ImageGear23.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Core Namespace > ImGearRasterPage Class : CutToClipboard Method |
Any third party application that supports pasting from the clipboard, will be able to retrieve the copied image. However, if it has the ROI, the mask will not be honored. Instead, the entire rectangular region beneath the bounding box, defined by the mask, will be pasted.
The fillColor cannot be null
. If fill color is not necessary, please use CopyToClipboard instead.
Note: The copied pixels will be converted to 1-, 4-, 8-bit Indexed or 24-bit RGB format for copying to the clipboard.
Note: The clipboard API can only be used in threads set to single thread apartment (STA) mode.
Note: The Windows clipboard does not support multiple access at the same time. It means, that attempt to use CutToClipboard or GetFromClipboard simultaneously from multiple threads will lead to impossibility to copy/paste the image to/from the clipboard - the ImGearException will be thrown.