ImageGear .NET - Updated July 5, 2018
ImGearDecimationTypes Enumeration

ImageGear24.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.JPG Namespace : ImGearDecimationTypes Enumeration
This enumeration lists all possible JPEG decimation values.
Public Enum ImGearDecimationTypes 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearDecimationTypes
Decim_1x1_1x1_1x1For each Y sample, one Cb sample and one Cr sample are stored.
Decim_1x2_1x1_1x1For each vertical pair of Y samples, one Cb sample and one Cr sample are stored.
Decim_1x4_1x1_1x1For each four vertical Y samples, one Cb sample and one Cr sample are stored.
Decim_1x4_1x2_1x2For each four vertical Y samples, two vertical Cb samples and two vertical Cr samples are stored.
Decim_2x1_1x1_1x1For each horizontal pair of Y samples, one Cb sample and one Cr sample are stored.
Decim_2x2_1x1_1x1For each four (two horizontal by two vertical) Y samples, one Cb sample and one Cr sample are stored.
Decim_2x2_2x1_2x1For each four (two horizontal by two vertical) Y samples, two horizontal Cb samples and two horizontal Cr samples are stored.
Decim_2x4_1x1_1x1For each eight (two horizontal by four vertical) Y samples, one Cb sample and one Cr sample are stored.
Decim_4x1_1x1_1x1For each four horizontal Y samples, one Cb sample and one Cr sample are stored.
Decim_4x1_2x1_2x1For each four horizontal Y samples, two horizontal Cb samples and two horizontal Cr samples are stored.
Decim_4x2_1x1_1x1For each eight (four horizontal by two vertical) Y samples, one Cb sample and one Cr sample are stored.
Decim_4x4_2x2_2x2For each 16 (four horizontal by four vertical) Y samples, four (two horizontal by two vertical) Cb samples and four (two horizontal by two vertical) Cr samples are stored.
The format of these ImageGear decimation constants is: Decim_(H1)x(V1)_(H2)x(V2)_(H3)x(V3),

where Hi, Vi = horizontal and vertical decimation values for the i-channel.

The following is a simple example of decimation. For a more detailed definition, please see the JPEG Specification.

A decimation setting of Decim_4x2_1x1_1x1 would yield the following results:

As shown, 8 Y components in the source image have yielded one Cb and one Cr component. In general, this setting will reduce the quality of the compression, unless the image has many continuous tone areas.

Maximum quality can be reached using a value of Decim_1x1_1x1_1x1.

Maximum compression ratio can be reached with a value of Decim_4x4_2x2_2x2.

The ImageGear default decimation value is: Decim_2x2_1x1_1x1.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.Formats.JPG Namespace
ImageGear.Formats.JPG Namespace