ImageGear .NET - Updated
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ImageGear .NET v23.5

ImageGear .NET v23.5 introduces advanced compression and new licensing choices.

ImageGear .NET v23.4

ImageGear .NET v23.4 introduces digital signatures for PDF documents.

ImageGear .NET v23.3

ImageGear .NET v23.3 introduces improvements to PDF functionality and LibreOffice.

ImageGear .NET v23.2

ImageGear .NET v23.2 introduces Acroforms widget annotation customization, PDF compression features, Visual Studio 2017 samples support and overall improvements.

ImageGear .NET v23.1

ImageGear .NET v23.1 introduces Office improvements.


ImageGear .NET v23.1 introduces LibreOffice support to ImageGear.Formats.Office namespace, which provides the following enhancements to Office:

See the new CovertOfficeToPDF sample for information about working with Office and converting documents to PDF.

ImageGear .NET v23.0

ImageGear .NET v23 introduces new features and improvements in the following areas:


ImageGear .NET v23 introduces Acroforms support and improvements to PDF/A.

Acroforms Support

With ImageGear’s Acroforms support, you can add the following capabilities to your imaging application:

See the ManipulatePDFAcroForms sample and the How to topics for more information about working with Acroforms.


In ImageGear .NET v23, we’ve improved both the conversion to PDF/A and the compliance check of PDF/A conversions.


ImageGear .NET v23 provides the following enhancements to OCR:

See the new OCRUsingZones and OCRLanguageSelection samples for information about working with OCR.