ImageGear23.Formats.Dicom Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.DICOM Namespace : ImGearDICOMTagsIDs Enumeration |
'Declaration Public Enum ImGearDICOMTagsIDs Inherits System.Enum
'Usage Dim instance As ImGearDICOMTagsIDs
public enum ImGearDICOMTagsIDs : System.Enum
__value public enum ImGearDICOMTagsIDs : public System.Enum
public enum class ImGearDICOMTagsIDs : public System.Enum
Member | Value | Description |
AbortFlag | 0x40101024 | Abort Flag. |
AbortReason | 0x40101021 | Abort Reason. |
AbsoluteChannelDisplayScale | 0x003A0248 | Absolute Channel Display Scale. |
AbstractPriorCodeSequence | 0x0072003E | Abstract Prior Code Sequence. |
AbstractPriorValue | 0x0072003C | Abstract Prior Value. |
AccessionNumber | 0x00080050 | Accession Number. |
AccessoryCode | 0x300A00F9 | Accessory Code. |
AcqStartCondition | 0x00180073 | Acquisition Start Condition. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
AcqStartConditionData | 0x00180074 | Acquisition Start Condition Data. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
AcqStopConditionData | 0x00180075 | Acquisition Termination Condition Data. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
AcquiredImageAreaDoseProduct | 0x00189473 | Acquired Image Area Dose Product. |
AcquiredSoundpathLength | 0x00144031 | Acquired Soundpath Length. |
AcquisitionComments | 0x00184000 | Acquisition Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AcquisitionCompressionType | 0x00144032 | Acquisition Compression Type. |
AcquisitionContextDesc | 0x00400556 | Acquisition Context Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
AcquisitionContextDescription | 0x00400556 | Acquisition Context Description. |
AcquisitionContextSequence | 0x00400555 | Acquisition Context Sequence. |
AcquisitionContrast | 0x00089209 | Acquisition Contrast. |
AcquisitionDate | 0x00080022 | Acquisition Date. |
AcquisitionDatetime | 0x0008002A | Acquisition DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
AcquisitionDateTime | 0x0008002A | Acquisition DateTime. |
AcquisitionDeviceProcessingCode | 0x00181401 | Acquisition Device Processing Code. |
AcquisitionDeviceProcessingDescription | 0x00181400 | Acquisition Device Processing Description. |
AcquisitionDeviceTypeCodeSequence | 0x00220015 | Acquisition Device Type Code Sequence. |
AcquisitionDuration | 0x00189073 | Acquisition Duration. |
AcquisitionIndex | 0x00209518 | Acquisition Index. |
AcquisitionMatrix | 0x00181310 | Acquisition Matrix. |
AcquisitionNumber | 0x00200012 | Acquisition Number. |
AcquisitionProtocolDescription | 0x00189424 | Acquisition Protocol Description. |
AcquisitionProtocolName | 0x00189423 | Acquisition Protocol Name. |
AcquisitionSampleSize | 0x00144033 | Acquisition Sample Size. |
AcquisitionsInSeries | 0x00201001 | Acquisitions in Series. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AcquisitionsInStudy | 0x00201004 | Acquisitions in Study. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AcquisitionStartCondition | 0x00180073 | Acquisition Start Condition. |
AcquisitionStartConditionData | 0x00180074 | Acquisition Start Condition Data. |
AcquisitionStatus | 0x40101044 | Acquisition Status. |
AcquisitionTerminationCondition | 0x00180071 | Acquisition Termination Condition. |
AcquisitionTerminationConditionData | 0x00180075 | Acquisition Termination Condition Data. |
AcquisitionTime | 0x00080032 | Acquisition Time. |
AcquisitionTimeSynchronized | 0x00181800 | Acquisition Time Synchronized. |
AcquisitionType | 0x00189302 | Acquisition Type. |
AcrossScanSpatialResolution | 0x00220048 | Across-scan Spatial Resolution. |
ActionTypeID | 0x00001008 | Action Type ID. |
ActiveSourceDiameter | 0x300A0218 | Active Source Diameter. |
ActiveSourceLength | 0x300A021A | Active Source Length. |
ActualCardiacTriggerDelayTime | 0x00209252 | Actual Cardiac Trigger Delay Time. |
ActualCardiacTriggerTimePriorToRPeak | 0x00209155 | Actual Cardiac Trigger Time Prior To R-Peak. |
ActualEnvironmentalConditions | 0x00141010 | Actual Environmental Conditions. |
ActualFrameDuration | 0x00181242 | Actual Frame Duration. |
ActualHumanPerformerSequence | 0x00404035 | Actual Human Performers Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ActualHumanPerformersSequence | 0x00404035 | Actual Human Performers Sequence. |
ActualRespiratoryTriggerDelayTime | 0x00209257 | Actual Respiratory Trigger Delay Time. |
AdaptiveMapFormat | 0x00280730 | Adaptive Map Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AddGrayScale | 0x00005150 | Add Gray Scale. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AddIntermediateSequence | 0x00460101 | Add Intermediate Sequence. |
AdditionalDrugSequence | 0x0018002A | Additional Drug Sequence. |
AdditionalPatientHistory | 0x001021B0 | Additional Patient History. |
AddNearSequence | 0x00460100 | Add Near Sequence. |
AddOtherSequence | 0x00460102 | Add Other Sequence. |
AddPower | 0x00460104 | Add Power. |
Address | 0x0040A353 | Address (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AddressTrial | 0x0040A353 | Address (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AdministrationRouteCodeSequence | 0x00540302 | Administration Route Code Sequence. |
AdmissionID | 0x00380010 | Admission ID. |
AdmittingDate | 0x00380020 | Admitting Date. |
AdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequence | 0x00081084 | Admitting Diagnoses Code Sequence. |
AdmittingDiagnosesDescription | 0x00081080 | Admitting Diagnoses Description. |
AdmittingDiagnosisCodeSequence | 0x00081084 | Admitting Diagnoses Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
AdmittingTime | 0x00380021 | Admitting Time. |
AffectedSOPClassUID | 0x00000002 | Affected SOP Class UID. |
AffectedSOPInstanceUID | 0x00001000 | Affected SOP Instance UID. |
AgeCorrectedSensitivityDeviationAlgorithmSequence | 0x00240065 | Age Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Algorithm Sequence. |
AgeCorrectedSensitivityDeviationProbabilityValue | 0x00240100 | Age Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Probability Value. |
AgeCorrectedSensitivityDeviationValue | 0x00240092 | Age Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Value. |
AirCounts | 0x00143070 | Air Counts. |
AlarmDecision | 0x40101031 | Alarm Decision. |
AlarmDecisionTime | 0x4010102B | Alarm Decision Time. |
AlertCodeSequence | 0x0040A057 | Alert Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
AlgorithmCodeSequenceTrial | 0x0040A296 | Algorithm Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AlgorithmDescription | 0x00189528 | Algorithm Description. |
AlgorithmDescriptionTrial | 0x0040A297 | Algorithm Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AlgorithmFamilyCodeSequence | 0x0066002F | Algorithm Family Code Sequence. |
AlgorithmName | 0x00660036 | Algorithm Name. |
AlgorithmNameCodeSequence | 0x00660030 | Algorithm Name Code Sequence. |
AlgorithmParameters | 0x00660032 | Algorithm Parameters. |
AlgorithmRoutingCodeSequence | 0x40101064 | Algorithm Routing Code Sequence. |
AlgorithmSource | 0x00240202 | Algorithm Source. |
AlgorithmType | 0x00189527 | Algorithm Type. |
AlgorithmVersion | 0x00660031 | Algorithm Version. |
AliasedDataType | 0x0018980B | Aliased Data Type. |
ALinePixelSpacing | 0x00520014 | A?line Pixel Spacing. |
ALineRate | 0x00520011 | A?line Rate. |
ALinesPerFrame | 0x00520012 | A?lines Per Frame. |
Allergies | 0x00102110 | Allergies value. |
AllowLossyCompression | 0x2200000F | Allow Lossy Compression. |
AllowMediaSplitting | 0x22000007 | Allow Media Splitting. |
AlongScanSpatialResolution | 0x00220037 | Along-scan Spatial Resolution. |
AlphaLUTTransferFunction | 0x00281410 | Alpha LUT Transfer Function. |
AlphaPaletteColorLookupTableData | 0x00281204 | Alpha Palette Color Lookup Table Data. |
AlphaPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor | 0x00281104 | Alpha Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor. |
AlternateContainerIdentifierSequence | 0x00400515 | Alternate Container Identifier Sequence. |
AlternateContentDescriptionSequence | 0x00700087 | Alternate Content Description Sequence. |
AlternateRepresentationSequence | 0x00083001 | Alternate Representation Sequence. |
AmplifierType | 0x0014400A | Amplifier Type. |
AnatomicalOrientationType | 0x00102210 | Anatomical Orientation Type. |
AnatomicApproachDirectionCodeSequence | 0x00082255 | Anatomic Approach Direction Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AnatomicLocationOfExaminingInstrumentCodeSequence | 0x00082259 | Anatomic Location Of Examining Instrument Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AnatomicLocationOfExaminingInstrumentDescription | 0x00082258 | Anatomic Location Of Examining Instrument Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AnatomicPerspectiveCodeSequence | 0x00082257 | Anatomic Perspective Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AnatomicPerspectiveDescription | 0x00082256 | Anatomic Perspective Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AnatomicPortalOfEntranceCodeSequence | 0x00082253 | Anatomic Portal Of Entrance Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AnatomicRegionModifierSequence | 0x00082220 | Anatomic Region Modifier Sequence. |
AnatomicRegionSequence | 0x00082218 | Anatomic Region Sequence. |
AnatomicStructure | 0x00082208 | Anatomic Structure. |
AnatomicStructureSpaceOrRegionCodeSequence | 0x00082251 | Anatomic Structure Space Or Region Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AnatomicStructureSpaceOrRegionModifierCodeSequence | 0x0008225A | Anatomic Structure Space Or Region Modifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AnatomicStructureSpaceOrRegionSequence | 0x00082229 | Anatomic Structure, Space or Region Sequence. |
AnatomicStructureSpaceRegionSequence | 0x00082229 | Anatomic Structure, Space or Region Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
AnchorPoint | 0x00700014 | Anchor Point. |
AnchorPointAnnotationUnits | 0x00700004 | Anchor Point Annotation Units. |
AnchorPointVisibility | 0x00700015 | Anchor Point Visibility. |
AngioFlag | 0x00180025 | Angio Flag. |
AngleNumber | 0x00200018 | Angle Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AngularPosition | 0x00181141 | Angular Position. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AngularStep | 0x00181144 | Angular Step. |
AngularViewVector | 0x00540090 | Angular View Vector. |
AnnotationContentSequence | 0x21300050 | Annotation Content Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AnnotationDisplayFormatID | 0x20100030 | Annotation Display Format ID. |
AnnotationFlag | 0x20000065 | Annotation Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AnnotationGroupNumber | 0x0040A180 | Annotation Group Number. |
AnnotationPosition | 0x20300010 | Annotation Position. |
AnnotationSequence | 0x0040B020 | Waveform Annotation Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
AnodeTargetMaterial | 0x00181191 | Anode Target Material. |
AnteriorChamberDepth | 0x00221131 | Anterior Chamber Depth. |
AnteriorChamberDepthDefinitionCodeSequence | 0x00221125 | Anterior Chamber Depth Definition Code Sequence. |
ApexPosition | 0x00209308 | Apex Position. |
ApplicableFrameRange | 0x00286102 | Applicable Frame Range. |
ApplicableSafetyStandardAgency | 0x00189174 | Applicable Safety Standard Agency. |
ApplicableSafetyStandardDesc | 0x00189175 | Applicable Safety Standard Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ApplicableSafetyStandardDescription | 0x00189175 | Applicable Safety Standard Description. |
ApplicationManufacturer | 0x00189526 | Application Manufacturer. |
ApplicationMaximumRepaintTime | 0x0072010E | Application Maximum Repaint Time. |
ApplicationName | 0x00189524 | Application Name. |
ApplicationSetupCheck | 0x30080116 | Application Setup Check. |
ApplicationSetupManufacturer | 0x300A0238 | Application Setup Manufacturer. |
ApplicationSetupName | 0x300A0236 | Application Setup Name. |
ApplicationSetupNumber | 0x300A0234 | Application Setup Number. |
ApplicationSetupSequence | 0x300A0230 | Application Setup Sequence. |
ApplicationSetupType | 0x300A0232 | Application Setup Type. |
ApplicationVersion | 0x00189525 | Application Version. |
ApplicatorApertureShape | 0x300A0432 | Applicator Aperture Shape. |
ApplicatorDescription | 0x300A010A | Applicator Description. |
ApplicatorGeometrySequence | 0x300A0431 | Applicator Geometry Sequence. |
ApplicatorID | 0x300A0108 | Applicator ID. |
ApplicatorOpening | 0x300A0433 | Applicator Opening. |
ApplicatorOpeningX | 0x300A0434 | Applicator Opening X. |
ApplicatorOpeningY | 0x300A0435 | Applicator Opening Y. |
ApplicatorSequence | 0x300A0107 | Applicator Sequence. |
ApplicatorType | 0x300A0109 | Applicator Type. |
ApprovalStatus | 0x300E0002 | Approval Status. |
ApprovalStatusDateTime | 0x00440004 | Approval Status DateTime. |
ApprovalStatusFurtherDescription | 0x00440003 | Approval Status Further Description. |
AppSetupCheck | 0x30080116 | Application Setup Check. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
Arbitrary | 0x40000010 | Arbitrary. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ArchiveRequested | 0x0040A494 | Archive Requested. |
ArterialSpinLabelingContrast | 0x00189250 | Arterial Spin Labeling Contrast. |
ASLBolusCutoffDelayTime | 0x0018925F | ASL Bolus Cut-off Delay Time. |
ASLBolusCutoffFlag | 0x0018925C | ASL Bolus Cut-off Flag. |
ASLBolusCutoffTechnique | 0x0018925E | ASL Bolus Cut-off Technique. |
ASLBolusCutoffTimingSequence | 0x0018925D | ASL Bolus Cut-off Timing Sequence. |
ASLContext | 0x00189257 | ASL Context. |
ASLCrusherDescription | 0x0018925B | ASL Crusher Description. |
ASLCrusherFlag | 0x00189259 | ASL Crusher Flag. |
ASLCrusherFlow | 0x0018925A | ASL Crusher Flow. |
ASLMidSlabPosition | 0x00189256 | ASL Mid Slab Position. |
ASLPulseTrainDuration | 0x00189258 | ASL Pulse Train Duration. |
ASLSlabNumber | 0x00189253 | ASL Slab Number. |
ASLSlabOrientation | 0x00189255 | ASL Slab Orientation. |
ASLSlabSequence | 0x00189260 | ASL Slab Sequence. |
ASLSlabThickness | 0x00189254 | ASL Slab Thickness. |
ASLTechniqueDescription | 0x00189252 | ASL Technique Description. |
AssignedLocation | 0x4010102A | Assigned Location. |
AssigningAgencyOrDepartmentCodeSequence | 0x0040003A | Assigning Agency or Department Code Sequence. |
AssigningFacilitySequence | 0x00400036 | Assigning Facility Sequence. |
AssigningJurisdictionCodeSequence | 0x00400039 | Assigning Jurisdiction Code Sequence. |
ATDAbilityAssessment | 0x40101014 | ATD Ability Assessment. |
ATDAssessmentFlag | 0x40101015 | ATD Assessment Flag. |
ATDAssessmentProbability | 0x40101016 | ATD Assessment Probability. |
ATDAssessmentSequence | 0x40101038 | ATD Assessment Sequence. |
AttachedContours | 0x30060049 | Attached Contours. |
AttenuationCorrected | 0x00189759 | Attenuation Corrected. |
AttenuationCorrectionMethod | 0x00541101 | Attenuation Correction Method. |
AttenuationCorrectionSource | 0x00189738 | Attenuation Correction Source. |
AttenuationCorrectionTemporalRelationship | 0x00189770 | Attenuation Correction Temporal Relationship. |
AttributeIdentifierList | 0x00001005 | Attribute Identifier List. |
AttributeItemSelector | 0x00741054 | Attribute Item Selector. |
AttributeModificationDatetime | 0x04000562 | Attribute Modification DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
AttributeModificationDateTime | 0x04000562 | Attribute Modification DateTime. |
AttributeOccurrencePointer | 0x00741052 | Attribute Occurrence Pointer. |
AttributeOccurrencePrivateCreator | 0x00741056 | Attribute Occurrence Private Creator. |
AttributeOccurrenceSequence | 0x00741050 | Attribute Occurrence Sequence. |
AudioComments | 0x50FF200E | Audio Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AudioSampleData | 0x50FF200C | Audio Sample Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AudioSampleFormat | 0x50FF2002 | Audio Sample Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AudioType | 0x50FF2000 | Audio Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AuthorizationEquipmentCertificationNumber | 0x01000426 | Authorization Equipment Certification Number. |
AuthorObserverSequence | 0x0040A078 | Author Observer Sequence. |
AutorefractionLeftEyeSequence | 0x00460052 | Autorefraction Left Eye Sequence. |
AutorefractionRightEyeSequence | 0x00460050 | Autorefraction Right Eye Sequence. |
AveragePulseWidth | 0x00181154 | Average Pulse Width. |
AxialAcceptance | 0x00541200 | Axial Acceptance. |
AxialDetectorDimension | 0x00189727 | Axial Detector Dimension. |
AxialLengthOfTheEye | 0x00220030 | Axial Length of the Eye. |
AxialMash | 0x00541201 | Axial Mash. |
AxialResolution | 0x00520008 | Axial Resolution. |
AxisLabels | 0x50FF0040 | Axis Labels. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
AxisOfRotation | 0x0066001B | Axis of Rotation. |
AxisUnits | 0x50FF0030 | Axis Units. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
BackgroundColor | 0x00460092 | Background Color. |
BackgroundIlluminationColorCodeSequence | 0x00240024 | Background Illumination Color Code Sequence. |
BackgroundLuminance | 0x00240020 | Background Luminance. |
BadPixelImage | 0x00143080 | Bad Pixel Image. |
BarcodeSymbology | 0x22000006 | Barcode Symbology. |
BarcodeValue | 0x22000005 | Barcode Value. |
BaselineCorrection | 0x00189067 | Baseline Correction. |
BasicColorImageSequence | 0x20200111 | Basic Color Image Sequence. |
BasicGrayscaleImageSequence | 0x20200110 | Basic Grayscale Image Sequence. |
BasisMaterialsCodeSequence | 0x40101045 | Basis Materials Code Sequence. |
BeamAngle | 0x00189449 | Beam Angle. |
BeamCurrentModulationID | 0x300A034C | Beam Current Modulation ID. |
BeamDescription | 0x300A00C3 | Beam Description. |
BeamDose | 0x300A0084 | Beam Dose. |
BeamDosePointDepth | 0x300A0088 | Beam Dose Point Depth. |
BeamDosePointEquivalentDepth | 0x300A0089 | Beam Dose Point Equivalent Depth. |
BeamDosePointSSD | 0x300A008A | Beam Dose Point SSD. |
BeamDoseSpecificationPoint | 0x300A0082 | Beam Dose Specification Point. |
BeamLimitingDeviceAngle | 0x300A0120 | Beam Limiting Device Angle. |
BeamLimitingDeviceAngleTolerance | 0x300A0046 | Beam Limiting Device Angle Tolerance. |
BeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairSequence | 0x300800A0 | Beam Limiting Device Leaf Pairs Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequence | 0x300800A0 | Beam Limiting Device Leaf Pairs Sequence. |
BeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence | 0x300A011A | Beam Limiting Device Position Sequence. |
BeamLimitingDevicePositionTolerance | 0x300A004A | Beam Limiting Device Position Tolerance. |
BeamLimitingDeviceRotationDirection | 0x300A0121 | Beam Limiting Device Rotation Direction. |
BeamLimitingDeviceSequence | 0x300A00B6 | Beam Limiting Device Sequence. |
BeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequence | 0x300A0048 | Beam Limiting Device Tolerance Sequence. |
BeamMeterset | 0x300A0086 | Beam Meterset. |
BeamName | 0x300A00C2 | Beam Name. |
BeamNumber | 0x300A00C0 | Beam Number. |
BeamOrderIndex | 0x00741324 | Beam Order Index. |
BeamOrderIndexTrial | 0x00741024 | Beam Order Index (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
BeamSequence | 0x300A00B0 | Beam Sequence. |
BeamSpotSize | 0x00520003 | Beam Spot Size. |
BeamStopperPosition | 0x30080230 | Beam Stopper Position. |
BeamTaskSequence | 0x00741020 | Beam Task Sequence. |
BeamTaskType | 0x00741022 | Beam Task Type. |
BeamType | 0x300A00C4 | Beam Type. |
BeatRejectionFlag | 0x00181080 | Beat Rejection Flag. |
BeltHeight | 0x40101062 | Belt Height. |
BibliographicCitationTrial | 0x0040A16A | Bibliographic Citation (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
BillingItemSequence | 0x00400296 | Billing Item Sequence. |
BillingProcedureStepSequence | 0x00400320 | Billing Procedure Step Sequence. |
BillingSuppliesAndDevicesSequence | 0x00400324 | Billing Supplies and Devices Sequence. |
BillingSupplyDeviceSequence | 0x00400324 | Billing Supplies and Devices Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BiPlaneAcquisitionSequence | 0x00285000 | Bi-Plane Acquisition Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
BitAllocated | 0x60FF0100 | Overlay Bits Allocated. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BitPosition | 0x60FF0102 | Overlay Bit Position. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BitsAllocated | 0x00280100 | Bits Allocated. |
BitsForCodeWord | 0x002808F4 | Bits For Code Word. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
BitsGrouped | 0x00280069 | Bits Grouped. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
BitsMappedToColorLookupTable | 0x00281403 | Bits Mapped to Color Lookup Table. |
BitsStored | 0x00280101 | Bits Stored. |
BlendingLookupTableData | 0x00281408 | Blending Lookup Table Data. |
BlendingLookupTableDescriptor | 0x00281407 | Blending Lookup Table Descriptor. |
BlendingLUT1Sequence | 0x00281404 | Blending LUT 1 Sequence. |
BlendingLUT1TransferFunction | 0x00281405 | Blending LUT 1 Transfer Function. |
BlendingLUT2Sequence | 0x0028140C | Blending LUT 2 Sequence. |
BlendingLUT2TransferFunction | 0x0028140D | Blending LUT 2 Transfer Function. |
BlendingOperationType | 0x00720500 | Blending Operation Type. |
BlendingPosition | 0x00700405 | Blending Position. |
BlendingSequence | 0x00700402 | Blending Sequence. |
BlendingWeightConstant | 0x00281406 | Blending Weight Constant. |
BlindSpotLocalized | 0x00240106 | Blind Spot Localized. |
BlindSpotXCoordinate | 0x00240107 | Blind Spot X-Coordinate. |
BlindSpotYCoordinate | 0x00240108 | Blind Spot Y-Coordinate. |
BlockColumns | 0x00280092 | Block Columns. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
BlockData | 0x300A0106 | Block Data. |
BlockDivergence | 0x300A00FA | Block Divergence. |
BlockedPixels | 0x00280090 | Blocked Pixels. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
BlockMountingPosition | 0x300A00FB | Block Mounting Position. |
BlockName | 0x300A00FE | Block Name. |
BlockNumber | 0x300A00FC | Block Number. |
BlockNumberOfPoints | 0x300A0104 | Block Number of Points. |
BlockRows | 0x00280091 | Block Rows. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
BlockSequence | 0x300A00F4 | Block Sequence. |
BlockThickness | 0x300A0100 | Block Thickness. |
BlockTransmission | 0x300A0102 | Block Transmission. |
BlockTrayID | 0x300A00F5 | Block Tray ID. |
BlockType | 0x300A00F8 | Block Type. |
BloodSignalNulling | 0x00189022 | Blood Signal Nulling. |
BluePaletteColorLookupTableData | 0x00281203 | Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data. |
BluePaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor | 0x00281103 | Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor. |
BoardingPassID | 0x4010101A | Boarding Pass ID. |
BodyPartExamined | 0x00180015 | Body Part Examined. |
BodyPartThickness | 0x001811A0 | Body Part Thickness. |
Bold | 0x00700249 | Bold. |
BolusDescription | 0x300A00DD | Bolus Description. |
BolusID | 0x300A00DC | Bolus Identifier. |
BoneThermalIndex | 0x00185024 | Bone Thermal Index. |
BorderDensity | 0x20100100 | Border Density. |
Borders | 0x00005160 | Borders. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
BottomRightHandCornerOfLocalizerArea | 0x00480202 | Bottom Right Hand Corner of Localizer Area. |
BoundingBoxAnnotationUnits | 0x00700003 | Bounding Box Annotation Units. |
BoundingBoxBottomRightHandCorner | 0x00700011 | Bounding Box Bottom Right Hand Corner. |
BoundingBoxTextHorizontalJustification | 0x00700012 | Bounding Box Text Horizontal Justification. |
BoundingBoxTopLeftHandCorner | 0x00700010 | Bounding Box Top Left Hand Corner. |
BoundingPolygon | 0x4010101D | Bounding Polygon. |
BoundingRectangle | 0x00686347 | Bounding Rectangle. |
BrachyAccDeviceID | 0x300A0263 | Brachy Accessory Device ID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BrachyAccDeviceName | 0x300A0266 | Brachy Accessory Device Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BrachyAccDeviceNominalThickness | 0x300A026A | Brachy Accessory Device Nominal Thickness. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BrachyAccDeviceNominalTransmission | 0x300A026C | Brachy Accessory Device Nominal Transmission. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BrachyAccDeviceNumber | 0x300A0262 | Brachy Accessory Device Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BrachyAccDeviceSequence | 0x300A0260 | Brachy Accessory Device Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BrachyAccDeviceType | 0x300A0264 | Brachy Accessory Device Type. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BrachyAccessoryDeviceID | 0x300A0263 | Brachy Accessory Device ID. |
BrachyAccessoryDeviceName | 0x300A0266 | Brachy Accessory Device Name. |
BrachyAccessoryDeviceNominalThickness | 0x300A026A | Brachy Accessory Device Nominal Thickness. |
BrachyAccessoryDeviceNominalTransmission | 0x300A026C | Brachy Accessory Device Nominal Transmission. |
BrachyAccessoryDeviceNumber | 0x300A0262 | Brachy Accessory Device Number. |
BrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence | 0x300A0260 | Brachy Accessory Device Sequence. |
BrachyAccessoryDeviceType | 0x300A0264 | Brachy Accessory Device Type. |
BrachyApplicationSetupDose | 0x300A00A4 | Brachy Application Setup Dose. |
BrachyApplicationSetupDoseSpecificationPoint | 0x300A00A2 | Brachy Application Setup Dose Specification Point. |
BrachyChannelLength | 0x300A0284 | Channel Length. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BrachyChannelNumber | 0x300A0282 | Channel Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BrachyChannelSequence | 0x300A0280 | Channel Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BrachyChannelTotalTime | 0x300A0286 | Channel Total Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BrachyControlPointDeliveredSequence | 0x30080160 | Brachy Control Point Delivered Sequence. |
BrachyControlPointSequence | 0x300A02D0 | Brachy Control Point Sequence. |
BrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequence | 0x300C0055 | Brachy Referenced Dose Reference Sequence. |
BrachySetupDose | 0x300A00A4 | Brachy Application Setup Dose. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BrachySetupDoseSpecificationPoint | 0x300A00A2 | Brachy Application Setup Dose Specification Point. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BrachyTreatmentTechnique | 0x300A0200 | Brachy Treatment Technique. |
BrachyTreatmentType | 0x300A0202 | Brachy Treatment Type. |
BranchOfService | 0x00101081 | Branch of Service. |
BreastImplantPresent | 0x00281300 | Breast Implant Present. |
BreedRegistrationNumber | 0x00102295 | Breed Registration Number. |
BreedRegistrationSequence | 0x00102294 | Breed Registration Sequence. |
BreedRegistryCodeSequence | 0x00102296 | Breed Registry Code Sequence. |
BulkMotionCompensationTechnique | 0x00189172 | Bulk Motion Compensation Technique. |
BulkMotionCompTechnique | 0x00189172 | Bulk Motion Compensation Technique. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
BulkMotionSignalSource | 0x00189173 | Bulk Motion Signal Source. |
BulkMotionStatus | 0x00189166 | Bulk Motion Status. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
BurnedInAnnotation | 0x00280301 | Burned In Annotation. |
CADFileFormat | 0x00140023 | CAD File Format. |
CalcDoseRefDesc | 0x30080074 | Calculated Dose Reference Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
CalcDoseRefDoseValue | 0x30080076 | Calculated Dose Reference Dose Value. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
CalcDoseRefNumber | 0x30080072 | Calculated Dose Reference Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
CalcDoseRefSequence | 0x30080070 | Calculated Dose Reference Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
CalciumScoringMassFactorDevice | 0x00189352 | Calcium Scoring Mass Factor Device. |
CalciumScoringMassFactorPatient | 0x00189351 | Calcium Scoring Mass Factor Patient. |
CalculatedAnatomyThickness | 0x00189452 | Calculated Anatomy Thickness. |
CalculatedDoseReferenceDescription | 0x30080074 | Calculated Dose Reference Description. |
CalculatedDoseReferenceDoseValue | 0x30080076 | Calculated Dose Reference Dose Value. |
CalculatedDoseReferenceNumber | 0x30080072 | Calculated Dose Reference Number. |
CalculatedDoseReferenceSequence | 0x30080070 | Calculated Dose Reference Sequence. |
CalculatedFrameList | 0x00081162 | Calculated Frame List. |
CalibrationDataSequence | 0x00540306 | Calibration Data Sequence. |
CalibrationDate | 0x0014407E | Calibration Date. |
CalibrationImage | 0x00500004 | Calibration Image. |
CalibrationNotes | 0x00143099 | Calibration Notes. |
CalibrationProcedure | 0x00144072 | Calibration Procedure. |
CalibrationSequence | 0x00189455 | Calibration Sequence. |
CalibrationSettingsSequence | 0x00144070 | Calibration Settings Sequence. |
CalibrationTime | 0x0014407C | Calibration Time. |
CameraAngleOfView | 0x0022001E | Camera Angle of View. |
CardiacBeatRejectionTechnique | 0x00189169 | Cardiac Beat Rejection Technique. |
CardiacCyclePosition | 0x00189236 | Cardiac Cycle Position. |
CardiacFramingType | 0x00181064 | Cardiac Framing Type. |
CardiacNumberOfImages | 0x00181090 | Cardiac Number of Images. |
CardiacRRintervalSpecified | 0x00189070 | Cardiac R-R Interval Specified. |
CardiacSignalSource | 0x00189085 | Cardiac Signal Source. |
CardiacSynchronizationSequence | 0x00189118 | Cardiac Synchronization Sequence. |
CardiacSynchronizationTechnique | 0x00189037 | Cardiac Synchronization Technique. |
CardiacSyncTechnique | 0x00189037 | Cardiac Synchronization Technique. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
CardiacTriggerSequence | 0x00189118 | Cardiac Synchronization Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
CarmPositionerTabletopRelationship | 0x00189474 | C-arm Positioner Tabletop Relationship. |
CarrierID | 0x40101058 | Carrier ID. |
CarrierIDAssigningAuthority | 0x40101059 | Carrier ID Assigning Authority. |
CassetteID | 0x00181007 | Cassette ID. |
CassetteOrientation | 0x00181402 | Cassette Orientation. |
CassetteSize | 0x00181403 | Cassette Size. |
CatchTrialsDataFlag | 0x00240055 | Catch Trials Data Flag. |
CatheterDirectionOfRotation | 0x00520031 | Catheter Direction of Rotation. |
CatheterRotationalRate | 0x00520013 | Catheter Rotational Rate. |
CenterOfCircularCollimator | 0x00181710 | Center of Circular Collimator. |
CenterofCircularExposureControlSensingRegion | 0x00189440 | Center of Circular Exposure Control Sensing Region. |
CenterOfCircularShutter | 0x00181610 | Center of Circular Shutter. |
CenterOfMass | 0x4010101B | Center of Mass. |
CenterOfPTO | 0x4010101C | Center of PTO. |
CenterOfRotation | 0x0066001C | Center of Rotation. |
CenterOfRotationOffset | 0x00181145 | Center of Rotation Offset. |
CertificateOfSigner | 0x04000115 | Certificate of Signer. |
CertificateType | 0x04000110 | Certificate Type. |
CertifiedTimestamp | 0x04000310 | Certified Timestamp. |
CertifiedTimestampType | 0x04000305 | Certified Timestamp Type. |
ChannelBaseline | 0x003A0213 | Channel Baseline. |
ChannelDefinitionSequence | 0x003A0200 | Channel Definition Sequence. |
ChannelDerivationDescription | 0x003A020C | Channel Derivation Description. |
ChannelDescriptionCodeSequence | 0x0022001A | Channel Description Code Sequence. |
ChannelDisplaySequence | 0x003A0242 | Channel Display Sequence. |
ChannelIdentificationCode | 0x003A0301 | Channel Identification Code. |
ChannelLabel | 0x003A0203 | Channel Label. |
ChannelLength | 0x300A0284 | Channel Length. |
ChannelMaximumValue | 0x54000112 | Channel Maximum Value. |
ChannelMinimumValue | 0x54000110 | Channel Minimum Value. |
ChannelMode | 0x003A0302 | Channel Mode. |
ChannelNumber | 0x300A0282 | Channel Number. |
ChannelOffset | 0x003A0218 | Channel Offset. |
ChannelPosition | 0x003A0245 | Channel Position. |
ChannelRecommendedDisplayCIELabValue | 0x003A0244 | Channel Recommended Display CIELab Value. |
ChannelSampleSkew | 0x003A0215 | Channel Sample Skew. |
ChannelSensitivity | 0x003A0210 | Channel Sensitivity. |
ChannelSensitivityCorrectionFactor | 0x003A0212 | Channel Sensitivity Correction Factor. |
ChannelSensitivityUnits | 0x003A0211 | Channel Sensitivity Units Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ChannelSensitivityUnitsSequence | 0x003A0211 | Channel Sensitivity Units Sequence. |
ChannelSequence | 0x300A0280 | Channel Sequence. |
ChannelShieldID | 0x300A02B3 | Channel Shield ID. |
ChannelShieldName | 0x300A02B4 | Channel Shield Name. |
ChannelShieldNominalThickness | 0x300A02B8 | Channel Shield Nominal Thickness. |
ChannelShieldNominalTransmission | 0x300A02BA | Channel Shield Nominal Transmission. |
ChannelShieldNumber | 0x300A02B2 | Channel Shield Number. |
ChannelShieldSequence | 0x300A02B0 | Channel Shield Sequence. |
ChannelSourceModifiersSequence | 0x003A0209 | Channel Source Modifiers Sequence. |
ChannelSourceSequence | 0x003A0208 | Channel Source Sequence. |
ChannelStatus | 0x003A0205 | Channel Status. |
ChannelTimeSkew | 0x003A0214 | Channel Time Skew. |
ChannelTotalTime | 0x300A0286 | Channel Total Time. |
ChannelWidth | 0x00460042 | Channel Width. |
CharSet | 0x00041142 | Specific Character Set of File-set Descriptor File. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ChemicalShiftMaximumIntegrationLimitInppm | 0x00189296 | Chemical Shift Maximum Integration Limit in ppm. |
ChemicalShiftMinimumIntegrationLimitInppm | 0x00189295 | Chemical Shift Minimum Integration Limit in ppm. |
ChemicalShiftReference | 0x00189053 | Chemical Shift Reference. |
ChemicalShiftSequence | 0x00189084 | Chemical Shift Sequence. |
ChemicalShiftsMaximumIntegrationLimitInHz | 0x00189196 | Chemical Shifts Maximum Integration Limit in Hz. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ChemicalShiftsMaximumIntegrationLimitinppm | 0x00189296 | Chemical Shift Maximum Integration Limit in ppm. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ChemicalShiftsMinimumIntegrationLimitInHz | 0x00189195 | Chemical Shifts Minimum Integration Limit in Hz. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ChemicalShiftsMinimumIntegrationLimitinppm | 0x00189295 | Chemical Shift Minimum Integration Limit in ppm. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
