ImageGear .NET v24.14 - Updated
ImGearRecLanguage Enumeration

ImageGear24.Recognition Assembly > ImageGear.Recognition Namespace : ImGearRecLanguage Enumeration
Identifies the different languages supported directly by the Recognition namespace.
Public Enum ImGearRecLanguage 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearRecLanguage
public enum ImGearRecLanguage : System.Enum 
__value public enum ImGearRecLanguage : public System.Enum 
public enum class ImGearRecLanguage : public System.Enum 
AFRAfrikaans language selection.
ALBAlbanian language selection.
AUTOAutomatic language selection (only applicable for spell checking). When ImGearRecRecognitionSettings.SpellingLanguage property is set to AUTO, the actual language of the spell checking will be determined as follows: if ImGearRecRecognitionSettings.SpellingEnabled property is true and only one language has been enabled in the ImGearRecRecognitionSettings.LanguageEnabled property, then this language will be automatically selected for spelling, too. This is the default value for the ImGearRecRecognitionSettings.SpellingLanguage property.
AYMAymara language selection.
BASBasque language selection.
BELByelorussian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well.
BEMBemba language selection.
BLABlackfoot language selection.
BRAPortuguese (Brazilian) language selection.
BREBreton language selection.
BUGBugotu language selection.
BULBulgarian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well.
CATCatalan language selection. Spelling is supported.
CHAChamorro language selection.
CHEChechen language selection.
CHSSimplified Chinese language selection.
CHTTraditional Chinese language selection.
CHUChuana or Tswana language selection.
CORCorsican language selection.
CROCroatian language selection.
CRWCrow language selection.
CZHCzech language selection. Spelling is supported.
DANDanish language selection. Spelling is supported.
DUTDutch language selection. Spelling is supported.
ENGEnglish language selection. Spelling supported (Default for recognition).
ESKEskimo language selection.
ESPEsperanto language selection.
ESTEstonian language selection.
FARFaroese language selection.
FIJFijian language selection.
FINFinnish language selection. Spelling is supported.
FREFrench language selection. Spelling is supported.
FRIFrisian language selection.
FRUFriulian language selection.
GALGalician language selection.
GANGanda or Luganda language selection.
GERGerman language selection. Spelling is supported.
GLIGaelic Irish language selection.
GLSGaelic Scottish language selection.
GREGreek language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language. Spelling is supported.
GUAGuarani language selection.
HANHani language selection.
HAWHawaiian language selection.
HUNHungarian language selection. Spelling is supported.
ICEIcelandic language selection.
IDOIdo language selection.
INDIndonesian language selection.
INTInterlingua language selection.
ITAItalian language selection. Spelling is supported.
JPNJapanese language selection.
KABKabardian language selection.
KASKasub language selection.
KAWKawa language selection.
KIKKikuyu language selection.
KONKongo language selection.
KPEKpelle language selection.
KRNKorean language selection.
KURKurdish language selection if written in latin alphabet.
LATLatvian language selection.
LITLithuanian language selection.
LTNLatin language selection.
LUBLuba language selection.
LUXLuxembourgian language selection.
MACMacedonian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well.
MALMaltese language selection.
MAOMaori language selection.
MAYMayan language selection.
MIAMiao language selection.
MINMinankabaw language selection.
MLGMalagasy language selection.
MLNMalinke language selection.
MLYMalay language selection.
MOHMohawk language selection.
MOLMoldavian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well.
NAHNahuatl language selection.
NONo language selection (only applicable for spell checking). This value can be used to specify that the checking module will not use the Language dictionary.
NORNorwegian language selection. Spelling is supported.
NYANyanja language selection.
OCCOccidental language selection.
OJIOjibway language selection.
PAPPapiamento language selection.
PIDPidgin English language selection.
POLPolish language selection. Spelling is supported.
PORPortuguese language selection. Spelling is supported.
PROProvencal language selection.
QUEQuechua language selection.
RHARhaetic language selection.
ROMRomanian language selection.
ROYRomany language selection.
RUARuanda language selection.
RUNRundi language selection.
RUSRussian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. Spelling is supported.
SAMSamoan language selection.
SARSardinian language selection.
SHOShona language selection.
SIOSioux language selection.
SLKSlovak language selection.
SLNSlovenian language selection.
SMISami language selection (Combination of the Sami language family).
SMLLule Sami language selection.
SMNNorthern Sami language selection.
SMSSouthern Sami language selection.
SOMSomali language selection.
SOTSotho, Suto or Sesuto language selection.
SPASpanish language selection. Spelling is supported.
SRBSerbian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well.
SRLSerbian (Latin) language selection.
STARTUsed internally.
SUNSundanese language selection.
SWASwahili language selection.
SWESwedish language selection. Spelling is supported.
SWZSwazi language selection.
TAGTagalog language selection.
TAHTahitian language selection.
TINTinpo language selection.
TONTongan language selection.
TUNTun language selection.
TURTurkish language selection.
UDUsed internally.
UKRUkrainian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well.
VISVisayan language selection.
WELWelsh language selection.
WENWend or Sorbian language selection.
WOLWolof language selection.
XHOXhosa language selection.
ZAPZapotec language selection.
ZULZulu language selection.
Note: HKSCS (Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set) is not officially supported.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.Recognition Namespace