ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
Developer Guide > File Formats and Compressions > File Formats > File Formats Reference > MODCA
Full Name IBM MO:DCA (Mixed Object Document Content Architecture)
Format ID ImGearFormats.MOD
File Extension(s) *.mod, *.ica
Data Type Raster Image
Data Encoding Binary
Multi-Page Support Yes
Alpha Channel Support No
Metadata Update Support No
ImageGear Platforms Support WIN32, WIN64, Unix, Unix64, MAC, .NET, .NET64

ImageGear Supported Versions


ImageGear Supported Features

ImageGear Read Support

ImageGear Write Support

ImageGear Filter Control Parameters



The MO:DCA header allows the storage of multiple IOCA images in one file. The MO:DCA format is an IOCA "wrapper". It is considered by IBM to be a "data stream controlling environment" for a group of IOCA images.

There are many optional parameters. Subsets of IOCA parameters define different flavors of the IOCA, for example, the MO:DCA. The MO:DCA incorporates sets "10" and "11".

Please see the description of See IBM IOCA. in this chapter for further description.

References Used

Image Object Content Architecture Reference, 2d ed., copyright International Business Machines Corporation, August 1991.


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