ImageGear .NET v24.14 - Updated
CalculateCameraToRGBMatrix(IGDoubleMatrix,ImGearIlluminant,IGDoubleMatrix,ImGearIlluminant,ImGearDoublePoint) Method

ImageGear24.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Processing Namespace > ImGearCameraRawProcessing Class > CalculateCameraToRGBMatrix Method : CalculateCameraToRGBMatrix(IGDoubleMatrix,ImGearIlluminant,IGDoubleMatrix,ImGearIlluminant,ImGearDoublePoint) Method
XYZ to camera colorspace conversion matrix under Illuminant 1.
Illuminant 1 value.
XYZ to camera colorspace conversion matrix under Illuminant 2.
Illuminant 2 value.
XY coordinates of camera white point.
Calculates the matrix for conversion from camera color space to linear sRGB color space.
Public Overloads Shared Function CalculateCameraToRGBMatrix( _
   ByVal colorMatrix1 As IGDoubleMatrix, _
   ByVal illuminant1 As ImGearIlluminant, _
   ByVal colorMatrix2 As IGDoubleMatrix, _
   ByVal illuminant2 As ImGearIlluminant, _
   ByVal whitePoint As ImGearDoublePoint _
) As Double(,)
Dim colorMatrix1 As IGDoubleMatrix
Dim illuminant1 As ImGearIlluminant
Dim colorMatrix2 As IGDoubleMatrix
Dim illuminant2 As ImGearIlluminant
Dim whitePoint As ImGearDoublePoint
Dim value() As Double
value = ImGearCameraRawProcessing.CalculateCameraToRGBMatrix(colorMatrix1, illuminant1, colorMatrix2, illuminant2, whitePoint)


XYZ to camera colorspace conversion matrix under Illuminant 1.
Illuminant 1 value.
XYZ to camera colorspace conversion matrix under Illuminant 2.
Illuminant 2 value.
XY coordinates of camera white point.

Return Value

Double array.
Calculates the matrix for conversion from camera color space to linear sRGB color space, based on two known color matrices corresponding to different light conditions, and a white point. By "linear sRGB color space" we assume a linear (Gamma = 1.0) RGB color space that uses sRGB primaries and reference white. This color space can be converted to sRGB by applying sRGB gamma correction function.

If only one color matrix is known, pass null to colorMatrix2.

Dimensions of colorMatrix1 and colorMatrix2 must be equal to (n, 3), where n is channel count of native camera color space (3 or 4). Result matrix dimensions are (3, n).

See Also


ImGearCameraRawProcessing Class
ImGearCameraRawProcessing Members
Overload List
ImGearIlluminant Enumeration
ImGearDoublePoint Structure