CineRate | 0x00180040 | Cine Rate. |
CineRelativetoRealTime | 0x00720330 | Cine Relative to Real-Time. |
ClinicalTrialCenterName | 0x00120060 | Clinical Trial Coordinating Center Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ClinicalTrialCoordinatingCenterName | 0x00120060 | Clinical Trial Coordinating Center Name. |
ClinicalTrialProtocolEthicsCommitteeApprovalNumber | 0x00120082 | Clinical Trial Protocol Ethics Committee Approval Number. |
ClinicalTrialProtocolEthicsCommitteeName | 0x00120081 | Clinical Trial Protocol Ethics Committee Name. |
ClinicalTrialProtocolID | 0x00120020 | Clinical Trial Protocol ID. |
ClinicalTrialProtocolName | 0x00120021 | Clinical Trial Protocol Name. |
ClinicalTrialSeriesDescription | 0x00120072 | Clinical Trial Series Description. |
ClinicalTrialSeriesID | 0x00120071 | Clinical Trial Series ID. |
ClinicalTrialSiteID | 0x00120030 | Clinical Trial Site ID. |
ClinicalTrialSiteName | 0x00120031 | Clinical Trial Site Name. |
ClinicalTrialSponsorName | 0x00120010 | Clinical Trial Sponsor Name. |
ClinicalTrialSubjectID | 0x00120040 | Clinical Trial Subject ID. |
ClinicalTrialSubjectReadingID | 0x00120042 | Clinical Trial Subject Reading ID. |
ClinicalTrialTimePointDesc | 0x00120051 | Clinical Trial Time Point Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ClinicalTrialTimePointDescription | 0x00120051 | Clinical Trial Time Point Description. |
ClinicalTrialTimePointID | 0x00120050 | Clinical Trial Time Point ID. |
CoatingMaterialsCodeSequence | 0x006863A4 | Coating Materials Code Sequence. |
CodeLabel | 0x002808F0 | Code Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CodeMeaning | 0x00080104 | Code Meaning. |
CodeNumberFormat | 0x00280740 | Code Number Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CodeTableLocation | 0x002808F3 | Code Table Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CodeValue | 0x00080100 | Code Value. |
CodingSchemeDesignator | 0x00080102 | Coding Scheme Designator. |
CodingSchemeExternalID | 0x00080114 | Coding Scheme External ID. |
CodingSchemeIdentificationSequence | 0x00080110 | Coding Scheme Identification Sequence. |
CodingSchemeIDSequence | 0x00080110 | Coding Scheme Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
CodingSchemeName | 0x00080115 | Coding Scheme Name. |
CodingSchemeRegistry | 0x00080112 | Coding Scheme Registry. |
CodingSchemeResponsibleOrganization | 0x00080116 | Coding Scheme Responsible Organization. |
CodingSchemeUID | 0x0008010C | Coding Scheme UID. |
CodingSchemeVersion | 0x00080103 | Coding Scheme Version. |
CoefficientCoding | 0x002804F2 | Coefficient Coding. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CoefficientCodingPointers | 0x002804F3 | Coefficient Coding Pointers. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CoefficientsSDDN | 0x7FE00040 | Coefficients SDDN. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CoefficientsSDHN | 0x7FE00030 | Coefficients SDHN. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CoefficientsSDVN | 0x7FE00020 | Coefficients SDVN. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CoincidenceWindowWidth | 0x00541210 | Coincidence Window Width. |
CollationFlag | 0x20000063 | Collation Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CollimatorGridName | 0x00181180 | Collimator/grid Name. |
CollimatorLeftVerticalEdge | 0x00181702 | Collimator Left Vertical Edge. |
CollimatorLowerHorizontalEdge | 0x00181708 | Collimator Lower Horizontal Edge. |
CollimatorRightVerticalEdge | 0x00181704 | Collimator Right Vertical Edge. |
CollimatorShape | 0x00181700 | Collimator Shape. |
CollimatorShapeSequence | 0x00189407 | Collimator Shape Sequence. |
CollimatorType | 0x00181181 | Collimator Type. |
CollimatorUpperHorizontalEdge | 0x00181706 | Collimator Upper Horizontal Edge. |
ColorImagePrintingFlag | 0x20000062 | Color Image Printing Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ColumnAngulation | 0x00181450 | Column Angulation. |
ColumnAngulationPatient | 0x00189447 | Column Angulation (Patient). |
ColumnOverlap | 0x00280094 | Column Overlap. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ColumnPositionInTotalImagePixelMatrix | 0x0048021F | Column Position In Total Image Pixel Matrix. |
Columns | 0x00280011 | Columns. Width of the DICOM image. |
ColumnsForNthOrderCoefficients | 0x002804F1 | Columns For Nth Order Coefficients. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CommandField | 0x00000100 | Command Field. |
CommandGroupLength | 0x00000000 | Command Group Length. |
CommandLengthToEnd | 0x00000001 | Command Length to End. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CommentsOnPatientPerformanceOfVisualField | 0x00240044 | Comments on Patient's Performance of Visual Field. |
CommentsOnRadiationDose | 0x00400310 | Comments on Radiation Dose. |
CommentsOnThePerformedProcedureStep | 0x00400280 | Comments on the Performed Procedure Step. |
CommentsOnTheScheduledProcedureStep | 0x00400400 | Comments on the Scheduled Procedure Step. |
CompensatorColumn | 0x300A00E8 | Compensator Columns. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
CompensatorColumnOffset | 0x300A02E5 | Compensator Column Offset. |
CompensatorColumns | 0x300A00E8 | Compensator Columns. |
CompensatorDescription | 0x300A02EB | Compensator Description. |
CompensatorDivergence | 0x300A02E0 | Compensator Divergence. |
CompensatorID | 0x300A00E5 | Compensator ID. |
CompensatorMillingToolDiameter | 0x300A02E8 | Compensator Milling Tool Diameter. |
CompensatorMountingPosition | 0x300A02E1 | Compensator Mounting Position. |
CompensatorNumber | 0x300A00E4 | Compensator Number. |
CompensatorPixelSpacing | 0x300A00E9 | Compensator Pixel Spacing. |
CompensatorPosition | 0x300A00EA | Compensator Position. |
CompensatorRelativeStoppingPowerRatio | 0x300A02E7 | Compensator Relative Stopping Power Ratio. |
CompensatorRow | 0x300A00E7 | Compensator Rows. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
CompensatorRows | 0x300A00E7 | Compensator Rows. |
CompensatorSequence | 0x300A00E3 | Compensator Sequence. |
CompensatorThicknessData | 0x300A00EC | Compensator Thickness Data. |
CompensatorTransmissionData | 0x300A00EB | Compensator Transmission Data. |
CompensatorType | 0x300A00EE | Compensator Type. |
CompletionFlag | 0x0040A491 | Completion Flag. |
CompletionFlagDescription | 0x0040A492 | Completion Flag Description. |
ComplexImageComponent | 0x00089208 | Complex Image Component. |
ComplexImgComponent | 0x00089208 | Complex Image Component. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
Component1ReferencedID | 0x00760070 | Component 1 Referenced ID. |
Component1ReferencedMatingFeatureID | 0x00760090 | Component 1 Referenced Mating Feature ID. |
Component1ReferencedMatingFeatureSetID | 0x00760080 | Component 1 Referenced Mating Feature Set ID. |
Component2ReferencedID | 0x007600A0 | Component 2 Referenced ID. |
Component2ReferencedMatingFeatureID | 0x007600C0 | Component 2 Referenced Mating Feature ID. |
Component2ReferencedMatingFeatureSetID | 0x007600B0 | Component 2 Referenced Mating Feature Set ID. |
ComponentAssemblySequence | 0x00760060 | Component Assembly Sequence. |
ComponentID | 0x00760055 | Component ID. |
ComponentManufacturer | 0x00140028 | Component Manufacturer. |
ComponentManufacturingProcedure | 0x00140025 | Component Manufacturing Procedure. |
ComponentReferenceSystem | 0x00140024 | Component Reference System. |
ComponentSequence | 0x00760040 | Component Sequence. |
ComponentShape | 0x00140050 | Component Shape. |
ComponentTypeCodeSequence | 0x00760034 | Component Type Code Sequence. |
ComponentTypesSequence | 0x00760032 | Component Types Sequence. |
CompoundGraphicInstanceID | 0x00700226 | Compound Graphic Instance ID. |
CompoundGraphicSequence | 0x00700209 | Compound Graphic Sequence. |
CompoundGraphicType | 0x00700294 | Compound Graphic Type. |
CompoundGraphicUnits | 0x00700282 | Compound Graphic Units. |
CompressionCode | 0x00280060 | Compression Code. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CompressionDescription | 0x00280063 | Compression Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CompressionForce | 0x001811A2 | Compression Force. |
CompressionLabel | 0x00280062 | Compression Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CompressionOriginator | 0x00280061 | Compression Originator. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CompressionRecognitionCode | 0x0028005F | Compression Recognition Code. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CompressionSequence | 0x00280065 | Compression Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CompressionStepPointers | 0x00280066 | Compression Step Pointers. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ConcatenationFrameOffsetNumber | 0x00209228 | Concatenation Frame Offset Number. |
ConcatenationUID | 0x00209161 | Concatenation UID. |
ConceptCodeSequence | 0x0040A168 | Concept Code Sequence. |
ConceptCodeSequenceModifier | 0x0040A195 | Modifier Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ConceptNameCodeSequence | 0x0040A043 | Concept Name Code Sequence. |
CondenserLensPower | 0x00480111 | Condenser Lens Power. |
ConfidentialityCode | 0x00401008 | Confidentiality Code. |
ConfidentialityConstraint | 0x00403001 | Confidentiality Constraint on Patient Data Description. |
ConfidentialityConstraintOnPatientDataDescription | 0x00403001 | Confidentiality Constraint on Patient Data Description. |
ConfigurationInformation | 0x20100150 | Configuration Information. |
ConfigurationInformationDescription | 0x20100152 | Configuration Information Description. |
ConsentForClinicalTrialUseSequence | 0x00120083 | Consent for Clinical Trial Use Sequence. |
ConsentForDistributionFlag | 0x00120085 | Consent for Distribution Flag. |
ConsraintWeight | 0x300A0021 | Constraint Weight. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ConstantVolumeFlag | 0x00189333 | Constant Volume Flag. |
ConstraintWeight | 0x300A0021 | Constraint Weight. |
ContactDisplayName | 0x0074100C | Contact Display Name. |
ContactURI | 0x0074100A | Contact URI. |
ContainerComponentDescription | 0x0050001E | Container Component Description. |
ContainerComponentDiameter | 0x0050001D | Container Component Diameter. |
ContainerComponentID | 0x0050001B | Container Component ID. |
ContainerComponentLength | 0x0050001C | Container Component Length. |
ContainerComponentMaterial | 0x0050001A | Container Component Material. |
ContainerComponentSequence | 0x00400520 | Container Component Sequence. |
ContainerComponentThickness | 0x00500013 | Container Component Thickness. |
ContainerComponentTypeCodeSequence | 0x00500012 | Container Component Type Code Sequence. |
ContainerComponentWidth | 0x00500015 | Container Component Width. |
ContainerDescription | 0x0040051A | Container Description. |
ContainerIdentifier | 0x00400512 | Container Identifier. |
ContainerTypeCodeSequence | 0x00400518 | Container Type Code Sequence. |
ContentCreatorIdentificationCodeSequence | 0x00700086 | Content Creator's Identification Code Sequence. |
ContentCreatorName | 0x00700084 | Content Creator's Name. |
ContentCreatorsIdentificationCodeSequence | 0x00700086 | Content Creator's Identification Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ContentCreatorsName | 0x00700084 | Content Creator's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ContentDate | 0x00080023 | Content Date. |
ContentDescription | 0x00700081 | Content Description. |
ContentItemModifierSequence | 0x00400441 | Content Item Modifier Sequence. |
ContentLabel | 0x00700080 | Content Label. |
ContentQualification | 0x00189004 | Content Qualification. |
ContentSequence | 0x0040A730 | Content Sequence. |
ContentTemplateSequence | 0x0040A504 | Content Template Sequence. |
ContentTime | 0x00080033 | Content Time. |
ContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID | 0x0008010D | Context Group Extension Creator UID. |
ContextGroupExtensionFlag | 0x0008010B | Context Group Extension Flag. |
ContextGroupLocalVersion | 0x00080107 | Context Group Local Version. |
ContextGroupVersion | 0x00080106 | Context Group Version. |
ContextIdentifier | 0x0008010F | Context Identifier. |
ContextUID | 0x00080117 | Context UID. |
ContinuationEndMeterset | 0x00740121 | Continuation End Meterset. |
ContinuationStartMeterset | 0x00740120 | Continuation Start Meterset. |
ContinuityOfContent | 0x0040A050 | Continuity Of Content. |
ContourData | 0x30060050 | Contour Data. |
ContourGeometricType | 0x30060042 | Contour Geometric Type. |
ContourImageSequence | 0x30060016 | Contour Image Sequence. |
ContourNumber | 0x30060048 | Contour Number. |
ContourOffsetVector | 0x30060045 | Contour Offset Vector. |
ContourSequence | 0x30060040 | Contour Sequence. |
ContourSlabThickness | 0x30060044 | Contour Slab Thickness. |
ContourUncertaintyRadius | 0x00700312 | Contour Uncertainty Radius. |
ContrastAdministrationProfileSequence | 0x00189340 | Contrast Administration Profile Sequence. |
ContrastAllergies | 0x00102110 | Allergies value. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequence | 0x00180014 | Contrast/Bolus Administration Route Sequence. |
ContrastBolusAdminRouteSequence | 0x00180014 | Contrast/Bolus Administration Route Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ContrastBolusAgent | 0x00180010 | Contrast/Bolus Agent. |
ContrastBolusAgentAdministered | 0x00189342 | Contrast/Bolus Agent Administered. |
ContrastBolusAgentDetected | 0x00189343 | Contrast/Bolus Agent Detected. |
ContrastBolusAgentNumber | 0x00189337 | Contrast/Bolus Agent Number. |
ContrastBolusAgentPhase | 0x00189344 | Contrast/Bolus Agent Phase. |
ContrastBolusAgentSequence | 0x00180012 | Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence. |
ContrastBolusIngredient | 0x00181048 | Contrast/Bolus Ingredient. |
ContrastBolusIngredientCodeSequence | 0x00189338 | Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Code Sequence. |
ContrastBolusIngredientConcentration | 0x00181049 | Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Concentration. |
ContrastBolusIngredientOpaque | 0x00189425 | Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Opaque. |
ContrastBolusIngredientPercentByVolume | 0x00520001 | Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Percent by Volume. |
ContrastBolusRoute | 0x00181040 | Contrast/Bolus Route. |
ContrastBolusStartTime | 0x00181042 | Contrast/Bolus Start Time. |
ContrastBolusStopTime | 0x00181043 | Contrast/Bolus Stop Time. |
ContrastBolusTotalDose | 0x00181044 | Contrast/Bolus Total Dose. |
ContrastBolusUsageSequence | 0x00189341 | Contrast/Bolus Usage Sequence. |
ContrastBolusVolume | 0x00181041 | Contrast/Bolus Volume. |
ContrastFlowDuration | 0x00181047 | Contrast Flow Duration. |
ContrastFlowRate | 0x00181046 | Contrast Flow Rate. |
ContrastFrameAveraging | 0x00286112 | Contrast Frame Averaging. |
ContributingEquipmentSequence | 0x0018A001 | Contributing Equipment Sequence. |
ContributingSOPInstancesReferenceSequence | 0x00209529 | Contributing SOP Instances Reference Sequence. |
ContributingSourcesSequence | 0x00189506 | Contributing Sources Sequence. |
ContributionDateTime | 0x0018A002 | Contribution Date Time. |
ContributionDesc | 0x0018A003 | Contribution Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ContributionDescription | 0x0018A003 | Contribution Description. |
ControlPoint3dPosition | 0x300A02D4 | Control Point 3D Position. |
ControlPointDeliverySequence | 0x30080040 | Control Point Delivery Sequence. |
ControlPointIndex | 0x300A0112 | Control Point Index. |
ControlPointOrientation | 0x300A0412 | Control Point Orientation. |
ControlPointRelativePosition | 0x300A02D2 | Control Point Relative Position. |
ControlPointSequence | 0x300A0111 | Control Point Sequence. |
ConventionalControlPointVerificationSequence | 0x0074104C | Conventional Control Point Verification Sequence. |
ConventionalMachineVerificationSequence | 0x00741044 | Conventional Machine Verification Sequence. |
ConversionType | 0x00080064 | Conversion Type. |
ConvolutionKernel | 0x00181210 | Convolution Kernel. |
ConvolutionKernelGroup | 0x00189316 | Convolution Kernel Group. |
CoordinateGeometricType | 0x0040A290 | Coordinate Geometric Type. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
CoordinatesSetGeometricTypeTrial | 0x0040A290 | Coordinates Set Geometric Type (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CoordinateStartValue | 0x50FF0112 | Coordinate Start Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CoordinateStepValue | 0x50FF0114 | Coordinate Step Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CoordinateSystemAxesSequence | 0x00142204 | Coordinate System Axes Sequence. |
CoordinateSystemAxisCodeSequence | 0x004008DA | Coordinate System Axis Code Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CoordinateSystemAxisDescription | 0x00142206 | Coordinate System Axis Description. |
CoordinateSystemAxisNumber | 0x0014220A | Coordinate System Axis Number. |
CoordinateSystemAxisType | 0x0014220C | Coordinate System Axis Type. |
CoordinateSystemAxisUnits | 0x0014220E | Coordinate System Axis Units. |
CoordinateSystemAxisValues | 0x00142210 | Coordinate System Axis Values. |
CoordinateSystemDataSetMapping | 0x00142208 | Coordinate System Data Set Mapping. |
CoordinateSystemNumberOfAxes | 0x00142202 | Coordinate System Number of Axes. |
CoordinateSystemTransformRotationAndScaleMatrix | 0x0014222A | Coordinate System Transform Rotation and Scale Matrix. |
CoordinateSystemTransformSequence | 0x00142220 | Coordinate System Transform Sequence. |
CoordinateSystemTransformTranslationMatrix | 0x0014222C | Coordinate System Transform Translation Matrix. |
CoordSystemAxisCodeSequence | 0x004008DA | Coordinate System Axis Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
Copies | 0x00005170 | Copies. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CornealSize | 0x00460046 | Corneal Size. |
CorrectedImage | 0x00280051 | Corrected Image. |
CorrectedLocalizedDeviationFromNormal | 0x00240079 | Corrected Localized Deviation From Normal. |
CorrectedLocalizedDeviationFromNormalCalculated | 0x00240078 | Corrected Localized Deviation From Normal Calculated. |
CorrectedLocalizedDeviationFromNormalProbability | 0x00240081 | Corrected Localized Deviation From Normal Probability. |
CorrectedLocalizedDeviationFromNormalProbabilityCalculated | 0x00240080 | Corrected Localized Deviation From Normal Probability Calculated. |
CorrectedParameterSequence | 0x30080068 | Corrected Parameter Sequence. |
CorrectionValue | 0x3008006A | Correction Value. |
CountLossNormalizationCorrected | 0x00189764 | Count Loss Normalization Corrected. |
CountRate | 0x00181243 | Count Rate. |
CountryOfResidence | 0x00102150 | Country of Residence. |
CountsAccumulated | 0x00180070 | Counts Accumulated. |
CountsIncluded | 0x00541400 | Counts Included. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CountsSource | 0x00541002 | Counts Source. |
CouplingMedium | 0x00144056 | Coupling Medium. |
CouplingTechnique | 0x00144054 | Coupling Technique. |
CouplingVelocity | 0x00144057 | Coupling Velocity. |
CoverageOfKspace | 0x00189094 | Coverage of k-Space. |
CranialThermalIndex | 0x00185026 | Cranial Thermal Index. |
CreationDate | 0x21000040 | Creation Date. |
CreationTime | 0x21000050 | Creation Time. |
CreatorVersionUID | 0x00089123 | Creator Version UID. |
CrystalCenterLocationX | 0x00144058 | Crystal Center Location X. |
CrystalCenterLocationZ | 0x00144059 | Crystal Center Location Z. |
CSSFontName | 0x00700229 | CSS Font Name. |
CTAcquisitionDetailsSequence | 0x00189304 | CT Acquisition Details Sequence. |
CTAcquisitionTypeSequence | 0x00189301 | CT Acquisition Type Sequence. |
CTAdditionalXRaySourceSequence | 0x00189360 | CT Additional X-Ray Source Sequence. |
CTDIPhantomTypeCodeSequence | 0x00189346 | CTDI Phantom Type Code Sequence. |
CTDIvol | 0x00189345 | The CTDIvol. |
CTExposureSequence | 0x00189321 | CT Exposure Sequence. |
CTGeometrySequence | 0x00189312 | CT Geometry Sequence. |
CTImageFrameTypeSequence | 0x00189329 | CT Image Frame Type Sequence. |
CTPositionSequence | 0x00189326 | CT Position Sequence. |
CTReconstructionSequence | 0x00189314 | CT Reconstruction Sequence. |
CTTableDynamicsSequence | 0x00189308 | CT Table Dynamics Sequence. |
CTX_rayDetailsSequence | 0x00189325 | CT X-Ray Details Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
CTXRayDetailsSequence | 0x00189325 | CT X-Ray Details Sequence. |
CumulativeDoseReferenceCoefficient | 0x300A010C | Cumulative Dose Reference Coefficient. |
CumulativeDoseToDoseRef | 0x30080052 | Cumulative Dose to Dose Reference. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
CumulativeDoseToDoseReference | 0x30080052 | Cumulative Dose to Dose Reference. |
CumulativeMetersetWeight | 0x300A0134 | Cumulative Meterset Weight. |
CumulativeTimeWeight | 0x300A02D6 | Cumulative Time Weight. |
CurrentFractionNumber | 0x30080022 | Current Fraction Number. |
CurrentObserverTrial | 0x0040A307 | Current Observer (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CurrentPatientLocation | 0x00380300 | Current Patient Location. |
CurrentRequestedProcedureEvidenceSequence | 0x0040A375 | Current Requested Procedure Evidence Sequence. |
CurrentTreatmentStatus | 0x30080200 | Current Treatment Status. |
CurvatureType | 0x00140052 | Curvature Type. |
CurveActivationLayer | 0x50FF1001 | Curve Activation Layer. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CurveData | 0x50FF3000 | Curve Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CurveDataDescriptor | 0x50FF0110 | Curve Data Descriptor. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CurveDate | 0x00080025 | Curve Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CurveDescription | 0x50FF0022 | Curve Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CurveDimensions | 0x50FF0005 | Curve Dimensions. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CurveLabel | 0x50FF2500 | Curve Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CurveNumber | 0x00200024 | Curve Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CurveRange | 0x50FF0106 | Curve Range. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CurveReferencedOverlayGroup | 0x50FF2610 | Curve Referenced Overlay Group. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CurveReferencedOverlaySequence | 0x50FF2600 | Curve Referenced Overlay Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CurveTime | 0x00080035 | Curve Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
CustodialOrganizationSequence | 0x0040A07C | Custodial Organization Sequence. |
CylinderAxis | 0x00220009 | Cylinder Axis. |
CylinderLensPower | 0x00220008 | Cylinder Lens Power. |
CylinderPower | 0x00460147 | Cylinder Power. |
CylinderSequence | 0x00460018 | Cylinder Sequence. |
DACAmplitude | 0x0014403C | DAC Amplitude. |
DACGainPoints | 0x00144038 | DAC Gain Points. |
DACSequence | 0x00144035 | DAC Sequence. |
DACTimePoints | 0x0014403A | DAC Time Points. |
DACType | 0x00144036 | DAC Type. |
Damping | 0x00144028 | Damping. |
DarkCurrentCounts | 0x00143050 | Dark Current Counts. |
DarkCurrentSequence | 0x00143040 | Dark Current Sequence. |
DataBlock | 0x00280702 | Data Block. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DataBlockDescription | 0x00280701 | Data Block Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DataCollectionCenterPatient | 0x00189313 | Data Collection Center (Patient). |
DataCollectionDiameter | 0x00180090 | Data Collection Diameter. |
DataElementsSigned | 0x04000020 | Data Elements Signed. |
DataFrameAssignmentSequence | 0x00281401 | Data Frame Assignment Sequence. |
DataInformationSequence | 0x00540063 | Data Information Sequence. |
DataInfoSequence | 0x00540063 | Data Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DataObservationSequence | 0x00240325 | Data Observation Sequence. |
DataPathAssignment | 0x00281402 | Data Path Assignment. |
DataPathID | 0x0028140E | Data Path ID. |
DataPointColumns | 0x00289002 | Data Point Columns. |
DataPointRows | 0x00289001 | Data Point Rows. |
DataRepresentation | 0x00289108 | Data Representation. |
DataSet | 0x00000007 | DICOM dataset. |
DataSetDescription | 0x00240309 | Data Set Description. |
DataSetName | 0x00240306 | Data Set Name. |
DatasetPadding | 0xFFFCFFFC | Data Set Trailing Padding. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DataSetSource | 0x00240308 | Data Set Source. |
DataSetSubtype | 0x00080041 | Data Set Subtype. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DataSetTrailingPadding | 0xFFFCFFFC | Data Set Trailing Padding. |
DataSetType | 0x00000800 | Data Set Type. |
DataSetTypeRetired | 0x00080040 | Data Set Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DataSetVersion | 0x00240307 | Data Set Version. |
DataStreamEncodingFragment | 0xFFFEE000 | Data Stream Encoding Fragment. |
DataType | 0x00189808 | Data Type. |
DataValueRepresentation | 0x50FF0103 | Data Value Representation. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Date | 0x0040A121 | Date value. |
DateOfDocumentOrVerbalTransactionTrial | 0x0040A110 | Date of Document or Verbal Transaction (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DateOfGainCalibration | 0x00143076 | Date of Gain Calibration. |
DateOfLastCalibration | 0x00181200 | Date of Last Calibration. |
DateOfLastDetectorCalibration | 0x0018700C | Date of Last Detector Calibration. |
DateOfSecondaryCapture | 0x00181012 | Date of Secondary Capture. |
DateTime | 0x0040A120 | DateTime value. |
DbDt | 0x00181318 | The dB/dt. |
DCTLabel | 0x00280700 | DCT Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DeadTimeCorrected | 0x00189761 | Dead Time Corrected. |
DeadTimeCorrectionFlag | 0x00541401 | Dead Time Correction Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DeadTimeFactor | 0x00541324 | Dead Time Factor. |
DecayCorrected | 0x00189758 | Decay Corrected. |
DecayCorrection | 0x00541102 | Decay Correction. |
DecayCorrectionDateTime | 0x00189701 | Decay Correction DateTime. |
DecayFactor | 0x00541321 | Decay Factor. |
DecimalVisualAcuity | 0x00460137 | Decimal Visual Acuity. |
DecimateCropRequested | 0x20200040 | Requested Decimate/Crop Behavior. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DecimateCropResult | 0x202000A2 | Decimate/Crop Result. |
DecoupledNucleus | 0x00189060 | De-coupled Nucleus. |
Decoupling | 0x00189059 | De-coupling value. |
DecouplingChemicalShiftReference | 0x00189063 | De-coupling Chemical Shift Reference. |
DecouplingFrequency | 0x00189061 | De-coupling Frequency. |
DecouplingMethod | 0x00189062 | De-coupling Method. |
DefaultMagnificationType | 0x201000A6 | Default Magnification Type. |
DefaultPrinterResolutionID | 0x20100054 | Default Printer Resolution ID. |
DefaultSmoothingType | 0x201000A8 | Default Smoothing Type. |
DeformableRegistrationGridSequence | 0x00640005 | Deformable Registration Grid Sequence. |
DeformableRegistrationSequence | 0x00640002 | Deformable Registration Sequence. |
DegreeofDilation | 0x0022000E | Degree of Dilation. |
DegreeOfFreedomID | 0x00686410 | Degree of Freedom ID. |
DegreeOfFreedomType | 0x00686420 | Degree of Freedom Type. |
DeidentificationMethod | 0x00120063 | De-identification Method. |
DeidentificationMethodCodeSequence | 0x00120064 | De-identification Method Code Sequence. |
DelayLawIdentifier | 0x0014405C | Delay Law Identifier. |
DeletionLock | 0x00741230 | Deletion Lock. |
DeliveredChannelTotalTime | 0x30080134 | Delivered Channel Total Time. |
DeliveredMeterset | 0x30080044 | Delivered Meterset. |
DeliveredNumberofPulses | 0x30080138 | Delivered Number of Pulses. |
DeliveredPrimaryMeterset | 0x30080036 | Delivered Primary Meterset. |
DeliveredPulseRepetitionInterval | 0x3008013C | Delivered Pulse Repetition Interval. |
DeliveredSecondaryMeterset | 0x30080037 | Delivered Secondary Meterset. |
DeliveredTreatmentTime | 0x3008003B | Delivered Treatment Time. |
DeliveryMaximumDose | 0x300A0023 | Delivery Maximum Dose. |
DeliveryVerificationImageSequence | 0x00741030 | Delivery Verification Image Sequence. |
DeliveryWarningDose | 0x300A0022 | Delivery Warning Dose. |
Density | 0x40101018 | Density. |
DepthOfScanField | 0x00185050 | Depth of Scan Field. |
DepthOfTransverseImage | 0x00220041 | Depth of Transverse Image. |
DepthsOfFocus | 0x00189801 | Depth(s) of Focus. |
DepthSpatialResolution | 0x00220035 | Depth Spatial Resolution. |
DerivationCodeSequence | 0x00089215 | Derivation Code Sequence. |
DerivationDescription | 0x00082111 | Derivation Description. |
DerivationImageSequence | 0x00089124 | Derivation Image Sequence. |
DerivationImgSequence | 0x00089124 | Derivation Image Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DerivationImplantAssemblyTemplateSequence | 0x0076000E | Derivation Implant Assembly Template Sequence. |
DerivationImplantTemplateSequence | 0x00686224 | Derivation Implant Template Sequence. |
DestinationAe | 0x21000140 | Destination AE. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DetailsOfCoefficients | 0x00280404 | Details of Coefficients. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DetectorActivationOffset | 0x00187016 | Detector Activation Offset From Exposure. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DetectorActivationOffsetFromExposure | 0x00187016 | Detector Activation Offset From Exposure. |
DetectorActiveDimension | 0x00187026 | Detector Active Dimension(s). This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DetectorActiveDimensions | 0x00187026 | Detector Active Dimension(s). |
DetectorActiveOrigin | 0x00187028 | Detector Active Origin. |
DetectorActiveShape | 0x00187024 | Detector Active Shape. |
DetectorActiveTime | 0x00187014 | Detector Active Time. |
DetectorBinning | 0x0018701A | Detector Binning. |
DetectorCalibrationData | 0x4010106C | Detector Calibration Data. |
DetectorCalibrationDate | 0x0018700C | Date of Last Detector Calibration. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DetectorCalibrationTime | 0x0018700E | Time of Last Detector Calibration. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DetectorConditionsNominalFlag | 0x00187000 | Detector Conditions Nominal Flag. |
DetectorConfiguration | 0x00187005 | Detector Configuration. |
DetectorDescription | 0x00187006 | Detector Description. |
DetectorElementPhysicalSize | 0x00187020 | Detector Element Physical Size. |
DetectorElementSize | 0x00541203 | Detector Element Size. |
DetectorElementSpacing | 0x00187022 | Detector Element Spacing. |
DetectorGeometry | 0x00189725 | Detector Geometry. |
DetectorGeometrySequence | 0x40100004 | Detector Geometry Sequence. |
DetectorID | 0x0018700A | Detector ID. |
DetectorInformationSequence | 0x00540022 | Detector Information Sequence. |
DetectorInfoSequence | 0x00540022 | Detector Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DetectorLinesOfResponseUsed | 0x00541104 | Detector Lines of Response Used. |
DetectorManufacturerModelName | 0x0018702B | Detector Manufacturer's Model Name. |
DetectorManufacturerName | 0x0018702A | Detector Manufacturer Name. |
DetectorManufacturersModelName | 0x0018702B | Detector Manufacturer's Model Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DetectorMode | 0x00187008 | Detector Mode. |
DetectorNormalizationCorrection | 0x00189768 | Detector Normalization Correction. |
DetectorPrimaryAngle | 0x00181530 | Detector Primary Angle. |
DetectorSecondaryAngle | 0x00181531 | Detector Secondary Angle. |
DetectorTemperature | 0x00187001 | Detector Temperature. |
DetectorTemperatureSequence | 0x00143020 | Detector Temperature Sequence. |
DetectorTimeSinceExposure | 0x00187012 | Detector Time Since Last Exposure. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DetectorTimeSinceLastExposure | 0x00187012 | Detector Time Since Last Exposure. |
DetectorType | 0x00187004 | Detector Type. |
DetectorVector | 0x00540020 | Detector Vector. |
DeviationIndex | 0x00181413 | Deviation Index. |
DeviceDescription | 0x00500020 | Device Description. |
DeviceDiameter | 0x00500016 | Device Diameter. |
DeviceDiameterUnit | 0x00500017 | Device Diameter Units. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DeviceDiameterUnits | 0x00500017 | Device Diameter Units. |
DeviceID | 0x00181003 | Device ID. |
DeviceLength | 0x00500014 | Device Length. |
DeviceSequence | 0x00500010 | Device Sequence. |
DeviceSerialNumber | 0x00181000 | Device Serial Number. |
DeviceUID | 0x00181002 | Device UID. |
DeviceVolume | 0x00500018 | Device Volume. |
DIALOGReceiver | 0x00004000 | DIALOG Receiver. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DiameterOfVisibility | 0x00700262 | Diameter of Visibility. |
DiaphragmPosition | 0x30020034 | Diaphragm Position. |
DICOMMediaRetrievalSequence | 0x0040E022 | DICOM Media Retrieval Sequence. |
DICOMRetrievalSequence | 0x0040E021 | DICOM Retrieval Sequence. |
DICOSVersion | 0x4010103A | DICOS Version. |
DifferentialWaveformSource | 0x003A020A | Source Waveform Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DifferentialWaveformSourceModifiers | 0x003A020B | Differential Waveform Source Modifiers. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Diffusion_b_matrixSequence | 0x00189601 | Diffusion b-matrix Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
Diffusion_b_value | 0x00189087 | Diffusion b-value. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
Diffusion_b_valueXX | 0x00189602 | Diffusion b-value XX. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
Diffusion_b_valueXY | 0x00189603 | Diffusion b-value XY. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
Diffusion_b_valueXZ | 0x00189604 | Diffusion b-value XZ. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
Diffusion_b_valueYY | 0x00189605 | Diffusion b-value YY. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
Diffusion_b_valueYZ | 0x00189606 | Diffusion b-value YZ. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
Diffusion_b_valueZZ | 0x00189607 | Diffusion b-value ZZ. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DiffusionAnisotropyType | 0x00189147 | Diffusion Anisotropy Type. |
DiffusionBMatrixSequence | 0x00189601 | Diffusion b-matrix Sequence. |
DiffusionBvalue | 0x00189087 | Diffusion b-value. |
DiffusionBValueXX | 0x00189602 | Diffusion b-value XX. |
DiffusionBValueXY | 0x00189603 | Diffusion b-value XY. |
DiffusionBValueXZ | 0x00189604 | Diffusion b-value XZ. |
DiffusionBValueYY | 0x00189605 | Diffusion b-value YY. |
DiffusionBValueYZ | 0x00189606 | Diffusion b-value YZ. |
DiffusionBValueZZ | 0x00189607 | Diffusion b-value ZZ. |
DiffusionDirectionality | 0x00189075 | Diffusion Directionality. |
DiffusionGradientDirectionSequence | 0x00189076 | Diffusion Gradient Direction Sequence. |
DiffusionGradientOrientation | 0x00189089 | Diffusion Gradient Orientation. |
DigitalImageFormatAcquired | 0x00181023 | Digital Image Format Acquired. |
DigitalSignatureDateTime | 0x04000105 | Digital Signature DateTime. |
DigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequence | 0x04000401 | Digital Signature Purpose Code Sequence. |
DigitalSignaturesSequence | 0xFFFAFFFA | Digital Signatures Sequence. |
DigitalSignatureUID | 0x04000100 | Digital Signature UID. |
DigitizingDeviceTransportDirection | 0x00182020 | Digitizing Device Transport Direction. |
DimensionDescriptionLabel | 0x00209421 | Dimension Description Label. |
DimensionIndexPointer | 0x00209165 | Dimension Index Pointer. |
DimensionIndexPrivateCreator | 0x00209213 | Dimension Index Private Creator. |
DimensionIndexSequence | 0x00209222 | Dimension Index Sequence. |
DimensionIndexValue | 0x00209157 | Dimension Index Values. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DimensionIndexValues | 0x00209157 | Dimension Index Values. |
DimensionOrganizationSequence | 0x00209221 | Dimension Organization Sequence. |
DimensionOrganizationType | 0x00209311 | Dimension Organization Type. |
DimensionOrganizationUID | 0x00209164 | Dimension Organization UID. |
DirectoryRecordSequence | 0x00041220 | Directory Record Sequence. |
DirectoryRecordType | 0x00041430 | Directory Record Type. |
DischargeDate | 0x00380030 | Discharge Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DischargeDiagnosisCodeSequence | 0x00380044 | Discharge Diagnosis Code Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DischargeDiagnosisDescription | 0x00380040 | Discharge Diagnosis Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DischargeTime | 0x00380032 | Discharge Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DisplayedAreaBottomRightHandCorner | 0x00700053 | Displayed Area Bottom Right Hand Corner. |
DisplayedAreaBottomRightHandCornerTrial | 0x00700051 | Displayed Area Bottom Right Hand Corner (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DisplayedAreaSelectionSequence | 0x0070005A | Displayed Area Selection Sequence. |
DisplayedAreaTopLeftHandCorner | 0x00700052 | Displayed Area Top Left Hand Corner. |
DisplayedAreaTopLeftHandCornerTrial | 0x00700050 | Displayed Area Top Left Hand Corner (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DisplayEnvironmentSpatialPosition | 0x00720108 | Display Environment Spatial Position. |
DisplayFilterPercentage | 0x00289411 | Display Filter Percentage. |
DisplayFormat | 0x00005110 | Display Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DisplaySetHorizontalJustification | 0x00720717 | Display Set Horizontal Justification. |
DisplaySetLabel | 0x00720203 | Display Set Label. |
DisplaySetNumber | 0x00720202 | Display Set Number. |
DisplaySetPatientOrientation | 0x00720700 | Display Set Patient Orientation. |
DisplaySetPatientOrientationCS2 | 0x00720700 | Display Set Patient Orientation. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DisplaySetPresentationGroup | 0x00720204 | Display Set Presentation Group. |
DisplaySetPresentationGroupDescription | 0x00720206 | Display Set Presentation Group Description. |
DisplaySetScrollingGroup | 0x00720212 | Display Set Scrolling Group. |
DisplaySetsSequence | 0x00720200 | Display Sets Sequence. |
DisplaySetVerticalJustification | 0x00720718 | Display Set Vertical Justification. |
DisplayShadingFlag | 0x003A0246 | Display Shading Flag. |
DisplayWindowLabelVector | 0x00182006 | Display Window Label Vector. |
DistanceBetweenFocalPlanes | 0x00480014 | Distance Between Focal Planes. |
DistanceObjecttoTableTop | 0x00189403 | Distance Object to Table Top. |
DistancePupillaryDistance | 0x00460060 | Distance Pupillary Distance. |
DistanceReceptorPlanetoDetectorHousing | 0x00189426 | Distance Receptor Plane to Detector Housing. |
DistanceSourcetoDataCollectionCenter | 0x00189335 | Distance Source to Data Collection Center. |
DistanceSourceToDetector | 0x00181110 | Distance Source to Detector. |
DistanceSourceToEntrance | 0x00400306 | Distance Source to Entrance. |
DistanceSourcetoIsocenter | 0x00189402 | Distance Source to Isocenter. |
DistanceSourceToPatient | 0x00181111 | Distance Source to Patient. |
DistanceSourcetoSupport | 0x00400307 | Distance Source to Support. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DistributionAddress | 0x4008011A | Distribution Address. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DistributionName | 0x40080119 | Distribution Name. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DistributionType | 0x00120084 | Distribution Type. |
DocumentAuthorIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial | 0x0040A068 | Document Author Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DocumentAuthorTrial | 0x0040A067 | Document Author (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DocumentClassCodeSequence | 0x0040E008 | Document Class Code Sequence. |
DocumentIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial | 0x0040A066 | Document Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DocumentingObserverIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial | 0x0040A076 | Documenting Observer Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DocumentingOrganizationIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial | 0x0040A028 | Documenting Organization Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DocumentTitle | 0x00420010 | Document Title. |
DopplerCorrectionAngle | 0x00186034 | Doppler Correction Angle. |
DopplerSampleVolumeXPosition | 0x00186039 | Doppler Sample Volume X Position. |
DopplerSampleVolumeXPositionRetired | 0x00186038 | Doppler Sample Volume X Position (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DopplerSampleVolumeYPosition | 0x0018603B | Doppler Sample Volume Y Position. |
DopplerSampleVolumeYPositionRetired | 0x0018603A | Doppler Sample Volume Y Position (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DoseCalibrationFactor | 0x00541322 | Dose Calibration Factor. |
DoseComment | 0x30040006 | Dose Comment. |
DoseGridScaling | 0x3004000E | Dose Grid Scaling. |
DoseRateDelivered | 0x30080048 | Dose Rate Delivered. |
DoseRateSet | 0x300A0115 | Dose Rate Set. |
DoseReferenceDescription | 0x300A0016 | Dose Reference Description. |
DoseReferenceNumber | 0x300A0012 | Dose Reference Number. |
DoseReferencePointCoordinate | 0x300A0018 | Dose Reference Point Coordinates. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DoseReferencePointCoordinates | 0x300A0018 | Dose Reference Point Coordinates. |
DoseReferenceSequence | 0x300A0010 | Dose Reference Sequence. |
DoseReferenceStructureType | 0x300A0014 | Dose Reference Structure Type. |
DoseReferenceType | 0x300A0020 | Dose Reference Type. |
DoseReferenceUID | 0x300A0013 | Dose Reference UID. |
DoseSummationType | 0x3004000A | Dose Summation Type. |
DoseType | 0x30040004 | Dose Type. |
DoseUnit | 0x30040002 | Dose Units. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DoseUnits | 0x30040002 | Dose Units. |
DoseValue | 0x30040012 | Dose Value. |
DoubleExposureFieldDelta | 0x0074133A | Double Exposure Field Delta. |
DoubleExposureFieldDeltaTrial | 0x0074103A | Double Exposure Field Delta (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DoubleExposureFlag | 0x00741034 | Double Exposure Flag. |
DoubleExposureMeterset | 0x00741338 | Double Exposure Meterset. |
DoubleExposureMetersetTrial | 0x00741038 | Double Exposure Meterset (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
DoubleExposureOrdering | 0x00741036 | Double Exposure Ordering. |
DvhData | 0x30040058 | The DVH Data. |
DvhDoseScaling | 0x30040052 | DVH Dose Scaling. |
DvhMaximumDose | 0x30040072 | DVH Maximum Dose. |
DvhMeanDose | 0x30040074 | DVH Mean Dose. |
DvhMinimumDose | 0x30040070 | DVH Minimum Dose. |
DvhNormalizationDoseValue | 0x30040042 | DVH Normalization Dose Value. |
DvhNormalizationPoint | 0x30040040 | DVH Normalization Point. |
DvhNumberOfBins | 0x30040056 | DVH Number of Bins. |
DvhReferencedRoiSequence | 0x30040060 | DVH Referenced ROI Sequence. |
DvhRoiContributionType | 0x30040062 | DVH ROI Contribution Type. |
DvhSequence | 0x30040050 | DVH Sequence. |
DvhType | 0x30040001 | DVH (Dose-volume histogram) Type. |
DvhVolumeUnit | 0x30040054 | DVH Volume Units. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
DvhVolumeUnits | 0x30040054 | DVH Volume Units. |
DynamicRange | 0x00185030 | Dynamic Range. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
EchoNumbers | 0x00180086 | Echo Number(s). |
EchoPlanarPulseSequence | 0x00189018 | Echo Planar Pulse Sequence. |
EchoPulseSequence | 0x00189008 | Echo Pulse Sequence. |
EchoTime | 0x00180081 | Echo Time. |
EchoTrainLength | 0x00180091 | Echo Train Length. |
EdgePointIndexList | 0x00660024 | Edge Point Index List. |
EffectiveDateTime | 0x00686226 | Effective DateTime. |
EffectiveDuration | 0x00180072 | Effective Duration. |
EffectiveEchoTime | 0x00189082 | Effective Echo Time. |
EffectiveRefractiveIndex | 0x00520004 | Effective Refractive Index. |
EffectiveSeriesDuration | 0x00180072 | Effective Duration. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ElementDimensionA | 0x00144014 | Element Dimension A. |
ElementDimensionB | 0x00144015 | Element Dimension B. |
ElementPitch | 0x00144016 | Element Pitch. |
ElementShape | 0x00144013 | Element Shape. |
EmmetropicMagnification | 0x0022000A | Emmetropic Magnification. |
EmptyImageBoxCIELabValue | 0x00720421 | Empty Image Box CIELab Value. |
EmptyImageDensity | 0x20100110 | Empty Image Density. |
EncapsulatedDocument | 0x00420011 | Encapsulated Document. |
EncryptedAttributesSequence | 0x04000500 | Encrypted Attributes Sequence. |
EncryptedContent | 0x04000520 | Encrypted Content. |
EncryptedContentTransferSyntaxUID | 0x04000510 | Encrypted Content Transfer Syntax UID. |
EndAcquisitionDateTime | 0x00189517 | End Acquisition DateTime. |
EndCumulativeMetersetWeight | 0x300C0009 | End Cumulative Meterset Weight. |
EndingRespiratoryAmplitude | 0x00209248 | Ending Respiratory Amplitude. |
EndingRespiratoryPhase | 0x00209249 | Ending Respiratory Phase. |
EndMessageID | 0x00005020 | End Message ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
EndMeterset | 0x3008007A | End Meterset. |
EnergyWeightingFactor | 0x00189353 | Energy Weighting Factor. |
EnergyWindowCenterline | 0x00180032 | Energy Window Centerline. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
EnergyWindowInformationSequence | 0x00540012 | Energy Window Information Sequence. |
EnergyWindowInfoSequence | 0x00540012 | Energy Window Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
EnergyWindowLowerLimit | 0x00540014 | Energy Window Lower Limit. |
EnergyWindowName | 0x00540018 | Energy Window Name. |
EnergyWindowNumber | 0x00540308 | Energy Window Number. |
EnergyWindowRangeSequence | 0x00540013 | Energy Window Range Sequence. |
EnergyWindowTotalWidth | 0x00180033 | Energy Window Total Width. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
EnergyWindowUpperLimit | 0x00540015 | Energy Window Upper Limit. |
EnergyWindowVector | 0x00540010 | Energy Window Vector. |
EnhancedPaletteColorLookupTableSequence | 0x0028140B | Enhanced Palette Color Lookup Table Sequence. |
EntranceDose | 0x00400302 | Entrance Dose. |
EntranceDoseInmGy | 0x00408302 | Entrance Dose in mGy. |
EnvironmentalConditions | 0x00141040 | Environmental Conditions. |
EquipmentCoordinateSystemIdentification | 0x00289537 | Equipment Coordinate System Identification. |
EquivalentCDADocumentSequence | 0x0040A090 | Equivalent CDA Document Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Erase | 0x00005190 | Erase. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ErrorComment | 0x00000902 | Error Comment. |
ErrorID | 0x00000903 | Error Identifier. |
EscapeTriplet | 0x1000FFF0 | Escape Triplet. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
EstimatedDoseSaving | 0x00189324 | Estimated Dose Saving. |
EstimatedRadiographicMagnificationFactor | 0x00181114 | Estimated Radiographic Magnification Factor. |
EstRadiographicMagFactor | 0x00181114 | Estimated Radiographic Magnification Factor. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
EthnicGroup | 0x00102160 | Ethnic Group. |
EvaluationAttempt | 0x00142008 | Evaluation Attempt. |
EvaluatorName | 0x00142006 | Evaluator Name. |
EvaluatorNumber | 0x00142004 | Evaluator Number. |
EvaluatorSequence | 0x00142002 | Evaluator Sequence. |
EventCodeSequence | 0x00082135 | Event Code Sequence. |
EventElapsedTimes | 0x00082130 | Event Elapsed Time(s). |
EventTimeOffset | 0x00082134 | Event Time Offset. |
EventTimerNames | 0x00082132 | Event Timer Name(s). |
EventTimerSequence | 0x00082133 | Event Timer Sequence. |
EventTypeID | 0x00001002 | Event Type ID. |
ExaminedBodyThickness | 0x00109431 | Examined Body Thickness. |
ExcessiveFalseNegatives | 0x00240052 | Excessive False Negatives. |
ExcessiveFalseNegativesDataFlag | 0x00240051 | Excessive False Negatives Data Flag. |
ExcessiveFalsePositives | 0x00240062 | Excessive False Positives. |
ExcessiveFalsePositivesDataFlag | 0x00240061 | Excessive False Positives Data Flag. |
ExcessiveFixationLosses | 0x00240040 | Excessive Fixation Losses. |
ExcessiveFixationLossesDataFlag | 0x00240039 | Excessive Fixation Losses Data Flag. |
ExcitationFrequency | 0x00144024 | Excitation Frequency. |
ExcludedIntervalsSequence | 0x00189803 | Excluded Intervals Sequence. |
ExclusionDuration | 0x00189805 | Exclusion Duration. |
ExclusionStartDatetime | 0x00189804 | Exclusion Start Datetime. |
ExclusiveComponentType | 0x00760036 | Exclusive Component Type. |
ExecutionStatus | 0x21000020 | Execution Status. |
ExecutionStatusInfo | 0x21000030 | Execution Status Info. |
ExpectedCompletionDateAndTime | 0x00404011 | Expected Completion Date and Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ExpectedCompletionDateTime | 0x00404011 | Expected Completion Date Time. |
ExpectedCompletionDT | 0x00404011 | Expected Completion Date and Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ExpiryDate | 0x00141020 | Expiry Date. |
ExposedArea | 0x00400303 | Exposed Area. |
Exposure | 0x00181152 | Exposure value. |
ExposureControlMode | 0x00187060 | Exposure Control Mode. |
ExposureControlModeDesc | 0x00187062 | Exposure Control Mode Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ExposureControlModeDescription | 0x00187062 | Exposure Control Mode Description. |
ExposureControlSensingRegionLeftVerticalEdge | 0x00189436 | Exposure Control Sensing Region Left Vertical Edge. |
ExposureControlSensingRegionLowerHorizontal | 0x00189439 | Exposure Control Sensing Region Lower Horizontal Edge. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ExposureControlSensingRegionLowerHorizontalEdge | 0x00189439 | Exposure Control Sensing Region Lower Horizontal Edge. |
ExposureControlSensingRegionRightVerticalEdge | 0x00189437 | Exposure Control Sensing Region Right Vertical Edge. |
ExposureControlSensingRegionShape | 0x00189435 | Exposure Control Sensing Region Shape. |
ExposureControlSensingRegionsSequence | 0x00189434 | Exposure Control Sensing Regions Sequence. |
ExposureControlSensingRegionUpperHorizontal | 0x00189438 | Exposure Control Sensing Region Upper Horizontal Edge. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ExposureControlSensingRegionUpperHorizontalEdge | 0x00189438 | Exposure Control Sensing Region Upper Horizontal Edge. |
ExposureDoseSequence | 0x0040030E | Exposure Dose Sequence. |
ExposureIndex | 0x00181411 | Exposure Index. |
ExposureinmAs | 0x00189332 | Exposure in mAs. |
ExposureInMicroA | 0x00181153 | Exposure in micro As. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ExposureInMicroAs | 0x00181153 | Exposure in micro As. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ExposureInuAs | 0x00181153 | Exposure in micro As. |
ExposureModulationType | 0x00189323 | Exposure Modulation Type. |
ExposureOnPlate | 0x00181404 | Exposures on Plate. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ExposureSequence | 0x30020030 | Exposure Sequence. |
ExposuresOnDetectorSinceLastCalibration | 0x00187010 | Exposures on Detector Since Last Calibration. |
ExposuresOnDetectorSinceManufactured | 0x00187011 | Exposures on Detector Since Manufactured. |
ExposuresOnPlate | 0x00181404 | Exposures on Plate. |
ExposuresSinceCalibration | 0x00187010 | Exposures on Detector Since Last Calibration. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ExposuresSinceManufactured | 0x00187011 | Exposures on Detector Since Manufactured. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ExposureStatus | 0x00187064 | Exposure Status. |
ExposureTime | 0x00181150 | Exposure Time. |
ExposureTimeIn_mS | 0x00188150 | Exposure Time in micro S. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ExposureTimeInMicroS | 0x00188150 | Exposure Time in micro S. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ExposureTimeinms | 0x00189328 | Exposure Time in ms. |
ExposureTimeInuS | 0x00188150 | Exposure Time in micro S. |
ExtendedDepthOfField | 0x00480012 | Extended Depth of Field. |
FacetSequence | 0x00660034 | Facet Sequence. |
FailedAttributesSequence | 0x00741048 | Failed Attributes Sequence. |
FailedSOPInstanceUIDList | 0x00080058 | Failed SOP Instance UID List. |
FailedSOPSequence | 0x00081198 | Failed SOP Sequence. |
FailureAttributes | 0x2200000E | Failure Attributes. |
FailureReason | 0x00081197 | Failure Reason. |
FalseNegativesEstimate | 0x00240046 | False Negatives Estimate. |
FalseNegativesEstimateFlag | 0x00240045 | False Negatives Estimate Flag. |
FalseNegativesQuantity | 0x00240050 | False Negatives Quantity. |
FalsePositivesEstimate | 0x00240054 | False Positives Estimate. |
FalsePositivesEstimateFlag | 0x00240053 | False Positives Estimate Flag. |
FalsePositivesQuantity | 0x00240060 | False Positives Quantity. |
FiducialDescription | 0x0070030F | Fiducial Description. |
FiducialIdentifier | 0x00700310 | Fiducial Identifier. |
FiducialIdentifierCodeSequence | 0x00700311 | Fiducial Identifier Code Sequence. |
FiducialSequence | 0x0070031E | Fiducial Sequence. |
FiducialSetSequence | 0x0070031C | Fiducial Set Sequence. |
FiducialUID | 0x0070031A | Fiducial UID. |
FieldofViewDescription | 0x00189433 | Field of View Description. |
FieldOfViewDimensions | 0x00181149 | Field of View Dimension(s). |
FieldofViewDimensionsInFloat | 0x00189461 | Field of View Dimension(s) in Float. |
FieldOfViewHorizontalFlip | 0x00187034 | Field of View Horizontal Flip. |
FieldOfViewOrigin | 0x00187030 | Field of View Origin. |
FieldOfViewRotation | 0x00187032 | Field of View Rotation. |
FieldofViewSequence | 0x00189432 | Field of View Sequence. |
FieldOfViewShape | 0x00181147 | Field of View Shape. |
FileMetaInformationGroupLength | 0x00020000 | File Meta Information Group Length. |
FileMetaInformationVersion | 0x00020001 | File Meta Information Version. |
FilesetConsistencyFlag | 0x00041212 | File-set Consistency Flag. |
FilesetDescriptorFileID | 0x00041141 | File-set Descriptor File ID. |
FilesetID | 0x00041130 | File-set ID. |
FillerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequest | 0x00402017 | Filler Order Number / Imaging Service Request. |
FillerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequestRetired | 0x00402007 | Filler Order Number / Imaging Service Request (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
FillerOrderNumberProcedure | 0x00401007 | Filler Order Number / Procedure. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
FillMode | 0x00700257 | Fill Mode. |
FillPattern | 0x00700256 | Fill Pattern. |
FillStyleSequence | 0x00700233 | Fill Style Sequence. |
FilmBoxContentSequence | 0x21300030 | Film Box Content Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
FilmConsumptionSequence | 0x00400321 | Film Consumption Sequence. |
FilmDestination | 0x20000040 | Film Destination. |
FilmImagePosition | 0x20200010 | Image Box Position. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
FilmOrientation | 0x20100040 | Film Orientation. |
FilmSessionLabel | 0x20000050 | Film Session Label. |
FilmSizeID | 0x20100050 | Film Size ID. |
FilterBeamPathLengthMaximum | 0x00187058 | Filter Beam Path Length Maximum. |
FilterBeamPathLengthMinimum | 0x00187056 | Filter Beam Path Length Minimum. |
FilterbyAttributePresence | 0x00720404 | Filter-by Attribute Presence. |
FilterbyCategory | 0x00720402 | Filter-by Category. |
FilterbyOperator | 0x00720406 | Filter-by Operator. |
FilterHighFrequency | 0x003A0221 | Filter High Frequency. |
FilterLowFrequency | 0x003A0220 | Filter Low Frequency. |
FilterMaterial | 0x00187050 | Filter Material. |
FilterMaterialUsedInGainCalibration | 0x00143074 | Filter Material Used in Gain Calibration. |
FilterMaxThickness | 0x00187054 | Filter Thickness Maximum. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
FilterMinThickness | 0x00187052 | Filter Thickness Minimum. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
FilterOperationsSequence | 0x00720400 | Filter Operations Sequence. |
FilterThicknessMaximum | 0x00187054 | Filter Thickness Maximum. |
FilterThicknessMinimum | 0x00187052 | Filter Thickness Minimum. |
FilterThicknessUsedInGainCalibration | 0x00143075 | Filter Thickness Used in Gain Calibration. |
FilterType | 0x00181160 | Filter Type. |
FinalCumulativeMetersetWeight | 0x300A010E | Final Cumulative Meterset Weight. |
FinalCumulativeTimeWeight | 0x300A02C8 | Final Cumulative Time Weight. |
FindingsFlagTrial | 0x0040A007 | Findings Flag (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
FindingsGroupRecordingDateTrial | 0x0040A023 | Findings Group Recording Date (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
FindingsGroupRecordingTimeTrial | 0x0040A024 | Findings Group Recording Time (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
FindingsGroupUIDTrial | 0x0040A021 | Findings Group UID (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
FindingsSequenceTrial | 0x0040A020 | Findings Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
FindingsSourceCategoryCodeSequenceTrial | 0x0040A026 | Findings Source Category Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
FindLocation | 0x00000400 | Find Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
FiniteVolume | 0x0066000E | Finite Volume. |
FirstALineLocation | 0x00520034 | First A?line Location. |
FirstOrderPhaseCorrection | 0x00189198 | First Order Phase Correction. |
FirstOrderPhaseCorrectionAngle | 0x56000010 | First Order Phase Correction Angle. |
FirstTreatmentDate | 0x30080054 | First Treatment Date. |
FixationCheckedQuantity | 0x00240035 | Fixation Checked Quantity. |
FixationDeviceDescription | 0x300A0196 | Fixation Device Description. |
FixationDeviceLabel | 0x300A0194 | Fixation Device Label. |
FixationDevicePitchAngle | 0x300A0199 | Fixation Device Pitch Angle. |
FixationDevicePosition | 0x300A0198 | Fixation Device Position. |
FixationDeviceRollAngle | 0x300A019A | Fixation Device Roll Angle. |
FixationDeviceSequence | 0x300A0190 | Fixation Device Sequence. |
FixationDeviceType | 0x300A0192 | Fixation Device Type. |
FixationLightAzimuthalAngle | 0x300A0356 | Fixation Light Azimuthal Angle. |
FixationLightPolarAngle | 0x300A0358 | Fixation Light Polar Angle. |
FixationMethodCodeSequence | 0x006863AC | Fixation Method Code Sequence. |
FixationMonitoringCodeSequence | 0x00240033 | Fixation Monitoring Code Sequence. |
FixationSequence | 0x00240032 | Fixation Sequence. |
FlatKeratometricAxisSequence | 0x00460080 | Flat Keratometric Axis Sequence. |
FlipAngle | 0x00181314 | Flip Angle. |
FlowCompDirection | 0x00189183 | Flow Compensation Direction. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
FlowCompensation | 0x00189010 | Flow Compensation. |
FlowCompensationDirection | 0x00189183 | Flow Compensation Direction. |
FluenceDataScale | 0x30020042 | Fluence Data Scale. |
FluenceDataSource | 0x30020041 | Fluence Data Source. |
FluenceMapSequence | 0x30020040 | Fluence Map Sequence. |
FluenceMode | 0x30020051 | Fluence Mode. |
FluenceModeID | 0x30020052 | Fluence Mode ID. |
FluoroscopyFlag | 0x00189334 | Fluoroscopy Flag. |
FocalDistance | 0x00181182 | Focal Distance. |
FocalSpots | 0x00181190 | Focal Spot(s). |
FocusDepth | 0x00185012 | Focus Depth. |
FocusMethod | 0x00480011 | Focus Method. |
FontName | 0x00700227 | Font Name. |
FontNameType | 0x00700228 | Font Name Type. |
FORMAT | 0x00000030 | DICOM format marker. |
FovealPointNormativeDataFlag | 0x00240117 | Foveal Point Normative Data Flag. |
FovealPointProbabilityValue | 0x00240118 | Foveal Point Probability Value. |
FovealSensitivity | 0x00240087 | Foveal Sensitivity. |
FovealSensitivityMeasured | 0x00240086 | Foveal Sensitivity Measured. |
FovHorizontalFlip | 0x00187034 | Field of View Horizontal Flip. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
FovOrigin | 0x00187030 | Field of View Origin. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
FovRotation | 0x00187032 | Field of View Rotation. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
FractionalChannelDisplayScale | 0x003A0247 | Fractional Channel Display Scale. |
FractionGroupDescription | 0x300A0072 | Fraction Group Description. |
FractionGroupNumber | 0x300A0071 | Fraction Group Number. |
FractionGroupSequence | 0x300A0070 | Fraction Group Sequence. |
FractionGroupSummarySequence | 0x30080220 | Fraction Group Summary Sequence. |
FractionGroupType | 0x30080224 | Fraction Group Type. |
FractionNumber | 0x30020029 | Fraction Number. |
FractionPattern | 0x300A007B | Fraction Pattern. |
FractionStatusSummarySequence | 0x30080240 | Fraction Status Summary Sequence. |
FrameAcqDatetime | 0x00189074 | Frame Acquisition DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
FrameAcqDuration | 0x00189220 | Frame Acquisition Duration. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
FrameAcqNumber | 0x00209156 | Frame Acquisition Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
FrameAcquisitionDateTime | 0x00189074 | Frame Acquisition DateTime. |
FrameAcquisitionDuration | 0x00189220 | Frame Acquisition Duration. |
FrameAcquisitionNumber | 0x00209156 | Frame Acquisition Number. |
FrameAcquisitionSequence | 0x00189417 | Frame Acquisition Sequence. |
FrameAnatomySequence | 0x00209071 | Frame Anatomy Sequence. |
FrameComments | 0x00209158 | Frame Comments. |
FrameContentSequence | 0x00209111 | Frame Content Sequence. |
FrameDelay | 0x00181066 | Frame Delay. |
FrameDetectorParametersSequence | 0x00189451 | Frame Detector Parameters Sequence. |
FrameDimensionPointer | 0x0028000A | Frame Dimension Pointer. |
FrameDisplaySequence | 0x00089458 | Frame Display Sequence. |
FrameDisplayShutterSequence | 0x00189472 | Frame Display Shutter Sequence. |
FrameExtractionSequence | 0x00081164 | Frame Extraction Sequence. |
FrameIncrementPointer | 0x00280009 | Frame Increment Pointer. |
FrameLabel | 0x00209453 | Frame Label. |
FrameLabelVector | 0x00182002 | Frame Label Vector. |
FrameLaterality | 0x00209072 | Frame Laterality. |
FrameNumbersOfInterest | 0x00286020 | Frame Numbers of Interest (FOI). |
FrameOfInterestDescription | 0x00286022 | Frame of Interest Description. |
FrameofInterestType | 0x00286023 | Frame of Interest Type. |
FrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequence | 0x300600C0 | Frame of Reference Relationship Sequence. |
FrameOfReferenceTransformationComment | 0x300600C8 | Frame of Reference Transformation Comment. |
FrameOfReferenceTransformationMatrix | 0x300600C6 | Frame of Reference Transformation Matrix. |
FrameofReferenceTransformationMatrixType | 0x0070030C | Frame of Reference Transformation Matrix Type. |
FrameOfReferenceTransformationType | 0x300600C4 | Frame of Reference Transformation Type. |
FrameOfReferenceUID | 0x00200052 | Frame of Reference UID. |
FramePixelDataPropertiesSequence | 0x00289443 | Frame Pixel Data Properties Sequence. |
FramePixelShiftSequence | 0x00289415 | Frame Pixel Shift Sequence. |
FramePrimaryAngleVector | 0x00182003 | Frame Primary Angle Vector. |
FrameReferenceDatetime | 0x00189151 | Frame Reference DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
FrameReferenceDateTime | 0x00189151 | Frame Reference DateTime. |
FrameReferenceTime | 0x00541300 | Frame Reference Time. |
FrameSecondaryAngleVector | 0x00182004 | Frame Secondary Angle Vector. |
FramesOfInterestDescription | 0x00286022 | Frame of Interest Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
FrameTime | 0x00181063 | Frame Time. |
FrameTimeVector | 0x00181065 | Frame Time Vector. |
FrameType | 0x00089007 | Frame Type. |
FrameVoiLutSequence | 0x00289132 | Frame VOI LUT Sequence. |
FramingType | 0x00181064 | Cardiac Framing Type. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
FrequencyCorrection | 0x00189101 | Frequency Correction. |
FunctionalGroupPointer | 0x00209167 | Functional Group Pointer. |
FunctionalGroupPrivateCreator | 0x00209238 | Functional Group Private Creator. |
GainCorrectionReferenceSequence | 0x00143060 | Gain Correction Reference Sequence. |
GantryAngle | 0x300A011E | Gantry Angle. |
GantryAngleTolerance | 0x300A0044 | Gantry Angle Tolerance. |
GantryDetectorSlew | 0x00181121 | Gantry/Detector Slew. |
GantryDetectorTilt | 0x00181120 | Gantry/Detector Tilt. |
GantryID | 0x00181008 | Gantry ID. |
GantryMotionCorrected | 0x00189762 | Gantry Motion Corrected. |
GantryPitchAngle | 0x300A014A | Gantry Pitch Angle. |
GantryPitchAngleTolerance | 0x300A014E | Gantry Pitch Angle Tolerance. |
GantryPitchRotationDirection | 0x300A014C | Gantry Pitch Rotation Direction. |
GantryRotationDirection | 0x300A011F | Gantry Rotation Direction. |
GantryType | 0x40101008 | Gantry Type. |
GapLength | 0x00700261 | Gap Length. |
GatedInformationSequence | 0x00540062 | Gated Information Sequence. |
GatedInfoSequence | 0x00540062 | Gated Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
GateSettingsSequence | 0x00144060 | Gate Settings Sequence. |
GateThreshold | 0x00144062 | Gate Threshold. |
GeneralAccessoryDescription | 0x300A0422 | General Accessory Description. |
GeneralAccessoryID | 0x300A0421 | General Accessory ID. |
GeneralAccessoryNumber | 0x300A0424 | General Accessory Number. |
GeneralAccessorySequence | 0x300A0420 | General Accessory Sequence. |
GeneralAccessoryType | 0x300A0423 | General Accessory Type. |
GeneralizedDefectCorrectedSensitivityDeviationFlag | 0x00240102 | Generalized Defect Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Flag. |
GeneralizedDefectCorrectedSensitivityDeviationProbabilityValue | 0x00240104 | Generalized Defect Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Probability Value. |
GeneralizedDefectCorrectedSensitivityDeviationValue | 0x00240103 | Generalized Defect Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Value. |
GeneralizedDefectSensitivityDeviationAlgorithmSequence | 0x00240067 | Generalized Defect Sensitivity Deviation Algorithm Sequence. |
GeneralMachineVerificationSequence | 0x00741042 | General Machine Verification Sequence. |
GeneralPerformedProcedureStepStatus | 0x00404002 | General Purpose Performed Procedure Step Status. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
GeneralPurposePerformedProcedureStepStatus | 0x00404002 | General Purpose Performed Procedure Step Status. |
GeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepPriority | 0x00404003 | General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Priority. |
GeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepStatus | 0x00404001 | General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Status. |
GeneralScheduledProcedureStepPriority | 0x00404003 | General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Priority. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
GeneralScheduledProcedureStepStatus | 0x00404001 | General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Status. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
GeneratorID | 0x00181005 | Generator ID. |
GeneratorPower | 0x00181170 | Generator Power. |
GeometricalProperties | 0x00289444 | Geometrical Properties. |
GeometricMaximumDistortion | 0x00289445 | Geometric Maximum Distortion. |
GeometryOfKspaceTraversal | 0x00189032 | Geometry of k-Space Traversal. |
GlobalDeviationFromNormal | 0x00240066 | Global Deviation From Normal. |
GlobalDeviationProbability | 0x00240071 | Global Deviation Probability. |
GlobalDeviationProbabilityNormalsFlag | 0x00240059 | Global Deviation Probability Normals Flag. |
GlobalDeviationProbabilitySequence | 0x00240083 | Global Deviation Probability Sequence. |
GradientEchoTrainLength | 0x00189241 | Gradient Echo Train Length. |
GradientOutput | 0x00189182 | Gradient Output. |
GradientOutputType | 0x00189180 | Gradient Output Type. |
GraphicAnnotationSequence | 0x00700001 | Graphic Annotation Sequence. |
GraphicAnnotationUnits | 0x00700005 | Graphic Annotation Units. |
GraphicCoordinatesDataSequence | 0x00700318 | Graphic Coordinates Data Sequence. |
GraphicData | 0x00700022 | Graphic Data. |
GraphicDimensions | 0x00700020 | Graphic Dimensions. |
GraphicFilled | 0x00700024 | Graphic Filled. |
GraphicGroupDescription | 0x00700208 | Graphic Group Description. |
GraphicGroupID | 0x00700295 | Graphic Group ID. |
GraphicGroupLabel | 0x00700207 | Graphic Group Label. |
GraphicGroupSequence | 0x00700234 | Graphic Group Sequence. |
GraphicLayer | 0x00700002 | Graphic Layer. |
