ImageGear .NET - Updated May 1, 2018
Mark class

ImageGear.Web.UI Library > ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace : Mark class
An individual mark.
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
ImageGear.Web.UI.Mark = function( 
   type : MarkType
) {};
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var instanceVar = new ImageGear.Web.UI.Mark();

This object represents an individual mark. All marks that you wish ImageGear to draw on a page must be contained in an object of this type. You may also use a Mark object to represent a mark that is not associated with a specific page.

Unlike NotateXpress and the .NET portion of ImageGear, all mark types are represented by this single class. When you create an instance of this class, you must specify the type of the mark and it cannot be changed after that point. This class has many properties, but only a subset of them will be valid for any given mark type. If you try to read or write the properties that are not valid for the mark's type, this object will throw an exception. The table at the bottom of this topic shows which properties are valid for each mark type.

If this mark is associated with a PageView control (via an ArtPage), that control will automatically redraw itself whenever you change a property of this object. To improve performance, the control will schedule that redraw for a time when the browser is idle. If you wish to redraw the control immediately, call the control's PageView.display function. The same behavior applies to marks that are associated with a ThumbnailView control and you can call the ThumbnailView.display function to redraw immediately.

Any specific instance of this type can only be associated with one ArtPage at a time. If you try to associate a mark with two different ArtPage objects at the same time, the second association will throw an exception. This behavior eliminates the most common usage errors that could arise if a mark could be associated with multiple ArtPage objects at the same time.

This table shows which properties are valid for each type of Mark.

Property Line Polyline Rectangle Ellipse Polygon Text
artPage Y Y Y Y Y Y
boundingRectangle Y Y Y Y Y Y
calloutLineColor N N N N N Y
calloutLineIsDistinct N N N N N Y
calloutLineStyle N N N N N Y
calloutLineWidth N N N N N Y
calloutPoint N N N N N Y
calloutType N N N N N Y
calloutVisible N N N N N Y
endHeadAngle Y Y N N N N
endHeadLength Y Y N N N N
endHeadType Y Y N N N N
fillColor N N Y Y Y Y
fillVisible N N Y Y Y Y
fontName N N N N N Y
fontSize N N N N N Y
fontStyle N N N N N Y
headFillColor Y Y N N N N
isClosed N Y N N N N
lineColor Y Y Y Y Y Y
lineStyle Y Y Y Y Y Y
lineVisible N N Y Y Y Y
lineWidth Y Y Y Y Y Y
opacity Y Y Y Y Y Y
points Y Y N N Y N
rectangle N N Y Y N Y
startHeadAngle Y Y N N N N
startHeadLength Y Y N N N N
startHeadType Y Y N N N N
text N N N N N Y
textColor N N N N N Y
textHorizontalAlignment N N N N N Y
textOpacity N N N N N Y
textOrientation N N N N N Y
textVerticalAlignment N N N N N Y
fillRule N N N N Y N
type Y Y Y Y Y Y
visible Y Y Y Y Y Y

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


Mark Members
ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace