ImageGear23.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Formats Namespace : ImGearMakerNoteOlympusImageProcessorTagIDs Enumeration |
Member | Value | Description |
BLACKLEVEL2 | 0x00000600 | Black level 2. |
CHROMASUPPLESS_5_0601 | 0x00000601 | Chroma suppless 5_0601. |
CHROMASUPPLESS_5_0602 | 0x00000602 | Chroma suppless 5_0602. |
CHROMASUPPLESS_5_0603 | 0x00000603 | Chroma suppless 5_0603. |
CHROMASUPPLESS_5_0604 | 0x00000604 | Chroma suppless 5_0604. |
COLORMATRICES | 0x00000259 | Color Matrices. |
COLORMATRICES_ADOBERGB1 | 0x00000253 | Color Matrices Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICES_ADOBERGB2 | 0x00000254 | Color Matrices Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICES_ADOBERGB3 | 0x00000255 | Color Matrices Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICES_PROPHOTORGB1 | 0x00000256 | Color Matrices ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICES_PROPHOTORGB2 | 0x00000257 | Color Matrices ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICES_PROPHOTORGB3 | 0x00000258 | Color Matrices ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICES_sRGB1 | 0x00000250 | Color Matrices sRGB. |
COLORMATRICES_sRGB2 | 0x00000251 | Color Matrices sRGB. |
COLORMATRICES_sRGB3 | 0x00000252 | Color Matrices sRGB. |
COLORMATRICESADOBERGB0 | 0x0000020E | Color Matrice Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICESADOBERGB1 | 0x0000020F | Color Matrice Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICESADOBERGB10 | 0x00000218 | Color Matrice Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICESADOBERGB11 | 0x00000219 | Color Matrice Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICESADOBERGB12 | 0x0000021A | Color Matrice Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICESADOBERGB2 | 0x00000210 | Color Matrice Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICESADOBERGB3 | 0x00000211 | Color Matrice Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICESADOBERGB4 | 0x00000212 | Color Matrice Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICESADOBERGB5 | 0x00000213 | Color Matrice Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICESADOBERGB6 | 0x00000214 | Color Matrice Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICESADOBERGB7 | 0x00000215 | Color Matrice Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICESADOBERGB8 | 0x00000216 | Color Matrice Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICESADOBERGB9 | 0x00000217 | Color Matrice Adobe RGB. |
COLORMATRICESPROPHOTORGB0 | 0x0000021B | Color Matrice ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICESPROPHOTORGB1 | 0x0000021C | Color Matrice ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICESPROPHOTORGB10 | 0x00000226 | Color Matrice ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICESPROPHOTORGB11 | 0x00000227 | Color Matrice ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICESPROPHOTORGB12 | 0x00000227 | Color Matrice ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICESPROPHOTORGB2 | 0x0000021D | Color Matrice ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICESPROPHOTORGB3 | 0x0000021E | Color Matrice ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICESPROPHOTORGB4 | 0x0000021F | Color Matrice ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICESPROPHOTORGB5 | 0x00000221 | Color Matrice ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICESPROPHOTORGB6 | 0x00000222 | Color Matrice ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICESPROPHOTORGB7 | 0x00000223 | Color Matrice ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICESPROPHOTORGB8 | 0x00000224 | Color Matrice ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICESPROPHOTORGB9 | 0x00000225 | Color Matrice ProPhoto RGB. |