GraphicLayerDescription | 0x00700068 | Graphic Layer Description. |
GraphicLayerOrder | 0x00700062 | Graphic Layer Order. |
GraphicLayerRecommendedDisplayCIELabValue | 0x00700401 | Graphic Layer Recommended Display CIELab Value. |
GraphicLayerRecommendedDisplayGrayscaleValue | 0x00700066 | Graphic Layer Recommended Display Grayscale Value. |
GraphicLayerRecommendedDisplayRGBValue | 0x00700067 | Graphic Layer Recommended Display RGB Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
GraphicLayerSequence | 0x00700060 | Graphic Layer Sequence. |
GraphicObjectSequence | 0x00700009 | Graphic Object Sequence. |
GraphicType | 0x00700023 | Graphic Type. |
GrayLookupTableData | 0x00281200 | Gray Lookup Table Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
GrayLookupTableDescriptor | 0x00281100 | Gray Lookup Table Descriptor. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
GrayScale | 0x00281080 | Gray Scale. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
GreenPaletteColorLookupTableData | 0x00281202 | Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data. |
GreenPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor | 0x00281102 | Green Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor. |
Grid | 0x00181166 | Grid value. |
GridAbsorbingMaterial | 0x00187040 | Grid Absorbing Material. |
GridAspectRatio | 0x00187046 | Grid Aspect Ratio. |
GridDimensions | 0x00640007 | Grid Dimensions. |
GridFocalDistance | 0x0018704C | Grid Focal Distance. |
GridFrameOffsetVector | 0x3004000C | Grid Frame Offset Vector. |
GridID | 0x00181006 | Grid Identifier. |
GridPeriod | 0x00187048 | Grid Period. |
GridPitch | 0x00187044 | Grid Pitch. |
GridResolution | 0x00640008 | Grid Resolution. |
GridSpacingMaterial | 0x00187041 | Grid Spacing Material. |
GridThickness | 0x00187042 | Grid Thickness. |
Group0000Length | 0x00000000 | Command Group Length. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
Group0000LengthToEnd | 0x00000001 | Command Length to End. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0002Length | 0x00020000 | File Meta Information Group Length. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
Group0004Length | 0x00040000 | Group 0004 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0008Length | 0x00080000 | Group 0008 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0008LengthToEnd | 0x00080001 | Group 0008 Length to End. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0010Length | 0x00100000 | Group 0010 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0012Length | 0x00120000 | Group 0012 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0014Length | 0x00140000 | Group 0014 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0018Length | 0x00180000 | Group 0018 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0020Length | 0x00200000 | Group 0020 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0022Length | 0x00220000 | Group 0022 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0024Length | 0x00240000 | Group 0024 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0028Length | 0x00280000 | Group 0028 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0032Length | 0x00320000 | Group 0032 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0038Length | 0x00380000 | Group 0038 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group003ALength | 0x003A0000 | Group 003A Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0040Length | 0x00400000 | Group 0040 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0042Length | 0x00420000 | Group 0042 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0044Length | 0x00440000 | Group 0044 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0046Length | 0x00460000 | Group 0046 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0048Length | 0x00480000 | Group 0048 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0050Length | 0x00500000 | Group 0050 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0052Length | 0x00520000 | Group 0052 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0054Length | 0x00540000 | Group 0054 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0060Length | 0x00600000 | Group 0060 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0062Length | 0x00620000 | Group 0062 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0064Length | 0x00640000 | Group 0064 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0066Length | 0x00660000 | Group 0066 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0068Length | 0x00680000 | Group 0068 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0070Length | 0x00700000 | Group 0070 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0072Length | 0x00720000 | Group 0072 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0074Length | 0x00740000 | Group 0074 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0076Length | 0x00760000 | Group 0076 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0078Length | 0x00780000 | Group 0078 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0088Length | 0x00880000 | Group 0088 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0100Length | 0x01000000 | Group 0100 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group0400Length | 0x04000000 | Group 0400 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group1000Length | 0x10000000 | Group 1000 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group1010Length | 0x10100000 | Group 1010 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group2000Length | 0x20000000 | Group 2000 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group2010Length | 0x20100000 | Group 2010 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group2020Length | 0x20200000 | Group 2020 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group2030Length | 0x20300000 | Group 2030 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group2040Length | 0x20400000 | Group 2040 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group2050Length | 0x20500000 | Group 2050 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group2100Length | 0x21000000 | Group 2100 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group2110Length | 0x21100000 | Group 2110 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group2120Length | 0x21200000 | Group 2120 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group2130Length | 0x21300000 | Group 2130 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group2200Length | 0x22000000 | Group 2200 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group3002Length | 0x30020000 | Group 3002 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group3004Length | 0x30040000 | Group 3004 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group3006Length | 0x30060000 | Group 3006 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group3008Length | 0x30080000 | Group 3008 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group300ALength | 0x300A0000 | Group 300A Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group300CLength | 0x300C0000 | Group 300C Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group300ELength | 0x300E0000 | Group 300E Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group4000Length | 0x40000000 | Group 4000 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group4008Length | 0x40080000 | Group 4008 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group4010Length | 0x40100000 | Group 4010 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group4FFELength | 0x4FFE0000 | Group 4FFE Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group50xxLength | 0x50FF0000 | Group 50xx Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group5200Length | 0x52000000 | Group 5200 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group5400Length | 0x54000000 | Group 5400 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group5600Length | 0x56000000 | Group 5600 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group60xxLength | 0x60FF0000 | Group 60xx Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group7FE0Length | 0x7FE00000 | Group 7FE0 Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Group7FFFLength | 0x7FFF0000 | Group 7FFF Length. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
GroupLabel | 0x003A0020 | Multiplex Group Label. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
HalfValueLayer | 0x00400314 | Half Value Layer. |
HangingProtocolCreationDatetime | 0x0072000A | Hanging Protocol Creation DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
HangingProtocolCreationDateTime | 0x0072000A | Hanging Protocol Creation DateTime. |
HangingProtocolCreator | 0x00720008 | Hanging Protocol Creator. |
HangingProtocolDefinitionSequence | 0x0072000C | Hanging Protocol Definition Sequence. |
HangingProtocolDescription | 0x00720004 | Hanging Protocol Description. |
HangingProtocolLevel | 0x00720006 | Hanging Protocol Level. |
HangingProtocolName | 0x00720002 | Hanging Protocol Name. |
HangingProtocolUserGroupName | 0x00720010 | Hanging Protocol User Group Name. |
HangingProtocolUserIdentificationCodeSequence | 0x0072000E | Hanging Protocol User Identification Code Sequence. |
HardcopyCreationDeviceID | 0x00181011 | Hardcopy Creation Device ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
HardcopyDeviceManufacturer | 0x00181017 | Hardcopy Device Manufacturer. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
HardcopyDeviceManufacturersModelName | 0x0018101B | Hardcopy Device Manufacturer's Model Name. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
HardcopyDeviceSoftwareVersion | 0x0018101A | Hardcopy Device Software Version. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
HeadFixationAngle | 0x300A0148 | Head Fixation Angle. |
HeartRate | 0x00181088 | Heart Rate. |
HighBit | 0x00280102 | Image High Bit. |
HighDoseTechniqueType | 0x300A00C7 | High-Dose Technique Type. |
HighEnergyDetectors | 0x40100002 | High Energy Detectors. |
HighRrValue | 0x00181082 | High R-R Value. |
HistogramBinNumber | 0x00603002 | Histogram Number of Bins. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
HistogramBinWidth | 0x00603008 | Histogram Bin Width. |
HistogramData | 0x00603020 | Histogram Data. |
HistogramExplanation | 0x00603010 | Histogram Explanation. |
HistogramFirstBinValue | 0x00603004 | Histogram First Bin Value. |
HistogramLastBinValue | 0x00603006 | Histogram Last Bin Value. |
HistogramNumberOfBins | 0x00603002 | Histogram Number of Bins. |
HistogramSequence | 0x00603000 | Histogram Sequence. |
HL7DocumentEffectiveTime | 0x0040E004 | HL7 Document Effective Time. |
HL7DocumentTypeCodeSequence | 0x0040E006 | HL7 Document Type Code Sequence. |
HL7InstanceIdentifier | 0x0040E001 | HL7 Instance Identifier. |
HL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequence | 0x0040A390 | HL7 Structured Document Reference Sequence. |
HomeCommunityID | 0x0040E031 | Home Community ID. |
HorizontalAlignment | 0x00700242 | Horizontal Alignment. |
HorizontalFieldofView | 0x0022000C | Horizontal Field of View. |
HorizontalOffsetOfSensor | 0x00143024 | Horizontal Offset of Sensor. |
HorizontalPrismBase | 0x00460032 | Horizontal Prism Base. |
HorizontalPrismPower | 0x00460030 | Horizontal Prism Power. |
HPGLContourPenNumber | 0x00686310 | HPGL Contour Pen Number. |
HPGLDocument | 0x00686300 | HPGL Document. |
HPGLDocumentID | 0x006862D0 | HPGL Document ID. |
HPGLDocumentLabel | 0x006862D5 | HPGL Document Label. |
HPGLDocumentScaling | 0x006862F2 | HPGL Document Scaling. |
HPGLDocumentSequence | 0x006862C0 | HPGL Document Sequence. |
HPGLPenDescription | 0x00686345 | HPGL Pen Description. |
HPGLPenLabel | 0x00686340 | HPGL Pen Label. |
HPGLPenNumber | 0x00686330 | HPGL Pen Number. |
HPGLPenSequence | 0x00686320 | HPGL Pen Sequence. |
HuffmanTableSize | 0x1000FFF2 | Huffman Table Size. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
HuffmanTableTriplet | 0x1000FFF3 | Huffman Table Triplet. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
HumanPerformerCodeSequence | 0x00404009 | Human Performer Code Sequence. |
HumanPerformerName | 0x00404037 | Human Performer's Name. |
HumanPerformerOrganization | 0x00404036 | Human Performer's Organization. |
HumanPerformersName | 0x00404037 | Human Performer's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
HumanPerformersOrganization | 0x00404036 | Human Performer's Organization. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ICCProfile | 0x00282000 | ICC Profile. |
IconImageSequence | 0x00880200 | Icon Image Sequence. |
IdenticalDocumentsSequence | 0x0040A525 | Identical Documents Sequence. |
IdentificationDescriptionTrial | 0x0040A224 | Identification Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
IdentifierCodeSequenceTrial | 0x0040A070 | Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
IdentifierTypeCode | 0x00400035 | Identifier Type Code. |
IdentifyingComments | 0x00084000 | Identifying Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Illumination | 0x2010015E | Illumination value. |
IlluminationBandwidth | 0x00220057 | Illumination Bandwidth. |
IlluminationColorCodeSequence | 0x00480108 | Illumination Color Code Sequence. |
IlluminationPower | 0x00220056 | Illumination Power. |
IlluminationTypeCodeSequence | 0x00220016 | Illumination Type Code Sequence. |
IlluminationWaveLength | 0x00220055 | Illumination Wave Length. |
IlluminatorTypeCodeSequence | 0x00480100 | Illuminator Type Code Sequence. |
ImageAndFluoroscopyAreaDoseProduct | 0x0018115E | Image and Fluoroscopy Area Dose Product. |
ImageAreaDoseProduct | 0x0018115E | Image and Fluoroscopy Area Dose Product. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ImageBoxContentSequence | 0x21300040 | Image Box Content Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImageBoxesSequence | 0x00720300 | Image Boxes Sequence. |
ImageBoxLargeScrollAmount | 0x00720318 | Image Box Large Scroll Amount. |
ImageBoxLargeScrollType | 0x00720316 | Image Box Large Scroll Type. |
ImageBoxLayoutType | 0x00720304 | Image Box Layout Type. |
ImageBoxNumber | 0x00720302 | Image Box Number. |
ImageBoxOverlapPriority | 0x00720320 | Image Box Overlap Priority. |
ImageBoxPosition | 0x20200010 | Image Box Position. |
ImageBoxPresentationLUTFlag | 0x2000006A | Image Box Presentation LUT Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImageBoxScrollDirection | 0x00720310 | Image Box Scroll Direction. |
ImageBoxSmallScrollAmount | 0x00720314 | Image Box Small Scroll Amount. |
ImageBoxSmallScrollType | 0x00720312 | Image Box Small Scroll Type. |
ImageBoxSynchronizationSequence | 0x00720430 | Image Box Synchronization Sequence. |
ImageBoxTileHorizontalDimension | 0x00720306 | Image Box Tile Horizontal Dimension. |
ImageBoxTileVerticalDimension | 0x00720308 | Image Box Tile Vertical Dimension. |
ImageCenterPointCoordinatesSequence | 0x0040071A | Image Center Point Coordinates Sequence. |
ImageCenterPointCoordSequence | 0x0040071A | Image Center Point Coordinates Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ImageComments | 0x00204000 | Image Comments. |
ImageDataLocation | 0x002808F8 | Image Data Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImageDataTypeSequence | 0x00189807 | Image Data Type Sequence. |
ImageDimensions | 0x00280005 | Image Dimensions. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImageDisplayFormat | 0x20100010 | Image Display Format. |
ImagedNucleus | 0x00180085 | Imaged Nucleus. |
ImagedVolumeDepth | 0x00480003 | Imaged Volume Depth. |
ImagedVolumeHeight | 0x00480002 | Imaged Volume Height. |
ImagedVolumeWidth | 0x00480001 | Imaged Volume Width. |
ImageFilter | 0x00189320 | Image Filter. |
ImageFormat | 0x00280040 | Image Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImageFrameOrigin | 0x60FF0051 | Image Frame Origin. |
ImageGeometryType | 0x00200070 | Image Geometry Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImageHorizontalFlip | 0x00700041 | Image Horizontal Flip. |
ImageID | 0x00540400 | Image Identifier. |
ImageIndex | 0x00541330 | Image Index. |
ImageLaterality | 0x00200062 | Image Laterality. |
ImageLocation | 0x00280200 | Image Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImageOrientation | 0x00200035 | Image Orientation. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImageOrientationPatient | 0x00200037 | Image Orientation (Patient). |
ImageOrientationSlide | 0x00480102 | Image Orientation (Slide). |
ImageOrientationVolume | 0x00209302 | Image Orientation (Volume). |
ImageOverlayBoxContentSequence | 0x21300060 | Image Overlay Box Content Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImageOverlayFlag | 0x20000067 | Image Overlay Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImagePathFilterPassBand | 0x00220004 | Image Path Filter Pass Band. |
ImagePathFilterPassThroughWavelength | 0x00220003 | Image Path Filter Pass-Through Wavelength. |
ImagePathFilterTypeStackCodeSequence | 0x00220018 | Image Path Filter Type Stack Code Sequence. |
ImagePlanePixelSpacing | 0x30020011 | Image Plane Pixel Spacing. |
ImagePosition | 0x00200030 | Image Position. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImagePositionPatient | 0x00200032 | Image Position (Patient). |
ImagePositionVolume | 0x00209301 | Image Position (Volume). |
ImagePresentationComments | 0x00284000 | Image Presentation Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImageProcessingApplied | 0x00289446 | Image Processing Applied. |
ImageRotation | 0x00700042 | Image Rotation. |
ImageRotationRetired | 0x00700040 | Image Rotation (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImagerPixelSpacing | 0x00181164 | Imager Pixel Spacing. |
ImageSetLabel | 0x00720040 | Image Set Label. |
ImageSetNumber | 0x00720032 | Image Set Number. |
ImageSetSelectorCategory | 0x00720034 | Image Set Selector Category. |
ImageSetSelectorSequence | 0x00720022 | Image Set Selector Sequence. |
ImageSetSelectorUsageFlag | 0x00720024 | Image Set Selector Usage Flag. |
ImageSetsSequence | 0x00720020 | Image Sets Sequence. |
ImagesInAcquisition | 0x00201002 | Images in Acquisition. |
ImagesInSeries | 0x00201003 | Images in Series. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImagesInStudy | 0x00201005 | Images in Study. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImageSizeFlagRequested | 0x202000A0 | Requested Image Size Flag. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ImageToEquipmentMappingMatrix | 0x00289520 | Image to Equipment Mapping Matrix. |
ImageTransformationMatrix | 0x00185210 | Image Transformation Matrix. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImageTranslationVector | 0x00185212 | Image Translation Vector. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImageTriggerDelay | 0x00181067 | Image Trigger Delay. |
ImageType | 0x00080008 | Image Type. |
ImagingDeviceSpecificAcqParameter | 0x300A00CC | Imaging Device-Specific Acquisition Parameters. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ImagingDeviceSpecificAcquisitionParameters | 0x300A00CC | Imaging Device-Specific Acquisition Parameters. |
ImagingFrequency | 0x00180084 | Imaging Frequency. |
ImagingServiceRequestComment | 0x00402400 | Imaging Service Request Comments. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ImagingServiceRequestComments | 0x00402400 | Imaging Service Request Comments. |
ImagingServiceRequestDate | 0x00402004 | Issue Date of Imaging Service Request. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ImagingServiceRequestFillerOrderNum | 0x00402007 | Filler Order Number / Imaging Service Request (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImagingServiceRequestPlacerOrderNum | 0x00402006 | Placer Order Number / Imaging Service Request (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ImagingServiceRequestTime | 0x00402005 | Issue Time of Imaging Service Request. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ImplantAssemblyTemplateIssuer | 0x00760003 | Implant Assembly Template Issuer. |
ImplantAssemblyTemplateName | 0x00760001 | Implant Assembly Template Name. |
ImplantAssemblyTemplateTargetAnatomySequence | 0x00760010 | Implant Assembly Template Target Anatomy Sequence. |
ImplantAssemblyTemplateType | 0x0076000A | Implant Assembly Template Type. |
ImplantAssemblyTemplateVersion | 0x00760006 | Implant Assembly Template Version. |
ImplantPresent | 0x00281300 | Breast Implant Present. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ImplantRegulatoryDisapprovalCodeSequence | 0x006862A0 | Implant Regulatory Disapproval Code Sequence. |
ImplantSize | 0x00686210 | Implant Size. |
ImplantTargetAnatomySequence | 0x00686230 | Implant Target Anatomy Sequence. |
ImplantTemplate3DModelSurfaceNumber | 0x00686350 | Implant Template 3D Model Surface Number. |
ImplantTemplateGroupDescription | 0x00780010 | Implant Template Group Description. |
ImplantTemplateGroupIssuer | 0x00780020 | Implant Template Group Issuer. |
ImplantTemplateGroupMemberID | 0x0078002E | Implant Template Group Member ID. |
ImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatching2DCoordinatesSequence | 0x00780070 | Implant Template Group Member Matching 2D Coordinates Sequence. |
ImplantTemplateGroupMembersSequence | 0x0078002A | Implant Template Group Members Sequence. |
ImplantTemplateGroupName | 0x00780001 | Implant Template Group Name. |
ImplantTemplateGroupTargetAnatomySequence | 0x00780028 | Implant Template Group Target Anatomy Sequence. |
ImplantTemplateGroupVariationDimensionName | 0x007800B2 | Implant Template Group Variation Dimension Name. |
ImplantTemplateGroupVariationDimensionRank | 0x007800B8 | Implant Template Group Variation Dimension Rank. |
ImplantTemplateGroupVariationDimensionRankSequence | 0x007800B4 | Implant Template Group Variation Dimension Rank Sequence. |
ImplantTemplateGroupVariationDimensionSequence | 0x007800B0 | Implant Template Group Variation Dimension Sequence. |
ImplantTemplateGroupVersion | 0x00780024 | Implant Template Group Version. |
ImplantTemplateVersion | 0x00686221 | Implant Template Version. |
ImplantType | 0x00686223 | Implant Type. |
ImplantTypeCodeSequence | 0x006863A8 | Implant Type Code Sequence. |
ImplementationClassUID | 0x00020012 | Implementation Class UID. |
ImplementationVersionName | 0x00020013 | Implementation Version Name. |
Impressions | 0x40080300 | Impressions. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InboundArrivalType | 0x40101056 | Inbound Arrival Type. |
IncidentAngle | 0x00144052 | Incident Angle. |
IncludeDisplayApplication | 0x22000009 | Include Display Application. |
IncludeNonDICOMObjects | 0x22000008 | Include Non-DICOM Objects. |
InConcatenationNumber | 0x00209162 | In-concatenation Number. |
InConcatenationTotalNumber | 0x00209163 | In-concatenation Total Number. |
IndexNormalsFlag | 0x00240338 | Index Normals Flag. |
IndexProbability | 0x00240341 | Index Probability. |
IndexProbabilitySequence | 0x00240344 | Index Probability Sequence. |
IndicationDescription | 0x00142018 | Indication Description. |
IndicationDisposition | 0x0014201C | Indication Disposition. |
IndicationLabel | 0x00142016 | Indication Label. |
IndicationNumber | 0x00142014 | Indication Number. |
IndicationPhysicalPropertySequence | 0x00142030 | Indication Physical Property Sequence. |
IndicationROISequence | 0x0014201E | Indication ROI Sequence. |
IndicationSequence | 0x00142012 | Indication Sequence. |
IndicationType | 0x0014201A | Indication Type. |
InformationFromManufacturerSequence | 0x00686260 | Information From Manufacturer Sequence. |
InformationIssueDateTime | 0x00686270 | Information Issue DateTime. |
InformationSummary | 0x00686280 | Information Summary. |
InitialCineRunState | 0x00180042 | Initial Cine Run State. |
InnerDiameter | 0x00140056 | Inner Diameter. |
InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection | 0x00181312 | In-plane Phase Encoding Direction. |
InputAvailabilityFlag | 0x00404020 | Input Availability Flag. |
InputInformationSequence | 0x00404021 | Input Information Sequence. |
InputReadinessState | 0x00404041 | Input Readiness State. |
InStackPositionNumber | 0x00209057 | In-Stack Position Number. |
InstanceAvailability | 0x00080056 | Instance Availability. |
InstanceCreationDate | 0x00080012 | Instance Creation Date. |
InstanceCreationTime | 0x00080013 | Instance Creation Time. |
InstanceCreatorUID | 0x00080014 | Instance Creator UID. |
InstanceNumber | 0x00200013 | Instance Number. |
InstitutionAddress | 0x00080081 | Institution Address. |
InstitutionalDepartmentName | 0x00081040 | Institutional Department Name. |
InstitutionCodeSequence | 0x00080082 | Institution Code Sequence. |
InstitutionName | 0x00080080 | Institution Name. |
InsurancePlanIdentification | 0x00101050 | Insurance Plan Identification. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
IntendedRecipientOfResultIDSequence | 0x00401011 | Intended Recipients of Results Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
IntendedRecipients | 0x00401010 | Names of Intended Recipients of Results. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
IntendedRecipientsOfResultsIdentificationSequence | 0x00401011 | Intended Recipients of Results Identification Sequence. |
IntensifierActiveDimensions | 0x00189428 | Intensifier Active Dimension(s). |
IntensifierActiveShape | 0x00189427 | Intensifier Active Shape. |
IntensifierSize | 0x00181162 | Intensifier Size. |
InterMarkerDistance | 0x00500019 | Inter-Marker Distance. |
IntermediatePupillaryDistance | 0x00460063 | Intermediate Pupillary Distance. |
InternalDetectorFrameTime | 0x00143011 | Internal Detector Frame Time. |
InternationalRouteSegment | 0x40101028 | International Route Segment. |
InterpolationType | 0x00520039 | Interpolation Type. |
InterpretationApprovalDate | 0x40080112 | Interpretation Approval Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationApprovalTime | 0x40080113 | Interpretation Approval Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationApproverSequence | 0x40080111 | Interpretation Approver Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationAuthor | 0x4008010C | Interpretation Author. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationDiagnosisCodeSequence | 0x40080117 | Interpretation Diagnosis Code Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationDiagnosisDescription | 0x40080115 | Interpretation Diagnosis Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationID | 0x40080200 | Interpretation ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationIDIssuer | 0x40080202 | Interpretation ID Issuer. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationRecordedDate | 0x40080100 | Interpretation Recorded Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationRecordedTime | 0x40080101 | Interpretation Recorded Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationRecorder | 0x40080102 | Interpretation Recorder. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationStatusID | 0x40080212 | Interpretation Status ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationText | 0x4008010B | Interpretation Text. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationTranscriber | 0x4008010A | Interpretation Transcriber. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationTranscriptionDate | 0x40080108 | Interpretation Transcription Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationTranscriptionTime | 0x40080109 | Interpretation Transcription Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
InterpretationTypeID | 0x40080210 | Interpretation Type ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
IntervalNumber | 0x00200016 | Interval Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
IntervalsAcquired | 0x00181083 | Intervals Acquired. |
IntervalsRejected | 0x00181084 | Intervals Rejected. |
InterventionalStatus | 0x00180038 | Intervention Status. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
InterventionalTherapySequence | 0x00180036 | Intervention Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
InterventionDescription | 0x0018003A | Intervention Description. |
InterventionDrugCodeSequence | 0x00180029 | Intervention Drug Code Sequence. |
InterventionDrugDose | 0x00180028 | Intervention Drug Dose. |
InterventionDrugInformationSequence | 0x00180026 | Intervention Drug Information Sequence. |
InterventionDrugInfoSequence | 0x00180026 | Intervention Drug Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
InterventionDrugName | 0x00180034 | Intervention Drug Name. |
InterventionDrugSequence | 0x00180029 | Intervention Drug Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
InterventionDrugStartTime | 0x00180035 | Intervention Drug Start Time. |
InterventionDrugStopTime | 0x00180027 | Intervention Drug Stop Time. |
InterventionSequence | 0x00180036 | Intervention Sequence. |
InterventionStatus | 0x00180038 | Intervention Status. |
IntraocularLensCalculationsLeftEyeSequence | 0x00221310 | Intraocular Lens Calculations Left Eye Sequence. |
IntraocularLensCalculationsRightEyeSequence | 0x00221300 | Intraocular Lens Calculations Right Eye Sequence. |
IntraOcularPressure | 0x0022000B | Intra Ocular Pressure. |
IntravascularFrameContentSequence | 0x00520027 | Intravascular Frame Content Sequence. |
IntravascularLongitudinalDistance | 0x00520028 | Intravascular Longitudinal Distance. |
IntravascularOCTFrameContentSequence | 0x00520029 | Intravascular OCT Frame Content Sequence. |
IntravascularOCTFrameTypeSequence | 0x00520025 | Intravascular OCT Frame Type Sequence. |
InversionRecovery | 0x00189009 | Inversion Recovery. |
InversionTime | 0x00180082 | Inversion Time. |
InversionTimes | 0x00189079 | Inversion Times. |
IOLFormulaCodeSequence | 0x00221028 | IOL Formula Code Sequence. |
IOLFormulaDetail | 0x00221029 | IOL Formula Detail. |
IOLManufacturer | 0x00221093 | IOL Manufacturer. |
IOLPower | 0x00221053 | IOL Power. |
IOLPowerForExactEmmetropia | 0x00221121 | IOL Power For Exact Emmetropia. |
IOLPowerForExactTargetRefraction | 0x00221122 | IOL Power For Exact Target Refraction. |
IOLPowerSequence | 0x00221090 | IOL Power Sequence. |
IonBeamLimitingDeviceSequence | 0x300A03A4 | Ion Beam Limiting Device Sequence. |
IonBeamSequence | 0x300A03A2 | Ion Beam Sequence. |
IonBlockSequence | 0x300A03A6 | Ion Block Sequence. |
IonControlPointDeliverySequence | 0x30080041 | Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence. |
IonControlPointSequence | 0x300A03A8 | Ion Control Point Sequence. |
IonControlPointVerificationSequence | 0x0074104E | Ion Control Point Verification Sequence. |
IonMachineVerificationSequence | 0x00741046 | Ion Machine Verification Sequence. |
IonRangeCompensatorSequence | 0x300A02EA | Ion Range Compensator Sequence. |
IonToleranceTableSequence | 0x300A03A0 | Ion Tolerance Table Sequence. |
IonWedgePositionSequence | 0x300A03AC | Ion Wedge Position Sequence. |
IonWedgeSequence | 0x300A03AA | Ion Wedge Sequence. |
IrradiationEventIdentificationSequence | 0x00189477 | Irradiation Event Identification Sequence. |
IrradiationEventUID | 0x00083010 | Irradiation Event UID. |
IsocenterPosition | 0x300A012C | Isocenter Position. |
IsocenterReferenceSystemSequence | 0x00189462 | Isocenter Reference System Sequence. |
IsocentertoBeamLimitingDeviceDistance | 0x300A00BB | Isocenter to Beam Limiting Device Distance. |
IsocentertoBlockTrayDistance | 0x300A00F7 | Isocenter to Block Tray Distance. |
IsocentertoCompensatorDistances | 0x300A02E6 | Isocenter to Compensator Distances. |
IsocentertoCompensatorTrayDistance | 0x300A02E4 | Isocenter to Compensator Tray Distance. |
IsocentertoLateralSpreadingDeviceDistance | 0x300A0374 | Isocenter to Lateral Spreading Device Distance. |
IsocentertoRangeModulatorDistance | 0x300A038A | Isocenter to Range Modulator Distance. |
IsocentertoRangeShifterDistance | 0x300A0364 | Isocenter to Range Shifter Distance. |
IsocentertoWedgeTrayDistance | 0x300A00D9 | Isocenter to Wedge Tray Distance. |
IsotopeNumber | 0x00200014 | Isotope Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
IssueDateOfImagingServiceRequest | 0x00402004 | Issue Date of Imaging Service Request. |
IssuerOfAccessionNumberSequence | 0x00080051 | Issuer of Accession Number Sequence. |
IssuerOfAdmissionID | 0x00380011 | Issuer of Admission ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
IssuerOfAdmissionIDSequence | 0x00380014 | Issuer of Admission ID Sequence. |
IssuerOfPatientID | 0x00100021 | Issuer of Patient ID. |
IssuerOfPatientIDQualifiersSequence | 0x00100024 | Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence. |
IssuerOfServiceEpisodeID | 0x00380061 | Issuer of Service Episode ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
IssuerOfServiceEpisodeIDSequence | 0x00380064 | Issuer of Service Episode ID Sequence. |
IssuerOfTheContainerIdentifierSequence | 0x00400513 | Issuer of the Container Identifier Sequence. |
IssuerOfTheSpecimenIdentifierSequence | 0x00400562 | Issuer of the Specimen Identifier Sequence. |
IssueTimeOfImagingServiceRequest | 0x00402005 | Issue Time of Imaging Service Request. |
Italic | 0x00700250 | Italic. |
Item | 0xFFFEE000 | Item marker. |
ItemDelimitationItem | 0xFFFEE00D | Item Delimitation Item. |
ItemItem | 0xFFFEE000 | Item marker. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ItemNumber | 0x00200019 | Item Number. |
IterativeReconstructionMethod | 0x00189769 | Iterative Reconstruction Method. |
ItineraryID | 0x40101051 | Itinerary ID. |
ItineraryIDAssigningAuthority | 0x40101053 | Itinerary ID Assigning Authority. |
ItineraryIDType | 0x40101052 | Itinerary ID Type. |
IvusAcquisition | 0x00183100 | IVUS Acquisition. |
IvusGatedRate | 0x00183102 | IVUS Gated Rate. |
IvusPullbackRate | 0x00183101 | IVUS Pullback Rate. |
IvusPullbackStartFrameNumber | 0x00183103 | IVUS Pullback Start Frame Number. |
IvusPullbackStopFrameNumber | 0x00183104 | IVUS Pullback Stop Frame Number. |
KeratometerIndex | 0x00221033 | Keratometer Index. |
KeratometricAxis | 0x00460077 | Keratometric Axis. |
KeratometricPower | 0x00460076 | Keratometric Power. |
KeratometryLeftEyeSequence | 0x00460071 | Keratometry Left Eye Sequence. |
