ImageGear .NET - Updated May 30, 2018
ImGearJP2TagIDs Enumeration

ImageGear24.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Formats Namespace : ImGearJP2TagIDs Enumeration
Lists all JP2 tag identifiers.
Public Enum ImGearJP2TagIDs 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearJP2TagIDs
ALPHA_1Alpha channel 1 info.
ALPHA_2Alpha channel 2 info.
ALPHA_3Alpha channel 3 info.
ALPHA_CHANNELSAlpha channel.
ALPHA_MAPPINGAlpha channel mapping.
CAPTURE_RESOLUTION_XCapture resloution X.
CAPTURE_RESOLUTION_YCapture resloution Y.
COMMENTComment info.
COMPRESSIONImage compression.
DISPLAY_RESOLUTION_XDisplay resloution X.
DISPLAY_RESOLUTION_YDisplay resloution Y.
FORMATJP2 metadata format identifier.
IPRIntellectual property rights.
RESOLUTIONResolution info.
TYPEFile format type.
UUIDThis tag identifies the UUID metadata tree.
UUID_DATAThis tag specifies the UUID data.
UUID_ID This tag specifies the UUID identifier.
XMLXML metadata.
XMPXML packet containing XMP metadata.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.Formats Namespace