ImageGear .NET - Updated October 2, 2018
ImGearRecErrorCodes Enumeration

ImageGear24.Recognition Assembly > ImageGear.Recognition Namespace : ImGearRecErrorCodes Enumeration
Identifies recognition error codes.
Public Enum ImGearRecErrorCodes 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearRecErrorCodes
API_BUSY_ERR Engine is busy.
API_CRYPT_MISS_WARN Crypt module missing.
API_DOTNET30_OR_LATER_MISSING_ERR Missing .NET 3.0 or later.
API_ERROR_ERR General error in the Engine.
API_EVALDATE_EXPIRED_ERR Evaluation date of the Engine has expired.
API_FILEFORMAT_ERR Format error in the actual file.
API_GPFAULT_ERR General Protection Fault in the Engine.
API_HARDLOCK_ERR Hardlock not found or hardlock service has not been started.
API_HARDTIMEOUT_ERR Recognition process hard TimeOut.
API_INCORRECTMODULEVERSION_ERR Inconsistent Engine configuration.
API_INIT_ERR Engine initialization error, or no appropriate license.
API_INIT_WARN Module initialization warning.
API_INVALIDSESSION_ERR Current session is invalid.
API_LICENSE_ERR Invalid license or Engine Licence file not found.
API_MODULEENTRY_ERR Missing entry in a module.
API_MODULEINIT_ERR Module initialization error.
API_MODULELOAD_ERR OS could not load a module.
API_MODULEMISSING_ERR Module not present.
API_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERR The requested function is unavailable, or there is no appropriate license. This error can also indicate an unsupported combination of recognition parameters, e.g. when a language is not supported for the selected recognition module.
API_PARAMETER_ERR Invalid parameters.
API_PLATFORM_ERR Unsupported operating system.
API_PROCESS_ABORTED_ERR Application has aborted the current process.
API_PROCESS_FINISH Application has terminated the current recognition process. Recognized text is kept.
API_QUIT_ERR Engine termination error.
API_STS_ERR Invalid setting.
API_STS_SYNTAX_ERR Syntax error in the specified Engine Settings file.
API_TIMEOUT_ERR Recognition process soft TimeOut.
APIP_INIT_ERR APIPlus initialization error.
APIP_INTERNAL_ERR Internal error in RecAPIPlus.
APIP_NOMORE_WARN No more items available.
APIP_PARAM_ERR Parameter error.
ASN_INIT_ERR Asian recognition module initialization error.
BRA_INIT_ERR Braille recognition module initialization error.
CHR_CODELENGTH_ERR Length of exported code exceeds buffer size.
CHR_ILLEGALCODE_ERR Illegal internal code as a parameter.
CHR_ILLEGALSETTING_ERR Set parameter is not acceptable (e.g. size mismatch.).
CHR_INIT_ERR Character Set and Code Pages module initialization error.
CHR_LANG_NOTFOUND_ERR There are no matching languages.
CHR_LANGSET_CODEPAGE_ERR Conflict: The selected Code Page does not support some characters in the selected languages: there is no exact code in the Code Page for them.
CHR_MISSINGEXPORT_ERR Character conversion is not available for the given character.
CHR_MULTIPLELANG_FOUND_WARN There are more than one matching languages.
CHR_NOMORE_WARN End of list of available Code Pages.
CHR_SETFILE_ERR Error while loading the Code Page Definition file (RECOGN.SET).
DOT_ERR Dot-matrix recognition error.
EXTRACTED_TXT_WARN Limited information extacted from input document.
FILE_ACCESS_ERR File access denied.
FILE_ALREADYEXIST_ERR File already exists.
FILE_CANTCREATE_MUTEX_ERR Mutex cannot be created.
FILE_CANTRELEASE_MUTEX_ERR Mutex cannot be released.
FILE_CREATE_ERR File creation error.
FILE_DIRNOTEMPTY_ERR Directory is not empty.
FILE_ERR File operation internal error.
FILE_INIT_ERR File system initialization error.
FILE_INVALIDFLAG_ERR Invalid flag specified in a function call.
FILE_INVALIDFUNCTION_ERR The specified flag combination is not supported.
FILE_INVALIDHANDLE_ERR Invalid handle specified in a function call.
FILE_INVALIDPARAMETER_ERR Invalid parameter specified in a function call.
FILE_INVALIDPOINTER_ERR Invalid pointer specified in a function call.
FILE_IO_ERR File I/O error.
FILE_LOCKVIOLATION_ERR File locking error.
FILE_MEM_ERR Out of memory during file I/O.
FILE_MUTEX_NOTAVAILABLE_ERR Mutex is not available.
FILE_NOMORE_WARN Internal use only.
FILE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR Function call not implemented yet.
FILE_NOTFOUND_ERR File not found.
