ImageGear .NET - Updated July 5, 2018
ImGearTWAIN.DSMVersion Enumeration

ImageGear24.Twain Assembly > ImageGear.TWAIN Namespace : ImGearTWAIN.DSMVersion Enumeration

Specifies which version of the TWAIN Data Source Manager (DSM) to load.

Version 1.x is implemented by twain_32.dll found at 'systemroot'.

Version 2.x is implemented by TWAINDSM.dll found at 'systemroot\System32' and/or 'systemroot\SysWOW64'.

Depending on the installed drivers for the data source, the source may or may not appear in the source list depending on the TWAIN DSM version selected.

Public Enum ImGearTWAIN.DSMVersion 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearTWAIN.DSMVersion
LatestVersion Use the latest supported TWAIN DSM that is available. If the TWAIN 2.x DSM can not be found, then resort to the TWAIN 1.x DSM. If the TWAIN 1.x DSM can not be found, then an error will be thrown when attempting to open the connection.
None No version of the TWAIN DSM was specified and/or loaded.
Version1 Use version 1.x of the TWAIN DSM (twain_32). If the TWAIN 1.x DSM can not be found, then an error will be thrown when attempting to open the connection. Note that TWAIN 1.x does not support 64-bit TWAIN applications or sources.
Version2 Use version 2.x of the TWAIN DSM (TWAINDSM). If the TWAIN 2.x DSM can not be found, then an error will be thrown when attempting to open the connection. Note that TWAIN 2.x supports only sources implementing TWAIN 1.5 or later.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.TWAIN Namespace