KeratometryMeasurementTypeCodeSequence | 0x00221096 | Keratometry Measurement Type Code Sequence. |
KeratometryRightEyeSequence | 0x00460070 | Keratometry Right Eye Sequence. |
KspaceFiltering | 0x00189064 | K-space Filtering. |
Kvp | 0x00180060 | KVP (kilovolts peak). |
KVUsedInGainCalibration | 0x00143071 | KV Used in Gain Calibration. |
LabelStyleSelection | 0x22000003 | Label Style Selection. |
LabelText | 0x22000002 | Label Text. |
LabelUsingInformationExtractedFromInstances | 0x22000001 | Label Using Information Extracted From Instances. |
LanguageCodeSequence | 0x00080006 | Language Code Sequence. |
LanguageCodeSequenceTrial | 0x0040A744 | Language Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LargeBluePaletteColorLookupTableData | 0x00281213 | Large Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LargeBluePaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor | 0x00281113 | Large Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LargeGreenPaletteColorLookupTableData | 0x00281212 | Large Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data(RET). See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LargeGreenPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor | 0x00281112 | Large Green Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LargePaletteColorLookupTableUID | 0x00281214 | Large Palette Color Lookup Table UID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LargeRedPaletteColorLookupTableData | 0x00281211 | Large Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LargeRedPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor | 0x00281111 | Large Red Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LargestImagePixelValue | 0x00280107 | Largest Image Pixel Value. |
LargestImagePixelValueInPlane | 0x00280111 | Largest Image Pixel Value in Plane. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LargestMonochromePixelValue | 0x00289099 | Largest Monochrome Pixel Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LargestPixelValueInSeries | 0x00280109 | Largest Pixel Value in Series. |
LargestValidPixelValue | 0x00280105 | Largest Valid Pixel Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LastMenstrualDate | 0x001021D0 | Last Menstrual Date. |
Laterality | 0x00200060 | The Laterality. |
LateralSpreadingDeviceDescription | 0x300A033A | Lateral Spreading Device Description. |
LateralSpreadingDeviceID | 0x300A0336 | Lateral Spreading Device ID. |
LateralSpreadingDeviceNumber | 0x300A0334 | Lateral Spreading Device Number. |
LateralSpreadingDeviceSequence | 0x300A0332 | Lateral Spreading Device Sequence. |
LateralSpreadingDeviceSetting | 0x300A0372 | Lateral Spreading Device Setting. |
LateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequence | 0x300A0370 | Lateral Spreading Device Settings Sequence. |
LateralSpreadingDeviceType | 0x300A0338 | Lateral Spreading Device Type. |
LateralSpreadingDeviceWaterEquivalentThickness | 0x300A033C | Lateral Spreading Device Water Equivalent Thickness. |
LeafJawPosition | 0x300A011C | Leaf/Jaw Positions. |
LeafJawPositions | 0x300A011C | Leaf/Jaw Positions. |
LeafPositionBoundaries | 0x300A00BE | Leaf Position Boundaries. |
LeftImageSequence | 0x00220021 | Left Image Sequence. |
LeftLensSequence | 0x00460015 | Left Lens Sequence. |
LengthToEnd | 0x00000001 | Command Length to End. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LensConstantDescription | 0x00221094 | Lens Constant Description. |
LensConstantSequence | 0x00221092 | Lens Constant Sequence. |
LensDescription | 0x00460012 | Lens Description. |
LensesCodeSequence | 0x00220019 | Lenses Code Sequence. |
LensSegmentType | 0x00460038 | Lens Segment Type. |
LensStatusCodeSequence | 0x00221024 | Lens Status Code Sequence. |
LensStatusDescription | 0x00221065 | Lens Status Description. |
LensThickness | 0x00221130 | Lens Thickness. |
LesionNumber | 0x00183105 | Lesion Number. |
LightPathFilterPassBand | 0x00220002 | Light Path Filter Pass Band. |
LightPathFilterPassThroughWavelength | 0x00220001 | Light Path Filter Pass-Through Wavelength. |
LightPathFilterTypeStackCodeSequence | 0x00220017 | Light Path Filter Type Stack Code Sequence. |
LINACEnergy | 0x00145002 | LINAC Energy. |
LINACOutput | 0x00145004 | LINAC Output. |
LineDashingStyle | 0x00700254 | Line Dashing Style. |
LinePattern | 0x00700255 | Line Pattern. |
LineSequence | 0x00660028 | Line Sequence. |
LineStyleSequence | 0x00700232 | Line Style Sequence. |
LineThickness | 0x00700253 | Line Thickness. |
ListOfMIMETypes | 0x00420014 | List of MIME Types. |
LocalDeviationProbabilityNormalsFlag | 0x00240072 | Local Deviation Probability Normals Flag. |
LocalizedDeviationfromNormal | 0x00240068 | Localized Deviation from Normal. |
LocalizedDeviationProbability | 0x00240073 | Localized Deviation Probability. |
LocalizedDeviationProbabilitySequence | 0x00240085 | Localized Deviation Probability Sequence. |
LocalNamespaceEntityID | 0x00400031 | Local Namespace Entity ID. |
Location | 0x00200050 | Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LocationOfMeasuredBeamDiameter | 0x00144019 | Location of Measured Beam Diameter. |
LongitudinalTemporalInformationModified | 0x00280303 | Longitudinal Temporal Information Modified. |
LookupTableNumber | 0x00200026 | Lookup Table Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LossyImageCompression | 0x00282110 | Lossy Image Compression. |
LossyImageCompressionMethod | 0x00282114 | Lossy Image Compression Method. |
LossyImageCompressionRatio | 0x00282112 | Lossy Image Compression Ratio. |
LossyImageCompressionRetired | 0x00082110 | Lossy Image Compression (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LowEnergyDetectors | 0x40100001 | Low Energy Detectors. |
LowRrValue | 0x00181081 | Low R-R Value. |
LUTData | 0x00283006 | LUT (Lookup Table) Data. |
LUTDescriptor | 0x00283002 | LUT Descriptor. |
LUTExplanation | 0x00283003 | LUT Explanation. |
LUTFrameRange | 0x00289507 | LUT Frame Range. |
LUTFunction | 0x00289474 | LUT Function. |
LutLabel | 0x00409210 | LUT Label. |
LUTNumber | 0x00200026 | LUT Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
LutUID | 0x00281199 | Palette Color Lookup Table UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MAC | 0x04000404 | MAC (Message Authentication Code). |
MacAlgorithm | 0x04000015 | MAC Algorithm. |
MacCalcTransferSyntaxUID | 0x04000010 | MAC Calculation Transfer Syntax UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MacCalculationTransferSyntaxUID | 0x04000010 | MAC Calculation Transfer Syntax UID. |
MacIDNumber | 0x04000005 | MAC ID Number. |
MacParametersSequence | 0x4FFE0001 | MAC Parameters Sequence. |
MagneticFieldStrength | 0x00180087 | Magnetic Field Strength. |
MagnetizationTransfer | 0x00189020 | Magnetization Transfer. |
MagnificationType | 0x20100060 | Magnification Type. |
MagnifytoNumberofColumns | 0x20400074 | Magnify to Number of Columns. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
MajorTicksSequence | 0x00700287 | Major Ticks Sequence. |
MandatoryComponentType | 0x00760038 | Mandatory Component Type. |
Manifold | 0x00660010 | Manifold tag. |
ManipulatedImage | 0x00280050 | Manipulated Image. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Manufacturer | 0x00080070 | The Manufacturer. |
ManufacturerModelName | 0x00081090 | Manufacturer's Model Name. |
ManufacturersModelName | 0x00081090 | Manufacturer's Model Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MappingResource | 0x00080105 | Mapping Resource. |
MaskFrameNumbers | 0x00286110 | Mask Frame Numbers. |
MaskingImage | 0x00200080 | Masking Image. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
MaskOperation | 0x00286101 | Mask Operation. |
MaskOperationExplanation | 0x00286190 | Mask Operation Explanation. |
MaskPointers | 0x00286030 | Mask Pointer(s). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
MaskSelectionMode | 0x00289454 | Mask Selection Mode. |
MaskSubpixelShift | 0x00286114 | Mask Sub-pixel Shift. |
MaskSubtractionSequence | 0x00286100 | Mask Subtraction Sequence. |
MaskVisibilityPercentage | 0x00289478 | Mask Visibility Percentage. |
Mass | 0x40101017 | Mass. |
MaterialGrade | 0x00140042 | Material Grade. |
MaterialID | 0x300A00E1 | Material ID. |
MaterialIsolationDiameter | 0x00140034 | Material Isolation Diameter. |
MaterialNotes | 0x00140046 | Material Notes. |
MaterialPipeDiameter | 0x00140032 | Material Pipe Diameter. |
MaterialPropertiesFileFormat | 0x00140045 | Material Properties File Format. |
MaterialPropertiesFileID | 0x00140044 | Material Properties File ID. |
MaterialsCodeSequence | 0x006863A0 | Materials Code Sequence. |
MaterialThickness | 0x00140030 | Material Thickness. |
MatingFeatureDegreeOfFreedomSequence | 0x00686400 | Mating Feature Degree of Freedom Sequence. |
MatingFeatureID | 0x006863F0 | Mating Feature ID. |
MatingFeatureSequence | 0x006863E0 | Mating Feature Sequence. |
MatingFeatureSetID | 0x006863C0 | Mating Feature Set ID. |
MatingFeatureSetLabel | 0x006863D0 | Mating Feature Set Label. |
MatingFeatureSetsSequence | 0x006863B0 | Mating Feature Sets Sequence. |
MatrixRegistrationSequence | 0x00700309 | Matrix Registration Sequence. |
MatrixSequence | 0x0070030A | Matrix Sequence. |
MAUsedInGainCalibration | 0x00143072 | MA Used in Gain Calibration. |
MaxDensity | 0x20100130 | Max Density. |
MaximumAcrossScanDistortion | 0x00220049 | Maximum Across-scan Distortion. |
MaximumAlongScanDistortion | 0x00220038 | Maximum Along-scan Distortion. |
MaximumCollatedFilms | 0x20100154 | Maximum Collated Films. |
MaximumCoordinateValue | 0x50FF0105 | Maximum Coordinate Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
MaximumDepthDistortion | 0x00220036 | Maximum Depth Distortion. |
MaximumFractionalValue | 0x0062000E | Maximum Fractional Value. |
MaximumMemoryAllocation | 0x20000061 | Maximum Memory Allocation. |
MaximumPointDistance | 0x00660019 | Maximum Point Distance. |
MaximumStimulusLuminance | 0x00240018 | Maximum Stimulus Luminance. |
MaxMemoryAllocation | 0x20000061 | Maximum Memory Allocation. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MeanPointDistance | 0x00660018 | Mean Point Distance. |
MeasuredBandwidth | 0x0014401C | Measured Bandwidth. |
MeasuredBeamDimensionA | 0x00144017 | Measured Beam Dimension A. |
MeasuredBeamDimensionB | 0x00144018 | Measured Beam Dimension B. |
MeasuredCenterFrequency | 0x0014401B | Measured Center Frequency. |
MeasuredDoseDesc | 0x30080012 | Measured Dose Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MeasuredDoseDescription | 0x30080012 | Measured Dose Description. |
MeasuredDoseReferenceNumber | 0x30080064 | Measured Dose Reference Number. |
MeasuredDoseReferenceSequence | 0x30080010 | Measured Dose Reference Sequence. |
MeasuredDoseRefNumber | 0x30080064 | Measured Dose Reference Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MeasuredDoseRefSequence | 0x30080010 | Measured Dose Reference Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MeasuredDoseType | 0x30080014 | Measured Dose Type. |
MeasuredDoseValue | 0x30080016 | Measured Dose Value. |
MeasuredValueSequence | 0x0040A300 | Measured Value Sequence. |
MeasurementAutomationTrial | 0x0040A194 | Measurement Automation (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
MeasurementLaterality | 0x00240113 | Measurement Laterality. |
MeasurementPrecisionDescriptionTrial | 0x0040A047 | Measurement Precision Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
MeasurementUnitCodeSequence | 0x004008EA | Measurement Units Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MeasurementUnitsCodeSequence | 0x004008EA | Measurement Units Code Sequence. |
MeasuringUnitSequence | 0x00400295 | Measuring Units Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MeasuringUnitsSequence | 0x00400295 | Measuring Units Sequence. |
MechanicalIndex | 0x00185022 | Mechanical Index. |
MediaDisposition | 0x22000004 | Media Disposition. |
MediaInstalledSequence | 0x200000A2 | Media Installed Sequence. |
MediaStorageSOPClassUID | 0x00020002 | Media Storage SOP Class UID. |
MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID | 0x00020003 | Media Storage SOP Instance UID. |
MediaStoredSOPClassUID | 0x00020002 | Media Storage SOP Class UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MediaStoredSOPInstanceUID | 0x00020003 | Media Storage SOP Instance UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MedicalAlerts | 0x00102000 | Medical Alerts. |
MedicalRecordLocator | 0x00101090 | Medical Record Locator. |
MediumType | 0x20000030 | Medium Type. |
MemoryAllocation | 0x20000060 | Memory Allocation. |
MemoryBitDepth | 0x200000A0 | Memory Bit Depth. |
MessageID | 0x00000110 | Message ID. |
MessageIDBeingRespondedTo | 0x00000120 | Message ID Being Responded To. |
MessageSetID | 0x00005010 | Message Set ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
MetaboliteMapCodeSequence | 0x00189083 | Metabolite Map Code Sequence. |
MetaboliteMapDesc | 0x00189080 | Metabolite Map Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MetaboliteMapDescription | 0x00189080 | Metabolite Map Description. |
MetaInfoHeader | 0x00000006 | DICOM meta information header. |
MetersetExposure | 0x30020032 | Meterset Exposure. |
MetersetRate | 0x300A035A | Meterset Rate. |
MetersetRateDelivered | 0x30080046 | Meterset Rate Delivered. |
MetersetRateSet | 0x30080045 | Meterset Rate Set. |
MidSlabPosition | 0x00189106 | Mid Slab Position. |
MilitaryRank | 0x00101080 | Military Rank. |
MIMETypeofEncapsulatedDocument | 0x00420012 | MIME Type of Encapsulated Document. |
MinDensity | 0x20100120 | Min Density. |
MinimumCoordinateValue | 0x50FF0104 | Minimum Coordinate Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
MinimumSensitivityValue | 0x00240105 | Minimum Sensitivity Value. |
ModalitiesInStudy | 0x00080061 | Modalities in Study. |
Modality | 0x00080060 | Modality value. |
ModalityLUTSequence | 0x00283000 | Modality LUT Sequence. |
ModalityLUTType | 0x00283004 | Modality LUT Type. |
ModeOfPercutaneousAccessSequence | 0x00520016 | Mode of Percutaneous Access Sequence. |
ModifiedAttributesSequence | 0x04000550 | Modified Attributes Sequence. |
ModifiedImageDate | 0x00203403 | Modified Image Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ModifiedImageDescription | 0x00203406 | Modified Image Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ModifiedImageID | 0x00203402 | Modified Image ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ModifiedImageTime | 0x00203405 | Modified Image Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ModifierCodeSequence | 0x0040A195 | Modifier Code Sequence. |
ModifyingDeviceID | 0x00203401 | Modifying Device ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ModifyingDeviceManufacturer | 0x00203404 | Modifying Device Manufacturer. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ModifyingSystem | 0x04000563 | Modifying System. |
ModulationType | 0x00144026 | Modulation Type. |
MostRecentTreatmentDate | 0x30080056 | Most Recent Treatment Date. |
MotionSynchronizationSequence | 0x300A0410 | Motion Synchronization Sequence. |
MoveDestination | 0x00000600 | Move Destination. |
MoveOriginatorApplicationEntityTitle | 0x00001030 | Move Originator Application Entity Title. |
MoveOriginatorMessageID | 0x00001031 | Move Originator Message ID. |
MrAcqFrequencyEncodingSteps | 0x00189058 | MR Acquisition Frequency Encoding Steps. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MrAcqPhaseEncodingStepsInPlane | 0x00189231 | MR Acquisition Phase Encoding Steps in-plane. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MrAcqPhaseEncodingStepsOutOfPlane | 0x00189232 | MR Acquisition Phase Encoding Steps out-of-plane. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MRAcquisitionFrequencyEncodingSteps | 0x00189058 | MR Acquisition Frequency Encoding Steps. |
MRAcquisitionPhaseEncodingStepsInPlane | 0x00189231 | MR Acquisition Phase Encoding Steps in-plane. |
MRAcquisitionPhaseEncodingStepsOutOfPlane | 0x00189232 | MR Acquisition Phase Encoding Steps out-of-plane. |
MrAcquisitionType | 0x00180023 | MR Acquisition Type. |
MRArterialSpinLabelingSequence | 0x00189251 | MR Arterial Spin Labeling Sequence. |
MrAveragesSequence | 0x00189119 | MR Averages Sequence. |
MrDiffusionSequence | 0x00189117 | MR Diffusion Sequence. |
MRDRDirectoryRecordOffset | 0x00041504 | MRDR Directory Record Offset. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
MrEchoSequence | 0x00189114 | MR Echo Sequence. |
MrFovGeometrySequence | 0x00189125 | MR FOV/Geometry Sequence. |
MrImageFrameTypeSequence | 0x00189226 | MR Image Frame Type Sequence. |
MrImagingModifierSequence | 0x00189006 | MR Imaging Modifier Sequence. |
MrMetaboliteMapSequence | 0x00189152 | MR Metabolite Map Sequence. |
MrModifierSequence | 0x00189115 | MR Modifier Sequence. |
MrReceiveCoilSequence | 0x00189042 | MR Receive Coil Sequence. |
MrSpatialSaturationSequence | 0x00189107 | MR Spatial Saturation Sequence. |
MrSpectroscopyAcqType | 0x00189200 | MR Spectroscopy Acquisition Type. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MRSpectroscopyAcquisitionType | 0x00189200 | MR Spectroscopy Acquisition Type. |
MrSpectroscopyFovGeometrySequence | 0x00189103 | MR Spectroscopy FOV/Geometry Sequence. |
MrSpectroscopyFrameTypeSequence | 0x00189227 | MR Spectroscopy Frame Type Sequence. |
MrTimingAndRelatedParametersSequence | 0x00189112 | MR Timing and Related Parameters Sequence. |
MrTimingParameterSequence | 0x00189112 | MR Timing and Related Parameters Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
MrTransmitCoilSequence | 0x00189049 | MR Transmit Coil Sequence. |
MrVelocityEncodingSequence | 0x00189197 | MR Velocity Encoding Sequence. |
MultiCoilConfiguration | 0x00189046 | Multi-Coil Configuration. |
MultiCoilDefinitionSequence | 0x00189045 | Multi-Coil Definition Sequence. |
MultiCoilElementName | 0x00189047 | Multi-Coil Element Name. |
MultiCoilElementUsed | 0x00189048 | Multi-Coil Element Used. |
MultiFramePresentationSequence | 0x00289505 | Multi-frame Presentation Sequence. |
MultiFrameSourceSOPInstanceUID | 0x00081167 | Multi-Frame Source SOP Instance UID. |
MultiPlanarExcitation | 0x00189012 | Multi-planar Excitation. |
MultipleCopiesFlag | 0x00404006 | Multiple Copies Flag. |
MultipleSpinEcho | 0x00189011 | Multiple Spin Echo. |
MultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequence | 0x003A0300 | Multiplexed Audio Channels Description Code Sequence. |
MultiplexGroupLabel | 0x003A0020 | Multiplex Group Label. |
MultiplexGroupTimeOffset | 0x00181068 | Multiplex Group Time Offset. |
MydriaticAgentCodeSequence | 0x0022001C | Mydriatic Agent Code Sequence. |
MydriaticAgentConcentration | 0x0022004E | Mydriatic Agent Concentration. |
MydriaticAgentConcentrationUnitsSequence | 0x00220042 | Mydriatic Agent Concentration Units Sequence. |
MydriaticAgentSequence | 0x00220058 | Mydriatic Agent Sequence. |
NameOfPhysiciansReadingStudy | 0x00081060 | Name of Physician(s) Reading Study. |
NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResults | 0x00401010 | Names of Intended Recipients of Results. |
NavigationDisplaySet | 0x00720216 | Navigation Display Set. |
NavigationIndicatorSequence | 0x00720214 | Navigation Indicator Sequence. |
NearPupillaryDistance | 0x00460062 | Near Pupillary Distance. |
NegativeCatchTrialsQuantity | 0x00240048 | Negative Catch Trials Quantity. |
NetworkID | 0x00081000 | Network ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
NextDirectoryRecordOffset | 0x00041400 | Offset of the Next Directory Record. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
NominalBeamEnergy | 0x300A0114 | Nominal Beam Energy. |
NominalBeamEnergyUnit | 0x300A0015 | Nominal Beam Energy Unit. |
NominalCardiacTriggerDelayTime | 0x00209153 | Nominal Cardiac Trigger Delay Time. |
NominalCardiacTriggerTimePriorToRPeak | 0x00209154 | Nominal Cardiac Trigger Time Prior To R-Peak. |
NominalFrequency | 0x0014401A | Nominal Frequency. |
NominalInterval | 0x00181062 | Nominal Interval. |
NominalPercentageOfCardiacPhase | 0x00209241 | Nominal Percentage of Cardiac Phase. |
NominalPercentageOfRespiratoryPhase | 0x00209245 | Nominal Percentage of Respiratory Phase. |
NominalPriorDose | 0x300A001A | Nominal Prior Dose. |
NominalRespiratoryTriggerDelayTime | 0x00209255 | Nominal Respiratory Trigger Delay Time. |
NominalScannedPixelSpacing | 0x00182010 | Nominal Scanned Pixel Spacing. |
NominalScreenDefinitionSequence | 0x00720102 | Nominal Screen Definition Sequence. |
NonDICOMOutputCodeSequence | 0x00404032 | Non-DICOM Output Code Sequence. |
NonUniformRadialSamplingCorrected | 0x00189766 | Non-uniform Radial Sampling Corrected. |
NormalizationFactorFormat | 0x00280710 | Normalization Factor Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
NormalizationPoint | 0x30040008 | Normalization Point. |
NormalReverse | 0x00005140 | Normal Reverse. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
NorRev | 0x00005140 | Normal Reverse. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
NotchFilterBandwidth | 0x003A0223 | Notch Filter Bandwidth. |
NotchFilterFrequency | 0x003A0222 | Notch Filter Frequency. |
NotificationFromManufacturerSequence | 0x00686265 | Notification From Manufacturer Sequence. |
NTPSourceAddress | 0x00181803 | NTP Source Address. |
NuclearMedicineSeriesType | 0x00080042 | Nuclear Medicine Series Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
NumberOfAlarmObjects | 0x40101034 | Number of Alarm Objects. |
NumberOfAverages | 0x00180083 | Number of Averages. |
NumberOfBeams | 0x300A0080 | Number of Beams. |
NumberOfBlock | 0x300A00F0 | Number of Blocks. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
NumberOfBlocks | 0x300A00F0 | Number of Blocks. |
NumberOfBoli | 0x300A00ED | Number of Boli. |
NumberOfBrachyApplicationSetup | 0x300A00A0 | Number of Brachy Application Setups. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
NumberOfBrachyApplicationSetups | 0x300A00A0 | Number of Brachy Application Setups. |
NumberOfChannels | 0x50FF2004 | Number of Channels. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
NumberOfCompensator | 0x300A00E0 | Number of Compensators. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
NumberOfCompensators | 0x300A00E0 | Number of Compensators. |
NumberOfCompletedSuboperations | 0x00001021 | Number of Completed Sub-operations. |
NumberOfContourPoints | 0x30060046 | Number of Contour Points. |
NumberOfControlPoints | 0x300A0110 | Number of Control Points. |
NumberOfCopies | 0x20000010 | Number of Copies. |
NumberOfDetectors | 0x00540021 | Number of Detectors. |
NumberOfElements | 0x00144012 | Number of Elements. |
NumberOfEnergyWindows | 0x00540011 | Number of Energy Windows. |
NumberOfEventTimers | 0x00082129 | Number of Event Timers. |
NumberOfFailedSuboperations | 0x00001022 | Number of Failed Sub-operations. |
NumberOfFilms | 0x21000170 | Number of Films. |
NumberOfFocalPlanes | 0x00480013 | Number of Focal Planes. |
NumberOfFractionDelivered | 0x3008005A | Number of Fractions Delivered. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
NumberOfFractionPatternDigitsPerDay | 0x300A0079 | Number of Fraction Pattern Digits Per Day. |
NumberOfFractionPerDay | 0x300A0079 | Number of Fraction Pattern Digits Per Day. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
NumberOfFractionPlanned | 0x300A0078 | Number of Fractions Planned. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
NumberOfFractionsDelivered | 0x3008005A | Number of Fractions Delivered. |
NumberOfFractionsPlanned | 0x300A0078 | Number of Fractions Planned. |
NumberOfFrames | 0x00280008 | Number of Frames. |
NumberOfFramesInOverlay | 0x60FF0015 | Number of Frames in Overlay. |
NumberOfFramesInPhase | 0x00540033 | Number of Frames in Phase. |
NumberOfFramesInRotation | 0x00540053 | Number of Frames in Rotation. |
NumberOfFramesIntegrated | 0x00143012 | Number of Frames Integrated. |
NumberOfFramesUsedForIntegration | 0x00143073 | Number of Frames Used for Integration. |
NumberOfGraphicPoints | 0x00700021 | Number of Graphic Points. |
NumberofHorizontalPixels | 0x00720106 | Number of Horizontal Pixels. |
NumberOfIterations | 0x00189739 | Number of Iterations. |
NumberOfKspaceTrajectories | 0x00189093 | Number of k-Space Trajectories. |
NumberofLateralSpreadingDevices | 0x300A0330 | Number of Lateral Spreading Devices. |
NumberOfLeafJawPairs | 0x300A00BC | Number of Leaf/Jaw Pairs. |
NumberOfMatches | 0x00000850 | Number of Matches. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
NumberOfPaddedAlines | 0x00520038 | Number of Padded A?lines. |
NumberofPaintings | 0x300A039A | Number of Paintings. |
NumberOfPatientRelatedInstances | 0x00201204 | Number of Patient Related Instances. |
NumberOfPatientRelatedSeries | 0x00201202 | Number of Patient Related Series. |
NumberOfPatientRelatedStudies | 0x00201200 | Number of Patient Related Studies. |
NumberOfPhaseEncodingSteps | 0x00180089 | Number of Phase Encoding Steps. |
NumberOfPhases | 0x00540031 | Number of Phases. |
NumberOfPoints | 0x50FF0010 | Number of Points. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
NumberofPriorsReferenced | 0x00720014 | Number of Priors Referenced. |
NumberOfPulses | 0x300A028A | Number of Pulses. |
NumberofRangeModulators | 0x300A0340 | Number of Range Modulators. |
NumberofRangeShifters | 0x300A0312 | Number of Range Shifters. |
NumberOfReferences | 0x00041600 | Number of References. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
NumberOfRemainingSuboperations | 0x00001020 | Number of Remaining Sub-operations. |
NumberOfRotations | 0x00540051 | Number of Rotations. |
NumberOfRrIntervals | 0x00540061 | Number of R-R Intervals. |
NumberOfSamples | 0x50FF2006 | Number of Samples. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
NumberofScanSpotPositions | 0x300A0392 | Number of Scan Spot Positions. |
NumberofScreens | 0x00720100 | Number of Screens. |
NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances | 0x00201209 | Number of Series Related Instances. |
NumberOfSlices | 0x00540081 | Number of Slices. |
NumberOfStages | 0x00082124 | Number of Stages. |
NumberOfStudyRelatedInstances | 0x00201208 | Number of Study Related Instances. |
NumberOfStudyRelatedSeries | 0x00201206 | Number of Study Related Series. |
NumberOfSubsets | 0x00189740 | Number of Subsets. |
NumberOfSurfacePoints | 0x00660015 | Number of Surface Points. |
NumberOfSurfaces | 0x00660001 | Number of Surfaces. |
NumberOfTable | 0x002808F2 | Number of Tables. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
NumberOfTableBreakPoints | 0x00186050 | Number of Table Break Points. |
NumberOfTableEntries | 0x00186056 | Number of Table Entries. |
NumberOfTables | 0x002808F2 | Number of Tables. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
NumberOfTemporalPositions | 0x00200105 | Number of Temporal Positions. |
NumberOfTimeSlices | 0x00540101 | Number of Time Slices. |
NumberOfTimeSlots | 0x00540071 | Number of Time Slots. |
NumberOfTomosynthesisSourceImages | 0x00181495 | Number of Tomosynthesis Source Images. |
NumberOfTotalObjects | 0x40101033 | Number of Total Objects. |
NumberOfTransformSteps | 0x00280402 | Number of Transform Steps. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
NumberOfTriggersInPhase | 0x00540211 | Number of Triggers in Phase. |
NumberOfVectors | 0x0066001E | Number of Vectors. |
NumberofVerticalPixels | 0x00720104 | Number of Vertical Pixels. |
NumberOfViewsInStage | 0x0008212A | Number of Views in Stage. |
NumberOfVisualStimuli | 0x00240038 | Number of Visual Stimuli. |
NumberOfWarningSuboperations | 0x00001023 | Number of Warning Sub-operations. |
NumberOfWaveformChannels | 0x003A0005 | Number of Waveform Channels. |
NumberOfWaveformSamples | 0x003A0010 | Number of Waveform Samples. |
NumberOfWedge | 0x300A00D0 | Number of Wedges. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
NumberOfWedges | 0x300A00D0 | Number of Wedges. |
NumberOfZeroFills | 0x00189066 | Number of Zero fills. |
NumericValue | 0x0040A30A | Numeric Value. |
NumericValueQualifierCodeSequence | 0x0040A301 | Numeric Value Qualifier Code Sequence. |
ObjectBinaryIdentifierTrial | 0x0040A074 | Object Binary Identifier (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ObjectDirectoryBinaryIdentifierTrial | 0x0040A089 | Object Directory Binary Identifier (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ObjectiveLensNumericalAperture | 0x00480113 | Objective Lens Numerical Aperture. |
ObjectiveLensPower | 0x00480112 | Objective Lens Power. |
ObjectPixelSpacinginCenterofBeam | 0x00189404 | Object Pixel Spacing in Center of Beam. |
ObjectThicknessSequence | 0x00189456 | Object Thickness Sequence. |
ObservationCategoryCodeSequenceTrial | 0x0040A167 | Observation Category Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ObservationDateTime | 0x0040A032 | Observation Date Time. |
ObservationDateTrial | 0x0040A192 | Observation Date (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ObservationNumber | 0x30060082 | Observation Number. |
ObservationSubjectClassTrial | 0x0040A403 | Observation Subject Class (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ObservationSubjectContextFlagTrial | 0x0040A600 | Observation Subject Context Flag (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ObservationSubjectTypeCodeSequenceTrial | 0x0040A404 | Observation Subject Type Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ObservationSubjectUIDTrial | 0x0040A402 | Observation Subject UID (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ObservationTimeTrial | 0x0040A193 | Observation Time (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ObservationUIDTrial | 0x0040A171 | Observation UID (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ObserverContextFlagTrial | 0x0040A601 | Observer Context Flag (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ObserverType | 0x0040A084 | Observer Type. |
Occupation | 0x00102180 | Patient's Occupation. |
OCTAcquisitionDomain | 0x00520006 | OCT Acquisition Domain. |
OCTFocalDistance | 0x00520002 | OCT Focal Distance. |
OCTOpticalCenterWavelength | 0x00520007 | OCT Optical Center Wavelength. |
OCTZOffsetApplied | 0x00520026 | OCT Z Offset Applied. |
OCTZOffsetCorrection | 0x00520030 | OCT Z Offset Correction. |
OffendingElement | 0x00000901 | Offending Element. |
OffsetOfReferencedLowerLevelDirectoryEntity | 0x00041420 | Offset of Referenced Lower-Level Directory Entity. |
OffsetOfTheFirstDirectoryRecordOfTheRootDirectoryEntity | 0x00041200 | Offset of the First Directory Record of the Root Directory Entity. |
OffsetOfTheLastDirectoryRecordOfTheRootDirectoryEntity | 0x00041202 | Offset of the Last Directory Record of the Root Directory Entity. |
OffsetOfTheNextDirectoryRecord | 0x00041400 | Offset of the Next Directory Record. |
OnAxisBackgroundAnatomicStructureCodeSequence | 0x0008225C | OnAxis Background Anatomic Structure Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OOIOwnerCreationTime | 0x40101041 | OOI Owner Creation Time. |
OOIOwnerSequence | 0x40101047 | OOI Owner Sequence. |
OOIOwnerType | 0x40101009 | OOI Owner Type. |
OOISize | 0x40101043 | OOI Size. |
OOIType | 0x40101042 | OOI Type. |
OOITypeDescriptor | 0x40101068 | OOI Type Descriptor. |
OperatingMode | 0x00189178 | Operating Mode. |
OperatingModeSequence | 0x00189176 | Operating Mode Sequence. |
OperatingModeType | 0x00189177 | Operating Mode Type. |
OperatorIdentificationSequence | 0x00081072 | Operator Identification Sequence. |
OperatorIDSequence | 0x00081072 | Operator Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
OperatorsName | 0x00081070 | Operators' Name. |
OphthalmicAxialLength | 0x00221019 | Ophthalmic Axial Length. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthAcquisitionMethodCodeSequence | 0x00221153 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Acquisition Method Code Sequence. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthDataSourceCodeSequence | 0x00221150 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Data Source Code Sequence. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthDataSourceDescription | 0x00221159 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Data Source Description. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementModified | 0x00221140 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurement Modified. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsLengthSummationSequence | 0x00221212 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Length Summation Sequence. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSegmentalLengthSequence | 0x00221211 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Segmental Length Sequence. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSegmentNameCodeSequence | 0x00221101 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Segment Name Code Sequence. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSequence | 0x00221050 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Sequence. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsTotalLengthSequence | 0x00221210 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Total Length Sequence. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsType | 0x00221010 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Type. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthQualityMetricSequence | 0x00221262 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Quality Metric Sequence. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthQualityMetricTypeDescription | 0x00221273 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Quality Metric Type Description. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthSelectionMethodCodeSequence | 0x00221250 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Selection Method Code Sequence. |
OphthalmicAxialLengthVelocity | 0x00221059 | Ophthalmic Axial Length Velocity. |
OphthalmicAxialMeasurementsLeftEyeSequence | 0x00221008 | Ophthalmic Axial Measurements Left Eye Sequence. |