FILE_OPEN_ERR File open error.
FILE_QUIT_ERR File Manager's module quit error.
FILE_READ_ERR File read error.
FILE_REMOVE_ERR File removal error.
FILE_SEEK_ERR File seek error.
FILE_SHARE_ERR Sharing violation.
FILE_SYNTAX_ERR File handling syntax error.
FILE_TOOLARGE_ERR File size limit error.
FILE_WRITE_ERR File write error.
FRX_INIT_ERR Fireworx recognition module initialization error.
IMF_APPEND_ERR Appending not allowed.
IMF_CLOSE_ERR Image file close error.
IMF_COLOR_ERR Color PCX file is not supported.
IMF_COMP_ERR Error in image compression.
IMF_COMP_WARN Problem in image compression.
IMF_CREATE_ERR Image file create error.
IMF_EMPTYHANDLE_WARN The file belonging to this handle does not exist any longer.
IMF_FAXVIEWMISS_ERR Microsoft Fax viewer missing or not installed.
IMF_FILEFORMAT_ERR File format error.
IMF_FILENOTEMPTY_ERR Writing into a non-empty file without IMF append mode specified.
IMF_IMGFORM_ERR Unknown image format.
IMF_INIT_ERR Image file I/O module initialization error.
IMF_MEMORY_ERR Out of memory during image file I/O.
IMF_NOTSUP_ERR Not supported image file format or image file type.
IMF_OPEN_ERR Image file open error.
IMF_PAGENUM_ERR Non-existent page number.
IMF_PASSWORD_WARN Password protected file.
IMF_READ_ERR Image file read error.
IMF_READ_WARN Image file read problem.
IMF_TAGMISSING_ERR Required TIFF basic tag is missing.
IMF_TMPFILE_ERR Temporary file handling error.
IMF_WRITE_ERR Image file write error.
IMG_ACCESS_ERR Image operation denied.
IMG_ANCHOR_WARN One or more anchor zones were not found.
IMG_ANCHORNOTFOUND_ERR Neither of the anchor zones were found.
IMG_BITMAPADDRESS_ERR Invalid bitmap address.
IMG_BITSPERPIXEL_ERR Unsupported BitsPerPixel value.
IMG_BUFFEROVERFLOW_ERR Buffer overflow during processing the image.
IMG_COMPRESSED_ERR Cannot process compressed image.
IMG_DPI_ERR Non-supported resolution.
IMG_DPI_WARN Non-supported resolution.
IMG_HANDLE_ERR Invalid image handle.
IMG_INVALIDOP_ERR Operation not supported on this image.
IMG_NOMORE_WARN No more lines in defined image area.
IMG_NOTATTACHED_ERR Internal use only.
IMG_NOTENOUGHMEMORY_ERR Not enough memory during image processing.
IMG_NOTFOUND_ERR Image not found.
IMG_RECT_ERR Invalid rectangle dimensions.
IMG_SETTING_ERR Internal use only.
IMG_SIZE_ERR Non-supported image size.
IMG_ZONE_ERR Invalid zone operation.
L_ERROR_ABORTED The function was aborted.
L_ERROR_APPSET Invalid appset.
L_ERROR_BADVERSION Wrong Layout Analyser version.
L_ERROR_CALL Invalid function call.
L_ERROR_CONV_LECSO Layout Analyser command error.
L_ERROR_CONV_NODOCUMENT No document in Layout Analyser Storage.
L_ERROR_CONVERTER Conversion error.
L_ERROR_DOCFORMATTER Internal use only.
L_ERROR_DTK DTK function error.
L_ERROR_FILE Gerneral file operation error.
L_ERROR_FILE_CLOSE File cannot be closed.
L_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT Wrong file format.
L_ERROR_FILE_OPEN File cannot be opened.
L_ERROR_FILE_READ File reading error.
L_ERROR_FILE_SEEK File seeking error.
L_ERROR_FILE_WRITE File writing error.
L_ERROR_IMAGE Image operation error.
L_ERROR_MASTERSOFT Text converter filter error.
L_ERROR_NOACCESS Access error.
L_ERROR_NOID No such Object ID.
L_ERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED Feature not implemented.
L_ERROR_OBJID Wrong Object ID.
L_ERROR_OBJTYPE Wrong object type.
L_ERROR_OUTPUT_MODE Invalid output mode.
L_ERROR_PARAMETER Invalid internal parameter.
L_ERROR_PRERENDERING Prerendering error.
L_ERROR_RANGE Invalid internal range.
L_ERROR_READONLY Layour Analyser opened as read only.
L_ERROR_STOP Internal use only.
L_ERROR_TOO_MANY_SHEETS Too many Excel sheets.
L_ERRORS General OmniPage Document (OPD) Error.
