSequence4587812 Visual Acuity Both Eyes Open Sequence.
VisualAcuityLeftEyeSequence4587811 Visual Acuity Left Eye Sequence.
VisualAcuityMeasurementSequence2359568 Visual Acuity Measurement Sequence.
VisualAcuityModifiers4587829 Visual Acuity Modifiers.
VisualAcuityRightEyeSequence4587810 Visual Acuity Right Eye Sequence.
VisualAcuityTypeCodeSequence4587809 Visual Acuity Type Code Sequence.
VisualFieldCatchTrialSequence2359348 Visual Field Catch Trial Sequence.
VisualFieldGlobalResultsIndexSequence2360096 Visual Field Global Results Index Sequence.
VisualFieldHorizontalExtent2359312 Visual Field Horizontal Extent.
VisualFieldMeanSensitivity2359408 Visual Field Mean Sensitivity.
VisualFieldShape2359314 Visual Field Shape.
VisualFieldTestDuration2359432 Visual Field Test Duration.
VisualFieldTestNormalsFlag2359395 Visual Field Test Normals Flag.
VisualFieldTestPointNormalsSequence2359447 Visual Field Test Point Normals Sequence.
VisualFieldTestPointSequence2359433 Visual Field Test Point Sequence.
VisualFieldTestPointXCoordinate2359440 Visual Field Test Point X-Coordinate.
VisualFieldTestPointYCoordinate2359441 Visual Field Test Point Y-Coordinate.
VisualFieldTestReliabilityGlobalIndexSequence2360087 Visual Field Test Reliability Global Index Sequence.
VisualFieldVerticalExtent2359313 Visual Field Vertical Extent.
VitalStainCodeSequence4196856Vital Stain Code Sequence - Trial. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
VitalStainCodeSequenceTrial4196856Vital Stain Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
VitreousStatusCodeSequence2232357 Vitreous Status Code Sequence.
VitreousStatusDescription2232422 Vitreous Status Description.
VOILUTFunction2625622 VOI LUT Function.
VOILUTSequence2633744 VOI LUT Sequence.
VOIType7472898 VOI (Value Of Interest) Type.
VolumeBasedCalcTechnique561671Volume Based Calculation Technique. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
VolumeBasedCalculationTechnique561671 Volume Based Calculation Technique.
VolumeFrameOfReferenceUID2134802 Volume Frame of Reference UID.
VolumeLocalizationSequence1610022 Volume Localization Sequence.
VolumeLocalizationTechnique1609812 Volume Localization Technique.
VolumeOfPTO1074794531 Volume of PTO.
VolumeToTableMappingMatrix2134794 Volume to Table Mapping Matrix.
VolumeToTransducerMappingMatrix2134793 Volume to Transducer Mapping Matrix.
VolumetricProperties561670 Volumetric Properties.
WADORetrievalSequence4251683 WADO Retrieval Sequence.
WaterReferencedPhaseCorrection1610137 Water Referenced Phase Correction.
WaveformAnnotationSequence4239392 Waveform Annotation Sequence.
WaveformBitsAllocated1409290244 Waveform Bits Allocated.
WaveformBitsStored3801626 Waveform Bits Stored.
WaveformChannelNumber3801602 Waveform Channel Number.
WaveformData1409290256 Waveform Data.
WaveformDataDisplayScale3801648 Waveform Data Display Scale.
WaveformDisplayBackgroundCIELabValue3801649 Waveform Display Background CIELab Value.
WaveformOriginality3801092 Waveform Originality.
WaveformPaddingValue1409290250 Waveform Padding Value.
WaveformPresentationGroupSequence3801664 Waveform Presentation Group Sequence.
WaveformSampleInterpretation1409290246 Waveform Sample Interpretation.
WaveformSampleValueRepresentation3801347 Waveform Sample Value Representation.
WaveformSequence1409286400 Waveform Sequence.
WaveformSource3801608Channel Source Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
WaveformSourceModifiers3801609Channel Source Modifiers Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
WedgeAngle805961941 Wedge Angle.
WedgeFactor805961942 Wedge Factor.
WedgeID805961940 Wedge Identifier.
WedgeNumber805961938 Wedge Number.
WedgeOrientation805961944 Wedge Orientation.
WedgePosition805962008 Wedge Position.
WedgePositionSequence805962006 Wedge Position Sequence.
WedgeSequence805961937 Wedge Sequence.
WedgeThinEdgePosition805961947 Wedge Thin Edge Position.
WedgeType805961939 Wedge Type.
WholeBodyTechnique1577729 Whole Body Technique.
WindowCenter2625616 Window Center.
WindowCenterAndWidthExplanation2625621Window Center and Width Explanation. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
WindowCenterWidthExplanation2625621 Window Center and Width Explanation.
WindowWidth2625617 Window Width.
WorklistLabel7606786 Worklist Label.
X_RayTubeCurrentinmA1610544X-Ray Tube Current in mA. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
XA_XRFFrameCharacteristicsSequence1610770XA/XRF Frame Characteristics Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
XAXRFFrameCharacteristicsSequence1610770 XA/XRF Frame Characteristics Sequence.
XDSRetrievalSequence4251684 XDS Retrieval Sequence.
XFocusCenter1577347 X Focus Center.
XOffset4196138X offset in Slide Coordinate System. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
XOffsetInSlideCoordinateSystem4196138 X offset in Slide Coordinate System.
XRay3DAcquisitionSequence1611015 X-Ray 3D Acquisition Sequence.
XRay3DFrameTypeSequence1611012 X-Ray 3D Frame Type Sequence.
XRay3DReconstructionSequence1611056 X-Ray 3D Reconstruction Sequence.
XRayGeometrySequence1610870 X-Ray Geometry Sequence.
XrayImageReceptorAngle805437454 X-Ray Image Receptor Angle.
XRayImageReceptorTranslation805437453 X-Ray Image Receptor Translation.
XrayOutput4195090 X-Ray Output.
XRayReceptorType1610784 X-Ray Receptor Type.
XrayTubeCurrent1577297X-Ray Tube Current. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
XRayTubeCurrent1577297 X-Ray Tube Current.
XRayTubeCurrentInmA1605969X-Ray Tube Current in micro A. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
XRayTubeCurrentInMicroA1605969X-Ray Tube Current in micro A. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
XRayTubeCurrentInMilliA1610544 X-Ray Tube Current in mA.
XRayTubeCurrentInuA1605969 X-Ray Tube Current in micro A.
YFocusCenter1577348 Y Focus Center.
YOffset4196154Y offset in Slide Coordinate System. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
YOffsetInSlideCoordinateSystem4196154 Y offset in Slide Coordinate System.
ZEffective1074794521 Z Effective.
ZOffset4196170Z offset in Slide Coordinate System. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line.
ZOffsetInSlideCoordinateSystem4196170 Z offset in Slide Coordinate System.
ZonalMap269549567Zonal Map. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ZonalMapFormat2623266Zonal Map Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ZonalMapLocation2623265Zonal Map Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ZonalMapNumberFormat2623264Zonal Map Number Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives.
ZoomCenter2621490 Zoom Center.
ZoomFactor2621489 Zoom Factor.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.Formats.DICOM Namespace

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