OphthalmicAxialMeasurementsRightEyeSequence | 0x00221007 | Ophthalmic Axial Measurements Right Eye Sequence. |
OphthalmicFrameLocationSequence | 0x00220031 | Ophthalmic Frame Location Sequence. |
OphthalmicImageOrientation | 0x00220039 | Ophthalmic Image Orientation. |
OphthalmicPatientClinicalInformationLeftEyeSequence | 0x00240114 | Ophthalmic Patient Clinical Information Left Eye Sequence. |
OphthalmicPatientClinicalInformationRightEyeSequence | 0x00240115 | Ophthalmic Patient Clinical Information Right Eye Sequence. |
OphthalmicUltrasoundAxialMeasurementsTypeCodeSequence | 0x00221044 | Ophthalmic Ultrasound Axial Measurements Type Code Sequence. |
OpticalOphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSequence | 0x00221225 | Optical Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Sequence. |
OpticalPathDescription | 0x00480107 | Optical Path Description. |
OpticalPathIdentificationSequence | 0x00480207 | Optical Path Identification Sequence. |
OpticalPathIdentifier | 0x00480106 | Optical Path Identifier. |
OpticalPathSequence | 0x00480105 | Optical Path Sequence. |
OpticalSelectedOphthalmicAxialLengthSequence | 0x00221255 | Optical Selected Ophthalmic Axial Length Sequence. |
OpticalTransmittance | 0x00460040 | Optical Transmittance. |
Optotype | 0x00460094 | Optotype tag. |
OptotypeDetailedDefinition | 0x00460139 | Optotype Detailed Definition. |
OptotypePresentation | 0x00460095 | Optotype Presentation. |
OrderCallbackPhoneNumber | 0x00402010 | Order Callback Phone Number. |
OrderEnteredBy | 0x00402008 | Order Entered By. |
OrderEnterer | 0x00402008 | Order Entered By. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
OrderEntererLocation | 0x00402009 | Order Enterer's Location. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
OrderEnterersLocation | 0x00402009 | Order Enterer's Location. |
OrderFillerIdentifierSequence | 0x00400027 | Order Filler Identifier Sequence. |
OrderPlacerIdentifierSequence | 0x00400026 | Order Placer Identifier Sequence. |
OrganAtRiskFullVolumeDose | 0x300A002A | Organ at Risk Full-volume Dose. |
OrganAtRiskLimitDose | 0x300A002B | Organ at Risk Limit Dose. |
OrganAtRiskMaximumDose | 0x300A002C | Organ at Risk Maximum Dose. |
OrganAtRiskOverdoseVolumeFraction | 0x300A002D | Organ at Risk Overdose Volume Fraction. |
OrganDose | 0x00400316 | Organ Dose. |
OrganExposed | 0x00400318 | Organ Exposed. |
Origin | 0x60FF0050 | Overlay Origin. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
OriginalAttributesSequence | 0x04000561 | Original Attributes Sequence. |
OriginalImageIdentification | 0x00205000 | Original Image Identification. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OriginalImageIdentificationNomenclature | 0x00205002 | Original Image Identification Nomenclature. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OriginalImageSequence | 0x213000C0 | Original Image Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OriginalImplantAssemblyTemplateSequence | 0x0076000C | Original Implant Assembly Template Sequence. |
OriginalImplantTemplateSequence | 0x00686225 | Original Implant Template Sequence. |
OriginalSpecialized | 0x0008001B | Original Specialized SOP Class UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
OriginalSpecializedSOPClassUID | 0x0008001B | Original Specialized SOP Class UID. |
Originator | 0x21000070 | The Originator. |
OtherMagnificationTypesAvailable | 0x201000A7 | Other Magnification Types Available. |
OtherMediaAvailableSequence | 0x200000A4 | Other Media Available Sequence. |
OtherPatientIDs | 0x00101000 | Other Patient IDs. |
OtherPatientIDsSequence | 0x00101002 | Other Patient IDs Sequence. |
OtherPatientNames | 0x00101001 | Other Patient Names. |
OtherPupillaryDistance | 0x00460064 | Other Pupillary Distance. |
OtherSmoothingTypesAvailable | 0x201000A9 | Other Smoothing Types Available. |
OtherStudyNumbers | 0x00201070 | Other Study Numbers. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OuterDiameter | 0x00140054 | Outer Diameter. |
OutputInformationSequence | 0x00404033 | Output Information Sequence. |
OutputPower | 0x00185000 | Output Power. |
OverallTemplateSpatialTolerance | 0x006862A5 | Overall Template Spatial Tolerance. |
OverlayActivationLayer | 0x60FF1001 | Overlay Activation Layer. |
OverlayBackgroundDensity | 0x20400082 | Overlay Background Density. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayBitPosition | 0x60FF0102 | Overlay Bit Position. |
OverlayBitsAllocated | 0x60FF0100 | Overlay Bits Allocated. |
OverlayBitsForCodeWord | 0x60FF0804 | Overlay Bits For Code Word. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayBitsGrouped | 0x60FF0069 | Overlay Bits Grouped. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayCodeLabel | 0x60FF0800 | Overlay Code Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayCodeTableLocation | 0x60FF0803 | Overlay Number of Tables. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayColumns | 0x60FF0011 | Overlay Columns. |
OverlayComments | 0x60FF4000 | Overlay Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayCompressionCode | 0x60FF0060 | Overlay Compression Code. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayCompressionDescription | 0x60FF0063 | Overlay Compression Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayCompressionLabel | 0x60FF0062 | Overlay Compression Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayCompressionOriginator | 0x60FF0061 | Overlay Compression Originator. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayCompressionStepPointers | 0x60FF0066 | Overlay Compression Step Pointers. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayData | 0x60FF3000 | Overlay Data. |
OverlayDate | 0x00080024 | Overlay Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayDescription | 0x60FF0022 | Overlay Description. |
OverlayDescriptorBlue | 0x60FF1103 | Overlay Descriptor - Blue. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayDescriptorGray | 0x60FF1100 | Overlay Descriptor - Gray. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayDescriptorGreen | 0x60FF1102 | Overlay Descriptor - Green. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayDescriptorRed | 0x60FF1101 | Overlay Descriptor - Red. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayForegroundDensity | 0x20400080 | Overlay Foreground Density. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayFormat | 0x60FF0110 | Overlay Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayLabel | 0x60FF1500 | Overlay Label. |
OverlayLocation | 0x60FF0200 | Overlay Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayMagnificationType | 0x20400060 | Overlay Magnification Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayMode | 0x20400090 | Overlay Mode. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayNumber | 0x00200022 | Overlay Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayNumberOfTables | 0x60FF0802 | Overlay Number of Tables. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayOrigin | 0x60FF0050 | Overlay Origin. |
OverlayorImageMagnification | 0x20400072 | Overlay or Image Magnification. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayPixelDataSequence | 0x20400020 | Overlay Pixel Data Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayPlaneOrigin | 0x60FF0052 | Overlay Plane Origin. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayPlanes | 0x60FF0012 | Overlay Planes. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayRepeatInterval | 0x60FF0068 | Overlay Repeat Interval. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayRows | 0x60FF0010 | Overlay Rows. |
Overlays | 0x000051B0 | Overlays. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlaysBlue | 0x60FF1203 | Overlays - Blue. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlaysGray | 0x60FF1200 | Overlays - Gray. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlaysGreen | 0x60FF1202 | Overlays - Green. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlaySmoothingType | 0x20400070 | Overlay Smoothing Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlaysRed | 0x60FF1201 | Overlays - Red. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlaySubtype | 0x60FF0045 | Overlay Subtype. |
OverlayTime | 0x00080034 | Overlay Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
OverlayType | 0x60FF0040 | Overlay Type. |
OverriddenAttributesSequence | 0x0074104A | Overridden Attributes Sequence. |
OverrideParameterPointer | 0x30080062 | Override Parameter Pointer. |
OverrideReason | 0x30080066 | Override Reason. |
OverrideSequence | 0x30080060 | Override Sequence. |
OverSamplingPhase | 0x00189029 | Oversampling Phase. |
OwnerID | 0x21000160 | Owner Identifier. |
PageNumberVector | 0x00182001 | Page Number Vector. |
PagePositionID | 0x00005120 | Page Position ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PaletteColorLookupTableSequence | 0x00480120 | Palette Color Lookup Table Sequence. |
PaletteColorLookupTableUID | 0x00281199 | Palette Color Lookup Table UID. |
ParallelAcqTechnique | 0x00189078 | Parallel Acquisition Technique. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ParallelAcquisition | 0x00189077 | Parallel Acquisition. |
ParallelAcquisitionTechnique | 0x00189078 | Parallel Acquisition Technique. |
ParallelReductionFactorInPlane | 0x00189069 | Parallel Reduction Factor In-plane. |
ParallelReductionFactorInPlaneRetired | 0x00189096 | Parallel Reduction Factor In-plane (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ParallelReductionFactorOutOfPlane | 0x00189155 | Parallel Reduction Factor out-of-plane. |
ParallelReductionFactorSecondInPlane | 0x00189168 | Parallel Reduction Factor Second In-plane. |
ParameterItemIndex | 0x30080063 | Parameter Item Index. |
ParameterPointer | 0x30080065 | Parameter Pointer. |
ParameterSequencePointer | 0x30080061 | Parameter Sequence Pointer. |
PartialDataDisplayHandling | 0x00720208 | Partial Data Display Handling. |
PartialFourier | 0x00189081 | Partial Fourier. |
PartialFourierDirection | 0x00189036 | Partial Fourier Direction. |
PartialView | 0x00281350 | Partial View. |
PartialViewCodeSequence | 0x00281352 | Partial View Code Sequence. |
PartialViewDescription | 0x00281351 | Partial View Description. |
ParticipantSequence | 0x0040A07A | Participant Sequence. |
ParticipationDatetime | 0x0040A082 | Participation DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ParticipationDateTime | 0x0040A082 | Participation DateTime. |
ParticipationType | 0x0040A080 | Participation Type. |
PatientAdditionalPosition | 0x300A0184 | Patient Additional Position. |
PatientAddress | 0x00101040 | Patient's Address. |
PatientAge | 0x00101010 | Patient's Age. |
PatientBirthDate | 0x00100030 | Patient's Birth Date. |
PatientBirthName | 0x00101005 | Patient's Birth Name. |
PatientBirthTime | 0x00100032 | Patient's Birth Time. |
PatientBreedCodeSequence | 0x00102293 | Patient Breed Code Sequence. |
PatientBreedDescription | 0x00102292 | Patient Breed Description. |
PatientClinicalTrialParticipationSequence | 0x00380502 | Patient Clinical Trial Participation Sequence. |
PatientComments | 0x00104000 | Patient Comments. |
PatientEyeMovementCommandCodeSequence | 0x00220006 | Patient Eye Movement Command Code Sequence. |
PatientEyeMovementCommanded | 0x00220005 | Patient Eye Movement Commanded. |
PatientFrameOfReferenceSource | 0x0020930C | Patient Frame of Reference Source. |
PatientGantryRelationCodeSequence | 0x00540414 | Patient Gantry Relationship Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientGantryRelationshipCodeSequence | 0x00540414 | Patient Gantry Relationship Code Sequence. |
PatientID | 0x00100020 | Patient ID. |
PatientIdentityRemoved | 0x00120062 | Patient Identity Removed. |
PatientInstitutionResidence | 0x00380400 | Patient's Institution Residence. |
PatientInsurancePlanCodeSequence | 0x00100050 | Patient's Insurance Plan Code Sequence. |
PatientMotherBirthName | 0x00101060 | Patient's Mother's Birth Name. |
PatientMotionCorrected | 0x00189763 | Patient Motion Corrected. |
PatientName | 0x00100010 | Patient's Name. |
PatientNotProperlyFixatedQuantity | 0x00240036 | Patient Not Properly Fixated Quantity. |
PatientOrientation | 0x00200020 | Patient Orientation. |
PatientOrientationCodeSequence | 0x00540410 | Patient Orientation Code Sequence. |
PatientOrientationinFrameSequence | 0x00209450 | Patient Orientation in Frame Sequence. |
PatientOrientationModifierCodeSequence | 0x00540412 | Patient Orientation Modifier Code Sequence. |
PatientOrientCodeSequence | 0x00540410 | Patient Orientation Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientOrientModifierCodeSequence | 0x00540412 | Patient Orientation Modifier Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientPhysiologicalStateCodeSequence | 0x00189772 | Patient Physiological State Code Sequence. |
PatientPhysiologicalStateSequence | 0x00189771 | Patient Physiological State Sequence. |
PatientPosition | 0x00185100 | Patient Position. |
PatientPrimaryLangCodeModSequence | 0x00100102 | Patient's Primary Language Code Modifier Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientPrimaryLangCodeSequence | 0x00100101 | Patient's Primary Language Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientPrimaryLanguageCodeSequence | 0x00100101 | Patient's Primary Language Code Sequence. |
PatientPrimaryLanguageModifierCodeSequence | 0x00100102 | Patient's Primary Language Modifier Code Sequence. |
PatientReliabilityIndicator | 0x00240069 | Patient Reliability Indicator. |
PatientReligiousPreference | 0x001021F0 | Patient's Religious Preference. |
PatientResponsibleOrganization | 0x00102299 | Responsible Organization. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientsAddress | 0x00101040 | Patient's Address. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientsAge | 0x00101010 | Patient's Age. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientsBirthDate | 0x00100030 | Patient's Birth Date. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientsBirthName | 0x00101005 | Patient's Birth Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientsBirthTime | 0x00100032 | Patient's Birth Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientSetupLabel | 0x300A0183 | Patient Setup Label. |
PatientSetupNumber | 0x300A0182 | Patient Setup Number. |
PatientSetupSequence | 0x300A0180 | Patient Setup Sequence. |
PatientSex | 0x00100040 | Patient's Sex. |
PatientSexNeutered | 0x00102203 | Patient's Sex Neutered. |
PatientsInstitutionResidence | 0x00380400 | Patient's Institution Residence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientsInsurancePlanCodeSequence | 0x00100050 | Patient's Insurance Plan Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientSize | 0x00101020 | Patient's Size. |
PatientSizeCodeSequence | 0x00101021 | Patient's Size Code Sequence. |
PatientsMothersBirthName | 0x00101060 | Patient's Mother's Birth Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientsName | 0x00100010 | Patient's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientSpeciesCodeSequence | 0x00102202 | Patient Species Code Sequence. |
PatientSpeciesDescription | 0x00102201 | Patient Species Description. |
PatientsPrimaryLanguageCodeModifierSequence | 0x00100102 | Patient's Primary Language Code Modifier Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientsPrimaryLanguageCodeSequence | 0x00100101 | Patient's Primary Language Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientsReligiousPreference | 0x001021F0 | Patient's Religious Preference. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientsSex | 0x00100040 | Patient's Sex. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientsSexNeutered | 0x00102203 | Patient's Sex Neutered. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientsSize | 0x00101020 | Patient's Size. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientState | 0x00380500 | Patient State. |
PatientsTelephoneNumbers | 0x00102154 | Patient's Telephone Numbers. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientSupportAccessoryCode | 0x300A0354 | Patient Support Accessory Code. |
PatientSupportAdjustedAngle | 0x0074102A | Patient Support Adjusted Angle. |
PatientSupportAngle | 0x300A0122 | Patient Support Angle. |
PatientSupportAngleTolerance | 0x300A004C | Patient Support Angle Tolerance. |
PatientSupportID | 0x300A0352 | Patient Support ID. |
PatientSupportRotationDirection | 0x300A0123 | Patient Support Rotation Direction. |
PatientSupportType | 0x300A0350 | Patient Support Type. |
PatientsWeight | 0x00101030 | Patient's Weight. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientTelephoneNumbers | 0x00102154 | Patient's Telephone Numbers. |
PatientTransport | 0x00401004 | Patient Transport Arrangements. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PatientTransportArrangements | 0x00401004 | Patient Transport Arrangements. |
PatientWeight | 0x00101030 | Patient's Weight. |
PatternOffColorCIELabValue | 0x00700252 | Pattern Off Color CIELab Value. |
PatternOffOpacity | 0x00700285 | Pattern Off Opacity. |
PatternOnColorCIELabValue | 0x00700251 | Pattern On Color CIELab Value. |
PatternOnOpacity | 0x00700284 | Pattern On Opacity. |
PauseBetweenFrames | 0x00540038 | Pause Between Frames. |
PercentPhaseFieldOfView | 0x00180094 | Percent Phase Field of View. |
PercentSampling | 0x00180093 | Percent Sampling. |
PerformedActionItemSequence | 0x00400260 | Performed Protocol Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PerformedLocation | 0x00400243 | Performed Location. |
PerformedProcedureCodeSequence | 0x0040A372 | Performed Procedure Code Sequence. |
PerformedProcedureStepComment | 0x00400280 | Comments on the Performed Procedure Step. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PerformedProcedureStepDesc | 0x00400254 | Performed Procedure Step Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PerformedProcedureStepDescription | 0x00400254 | Performed Procedure Step Description. |
PerformedProcedureStepDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequence | 0x00400281 | Performed Procedure Step Discontinuation Reason Code Sequence. |
PerformedProcedureStepEndDate | 0x00400250 | Performed Procedure Step End Date. |
PerformedProcedureStepEndDateTime | 0x00404051 | Performed Procedure Step End DateTime. |
PerformedProcedureStepEndTime | 0x00400251 | Performed Procedure Step End Time. |
PerformedProcedureStepID | 0x00400253 | Performed Procedure Step ID. |
PerformedProcedureStepStartDate | 0x00400244 | Performed Procedure Step Start Date. |
PerformedProcedureStepStartDateTime | 0x00404050 | Performed Procedure Step Start DateTime. |
PerformedProcedureStepStartTime | 0x00400245 | Performed Procedure Step Start Time. |
PerformedProcedureStepStatus | 0x00400252 | Performed Procedure Step Status. |
PerformedProcedureTypeDesc | 0x00400255 | Performed Procedure Type Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PerformedProcedureTypeDescription | 0x00400255 | Performed Procedure Type Description. |
PerformedProcessingAppCodeSequence | 0x00404007 | Performed Processing Applications Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PerformedProcessingApplicationsCodeSequence | 0x00404007 | Performed Processing Applications Code Sequence. |
PerformedProcessingParametersSequence | 0x00741212 | Performed Processing Parameters Sequence. |
PerformedProtocolCodeSequence | 0x00400260 | Performed Protocol Code Sequence. |
PerformedProtocolType | 0x00400261 | Performed Protocol Type. |
PerformedSeriesSequence | 0x00400340 | Performed Series Sequence. |
PerformedStationAeTitle | 0x00400241 | Performed Station AE Title. |
PerformedStationClassCodeSequence | 0x00404029 | Performed Station Class Code Sequence. |
PerformedStationGeographicLocationCodeSequence | 0x00404030 | Performed Station Geographic Location Code Sequence. |
PerformedStationGeoLocationCode | 0x00404030 | Performed Station Geographic Location Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PerformedStationName | 0x00400242 | Performed Station Name. |
PerformedStationNameCodeSequence | 0x00404028 | Performed Station Name Code Sequence. |
PerformedWorkitemCodeSequence | 0x00404019 | Performed Workitem Code Sequence. |
PerformingPhysicianIdentificationSequence | 0x00081052 | Performing Physician Identification Sequence. |
PerformingPhysicianIDSequence | 0x00081052 | Performing Physician Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PerformingPhysicianName | 0x00081050 | Performing Physician's Name. |
PerformingPhysiciansName | 0x00081050 | Performing Physician's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PerfProcStepDiscontReasonCodeSequence | 0x00400281 | Performed Procedure Step Discontinuation Reason Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PerFrameFunctionalGroupSequence | 0x52009230 | Per-frame Functional Groups Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence | 0x52009230 | Per-frame Functional Groups Sequence. |
PerimeterTable | 0x00280070 | Perimeter Table. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PerimeterValue | 0x00280071 | Perimeter Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PerProjectionAcquisitionSequence | 0x00189538 | Per Projection Acquisition Sequence. |
PersonAddress | 0x00401102 | Person's Address. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PersonIDCodeSequence | 0x00401101 | Person Identification Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PersonIdentificationCodeSequence | 0x00401101 | Person Identification Code Sequence. |
PersonName | 0x0040A123 | Person Name. |
PersonsAddress | 0x00401102 | Person's Address. |
PersonsTelephoneNumbers | 0x00401103 | Person's Telephone Numbers. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PersonTelephoneNumber | 0x00401103 | Person's Telephone Numbers. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PersonTelephoneNumbers | 0x00401103 | Person's Telephone Numbers. |
PertinentDocumentsSequence | 0x00380100 | Pertinent Documents Sequence. |
PertinentOtherEvidenceSequence | 0x0040A385 | Pertinent Other Evidence Sequence. |
PETDetectorMotionDetailsSequence | 0x00189733 | PET Detector Motion Details Sequence. |
PETFrameAcquisitionSequence | 0x00189732 | PET Frame Acquisition Sequence. |
PETFrameCorrectionFactorsSequence | 0x00189736 | PET Frame Correction Factors Sequence. |
PETFrameTypeSequence | 0x00189751 | PET Frame Type Sequence. |
PETPositionSequence | 0x00189735 | PET Position Sequence. |
PETReconstructionSequence | 0x00189749 | PET Reconstruction Sequence. |
PETTableDynamicsSequence | 0x00189734 | PET Table Dynamics Sequence. |
PhantomType | 0x40101046 | Phantom Type. |
PhaseContrast | 0x00189014 | Phase Contrast. |
PhaseDelay | 0x00540036 | Phase Delay. |
PhaseDescription | 0x00540039 | Phase Description. |
PhaseInformationSequence | 0x00540032 | Phase Information Sequence. |
PhaseInfoSequence | 0x00540032 | Phase Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PhaseNumber | 0x00200015 | Phase Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PhaseVector | 0x00540030 | Phase Vector. |
PhosphorType | 0x00181261 | Phosphor Type. |
PhotometricInterpretation | 0x00280004 | Photometric Interpretation. |
PhototimerSetting | 0x00187065 | Phototimer Setting. |
PhysicalDeltaX | 0x0018602C | Physical Delta X. |
PhysicalDeltaY | 0x0018602E | Physical Delta Y. |
PhysicalDetectorSize | 0x00189429 | Physical Detector Size. |
PhysicalUnitsXDirection | 0x00186024 | Physical Units X Direction. |
PhysicalUnitsYDirection | 0x00186026 | Physical Units Y Direction. |
PhysicianApprovingInterpretation | 0x40080114 | Physician Approving Interpretation. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PhysicianOfRecordIDSequence | 0x00081049 | Physician(s) of Record Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PhysicianReadingStudyIDSequence | 0x00081062 | Physician(s) Reading Study Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PhysiciansOfRecord | 0x00081048 | Physician(s) of Record. |
PhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequence | 0x00081049 | Physician(s) of Record Identification Sequence. |
PhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequence | 0x00081062 | Physician(s) Reading Study Identification Sequence. |
PixelAspectRatio | 0x00280034 | Pixel Aspect Ratio. |
PixelBandwidth | 0x00180095 | Pixel Bandwidth. |
PixelComponentDataType | 0x0018604E | Pixel Component Data Type. |
PixelComponentMask | 0x00186046 | Pixel Component Mask. |
PixelComponentOrganization | 0x00186044 | Pixel Component Organization. |
PixelComponentPhysicalUnits | 0x0018604C | Pixel Component Physical Units. |
PixelComponentRangeStart | 0x00186048 | Pixel Component Range Start. |
PixelComponentRangeStop | 0x0018604A | Pixel Component Range Stop. |
PixelCoordinateSet | 0x0040A29A | Pixel Coordinate Set. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PixelCoordinatesSetTrial | 0x0040A29A | Pixel Coordinates Set (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PixelData | 0x7FE00010 | Pixel Data. |
PixelDataAreaOriginRelativeToFOV | 0x00187036 | Pixel Data Area Origin Relative To FOV. |
PixelDataAreaRotationAngleRelativeToFOV | 0x00187038 | Pixel Data Area Rotation Angle Relative To FOV. |
PixelDataProviderURL | 0x00287FE0 | Pixel Data Provider URL. |
PixelIntensityRelationship | 0x00281040 | Pixel Intensity Relationship. |
PixelIntensityRelationshipLUTSequence | 0x00289422 | Pixel Intensity Relationship LUT Sequence. |
PixelIntensityRelationshipSign | 0x00281041 | Pixel Intensity Relationship Sign. |
PixelMeasuresSequence | 0x00289110 | Pixel Measures Sequence. |
PixelOriginInterpretation | 0x00480301 | Pixel Origin Interpretation. |
PixelPaddingRangeLimit | 0x00280121 | Pixel Padding Range Limit. |
PixelPaddingValue | 0x00280120 | Pixel Padding Value. |
PixelPresentation | 0x00089205 | Pixel Presentation. |
PixelRepresentation | 0x00280103 | Pixel Representation. |
PixelShiftFrameRange | 0x00289506 | Pixel Shift Frame Range. |
PixelShiftSequence | 0x00289501 | Pixel Shift Sequence. |
PixelSpacing | 0x00280030 | Pixel Spacing. |
PixelSpacingCalibrationDescription | 0x00280A04 | Pixel Spacing Calibration Description. |
PixelSpacingCalibrationType | 0x00280A02 | Pixel Spacing Calibration Type. |
PixelSpacingSequence | 0x004008D8 | Pixel Spacing Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PixelValueMappingCodeSequence | 0x00409098 | Pixel Value Mapping Code Sequence. |
PixelValueTransformationSequence | 0x00289145 | Pixel Value Transformation Sequence. |
PlacerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequest | 0x00402016 | Placer Order Number / Imaging Service Request. |
PlacerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequestRetired | 0x00402006 | Placer Order Number / Imaging Service Request (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PlacerOrderNumberProcedure | 0x00401006 | Placer Order Number / Procedure. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PlanarConfiguration | 0x00280006 | Planar Configuration. |
PlaneIdentification | 0x00189457 | Plane Identification. |
PlaneOrientationSequence | 0x00209116 | Plane Orientation Sequence. |
PlaneOrientationVolumeSequence | 0x0020930F | Plane Orientation (Volume) Sequence. |
PlanePositionSequence | 0x00209113 | Plane Position Sequence. |
PlanePositionSlideSequence | 0x0048021A | Plane Position (Slide) Sequence. |
PlanePositionVolumeSequence | 0x0020930E | Plane Position (Volume) Sequence. |
Planes | 0x00280012 | Planes. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PlanesInAcquisition | 0x00189410 | Planes in Acquisition. |
PlanIntent | 0x300A000A | Plan Intent. |
PlannedVerificationImageSequence | 0x300A00CA | Planned Verification Image Sequence. |
PlanningLandmarkDescription | 0x00686540 | Planning Landmark Description. |
PlanningLandmarkID | 0x00686530 | Planning Landmark ID. |
PlanningLandmarkIdentificationCodeSequence | 0x00686545 | Planning Landmark Identification Code Sequence. |
PlanningLandmarkLineSequence | 0x00686510 | Planning Landmark Line Sequence. |
PlanningLandmarkPlaneSequence | 0x00686520 | Planning Landmark Plane Sequence. |
PlanningLandmarkPointSequence | 0x00686500 | Planning Landmark Point Sequence. |
PlateID | 0x00181004 | Plate Identifier. |
PlateType | 0x00181260 | Plate Type. |
PointCoordinatesData | 0x00660016 | Point Coordinates Data. |
PointPositionAccuracy | 0x00660017 | Point Position Accuracy. |
PointsBoundingBoxCoordinates | 0x0066001A | Points Bounding Box Coordinates. |
Polarity | 0x20200020 | Image Polarity. |
PolygonalCollimatorVertices | 0x00181720 | Vertices of the Polygonal Collimator. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PolygonalShutterVertices | 0x00181620 | Vertices of the Polygonal Shutter. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PositionerIsocenterDetectorRotationAngle | 0x00189465 | Positioner Isocenter Detector Rotation Angle. |
PositionerIsocenterPrimaryAngle | 0x00189463 | Positioner Isocenter Primary Angle. |
PositionerIsocenterSecondaryAngle | 0x00189464 | Positioner Isocenter Secondary Angle. |
PositionerMotion | 0x00181500 | Positioner Motion. |
PositionerPositionSequence | 0x00189405 | Positioner Position Sequence. |
PositionerPrimaryAngle | 0x00181510 | Positioner Primary Angle. |
PositionerPrimaryAngleIncr | 0x00181520 | Positioner Primary Angle Increment. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PositionerPrimaryAngleIncrement | 0x00181520 | Positioner Primary Angle Increment. |
PositionerSecondaryAngle | 0x00181511 | Positioner Secondary Angle. |
PositionerSecondaryAngleIncr | 0x00181521 | Positioner Secondary Angle Increment. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PositionerSecondaryAngleIncrement | 0x00181521 | Positioner Secondary Angle Increment. |
PositionerType | 0x00181508 | Positioner Type. |
PositionMeasuringDeviceUsed | 0x0018980C | Position Measuring Device Used. |
PositionofIsocenterProjection | 0x00189430 | Position of Isocenter Projection. |
PositionReferenceIndicator | 0x00201040 | Position Reference Indicator. |
PositiveCatchTrialsQuantity | 0x00240056 | Positive Catch Trials Quantity. |
PostDeformationMatrixRegistrationSequence | 0x00640010 | Post Deformation Matrix Registration Sequence. |
PostprocessingFunction | 0x00185021 | Postprocessing Function. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PotentialThreatObjectID | 0x40101010 | Potential Threat Object ID. |
Preamble | 0x00000005 | DICOM preamble. |
PreAmplifierEquipmentSequence | 0x0014400E | Pre-Amplifier Equipment Sequence. |
PreAmplifierNotes | 0x0014400F | Pre-Amplifier Notes. |
PreAmplifierSettingsSequence | 0x00144040 | Pre-Amplifier Settings Sequence. |
PredecessorDocumentsSequence | 0x0040A360 | Predecessor Documents Sequence. |
PreDeformationMatrixRegistrationSequence | 0x0064000F | Pre Deformation Matrix Registration Sequence. |
PredictedRefractiveError | 0x00221054 | Predicted Refractive Error. |
PredictorColumns | 0x00280081 | Predictor Columns. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PredictorConstants | 0x00280082 | Predictor Constants. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PredictorRows | 0x00280080 | Predictor Rows. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PreferredPlaybackSequencing | 0x00181244 | Preferred Playback Sequencing. |
PreformattedColorImageSequence | 0x20200111 | Basic Color Image Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PreformattedGrayscaleImageSequence | 0x20200110 | Basic Grayscale Image Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PregnancyStatus | 0x001021C0 | Pregnancy Status. |
PreliminaryFlag | 0x0040A496 | Preliminary Flag. |
PreMedication | 0x00400012 | Pre Medication. |
PreprocessingFunction | 0x00185020 | Processing Function. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PrescriptionDescription | 0x300A000E | Prescription Description. |
PresentationCreationDate | 0x00700082 | Presentation Creation Date. |
PresentationCreationTime | 0x00700083 | Presentation Creation Time. |
PresentationCreatorsName | 0x00700084 | Content Creator's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PresentationDescription | 0x00700081 | Content Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PresentationGroupNumber | 0x003A0241 | Presentation Group Number. |
PresentationIntentType | 0x00080068 | Presentation Intent Type. |
PresentationLabel | 0x00700080 | Content Label. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PresentationLutContentSequence | 0x21300080 | Presentation LUT Content Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PresentationLutFlag | 0x20000069 | Presentation LUT Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PresentationLutSequence | 0x20500010 | Presentation LUT Sequence. |
PresentationLutShape | 0x20500020 | Presentation LUT Shape. |
PresentationPixelAspectRatio | 0x00700102 | Presentation Pixel Aspect Ratio. |
PresentationPixelMagnificationRatio | 0x00700103 | Presentation Pixel Magnification Ratio. |
PresentationPixelSpacing | 0x00700101 | Presentation Pixel Spacing. |
PresentationSizeMode | 0x00700100 | Presentation Size Mode. |
PresentedVisualStimuliDataFlag | 0x00240037 | Presented Visual Stimuli Data Flag. |
PreserveCompositeInstancesAfterMediaCreation | 0x2200000A | Preserve Composite Instances After Media Creation. |
PrimaryAnatomicStructureModifierSequence | 0x00082230 | Primary Anatomic Structure Modifier Sequence. |
PrimaryAnatomicStructureSequence | 0x00082228 | Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence. |
PrimaryCountsAccumulated | 0x00541310 | Primary (Prompts) Counts Accumulated. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PrimaryDosimeterUnit | 0x300A00B3 | Primary Dosimeter Unit. |
PrimaryFluenceModeSequence | 0x30020050 | Primary Fluence Mode Sequence. |
PrimaryPositionerIncrement | 0x00189514 | Primary Positioner Increment. |
PrimaryPositionerScanArc | 0x00189508 | Primary Positioner Scan Arc. |
PrimaryPositionerScanStartAngle | 0x00189510 | Primary Positioner Scan Start Angle. |
