ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
ImGearAddWarning Delegate

ImageGear.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Core Namespace : ImGearAddWarning Delegate
ImGearWarning class object.
Specifies the warning processing routine to be called when the warning is added.
Public Delegate Sub ImGearAddWarning( _
   ByVal warning As ImGearWarning _
Dim instance As New ImGearAddWarning(AddressOf HandlerMethod)
public delegate void ImGearAddWarning( 
   ImGearWarning warning
public: __gc __delegate void ImGearAddWarning( 
   ImGearWarning* warning
public delegate void ImGearAddWarning( 
   ImGearWarning^ warning


ImGearWarning class object.
See Also


ImGearAddWarning Members
ImageGear.Core Namespace
ImGearWarning Class
AddWarning Property

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