ImageGear23.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Core Namespace : ImGearColorSpaceIDs Enumeration |
Member | Value | Description |
A | 0x00000100 | Image has alpha channel; color channels are not pre-multiplied by Alpha channel. |
CMY | 0x00000008 | CMY color space. |
CMYK | 0x00000009 | CMYK color space. |
CMYKEx | 0x00000409 | CMYK + Extra channel. |
ColorMask | 0x000000FF | Bitmask used to access color space description for color channels only (e.g., RGBEx & ColorMask == RGB; GyA & ColorMask == Gy). |
Ex | 0x00000400 | Extra channel. |
Gy | 0x00000002 | Grayscale color space. |
GyA | 0x00000102 | Grayscale + Alpha channel. |
GyPA | 0x00000202 | Grayscale + premultiplied alpha channel. |
GyPAEx | 0x00000602 | Grayscale + premultiplied alpha channel + extra channel. |
HLS | 0x00000005 | HLS color space. |
I | 0x00000003 | Indexed RGB color space. Has RGBQuad palette and one channel. Channel depth is <= 8; the number of palette entries is 2^<channel depth>. No other color space can have non-null palette. |
IHS | 0x00000004 | IHS color space. |
LAB | 0x00000006 | LAB color space. |
NONE | 0x00000000 | No color space is specified. |
P | 0x00000200 | Premultiplied channel. |
RGB | 0x00000001 | RGB color space. |
RGBA | 0x00000101 | RGB + alpha channel. |
RGBAEx | 0x00000501 | RGB + alpha + extra channel. |
RGBEx | 0x00000401 | RGB + extra channel. |
RGBPA | 0x00000201 | RGB + premultiplied alpha channel. |
RGBPAEx | 0x00000601 | RGB + premultiplied alpha channel + extra channel. |
Unknown | 0x00000400 | Only ‘Extra’ channels are present (1 or more channels). |
YCbCr | 0x0000000A | YCbCr color space. |
YIQ | 0x00000007 | YIQ color space. |
YUV | 0x0000000B | YUV color space. |
ImageGear also supports colorspaces corresponding to valid combinations of ImGearColorSpaceIDs
identifiers. Valid values are composed of a color identifier, such as RGB, Gy, Lab, etc, an optional Alpha and premulultiplied Alpha channel identifiers, and an optional Extra channel identifier. If Premultiplied Alpha bit is set, Alpha bit shall also be set. Only RGB and Gy colorspaces are currently allowed to be combined with Alpha or Premultiplied Alpha.