COLORMATRICESSRGB0 | 0x00000201 | Color Matrice sRGB. |
COLORMATRICESSRGB1 | 0x00000202 | Color Matrice sRGB. |
COLORMATRICESSRGB10 | 0x0000020B | Color Matrice sRGB. |
COLORMATRICESSRGB11 | 0x0000020C | Color Matrice sRGB. |
COLORMATRICESSRGB12 | 0x0000020D | Color Matrice sRGB. |
COLORMATRICESSRGB2 | 0x00000203 | Color Matrice sRGB. |
COLORMATRICESSRGB3 | 0x00000204 | Color Matrice sRGB. |
COLORMATRICESSRGB4 | 0x00000205 | Color Matrice sRGB. |
COLORMATRICESSRGB5 | 0x00000206 | Color Matrice sRGB. |
COLORMATRICESSRGB6 | 0x00000207 | Color Matrice sRGB. |
COLORMATRICESSRGB7 | 0x00000208 | Color Matrice sRGB. |
COLORMATRICESSRGB8 | 0x00000209 | Color Matrice sRGB. |
COLORMATRICESSRGB9 | 0x0000020A | Color Matrice sRGB. |
COLORMATRIX_1 | 0x00000228 | Color matrix. |
COLORMATRIX_2 | 0x00000229 | Color matrix. |
COLORMATRIX2 | 0x00000200 | Color Matrix 2. |
CORINGVALUES | 0x00000311 | Coring values. |
EDITDISTORTIONCORRECTION | 0x00001011 | Edit distortion correction. |
EDITNOISEREDUCTION | 0x00001010 | Edit noise reduction. |
EDITSHADINGCOMPENSATION | 0x00001012 | Edit shading compensation. |
ENHANCERVALUES | 0x00000301 | Enhancer values. |
FACEAREA | 0x00001201 | Face area. |
FACEDETECT | 0x00001200 | Face detect. |
FINALHEIGHT | 0x00000615 | Final height. |
FINALWIDTH | 0x00000614 | Final width. |
FORMAT | 0x000004B9 | Olympus image processor IFD MakerNote metadata format identifier. |
GAINBASE | 0x00000610 | GainBase setting. |
GREENBIAS3000K | 0x00000113 | Green bias 3000K. |
GREENBIAS3300K | 0x00000114 | Green bias 3300K. |
GREENBIAS3600K | 0x00000115 | Green bias 3600K. |
GREENBIAS3900K | 0x00000116 | Green bias 3900K. |
GREENBIAS4000K | 0x00000117 | Green bias 4000K. |
GREENBIAS4300K | 0x00000118 | Green bias 4300K. |
GREENBIAS4500K | 0x00000119 | Green bias 4500K. |
GREENBIAS4800K | 0x0000011A | Green bias 4800K. |
GREENBIAS5300K | 0x0000011B | Green bias 5300K. |
GREENBIAS6000K | 0x0000011C | Green bias 6000K. |
GREENBIAS6600K | 0x0000011D | Green bias 6600K. |
GREENBIAS7500K | 0x0000011E | Green bias 7500K. |
GREENBIASASSHOT | 0x0000011F | Green bias as shot. |
IMAGEPROCESSORIFDVERSION | 0x00000000 | Image processor IFD version. |
LENSDISTORTIONPARAMS | 0x00000800 | Lens distortion params. |
LENSSHADINGPARAMS | 0x00000801 | Lens shading params. |
REDBLUEBIAS3000K | 0x00000102 | Red blue bias 3000K. |
REDBLUEBIAS3300K | 0x00000103 | Red blue bias 3300K. |
REDBLUEBIAS3600K | 0x00000104 | Red blue bias 3600K. |
REDBLUEBIAS3900K | 0x00000105 | Red blue bias 3900K. |
REDBLUEBIAS4000K | 0x00000106 | Red blue bias 4000K. |
REDBLUEBIAS4300K | 0x00000107 | Red blue bias 4300K. |
REDBLUEBIAS4500K | 0x00000108 | Red blue bias 4500K. |
REDBLUEBIAS4800K | 0x00000109 | Red blue bias 4800K. |
REDBLUEBIAS5300K | 0x0000010A | Red blue bias 5300K. |
REDBLUEBIAS6000K | 0x0000010B | Red blue bias 6000K. |
REDBLUEBIAS6600K | 0x0000010C | Red blue bias 6600K. |
REDBLUEBIAS7500K | 0x0000010D | Red blue bias 7500K. |
REDBLUEBIASASSHOT | 0x00000100 | Red blue bias as shot. |
REDBLUEBIASCWB1 | 0x0000010E | Red blue bias CWB1. |
REDBLUEBIASCWB2 | 0x0000010F | Red blue bias CWB2. |
REDBLUEBIASCWB3 | 0x00000110 | Red blue bias CWB3. |
REDBLUEBIASCWB4 | 0x00000111 | Red blue bias CWB4. |
STARTOFFSETX | 0x00000612 | Start offset X. |
STARTOFFSETY | 0x00000613 | Start offset Y. |
VALIDBitsPerPixel2 | 0x00000611 | Valid bits per pixel 2. |
VALUEOfCORING2 | 0x00000310 | Value of coring 2. |
VALUEOfENHANCER2 | 0x00000300 | Value of enhancer 2. |