L_FATALERRORS General OmniPage Document (OPD) Fatal error.
L_FERROR_FILEFORMAT Wrong file format or wrong reading or writing methods.
L_FERROR_INDEX Wrong index stream.
L_FERROR_INTERNAL Internal OmniPage Document (OPD) error.
L_FERROR_MEMORY OmniPage Document (OPD) memory problem.
L_FERROR_MISSING Missing file (usually a DLL).
L_FERROR_NOSET Some attribute was not set.
L_FERROR_PERMISSION PDF modification restricted.
L_FERROR_RECAPI Error in RecApi.
L_WARNING_NOTFOUND Layout Analyser Object not found.
L_WARNING_NOTOPENED Layout Analyser Object not opened.
L_WARNING_SUBSTITUTED Data substitution.
L_WARNINGS General OmniPage Document (OPD) Warning.
MEM_INVALIDPOINTER_ERR Invalid pointer to a memory object.
MEM_NOTENOUGH_ERR Not enough memory for this memory operation.
MGR_ERR Engine manager module error.
MNG_INIT_ERR MNG recognition module initialization error.
MOR_BCTCORRUPTED_ERR Knowledge base file for MOR recognition module corrupted (RECOGN.BCT).
MOR_BCTNOTFOUND_ERR Knowledge base file for MOR recognition module not found (RECOGN.BCT).
MOR_BCTVERSION_ERR Incorrect knowledge base file version (RECOGN.BCT).
MOR_DOS_ERR DOS error during recognition.
MOR_GPFAULT_ERR General Protection Fault in the MOR recognition module.
MOR_INIT_ERR MOR recognition module initialization error.
MOR_INTERNAL_ERR Internal error in the MOR recognition module.
MOR_TOOLARGE_ERR Image size too large.
MTX_INIT_ERR M/TEXT recognition module initialization error.
NO_TXT_WARN No recognized text available: either because the zone is empty or the required recognition module has not been initialized properly.
NOT_IMPL_ERR Non-implemented feature.
OCR_NO_MODULE_WARN No selected recognition module.
PAGE_HANDLE_ERR Page handle not found.
PAGE_NOTFOUND_ERR Page not found.
REC_OKSuccessful operation, no error.
SPL_BADFILEFORMAT_ERR Invalid file format (TEV.SZO).
SPL_BADWORD_ERR Item is incorrect (NULL pointer, empty word, or illegal regular expression pattern).
SPL_CLOSE_ERR User dictionary close error.
SPL_DUPWORD_ERR Item already exists in the User dictionary.
SPL_EXISTSECT_WARN Section already exists in User dictionary.
SPL_FOPEN_ERR Spell file open error.
SPL_FREAD_ERR Spell file read error.
SPL_FWRITE_ERR User dictionary write error.
SPL_HANDLE_ERR Internal spell function call with a wrong handle.
SPL_INIT_ERR Module initialization error.
SPL_INTERNAL_ERR Internal checking error.
SPL_LANG_ERR Illegal language setting.
SPL_MEMORY_ERR Not enough memory for the SPL module.
SPL_NOINIT_ERR Uninitialized spell object.
SPL_NOMORE_WARN No more suggestions/items available.
SPL_NOTFOUND_ERR Item does not exist in the User dictionary.
SPL_REGEXP_SYNTAX_ERR Regular expression syntax error.
SPL_UDSECT_ERR Section does not exist in the User dictionary.
STSMN_BADORMISSINGREF_ERR The reference of a symbolic link subtree is invalid or the referenced setting does not exist yet.
STSMN_BADTYPE_ERR Improper setting type.
STSMN_FULLSAVEDTREE_WARN The loaded settings file may contain default values.
STSMN_HANDLE_ERR StsMan invalid node handle error.
STSMN_INVALIDFILE_ERR Settings file content invalid.
STSMN_NOSETTING_ERR No settings in node.
STSMN_NOTFOUND_ERR Node not found.
STSMN_OPNOTALLOWED_ERR Operation not allowed for setting or node.
STSMN_PARAMETER_ERR Invalid parameter.
ZONE_EXISTING_SEQ_ERR Internal use only.
ZONE_FILE_ERR Internal use only.
ZONE_IMAGE_DOWNSAMPLED_WARN Color image was downsampled.
ZONE_NO_FIELDNAME_WARN Zone can not have a field name defined.
ZONE_NOTFOUND_ERR No zone in the zone list.
ZONE_NOTFOUND_WARN No zone in the zone list.
ZONE_POSITION_ERR Invalid zone index.
ZONE_SHAPE_ERR Invalid zone shape (not rectangular).
ZONE_SIZE_ERR Invalid zone coordinates.
ZONE_SIZE_WARN Invalid zone coordinates.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.Recognition Namespace