// Setup color for the callout border.
ImGearRGBQuad igRGBQuadBorderCallout = new ImGearRGBQuad(0, 255, 255);
// Setup a border with a width of 3 and a solid pattern.
ImGearARTBorder igARTBorderCallout = new ImGearARTBorder(
igRGBQuadBorderCallout, 3, ImGearARTPenStyle.SOLID
// Create a callout to be used for the annotation.
ImGearARTCallout igARTCallout = new ImGearARTCallout(
ImGearARTCalloutType.LINE, igPage.DIB.Width / 2,
igPage.DIB.Height / 2, igARTBorderCallout
// Setup rectangle for the text mark's location.
ImGearRectangle igRectangle = new ImGearRectangle(10, 10, 200, 20);
// Setup color for the text.
ImGearRGBQuad igRGBQuadText = new ImGearRGBQuad(255, 0, 255);
// Create the text callout annotation.
ImGearARTTextCallout igARTTextCallout = new ImGearARTTextCallout(
igRectangle, "ImGearARTText annotation", igRGBQuadText,
"Arial", (float)14.0, ImGearARTFontStyles.Regular, igARTCallout
// Add the annotation to the ARTPage.
igARTPage.AddMark(igARTTextCallout, ImGearARTCoordinatesType.IMAGE_COORD);