PrimaryPromptsCountsAccumulated | 0x00541310 | Primary (Prompts) Counts Accumulated. |
PrimitivePointIndexList | 0x00660029 | Primitive Point Index List. |
0x000051A0 | Print. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. | |
PrinterCharacteristicsSequence | 0x21300015 | Printer Characteristics Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PrinterConfigSequence | 0x2000001E | Printer Configuration Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PrinterConfigurationSequence | 0x2000001E | Printer Configuration Sequence. |
PrinterName | 0x21100030 | Printer Name. |
PrinterPixelSpacing | 0x20100376 | Printer Pixel Spacing. |
PrinterResolutionID | 0x20100052 | Printer Resolution ID. |
PrinterStatus | 0x21100010 | Printer Status. |
PrinterStatusInfo | 0x21100020 | Printer Status Info. |
PrintingBitDepth | 0x200000A1 | Printing Bit Depth. |
PrintJobDescriptionSequence | 0x21200050 | Print Job Description Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PrintJobID | 0x21000010 | Print Job ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PrintManagementCapabilitiesSequence | 0x21300010 | Print Management Capabilities Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
PrintPriority | 0x20000020 | Print Priority. |
PrintQueueID | 0x21100099 | Print Queue ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Priority | 0x00000700 | Operation Priority. |
PrismSequence | 0x00460028 | Prism Sequence. |
PrivateInformation | 0x00020102 | Private Information. |
PrivateInformationCreatorUID | 0x00020100 | Private Information Creator UID. |
PrivateRecordUID | 0x00041432 | Private Record UID. |
ProcedureCodeSequence | 0x00081032 | Procedure Code Sequence. |
ProcedureContextFlagTrial | 0x0040A603 | Procedure Context Flag (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ProcedureContextSequenceTrial | 0x0040A340 | Procedure Context Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ProcedureCreationDate | 0x00144076 | Procedure Creation Date. |
ProcedureExpirationDate | 0x00144078 | Procedure Expiration Date. |
ProcedureIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial | 0x0040A085 | Procedure Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ProcedureLastModifiedDate | 0x0014407A | Procedure Last Modified Date. |
ProcedureStepCancellationDateTime | 0x00404052 | Procedure Step Cancellation DateTime. |
ProcedureStepCommunicationsURISequence | 0x00741008 | Procedure Step Communications URI Sequence. |
ProcedureStepDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequence | 0x0074100E | Procedure Step Discontinuation Reason Code Sequence. |
ProcedureStepLabel | 0x00741204 | Procedure Step Label. |
ProcedureStepProgress | 0x00741004 | Procedure Step Progress. |
ProcedureStepProgressDescription | 0x00741006 | Procedure Step Progress Description. |
ProcedureStepProgressInformationSequence | 0x00741002 | Procedure Step Progress Information Sequence. |
ProcedureStepRelationshipType | 0x00741222 | Procedure Step Relationship Type. |
ProcedureStepState | 0x00741000 | Procedure Step State. |
ProcedureTypeCodeSequence | 0x00760020 | Procedure Type Code Sequence. |
ProcedureVersion | 0x00144074 | Procedure Version. |
ProcessingFunction | 0x00185020 | Processing Function. |
ProductDescription | 0x00440009 | Product Description. |
ProductExpirationDateTime | 0x0044000B | Product Expiration DateTime. |
ProductLotIdentifier | 0x0044000A | Product Lot Identifier. |
ProductName | 0x00440008 | Product Name. |
ProductPackageIdentifier | 0x00440001 | Product Package Identifier. |
ProductParameterSequence | 0x00440013 | Product Parameter Sequence. |
ProductTypeCodeSequence | 0x00440007 | Product Type Code Sequence. |
ProjectionEponymousNameCodeSequence | 0x00185104 | Projection Eponymous Name Code Sequence. |
ProjectionPixelCalibrationSequence | 0x00189401 | Projection Pixel Calibration Sequence. |
ProjEponymousNameCodeSequence | 0x00185104 | Projection Eponymous Name Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
PropertyLabel | 0x00142032 | Property Label. |
ProposedStudySequence | 0x213000A0 | Proposed Study Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ProtocolContextSequence | 0x00400440 | Protocol Context Sequence. |
ProtocolName | 0x00181030 | Protocol Name. |
PseudoColorPaletteInstanceReferenceSequence | 0x00720705 | Pseudo-Color Palette Instance Reference Sequence. |
PseudocolorType | 0x00720704 | Pseudo-color Type. |
PTORepresentationSequence | 0x40101037 | PTO Representation Sequence. |
PulseRepetitionFrequency | 0x00186032 | Pulse Repetition Frequency. |
PulseRepetitionInterval | 0x300A028C | Pulse Repetition Interval. |
PulserEquipmentSequence | 0x00144002 | Pulser Equipment Sequence. |
PulserNotes | 0x00144006 | Pulser Notes. |
PulserSettingsSequence | 0x00144020 | Pulser Settings Sequence. |
PulserType | 0x00144004 | Pulser Type. |
PulseSequenceName | 0x00189005 | Pulse Sequence Name. |
PulseWidth | 0x00144022 | Pulse Width. |
PupilDilated | 0x0022000D | Pupil Dilated. |
PupilSize | 0x00460044 | Pupil Size. |
PurposeOfReferenceCodeSequence | 0x0040A170 | Purpose of Reference Code Sequence. |
PvcRejection | 0x00181085 | PVC Rejection. |
QuadratureReceiveCoil | 0x00189044 | Quadrature Receive Coil. |
QualityControlImage | 0x00280300 | Quality Control Image. |
QuantifiedDefect | 0x00240098 | Quantified Defect. |
Quantity | 0x00400294 | Quantity value. |
QuantitySequence | 0x00400293 | Quantity Sequence. |
QueryRetrieveLevel | 0x00080052 | Query/Retrieve Level. |
QueueStatus | 0x21200010 | Queue Status. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
R_Wave_Time_Vector | 0x00186060 | R Wave Time Vector. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RadialPosition | 0x00181142 | Radial Position. |
RadiationAtomicNumber | 0x300A0304 | Radiation Atomic Number. |
RadiationChargeState | 0x300A0306 | Radiation Charge State. |
RadiationDoseComment | 0x00400310 | Comments on Radiation Dose. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RadiationMachineName | 0x30020020 | Radiation Machine Name. |
RadiationMachineSad | 0x30020022 | Radiation Machine SAD. |
RadiationMachineSsd | 0x30020024 | Radiation Machine SSD. |
RadiationMassNumber | 0x300A0302 | Radiation Mass Number. |
RadiationMode | 0x0018115A | Radiation Mode. |
RadiationSetting | 0x00181155 | Radiation Setting. |
RadiationType | 0x300A00C6 | Radiation Type. |
Radionuclide | 0x00180030 | Radionuclide. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
RadionuclideCodeSequence | 0x00540300 | Radionuclide Code Sequence. |
RadionuclideHalfLife | 0x00181075 | Radionuclide Half Life. |
RadionuclidePositronFraction | 0x00181076 | Radionuclide Positron Fraction. |
RadionuclideTotalDose | 0x00181074 | Radionuclide Total Dose. |
Radiopharmaceutical | 0x00180031 | Radiopharmaceutical value. |
RadiopharmaceuticalAgentNumber | 0x00189729 | Radiopharmaceutical Agent Number. |
RadiopharmaceuticalCodeSequence | 0x00540304 | Radiopharmaceutical Code Sequence. |
RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence | 0x00540016 | Radiopharmaceutical Information Sequence. |
RadiopharmaceuticalRoute | 0x00181070 | Radiopharmaceutical Route. |
RadiopharmaceuticalSpecificActivity | 0x00181077 | Radiopharmaceutical Specific Activity. |
RadiopharmaceuticalStartDatetime | 0x00181078 | Radiopharmaceutical Start DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RadiopharmaceuticalStartDateTime | 0x00181078 | Radiopharmaceutical Start DateTime. |
RadiopharmaceuticalStartTime | 0x00181072 | Radiopharmaceutical Start Time. |
RadiopharmaceuticalStopDatetime | 0x00181079 | Radiopharmaceutical Stop DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RadiopharmaceuticalStopDateTime | 0x00181079 | Radiopharmaceutical Stop DateTime. |
RadiopharmaceuticalStopTime | 0x00181073 | Radiopharmaceutical Stop Time. |
RadiopharmaceuticalUsageSequence | 0x00189737 | Radiopharmaceutical Usage Sequence. |
RadiopharmaceuticalVolume | 0x00181071 | Radiopharmaceutical Volume. |
RadiopharmaCodeSequence | 0x00540304 | Radiopharmaceutical Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RadiopharmaInfoSequence | 0x00540016 | Radiopharmaceutical Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RadiopharmaRoute | 0x00181070 | Radiopharmaceutical Route. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RadiopharmaSpecificActivity | 0x00181077 | Radiopharmaceutical Specific Activity. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RadiopharmaStartTime | 0x00181072 | Radiopharmaceutical Start Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RadiopharmaStopTime | 0x00181073 | Radiopharmaceutical Stop Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RadiopharmaVolume | 0x00181071 | Radiopharmaceutical Volume. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RadiusOfCircularCollimator | 0x00181712 | Radius of Circular Collimator. |
RadiusofCircularExposureControlSensingRegion | 0x00189441 | Radius of Circular Exposure Control Sensing Region. |
RadiusOfCircularShutter | 0x00181612 | Radius of Circular Shutter. |
RadiusOfCurvature | 0x00460075 | Radius of Curvature. |
RandomsCorrected | 0x00189765 | Randoms Corrected. |
RandomsCorrectionMethod | 0x00541100 | Randoms Correction Method. |
RangeModulatorDescription | 0x300A034A | Range Modulator Description. |
RangeModulatorGatingStartValue | 0x300A0382 | Range Modulator Gating Start Value. |
RangeModulatorGatingStartWaterEquivalent | 0x300A0386 | Range Modulator Gating Start Water Equivalent Thickness. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RangeModulatorGatingStartWaterEquivalentThickness | 0x300A0386 | Range Modulator Gating Start Water Equivalent Thickness. |
RangeModulatorGatingStopValue | 0x300A0384 | Range Modulator Gating Stop Value. |
RangeModulatorGatingStopWaterEquivalent | 0x300A0388 | Range Modulator Gating Stop Water Equivalent Thickness. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RangeModulatorGatingStopWaterEquivalentThickness | 0x300A0388 | Range Modulator Gating Stop Water Equivalent Thickness. |
RangeModulatorID | 0x300A0346 | Range Modulator ID. |
RangeModulatorNumber | 0x300A0344 | Range Modulator Number. |
RangeModulatorSequence | 0x300A0342 | Range Modulator Sequence. |
RangeModulatorSettingsSequence | 0x300A0380 | Range Modulator Settings Sequence. |
RangeModulatorType | 0x300A0348 | Range Modulator Type. |
RangeOfFreedom | 0x006864A0 | Range of Freedom. |
RangeShifterDescription | 0x300A0322 | Range Shifter Description. |
RangeShifterID | 0x300A0318 | Range Shifter ID. |
RangeShifterNumber | 0x300A0316 | Range Shifter Number. |
RangeShifterSequence | 0x300A0314 | Range Shifter Sequence. |
RangeShifterSetting | 0x300A0362 | Range Shifter Setting. |
RangeShifterSettingsSequence | 0x300A0360 | Range Shifter Settings Sequence. |
RangeShifterType | 0x300A0320 | Range Shifter Type. |
RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness | 0x300A0366 | Range Shifter Water Equivalent Thickness. |
RangingDepth | 0x00520009 | Ranging Depth. |
RawDataHandling | 0x00404040 | Raw Data Handling. |
RealWorldValFirstValMapped | 0x00409216 | Real World Value First Value Mapped. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RealWorldValIntercept | 0x00409224 | Real World Value Intercept. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RealWorldValLastValMapped | 0x00409211 | Real World Value Last Value Mapped. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RealWorldValLutData | 0x00409212 | Real World Value LUT Data. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RealWorldValMappingSequence | 0x00409096 | Real World Value Mapping Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RealWorldValSlope | 0x00409225 | Real World Value Slope. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RealWorldValueFirstValueMapped | 0x00409216 | Real World Value First Value Mapped. |
RealWorldValueIntercept | 0x00409224 | Real World Value Intercept. |
RealWorldValueLastValueMapped | 0x00409211 | Real World Value Last Value Mapped. |
RealWorldValueLUTData | 0x00409212 | Real World Value LUT Data. |
RealWorldValueMappingSequence | 0x00409096 | Real World Value Mapping Sequence. |
RealWorldValueSlope | 0x00409225 | Real World Value Slope. |
ReasonForCancellation | 0x00741238 | Reason for Cancellation. |
ReasonForPerformedProcedureCodeSequence | 0x00401012 | Reason For Performed Procedure Code Sequence. |
ReasonforRequestedProcedureCodeSequence | 0x0040100A | Reason for Requested Procedure Code Sequence. |
ReasonForStudy | 0x00321030 | Reason for Study. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReasonForTheAttributeModification | 0x04000565 | Reason for the Attribute Modification. |
ReasonForTheImagingServiceRequest | 0x00402001 | Reason for the Imaging Service Request. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReasonForTheRequestedProcedure | 0x00401002 | Reason for the Requested Procedure. |
ReceiveCoilManufacturerName | 0x00189041 | Receive Coil Manufacturer Name. |
ReceiveCoilName | 0x00181250 | Receive Coil Name. |
ReceiveCoilType | 0x00189043 | Receive Coil Type. |
ReceiverAeTitle | 0x00000300 | Receiver. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReceiverEquipmentSequence | 0x00144008 | Receiver Equipment Sequence. |
ReceiverNotes | 0x0014400C | Receiver Notes. |
ReceiverSettingsSequence | 0x00144030 | Receiver Settings Sequence. |
ReceiveTransducerSequence | 0x00144011 | Receive Transducer Sequence. |
ReceiveTransducerSettingsSequence | 0x00144051 | Receive Transducer Settings Sequence. |
ReceivingAE | 0x00741234 | Receiving AE. |
RecognitionCode | 0x00000010 | Recognition Code. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
RecognitionCodeRetired | 0x00080010 | Recognition Code (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
RecognizableVisualFeatures | 0x00280302 | Recognizable Visual Features. |
RecommendedAbsentPixelCIELabValue | 0x00480015 | Recommended Absent Pixel CIELab Value. |
RecommendedDisplayCIELabValue | 0x0062000D | Recommended Display CIELab Value. |
RecommendedDisplayFrameRate | 0x00082144 | Recommended Display Frame Rate. |
RecommendedDisplayFrameRateinFloat | 0x00089459 | Recommended Display Frame Rate in Float. |
RecommendedDisplayGrayscaleValue | 0x0062000C | Recommended Display Grayscale Value. |
RecommendedPresentationOpacity | 0x0066000C | Recommended Presentation Opacity. |
RecommendedPresentationType | 0x0066000D | Recommended Presentation Type. |
RecommendedRotationPoint | 0x00686346 | Recommended Rotation Point. |
RecommendedViewingMode | 0x00281090 | Recommended Viewing Mode. |
ReconstructionAlgorithm | 0x00189315 | Reconstruction Algorithm. |
ReconstructionAngle | 0x00189319 | Reconstruction Angle. |
ReconstructionDescription | 0x00189531 | Reconstruction Description. |
ReconstructionDiameter | 0x00181100 | Reconstruction Diameter. |
ReconstructionFieldofView | 0x00189317 | Reconstruction Field of View. |
ReconstructionIndex | 0x00209536 | Reconstruction Index. |
ReconstructionMethod | 0x00541103 | Reconstruction Method. |
ReconstructionPixelSpacing | 0x00189322 | Reconstruction Pixel Spacing. |
ReconstructionTargetCenterPatient | 0x00189318 | Reconstruction Target Center (Patient). |
ReconstructionType | 0x00189756 | Reconstruction Type. |
RecordedBlockSequence | 0x300800D0 | Recorded Block Sequence. |
RecordedBrachyAccDeviceSequence | 0x30080120 | Recorded Brachy Accessory Device Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RecordedBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence | 0x30080120 | Recorded Brachy Accessory Device Sequence. |
RecordedChannelSequence | 0x30080130 | Recorded Channel Sequence. |
RecordedChannelShieldSequence | 0x30080150 | Recorded Channel Shield Sequence. |
RecordedCompensatorSequence | 0x300800C0 | Recorded Compensator Sequence. |
RecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence | 0x300800F4 | Recorded Lateral Spreading Device Sequence. |
RecordedRangeModulatorSequence | 0x300800F6 | Recorded Range Modulator Sequence. |
RecordedRangeShifterSequence | 0x300800F2 | Recorded Range Shifter Sequence. |
RecordedSnoutSequence | 0x300800F0 | Recorded Snout Sequence. |
RecordedSourceApplicatorSequence | 0x30080140 | Recorded Source Applicator Sequence. |
RecordedSourceSequence | 0x30080100 | Recorded Source Sequence. |
RecordedWedgeSequence | 0x300800B0 | Recorded Wedge Sequence. |
RecordInUseFlag | 0x00041410 | Record In-use Flag. |
RectificationType | 0x00181156 | Rectification Type. |
RectifierSmoothing | 0x00144034 | Rectifier Smoothing. |
RectilinearPhaseEncodeReordering | 0x00189034 | Rectilinear Phase Encode Reordering. |
RedPaletteColorLookupTableData | 0x00281201 | Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data. |
RedPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor | 0x00281101 | Red Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor. |
RefBrachyAccDevNumber | 0x30080122 | Referenced Brachy Accessory Device Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RefCalcDoseRefNumber | 0x30080092 | Referenced Calculated Dose Reference Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RefCalcDoseRefSequence | 0x30080090 | Referenced Calculated Dose Reference Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
Reference | 0x00201020 | Reference. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferenceAirKermaRate | 0x300A022A | Reference Air Kerma Rate. |
ReferenceCoordinates | 0x00220032 | Reference Coordinates. |
ReferencedAccessionSequenceTrial | 0x0040A313 | Referenced Accession Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedBasicAnnotationBoxSequence | 0x20100520 | Referenced Basic Annotation Box Sequence. |
ReferencedBasicImageBoxSequence | 0x20100510 | Referenced Image Box Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferencedBeamNumber | 0x300C0006 | Referenced Beam Number. |
ReferencedBeamSequence | 0x300C0004 | Referenced Beam Sequence. |
ReferencedBlockNumber | 0x300C00E0 | Referenced Block Number. |
ReferencedBolusSequence | 0x300C00B0 | Referenced Bolus Sequence. |
ReferencedBrachyAccessoryDeviceNumber | 0x30080122 | Referenced Brachy Accessory Device Number. |
ReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupNumber | 0x300C000C | Referenced Brachy Application Setup Number. |
ReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequence | 0x300C000A | Referenced Brachy Application Setup Sequence. |
ReferencedBrachyAppSetupNumber | 0x300C000C | Referenced Brachy Application Setup Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferencedBrachyAppSetupSequence | 0x300C000A | Referenced Brachy Application Setup Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceNumber | 0x30080092 | Referenced Calculated Dose Reference Number. |
ReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence | 0x30080090 | Referenced Calculated Dose Reference Sequence. |
ReferencedChannelShieldNumber | 0x30080152 | Referenced Channel Shield Number. |
ReferencedColorPaletteInstanceUID | 0x00280304 | Referenced Color Palette Instance UID. |
ReferencedCompensatorNumber | 0x300C00D0 | Referenced Compensator Number. |
ReferencedContentItemID | 0x0040DB73 | Referenced Content Item Identifier. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferencedContentItemIdentifier | 0x0040DB73 | Referenced Content Item Identifier. |
ReferencedControlPoint | 0x300C00F0 | Referenced Control Point Index. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferencedControlPointIndex | 0x300C00F0 | Referenced Control Point Index. |
ReferencedControlPointSequence | 0x300C00F2 | Referenced Control Point Sequence. |
ReferencedCurveSequence | 0x00081145 | Referenced Curve Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedDatetime | 0x0040A13A | Referenced DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferencedDateTime | 0x0040A13A | Referenced DateTime. |
ReferencedDigitalSignatureSequence | 0x04000402 | Referenced Digital Signature Sequence. |
ReferencedDoseReferenceNumber | 0x300C0051 | Referenced Dose Reference Number. |
ReferencedDoseReferenceSequence | 0x300C0050 | Referenced Dose Reference Sequence. |
ReferencedDoseSequence | 0x300C0080 | Referenced Dose Sequence. |
ReferencedFileID | 0x00041500 | Referenced File ID. |
ReferencedFileXferSynUID | 0x00041512 | Referenced Transfer Syntax UID in File. |
ReferencedFilmBoxSequence | 0x20000500 | Referenced Film Box Sequence. |
ReferencedFilmSessionSequence | 0x20100500 | Referenced Film Session Sequence. |
ReferencedFindingsGroupUIDTrial | 0x0040A022 | Referenced Findings Group UID (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedFirstFrameSequence | 0x00720427 | Referenced First Frame Sequence. |
ReferencedFractionGroupNumber | 0x300C0022 | Referenced Fraction Group Number. |
ReferencedFractionGroupSequence | 0x300C0020 | Referenced Fraction Group Sequence. |
ReferencedFractionNumber | 0x30080223 | Referenced Fraction Number. |
ReferencedFrameNumber | 0x00081160 | Referenced Frame Number. |
ReferencedFrameNumbers | 0x0040A136 | Referenced Frame Numbers. |
ReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence | 0x30060010 | Referenced Frame of Reference Sequence. |
ReferencedFrameOfReferenceUID | 0x30060024 | Referenced Frame of Reference UID. |
ReferencedGeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepSequence | 0x00404016 | Referenced General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence. |
ReferencedGeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepTransactionUID | 0x00404023 | Referenced General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Transaction UID. |
ReferencedGenScheduledProcStepUID | 0x00404023 | Referenced General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Transaction UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferencedGrayscalePresentationStateSequence | 0x00089237 | Referenced Grayscale Presentation State Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferencedHPGLDocumentID | 0x00686440 | Referenced HPGL Document ID. |
ReferencedImageBoxSequence | 0x20100510 | Referenced Image Box Sequence. |
ReferencedImageBoxSequenceRetired | 0x20400500 | Referenced Image Box Sequence (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedImageEvidenceSequence | 0x00089092 | Referenced Image Evidence Sequence. |
ReferencedImageNavigationSequence | 0x00480200 | Referenced Image Navigation Sequence. |
ReferencedImageOverlayBoxSequence | 0x20200130 | Referenced Image Overlay Box Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedImageRealWorldValueMappingSequence | 0x00409094 | Referenced Image Real World Value Mapping Sequence. |
ReferencedImageSequence | 0x00081140 | Referenced Image Sequence. |
ReferencedImplantTemplateGroupMemberID | 0x007800B6 | Referenced Implant Template Group Member ID. |
ReferencedInstanceSequence | 0x0008114A | Referenced Instance Sequence. |
ReferencedInterpretationSequence | 0x40080050 | Referenced Interpretation Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferenceDisplaySets | 0x00720218 | Reference Display Sets. |
ReferencedLateralSpreadingDeviceNumber | 0x300C0102 | Referenced Lateral Spreading Device Number. |
ReferencedLowerlevelDirectoryEntityOffset | 0x00041420 | Offset of Referenced Lower-Level Directory Entity. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceNumber | 0x30080082 | Referenced Measured Dose Reference Number. |
ReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence | 0x30080080 | Referenced Measured Dose Reference Sequence. |
ReferencedNonImageCompositeSOPInstanceSequence | 0x00400220 | Referenced Non-Image Composite SOP Instance Sequence. |
ReferencedObjectObservationClassTrial | 0x0040A174 | Referenced Object Observation Class (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedObservationClassTrial | 0x0040A173 | Referenced Observation Class (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedObservationUIDTrial | 0x0040A172 | Referenced Observation UID (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedOphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementQCImageSequence | 0x00221330 | Referenced Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurement QC Image Sequence. |
ReferencedOphthalmicAxialMeasurementsSequence | 0x00221100 | Referenced Ophthalmic Axial Measurements Sequence. |
ReferencedOtherPlaneSequence | 0x00089410 | Referenced Other Plane Sequence. |
ReferencedOverlayPlaneGroups | 0x20400011 | Referenced Overlay Plane Groups. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedOverlayPlaneSequence | 0x20400010 | Referenced Overlay Plane Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedOverlaySequence | 0x00081130 | Referenced Overlay Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedPatientAliasSequence | 0x00380004 | Referenced Patient Alias Sequence. |
ReferencedPatientSequence | 0x00081120 | Referenced Patient Sequence. |
ReferencedPatientSetupNumber | 0x300C006A | Referenced Patient Setup Number. |
ReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence | 0x00081111 | Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence. |
ReferencedPerformedProcStepSequence | 0x00081111 | Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferencedPresentationLutSequence | 0x20500500 | Referenced Presentation LUT Sequence. |
ReferencedPresentationStateSequence | 0x00089237 | Referenced Presentation State Sequence. |
ReferencedPreviousWaveform | 0x00081148 | Referenced Previous Waveform. |
ReferencedPrintJobSequence | 0x21200070 | Referenced Print Job Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedPrintJobSequencePullStoredPrint | 0x21000500 | Referenced Print Job Sequence (Pull Stored Print). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedProcedureStepSequence | 0x00400330 | Referenced Procedure Step Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedRangeModulatorNumber | 0x300C0104 | Referenced Range Modulator Number. |
ReferencedRangeShifterNumber | 0x300C0100 | Referenced Range Shifter Number. |
ReferencedRawDataSequence | 0x00089121 | Referenced Raw Data Sequence. |
ReferencedRealWorldValueMappingInstance | 0x0008114B | Referenced Real World Value Mapping Instance Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferencedRealWorldValueMappingInstanceSequence | 0x0008114B | Referenced Real World Value Mapping Instance Sequence. |
ReferencedReferenceImageNumber | 0x300C0007 | Referenced Reference Image Number. |
ReferencedReferenceImageSequence | 0x300C0042 | Referenced Reference Image Sequence. |
ReferencedRefractiveMeasurementsSequence | 0x00460145 | Referenced Refractive Measurements Sequence. |
ReferencedRelatedGeneralSOPClassUIDinFile | 0x0004151A | Referenced Related General SOP Class UID in File. |
ReferencedRequestSequence | 0x0040A370 | Referenced Request Sequence. |
ReferencedResultsSequence | 0x00081100 | Referenced Results Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedRoiNumber | 0x30060084 | Referenced ROI Number. |
ReferencedRtPlanSequence | 0x300C0002 | Referenced RT Plan Sequence. |
ReferencedSampleOffsets | 0x0040A132 | Referenced Sample Positions. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferencedSamplePositions | 0x0040A132 | Referenced Sample Positions. |
ReferencedSegmentNumber | 0x0062000B | Referenced Segment Number. |
ReferencedSeriesSequence | 0x00081115 | Referenced Series Sequence. |
ReferencedSetupImageSequence | 0x300A0401 | Referenced Setup Image Sequence. |
ReferencedSimultaneousWaveforms | 0x0008114A | Referenced Instance Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferencedSOPClassUID | 0x00081150 | Referenced SOP Class UID. |
ReferencedSOPClassUIDInFile | 0x00041510 | Referenced SOP Class UID in File. |
ReferencedSOPInstanceMACSequence | 0x04000403 | Referenced SOP Instance MAC Sequence. |
ReferencedSOPInstanceUID | 0x00081155 | Referenced SOP Instance UID. |
ReferencedSOPInstanceUIDInFile | 0x00041511 | Referenced SOP Instance UID in File. |
ReferencedSOPSequence | 0x00081199 | Referenced SOP Sequence. |
ReferencedSourceApplicatorNumber | 0x30080142 | Referenced Source Applicator Number. |
ReferencedSourceNumber | 0x300C000E | Referenced Source Number. |
ReferencedSpatialRegistrationSequence | 0x00700404 | Referenced Spatial Registration Sequence. |
ReferencedStartControlPointIndex | 0x300C00F4 | Referenced Start Control Point Index. |
ReferencedStereometricInstanceSequence | 0x00081134 | Referenced Stereometric Instance Sequence. |
ReferencedStopControlPointIndex | 0x300C00F6 | Referenced Stop Control Point Index. |
ReferencedStorageMediaSequence | 0x2200000D | Referenced Storage Media Sequence. |
ReferencedStoredPrintSequence | 0x20000510 | Referenced Stored Print Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedStructureSetSequence | 0x300C0060 | Referenced Structure Set Sequence. |
ReferencedStudySequence | 0x00081110 | Referenced Study Sequence. |
ReferencedSubsequentWaveform | 0x0008114C | Referenced Subsequent Waveform. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedSurfaceNumber | 0x0066002C | Referenced Surface Number. |
ReferencedSurfaceSequence | 0x0066002B | Referenced Surface Sequence. |
ReferencedTimeOffsets | 0x0040A138 | Referenced Time Offsets. |
ReferencedToleranceTableNumber | 0x300C00A0 | Referenced Tolerance Table Number. |
ReferencedTransferSyntaxUIDInFile | 0x00041512 | Referenced Transfer Syntax UID in File. |
ReferencedTreatmentRecordSequence | 0x30080030 | Referenced Treatment Record Sequence. |
ReferencedTypeofData | 0x0040A0A0 | Referenced Type of Data. |
ReferencedVerificationImageSequence | 0x300C0040 | Referenced Verification Image Sequence. |
ReferencedVisitSequence | 0x00081125 | Referenced Visit Sequence. |
ReferencedVOILUTBoxSequence | 0x20200140 | Referenced VOI LUT Box Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferencedWaveformChannels | 0x0040A0B0 | Referenced Waveform Channels. |
ReferencedWaveformSequence | 0x0008113A | Referenced Waveform Sequence. |
ReferencedWedgeNumber | 0x300C00C0 | Referenced Wedge Number. |
ReferenceImageNumber | 0x300A00C8 | Reference Image Number. |
ReferencePixelPhysicalValueX | 0x00186028 | Reference Pixel Physical Value X. |
ReferencePixelPhysicalValueY | 0x0018602A | Reference Pixel Physical Value Y. |
ReferencePixelX0 | 0x00186020 | Reference Pixel X0. |
ReferencePixelY0 | 0x00186022 | Reference Pixel Y0. |
ReferencetoRecordedSound | 0x40080103 | Reference to Recorded Sound. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReferringPhysicianAddress | 0x00080092 | Referring Physician's Address. |
ReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequence | 0x00080096 | Referring Physician Identification Sequence. |
ReferringPhysicianIDSequence | 0x00080096 | Referring Physician Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferringPhysicianName | 0x00080090 | Referring Physician's Name. |
ReferringPhysiciansAddress | 0x00080092 | Referring Physician's Address. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferringPhysiciansName | 0x00080090 | Referring Physician's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferringPhysiciansTelephoneNumbers | 0x00080094 | Referring Physician's Telephone Numbers. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReferringPhysicianTelephoneNumbers | 0x00080094 | Referring Physician's Telephone Numbers. |
RefGenScheduledProcStepSequence | 0x00404016 | Referenced General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RefGrayscalePresStateSequence | 0x00089237 | Referenced Grayscale Presentation State Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RefImgEvidenceSequence | 0x00089092 | Referenced Image Evidence Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReflectedAmbientLight | 0x20100160 | Reflected Ambient Light. |
RefMeasuredDoseRefNumber | 0x30080082 | Referenced Measured Dose Reference Number. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RefMeasuredDoseRefSequence | 0x30080080 | Referenced Measured Dose Reference Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ReformattingInterval | 0x00720514 | Reformatting Interval. |
ReformattingOperationInitialViewDirection | 0x00720516 | Reformatting Operation Initial View Direction. |
ReformattingOperationType | 0x00720510 | Reformatting Operation Type. |
ReformattingThickness | 0x00720512 | Reformatting Thickness. |
RefractiveErrorBeforeRefractiveSurgeryCodeSequence | 0x00221103 | Refractive Error Before Refractive Surgery Code Sequence. |
RefractiveIndexApplied | 0x0052003A | Refractive Index Applied. |
RefractiveParametersUsedOnPatientSequence | 0x00240112 | Refractive Parameters Used on Patient Sequence. |
RefractiveProcedureOccurred | 0x00221039 | Refractive Procedure Occurred. |
RefractiveStateSequence | 0x0022001B | Refractive State Sequence. |
RefractiveSurgeryTypeCodeSequence | 0x00221040 | Refractive Surgery Type Code Sequence. |
RefRawDataSequence | 0x00089121 | Referenced Raw Data Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RefStandaloneSOPInstSequence | 0x00400220 | Referenced Non-Image Composite SOP Instance Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RefTreatmentRecSequence | 0x30080030 | Referenced Treatment Record Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RegionDataType | 0x00186014 | Region Data Type. |
RegionFlags | 0x00186016 | Region Flags. |
RegionLocationMaxX1 | 0x0018601C | Region Location Max X1. |
RegionLocationMaxY1 | 0x0018601E | Region Location Max Y1. |
RegionLocationMinX0 | 0x00186018 | Region Location Min X0. |
RegionLocationMinY0 | 0x0018601A | Region Location Min Y0. |
RegionOfResidence | 0x00102152 | Region of Residence. |
RegionPixelShiftSequence | 0x00289502 | Region Pixel Shift Sequence. |
RegionSpatialFormat | 0x00186012 | Region Spatial Format. |
RegistrationSequence | 0x00700308 | Registration Sequence. |
RegistrationTypeCodeSequence | 0x0070030D | Registration Type Code Sequence. |
RelatedFrameOfReferenceUID | 0x300600C2 | Related Frame of Reference UID. |
RelatedGeneral | 0x0008001A | Related General SOP Class UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RelatedGeneralSOPClassUID | 0x0008001A | Related General SOP Class UID. |
