ImageGear .NET - Updated December 24, 2018
ImGearSupportedSizes Enumeration

ImageGear24.Twain Assembly > ImageGear.TWAIN Namespace : ImGearSupportedSizes Enumeration
This enumeration specifies the size(s) the Source can/should use to acquire image data.
Public Enum ImGearSupportedSizes 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearSupportedSizes
A0A0 size paper.
A02A02 size paper.
A04A04 size paper.
A1A1 size paper.
A10A10 size paper.
A2A2 size paper.
A3A3 size paper.
A4A4 size paper.
A4LETTERA4 Letter size paper.
A5A5 size paper.
A6A6 size paper.
A7A7 size paper.
A8A8 size paper.
A9A9 size paper.
B3B3 size paper.
B4B4 size paper.
B5LETTERB5 Letter size paper.
B6B6 size paper.
BUSINESSCARDBusiness Card size paper.
C0C0 size paper.
C1C1 size paper.
C10C10 size paper.
C2C2 size paper.
C3C3 size paper.
C4C4 size paper.
C5C5 size paper.
C6C6 size paper.
C7C7 size paper.
C8C8 size paper.
C9C9 size paper.
ISOB0ISO B0 size paper.
ISOB1ISO B1 size paper.
ISOB10ISO B10 size paper.
ISOB2ISO B2 size paper.
ISOB3ISO B3 size paper.
ISOB4ISO B4 size paper.
ISOB5ISO B5 size paper.
ISOB6ISO B6 size paper.
ISOB7ISO B7 size paper.
ISOB8ISO B8 size paper.
ISOB9ISO B9 size paper.
JISB0JIS B0 size paper.
JISB1JIS B1 size paper.
JISB10JIS B10 size paper.
JISB2JIS B2 size paper.
JISB3JIS B3 size paper.
JISB4JIS B4 size paper.
JISB5JIS B5 size paper.
JISB6JIS B6 size paper.
JISB7JIS B7 size paper.
JISB8JIS B8 size paper.
JISB9JIS B9 size paper.
NONENo supported size paper.
USEXECUTIVEUS Executive size paper.
USLEDGERUS Ledger size paper.
USLEGALUS Legal size paper.
USLETTERUS Letter size paper.
USSTATEMENTUS Statement size paper.
ImGearCapabilities.ICAP_SUPPORTEDSIZES capability values.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.TWAIN Namespace