RelatedProcedureStepSequence | 0x00741220 | Related Procedure Step Sequence. |
RelatedReferenceRTImageSequence | 0x00741040 | Related Reference RT Image Sequence. |
RelatedRtRoiObservationSequence | 0x300600A0 | Related RT ROI Observations Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RelatedRtRoiObservationsSequence | 0x300600A0 | Related RT ROI Observations Sequence. |
RelatedSeriesSequence | 0x00081250 | Related Series Sequence. |
RelationshipSequenceTrial | 0x0040A731 | Relationship Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
RelationshipType | 0x0040A010 | Relationship Type. |
RelationshipTypeCodeSequence | 0x0040A732 | Relationship Type Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RelationshipTypeCodeSequenceTrial | 0x0040A732 | Relationship Type Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
RelativeImagePositionCodeSequence | 0x0022001D | Relative Image Position Code Sequence. |
RelativeOpacity | 0x00700403 | Relative Opacity. |
RelativeTime | 0x00720038 | Relative Time. |
RelativeTimeUnits | 0x0072003A | Relative Time Units. |
RelativeXrayExposure | 0x00181405 | Relative X-Ray Exposure. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RelativeXRayExposure | 0x00181405 | Relative X-Ray Exposure. |
RelevantInformationSequence | 0x00404022 | Relevant Information Sequence. |
RenderingType3D | 0x00720520 | 3D Rendering Type. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RepeatFractionCycleLength | 0x300A007A | Repeat Fraction Cycle Length. |
RepeatInterval | 0x00280068 | Repeat Interval. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
RepetitionTime | 0x00180080 | Repetition Time. |
ReplacedImplantAssemblyTemplateSequence | 0x00760008 | Replaced Implant Assembly Template Sequence. |
ReplacedImplantTemplateGroupSequence | 0x00780026 | Replaced Implant Template Group Sequence. |
ReplacedImplantTemplateSequence | 0x00686222 | Replaced Implant Template Sequence. |
ReplacedProcedureStepSequence | 0x00741224 | Replaced Procedure Step Sequence. |
ReportDetailSequenceTrial | 0x0040A380 | Report Detail Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReportedValuesOrigin | 0x3002000A | Reported Values Origin. |
ReportingPriority | 0x00401009 | Reporting Priority. |
ReportNumber | 0x002000AA | Report Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReportProductionStatusTrial | 0x400800FF | Report Production Status (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReportStatusCommentTrial | 0x0040A33A | Report Status Comment (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ReportStatusIDTrial | 0x0040A125 | Report Status ID (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
RepositoryUniqueID | 0x0040E030 | Repository Unique ID. |
RepresentativeFrameNumber | 0x00286010 | Representative Frame Number. |
ReprojectionMethod | 0x00541004 | Reprojection Method. |
RequestAttributesSequence | 0x00400275 | Request Attributes Sequence. |
RequestedContrastAgent | 0x00321070 | Requested Contrast Agent. |
RequestedDecimateCropBehavior | 0x20200040 | Requested Decimate/Crop Behavior. |
RequestedImageSize | 0x20200030 | Requested Image Size. |
RequestedImageSizeFlag | 0x202000A0 | Requested Image Size Flag. |
RequestedMediaApplicationProfile | 0x2200000C | Requested Media Application Profile. |
RequestedProcedureCodeSequence | 0x00321064 | Requested Procedure Code Sequence. |
RequestedProcedureComment | 0x00401400 | Requested Procedure Comments. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RequestedProcedureComments | 0x00401400 | Requested Procedure Comments. |
RequestedProcedureDescription | 0x00321060 | Requested Procedure Description. |
RequestedProcedureDescriptionTrial | 0x00401060 | Requested Procedure Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
RequestedProcedureID | 0x00401001 | Requested Procedure ID. |
RequestedProcedureLocation | 0x00401005 | Requested Procedure Location. |
RequestedProcedurePriority | 0x00401003 | Requested Procedure Priority. |
RequestedProcedureReason | 0x00401002 | Reason for the Requested Procedure. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RequestedResolutionID | 0x20200050 | Requested Resolution ID. |
RequestedSOPClassUID | 0x00000003 | Requested SOP Class UID. |
RequestedSOPInstanceUID | 0x00001001 | Requested SOP Instance UID. |
RequestedSubsequentWorkitemCodeSequence | 0x00404031 | Requested Subsequent Workitem Code Sequence. |
RequestedSubsWorkitemCodeSequence | 0x00404031 | Requested Subsequent Workitem Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RequestingAE | 0x00741236 | Requesting AE. |
RequestingPhysician | 0x00321032 | Requesting Physician. |
RequestingPhysicianIdentificationSequence | 0x00321031 | Requesting Physician Identification Sequence. |
RequestingPhysicianIDSequence | 0x00321031 | Requesting Physician Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RequestingService | 0x00321033 | Requesting Service. |
RequestingServiceCodeSequence | 0x00321034 | Requesting Service Code Sequence. |
RequestPriority | 0x22000020 | Request Priority. |
RescaleIntercept | 0x00281052 | Rescale Intercept. |
RescaleSlope | 0x00281053 | Rescale Slope. |
RescaleType | 0x00281054 | Rescale Type. |
ResidualSyringeCounts | 0x00540017 | Residual Syringe Counts. |
ResolutionIDRequested | 0x20200050 | Requested Resolution ID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ResonantNucleus | 0x00189100 | Resonant Nucleus. |
RespiratoryCyclePosition | 0x00189214 | Respiratory Cycle Position. |
RespiratoryIntervalTime | 0x00209254 | Respiratory Interval Time. |
RespiratoryMotionCompensationTechnique | 0x00189170 | Respiratory Motion Compensation Technique. |
RespiratoryMotionCompensationTechniqueDescription | 0x00189185 | Respiratory Motion Compensation Technique Description. |
RespiratoryMotionCompTechnique | 0x00189170 | Respiratory Motion Compensation Technique. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RespiratorySignalSource | 0x00189171 | Respiratory Signal Source. |
RespiratorySignalSourceID | 0x00189186 | Respiratory Signal Source ID. |
RespiratorySynchronizationSequence | 0x00209253 | Respiratory Synchronization Sequence. |
RespiratoryTriggerDelayThreshold | 0x00209256 | Respiratory Trigger Delay Threshold. |
RespiratoryTriggerDelayTime | 0x00209255 | Nominal Respiratory Trigger Delay Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RespiratoryTriggerSequence | 0x00209253 | Respiratory Synchronization Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RespiratoryTriggerType | 0x00209250 | Respiratory Trigger Type. |
ResponseSequenceNumber | 0x00000860 | Response Sequence Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ResponsibleOrganization | 0x00102299 | Responsible Organization. |
ResponsiblePerson | 0x00102297 | Responsible Person. |
ResponsiblePersonRole | 0x00102298 | Responsible Person Role. |
ResultingGeneralPurposePerformedProcedureStepsSequence | 0x00404015 | Resulting General Purpose Performed Procedure Steps Sequence. |
ResultingGenPerformedProcStepSequence | 0x00404015 | Resulting General Purpose Performed Procedure Steps Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ResultsComments | 0x40084000 | Results Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ResultsDistributionListSequence | 0x40080118 | Results Distribution List Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ResultsID | 0x40080040 | Results ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ResultsIDIssuer | 0x40080042 | Results ID Issuer. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ResultsNormalsSequence | 0x00240064 | Results Normals Sequence. |
RET | 0x00189445 | RET. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
RetestSensitivityValue | 0x00240096 | Retest Sensitivity Value. |
RetestStimulusSeen | 0x00240095 | Retest Stimulus Seen. |
RetrieveAETitle | 0x00080054 | Retrieve AE Title. |
RetrieveLocationUID | 0x0040E011 | Retrieve Location UID. |
RetrieveURI | 0x0040E010 | Retrieve URI. |
ReviewDate | 0x300E0004 | Review Date. |
ReviewerName | 0x300E0008 | Reviewer Name. |
ReviewTime | 0x300E0005 | Review Time. |
RevolutionTime | 0x00189305 | Revolution Time. |
RFEchoTrainLength | 0x00189240 | RF Echo Train Length. |
RGBLUTTransferFunction | 0x0028140F | RGB LUT Transfer Function. |
RightImageSequence | 0x00220022 | Right Image Sequence. |
RightLensSequence | 0x00460014 | Right Lens Sequence. |
RoiArea | 0x60FF1301 | The ROI Area. |
RoiContourSequence | 0x30060039 | ROI Contour Sequence. |
RoiDescription | 0x30060028 | ROI Description. |
RoiDisplayColor | 0x3006002A | ROI Display Color. |
ROIElementalCompositionAtomicMassFraction | 0x300600B8 | ROI Elemental Composition Atomic Mass Fraction. |
ROIElementalCompositionAtomicNumber | 0x300600B7 | ROI Elemental Composition Atomic Number. |
ROIElementalCompositionSequence | 0x300600B6 | ROI Elemental Composition Sequence. |
RoiGenerationAlgorithm | 0x30060036 | ROI Generation Algorithm. |
RoiGenerationDescription | 0x30060038 | ROI Generation Description. |
RoiInterpreter | 0x300600A6 | ROI Interpreter. |
RoiMean | 0x60FF1302 | The ROI Mean. |
RoiName | 0x30060026 | ROI (Region of Interest) Name. |
RoiNumber | 0x30060022 | ROI Number. |
RoiObservationDescription | 0x30060088 | ROI Observation Description. |
RoiObservationLabel | 0x30060085 | ROI Observation Label. |
ROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence | 0x300600B0 | ROI Physical Properties Sequence. |
RoiPhysicalProperty | 0x300600B2 | ROI Physical Property. |
RoiPhysicalPropertySequence | 0x300600B0 | ROI Physical Properties Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RoiPhysicalPropertyValue | 0x300600B4 | ROI Physical Property Value. |
RoiStandardDeviation | 0x60FF1303 | ROI Standard Deviation. |
RoiVolume | 0x3006002C | ROI Volume. |
RootDirectoryEntitysFirstDirectoryRecordOffset | 0x00041200 | Offset of the First Directory Record of the Root Directory Entity. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RootDirectoryEntitysLastDirectoryRecordOffset | 0x00041202 | Offset of the Last Directory Record of the Root Directory Entity. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RotationAngle | 0x00700230 | Rotation Angle. |
RotationDirection | 0x00181140 | Rotation Direction. |
RotationInformationSequence | 0x00540052 | Rotation Information Sequence. |
RotationInfoSequence | 0x00540052 | Rotation Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RotationOffset | 0x00181146 | Rotation Offset. |
RotationOfScannedFilm | 0x00182030 | Rotation of Scanned Film. |
RotationPoint | 0x00700273 | Rotation Point. |
RotationVector | 0x00540050 | Rotation Vector. |
RouteID | 0x40101054 | Route ID. |
RouteIDAssigningAuthority | 0x40101055 | Route ID Assigning Authority. |
RouteOfAdmissions | 0x00380016 | Route of Admissions. |
RouteSegmentEndLocationID | 0x4010101F | Route Segment End Location ID. |
RouteSegmentEndTime | 0x40101026 | Route Segment End Time. |
RouteSegmentID | 0x40101007 | Route Segment ID. |
RouteSegmentLocationIDType | 0x40101020 | Route Segment Location ID Type. |
RouteSegmentSequence | 0x4010100A | Route Segment Sequence. |
RouteSegmentStartLocationID | 0x4010101E | Route Segment Start Location ID. |
RouteSegmentStartTime | 0x40101025 | Route Segment Start Time. |
RowOverlap | 0x00280093 | Row Overlap. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
RowPositionInTotalImagePixelMatrix | 0x0048021E | Row Position In Total Image Pixel Matrix. |
Rows | 0x00280010 | Rows. Height of the DICOM image. |
RowsForNthOrderCoefficients | 0x002804F0 | Rows For Nth Order Coefficients. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
RRIntervalTimeMeasured | 0x00209251 | R-R Interval Time Nominal. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RRIntervalTimeNominal | 0x00209251 | R-R Interval Time Nominal. |
RrIntervalVector | 0x00540060 | R-R Interval Vector. |
RtBeamLimitingDeviceType | 0x300A00B8 | RT Beam Limiting Device Type. |
RtDoseRoiSequence | 0x30040010 | RT Dose ROI Sequence. |
RtImageDescription | 0x30020004 | RT Image Description. |
RtImageLabel | 0x30020002 | RT Image Label. |
RtImageName | 0x30020003 | RT Image Name. |
RtImageOrientation | 0x30020010 | RT Image Orientation. |
RtImagePlane | 0x3002000C | RT Image Plane. |
RtImagePosition | 0x30020012 | RT Image Position. |
RtImageSid | 0x30020026 | RT Image SID. |
RtPlanDate | 0x300A0006 | RT Plan Date. |
RtPlanDescription | 0x300A0004 | RT Plan Description. |
RtPlanGeometry | 0x300A000C | RT Plan Geometry. |
RtPlanLabel | 0x300A0002 | RT Plan Label. |
RtPlanName | 0x300A0003 | RT Plan Name. |
RtPlanRelationship | 0x300A0055 | RT Plan Relationship. |
RtPlanTime | 0x300A0007 | RT Plan Time. |
RtReferencedSeriesSequence | 0x30060014 | RT Referenced Series Sequence. |
RtReferencedStudySequence | 0x30060012 | RT Referenced Study Sequence. |
RtRelatedRoiSequence | 0x30060030 | RT Related ROI Sequence. |
RtRoiIdentificationCodeSequence | 0x30060086 | RT ROI Identification Code Sequence. |
RtRoiIndentificationCodeSequence | 0x30060086 | RT ROI Identification Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RtRoiInterpretedType | 0x300600A4 | RT ROI Interpreted Type. |
RtRoiObservationSequence | 0x30060080 | RT ROI Observations Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RtRoiObservationsSequence | 0x30060080 | RT ROI Observations Sequence. |
RtRoiRelationship | 0x30060033 | RT ROI Relationship. |
RunLengthTriplet | 0x1000FFF1 | Run Length Triplet. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
RWavePointer | 0x00286040 | R Wave Pointer. |
RWavePoints | 0x00286040 | R Wave Pointer. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
RWaveTimeVector | 0x00186060 | R Wave Time Vector. |
SafePositionExitDate | 0x30080162 | Safe Position Exit Date. |
SafePositionExitTime | 0x30080164 | Safe Position Exit Time. |
SafePositionReturnDate | 0x30080166 | Safe Position Return Date. |
SafePositionReturnTime | 0x30080168 | Safe Position Return Time. |
SampleRate | 0x50FF2008 | Sample Rate. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SamplesPerPixel | 0x00280002 | Samples per Pixel. |
SamplesperPixelUsed | 0x00280003 | Samples per Pixel Used. |
SamplingFrequency | 0x003A001A | Sampling Frequency. |
Sar | 0x00181316 | SAR (specific absorption rate). |
SaturationRecovery | 0x00189024 | Saturation Recovery. |
ScanArc | 0x00181143 | Scan Arc value. |
ScanLength | 0x00181302 | Scan Length. |
ScanMode | 0x300A0308 | Scan Mode. |
ScanningSequence | 0x00180020 | Scanning Sequence. |
ScanningSpotSize | 0x300A0398 | Scanning Spot Size. |
ScanOptions | 0x00180022 | Scan Options. |
ScanSpotMetersetsDelivered | 0x30080047 | Scan Spot Metersets Delivered. |
ScanSpotMetersetWeights | 0x300A0396 | Scan Spot Meterset Weights. |
ScanSpotPositionMap | 0x300A0394 | Scan Spot Position Map. |
ScanSpotTuneID | 0x300A0390 | Scan Spot Tune ID. |
ScanType | 0x40101048 | Scan Type. |
ScanVelocity | 0x00181300 | Scan Velocity. |
ScatterCorrected | 0x00189760 | Scatter Corrected. |
ScatterCorrectionMethod | 0x00541105 | Scatter Correction Method. |
ScatterFractionFactor | 0x00541323 | Scatter Fraction Factor. |
ScheduledActionItemCodeSequence | 0x00400008 | Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ScheduledAdmissionDate | 0x0038001A | Scheduled Admission Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ScheduledAdmissionTime | 0x0038001B | Scheduled Admission Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ScheduledDischargeDate | 0x0038001C | Scheduled Discharge Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ScheduledDischargeTime | 0x0038001D | Scheduled Discharge Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ScheduledHumanPerformerSequence | 0x00404034 | Scheduled Human Performers Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ScheduledHumanPerformersSequence | 0x00404034 | Scheduled Human Performers Sequence. |
ScheduledPatientInstitutionResidence | 0x0038001E | Scheduled Patient Institution Residence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianIdentificationSequence | 0x0040000B | Scheduled Performing Physician Identification Sequence. |
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianIDSequence | 0x0040000B | Scheduled Performing Physician Identification Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianName | 0x00400006 | Scheduled Performing Physician's Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ScheduledPerformingPhysiciansName | 0x00400006 | Scheduled Performing Physician's Name. |
ScheduledProcedureComment | 0x00400400 | Comments on the Scheduled Procedure Step. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ScheduledProcedureStepDescription | 0x00400007 | Scheduled Procedure Step Description. |
ScheduledProcedureStepEndDate | 0x00400004 | Scheduled Procedure Step End Date. |
ScheduledProcedureStepEndTime | 0x00400005 | Scheduled Procedure Step End Time. |
ScheduledProcedureStepID | 0x00400009 | Scheduled Procedure Step ID. |
ScheduledProcedureStepLocation | 0x00400011 | Scheduled Procedure Step Location. |
ScheduledProcedureStepModificationDateandTime | 0x00404010 | Scheduled Procedure Step Modification Date and Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ScheduledProcedureStepModificationDateTime | 0x00404010 | Scheduled Procedure Step Modification Date Time. |
ScheduledProcedureStepPriority | 0x00741200 | Scheduled Procedure Step Priority. |
ScheduledProcedureStepSequence | 0x00400100 | Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence. |
ScheduledProcedureStepStartDate | 0x00400002 | Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date. |
ScheduledProcedureStepStartDateAndTime | 0x00404005 | Scheduled Procedure Step Start DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ScheduledProcedureStepStartDateTime | 0x00404005 | Scheduled Procedure Step Start DateTime. |
ScheduledProcedureStepStartDT | 0x00404005 | Scheduled Procedure Step Start DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ScheduledProcedureStepStartTime | 0x00400003 | Scheduled Procedure Step Start Time. |
ScheduledProcedureStepStatus | 0x00400020 | Scheduled Procedure Step Status. |
ScheduledProcessingAppCodeSequence | 0x00404004 | Scheduled Processing Applications Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ScheduledProcessingApplicationsCodeSequence | 0x00404004 | Scheduled Processing Applications Code Sequence. |
ScheduledProcessingParametersSequence | 0x00741210 | Scheduled Processing Parameters Sequence. |
ScheduledProtocolCodeSequence | 0x00400008 | Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence. |
ScheduledSpecimenSequence | 0x00400500 | Scheduled Specimen Sequence. |
ScheduledStationAeTitle | 0x00400001 | Scheduled Station AE Title. |
ScheduledStationClassCodeSequence | 0x00404026 | Scheduled Station Class Code Sequence. |
ScheduledStationGeographicLocationCodeSequence | 0x00404027 | Scheduled Station Geographic Location Code Sequence. |
ScheduledStationGeoLocationCode | 0x00404027 | Scheduled Station Geographic Location Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ScheduledStationName | 0x00400010 | Scheduled Station Name. |
ScheduledStationNameCodeSequence | 0x00404025 | Scheduled Station Name Code Sequence. |
ScheduledStepAttributesSequence | 0x00400270 | Scheduled Step Attributes Sequence. |
ScheduledStudyLocation | 0x00321020 | Scheduled Study Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ScheduledStudyLocationAeTitles | 0x00321021 | Scheduled Study Location AE Title. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ScheduledStudyStartDate | 0x00321000 | Scheduled Study Start Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ScheduledStudyStartTime | 0x00321001 | Scheduled Study Start Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ScheduledStudyStopDate | 0x00321010 | Scheduled Study Stop Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ScheduledStudyStopTime | 0x00321011 | Scheduled Study Stop Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ScheduledWorkitemCodeSequence | 0x00404018 | Scheduled Workitem Code Sequence. |
SCPStatus | 0x00741242 | SCP Status. |
ScreeningBaselineMeasured | 0x00240120 | Screening Baseline Measured. |
ScreeningBaselineMeasuredSequence | 0x00240122 | Screening Baseline Measured Sequence. |
ScreeningBaselineType | 0x00240124 | Screening Baseline Type. |
ScreeningBaselineValue | 0x00240126 | Screening Baseline Value. |
ScreeningTestModeCodeSequence | 0x00240016 | Screening Test Mode Code Sequence. |
ScreenMinimumColorBitDepth | 0x0072010C | Screen Minimum Color Bit Depth. |
ScreenMinimumGrayscaleBitDepth | 0x0072010A | Screen Minimum Grayscale Bit Depth. |
SeamLineIndex | 0x00520036 | Seam Line Index. |
SeamLineLocation | 0x00520033 | Seam Line Location. |
SecondaryCaptureDeviceID | 0x00181010 | Secondary Capture Device ID. |
SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturer | 0x00181016 | Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer. |
SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturerModelName | 0x00181018 | Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer's Model Name. |
SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturers | 0x00181016 | Secondary Capture Device Manufacturers. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturersModelName | 0x00181018 | Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer's Model Name. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SecondaryCaptureDeviceSoftwareVersions | 0x00181019 | Secondary Capture Device Software Version(s). |
SecondaryCountsAccumulated | 0x00541311 | Secondary Counts Accumulated. |
SecondaryCountsType | 0x00541220 | Secondary Counts Type. |
SecondaryPositionerIncrement | 0x00189515 | Secondary Positioner Increment. |
SecondaryPositionerScanArc | 0x00189509 | Secondary Positioner Scan Arc. |
SecondaryPositionerScanStartAngle | 0x00189511 | Secondary Positioner Scan Start Angle. |
SegmentAlgorithmName | 0x00620009 | Segment Algorithm Name. |
SegmentAlgorithmType | 0x00620008 | Segment Algorithm Type. |
SegmentationFractionalType | 0x00620010 | Segmentation Fractional Type. |
SegmentationType | 0x00620001 | Segmentation Type. |
SegmentDescription | 0x00620006 | Segment Description. |
SegmentedBlueLutData | 0x00281223 | Segmented Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SegmentedBluePaletteColorLookupTableData | 0x00281223 | Segmented Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data. |
SegmentedGreenLutData | 0x00281222 | Segmented Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SegmentedGreenPaletteColorLookupTableData | 0x00281222 | Segmented Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data. |
SegmentedKspaceTraversal | 0x00189033 | Segmented k-Space Traversal. |
SegmentedPropertyCategoryCodeSequence | 0x00620003 | Segmented Property Category Code Sequence. |
SegmentedPropertyTypeCodeSequence | 0x0062000F | Segmented Property Type Code Sequence. |
SegmentedRedLutData | 0x00281221 | Segmented Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data.This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SegmentedRedPaletteColorLookupTableData | 0x00281221 | Segmented Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data. |
SegmentIdentificationSequence | 0x0062000A | Segment Identification Sequence. |
SegmentLabel | 0x00620005 | Segment Label. |
SegmentNumber | 0x00620004 | Segment Number. |
SegmentSequence | 0x00620002 | Segment Sequence. |
SegmentSurfaceGenerationAlgorithmIdentificationSequence | 0x0066002D | Segment Surface Generation Algorithm Identification Sequence. |
SegmentSurfaceSourceInstanceSequence | 0x0066002E | Segment Surface Source Instance Sequence. |
SelectedSegmentalOphthalmicAxialLengthSequence | 0x00221257 | Selected Segmental Ophthalmic Axial Length Sequence. |
SelectedTotalOphthalmicAxialLengthSequence | 0x00221260 | Selected Total Ophthalmic Axial Length Sequence. |
SelectorAttribute | 0x00720026 | Selector Attribute. |
SelectorAttributePrivateCreator | 0x00720056 | Selector Attribute Private Creator. |
SelectorAttributeVR | 0x00720050 | Selector Attribute VR. |
SelectorATValue | 0x00720060 | Selector AT Value. |
SelectorCodeSequenceValue | 0x00720080 | Selector Code Sequence Value. |
SelectorCSValue | 0x00720062 | Selector CS Value. |
SelectorDSValue | 0x00720072 | Selector DS Value. |
SelectorFDValue | 0x00720074 | Selector FD Value. |
SelectorFLValue | 0x00720076 | Selector FL Value. |
SelectorISValue | 0x00720064 | Selector IS Value. |
SelectorLOValue | 0x00720066 | Selector LO Value. |
SelectorLTValue | 0x00720068 | Selector LT Value. |
SelectorPNValue | 0x0072006A | Selector PN Value. |
SelectorSequencePointer | 0x00720052 | Selector Sequence Pointer. |
SelectorSequencePointerItems | 0x00741057 | Selector Sequence Pointer Items. |
SelectorSequencePointerPrivateCreator | 0x00720054 | Selector Sequence Pointer Private Creator. |
SelectorSHValue | 0x0072006C | Selector SH Value. |
SelectorSLValue | 0x0072007C | Selector SL Value. |
SelectorSSValue | 0x0072007E | Selector SS Value. |
SelectorSTValue | 0x0072006E | Selector ST Value. |
SelectorULValue | 0x00720078 | Selector UL Value. |
SelectorUSValue | 0x0072007A | Selector US Value. |
SelectorUTValue | 0x00720070 | Selector UT Value. |
SelectorValueNumber | 0x00720028 | Selector Value Number. |
SenderAeTitle | 0x00000200 | Initiator. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Sensitivity | 0x00186000 | Sensitivity value. |
SensitivityCalibrated | 0x00189767 | Sensitivity Calibrated. |
SensitivityValue | 0x00240094 | Sensitivity Value. |
SensorName | 0x00143022 | Sensor Name. |
SensorTemperature | 0x00143028 | Sensor Temperature. |
SequenceDelimitationItem | 0xFFFEE0DD | Sequence Delimitation Item. |
SequenceName | 0x00180024 | Sequence Name. |
SequenceOfCompressedData | 0x00280403 | Sequence of Compressed Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SequenceOfUltrasoundRegions | 0x00186011 | Sequence of Ultrasound Regions. |
SequenceVariant | 0x00180021 | Sequence Variant. |
SequencingIndicatorTrial | 0x0040A060 | Sequencing Indicator (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SeriesDate | 0x00080021 | Series Date. |
SeriesDescription | 0x0008103E | Series Description. |
SeriesDescriptionCodeSequence | 0x0008103F | Series Description Code Sequence. |
SeriesInstanceUID | 0x0020000E | Series Instance UID. |
SeriesInStudy | 0x00201000 | Series in Study. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SeriesNumber | 0x00200011 | Series Number. |
SeriesTime | 0x00080031 | Series Time. |
SeriesType | 0x00541000 | Series Type. |
ServiceEpisodeDescription | 0x00380062 | Service Episode Description. |
ServiceEpisodeID | 0x00380060 | Service Episode ID. |
SetupDeviceDescription | 0x300A01BA | Setup Device Description. |
SetupDeviceLabel | 0x300A01B8 | Setup Device Label. |
SetupDeviceParameter | 0x300A01BC | Setup Device Parameter. |
SetupDeviceSequence | 0x300A01B4 | Setup Device Sequence. |
SetupDeviceType | 0x300A01B6 | Setup Device Type. |
SetupImageComment | 0x300A0402 | Setup Image Comment. |
SetupReferenceDescription | 0x300A01D0 | Setup Reference Description. |
SetupTechnique | 0x300A01B0 | Setup Technique. |
SetupTechniqueDescription | 0x300A01B2 | Setup Technique Description. |
ShadowColorCIELabValue | 0x00700247 | Shadow Color CIELab Value. |
ShadowOffsetX | 0x00700245 | Shadow Offset X. |
ShadowOffsetY | 0x00700246 | Shadow Offset Y. |
ShadowOpacity | 0x00700258 | Shadow Opacity. |
ShadowStyle | 0x00700244 | Shadow Style. |
ShapeType | 0x00700306 | Shape Type. |
SharedFunctionalGroupSequence | 0x52009229 | Shared Functional Groups Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SharedFunctionalGroupsSequence | 0x52009229 | Shared Functional Groups Sequence. |
ShieldingDeviceDescription | 0x300A01A6 | Shielding Device Description. |
ShieldingDeviceLabel | 0x300A01A4 | Shielding Device Label. |
ShieldingDevicePosition | 0x300A01A8 | Shielding Device Position. |
ShieldingDeviceSequence | 0x300A01A0 | Shielding Device Sequence. |
ShieldingDeviceType | 0x300A01A2 | Shielding Device Type. |
ShiftTableSize | 0x1000FFF4 | Shift Table Size. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ShiftTableTriplet | 0x1000FFF5 | Shift Table Triplet. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ShortTermFluctuation | 0x00240075 | Short Term Fluctuation. |
ShortTermFluctuationCalculated | 0x00240074 | Short Term Fluctuation Calculated. |
ShortTermFluctuationProbability | 0x00240077 | Short Term Fluctuation Probability. |
ShortTermFluctuationProbabilityCalculated | 0x00240076 | Short Term Fluctuation Probability Calculated. |
ShowAcquisitionTechniquesFlag | 0x00720716 | Show Acquisition Techniques Flag. |
ShowGraphicAnnotationFlag | 0x00720712 | Show Graphic Annotation Flag. |
ShowGrayscaleInverted | 0x00720706 | Show Grayscale Inverted. |
ShowImageTrueSizeFlag | 0x00720710 | Show Image True Size Flag. |
ShowPatientDemographicsFlag | 0x00720714 | Show Patient Demographics Flag. |
ShowTickLabel | 0x00700278 | Show Tick Label. |
ShutterLeftVerticalEdge | 0x00181602 | Shutter Left Vertical Edge. |
ShutterLowerHorizontalEdge | 0x00181608 | Shutter Lower Horizontal Edge. |
ShutterOverlayGroup | 0x00181623 | Shutter Overlay Group. |
ShutterPresentationColorCIELabValue | 0x00181624 | Shutter Presentation Color CIELab Value. |
ShutterPresentationValue | 0x00181622 | Shutter Presentation Value. |
ShutterRightVerticalEdge | 0x00181604 | Shutter Right Vertical Edge. |
ShutterShape | 0x00181600 | Shutter Shape. |
ShutterUpperHorizontalEdge | 0x00181606 | Shutter Upper Horizontal Edge. |
SignalDomainColumns | 0x00289003 | Signal Domain Columns. |
SignalDomainRows | 0x00289235 | Signal Domain Rows. |
SignalToNoiseRatio | 0x00221155 | Signal to Noise Ratio. |
Signature | 0x04000120 | The Signature. |
SimpleFrameList | 0x00081161 | Simple Frame List. |
SingleCollimationWidth | 0x00189306 | Single Collimation Width. |
SkipBeats | 0x00181086 | Skip Beats. |
SkipFrameRangeFlag | 0x00089460 | Skip Frame Range Flag. |
SlabOrientation | 0x00189105 | Slab Orientation. |
SlabThickness | 0x00189104 | Slab Thickness. |
SliceLocation | 0x00201041 | Slice Location. |
SliceLocationVector | 0x00182005 | Slice Location Vector. |
SliceProgressionDirection | 0x00540500 | Slice Progression Direction. |
SliceSensitivityFactor | 0x00541320 | Slice Sensitivity Factor. |
SliceThickness | 0x00180050 | Slice Thickness. |
SliceVector | 0x00540080 | Slice Vector. |
SlideIdentifier | 0x004006FA | Slide Identifier. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SmallestImagePixelValue | 0x00280106 | Smallest Image Pixel Value. |
SmallestImagePixelValueInPlane | 0x00280110 | Smallest Image Pixel Value in Plane. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SmallestPixelValueInSeries | 0x00280108 | Smallest Pixel Value in Series. |
SmallestValidPixelValue | 0x00280104 | Smallest Valid Pixel Value. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SmokingStatus | 0x001021A0 | Smoking Status. |
SmoothingType | 0x20100080 | Smoothing Type. |
SnoutID | 0x300A030F | Snout Identifier. |
SnoutPosition | 0x300A030D | Snout Position. |
SnoutPositionTolerance | 0x300A004B | Snout Position Tolerance. |
SnoutSequence | 0x300A030C | Snout Sequence. |
SoftcopyVOILUTSequence | 0x00283110 | Softcopy VOI LUT Sequence. |
SoftTissueFocusThermalIndex | 0x00185028 | Soft Tissue-focus Thermal Index. |
SoftTissueSurfaceThermalIndex | 0x00185029 | Soft Tissue-surface Thermal Index. |
SoftTissueThermalIndex | 0x00185027 | Soft Tissue Thermal Index. |
SoftwareVersions | 0x00181020 | Software Version(s). |
SOPAuthorizationComment | 0x01000424 | SOP Authorization Comment. |
SOPAuthorizationDateandTime | 0x01000420 | SOP Authorization DateTime. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SOPAuthorizationDateTime | 0x01000420 | SOP Authorization DateTime. |
SOPClassesInStudy | 0x00080062 | SOP Classes In Study. |
SOPClassesSupported | 0x0008115A | SOP Classes Supported. |
SOPClassSupported | 0x0008115A | SOP Classes Supported. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SOPClassUID | 0x00080016 | SOP Class UID. |
SOPInstanceStatus | 0x01000410 | SOP Instance Status. |
SOPInstanceUID | 0x00080018 | SOP Instance UID. |
SOPInstanceUIDOfConcatenationSource | 0x00200242 | SOP Instance UID of Concatenation Source. |
SortbyCategory | 0x00720602 | Sort-by Category. |
SortingDirection | 0x00720604 | Sorting Direction. |
SortingOperationsSequence | 0x00720600 | Sorting Operations Sequence. |
SoundPathLength | 0x0014405A | Sound Path Length. |
SourceApplicationEntityTitle | 0x00020016 | Source Application Entity Title. |
SourceApplicatorID | 0x300A0291 | Source Applicator ID. |
SourceApplicatorLength | 0x300A0296 | Source Applicator Length. |
SourceApplicatorManufacturer | 0x300A0298 | Source Applicator Manufacturer. |
SourceApplicatorName | 0x300A0294 | Source Applicator Name. |
SourceApplicatorNumber | 0x300A0290 | Source Applicator Number. |
SourceApplicatorStepSize | 0x300A02A0 | Source Applicator Step Size. |
SourceApplicatorType | 0x300A0292 | Source Applicator Type. |
SourceApplicatorWallNominalThickness | 0x300A029C | Source Applicator Wall Nominal Thickness. |
SourceApplicatorWallNominalTransmission | 0x300A029E | Source Applicator Wall Nominal Transmission. |
SourceAxisDistance | 0x300A00B4 | Source-Axis Distance. |
SourceEncapsulationNominalThickness | 0x300A0222 | Source Encapsulation Nominal Thickness. |
SourceEncapsulationNominalTransmission | 0x300A0224 | Source Encapsulation Nominal Transmission. |
SourceFrameOfReferenceUID | 0x00640003 | Source Frame of Reference UID. |
SourceHangingProtocolSequence | 0x00720012 | Source Hanging Protocol Sequence. |
SourceImageEvidenceSequence | 0x00089154 | Source Image Evidence Sequence. |
SourceImageIDs | 0x00203100 | Source Image IDs. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SourceImageSequence | 0x00082112 | Source Image Sequence. |
SourceInstanceSequence | 0x00420013 | Source Instance Sequence. |
SourceIsotopeHalfLife | 0x300A0228 | Source Isotope Half Life. |
SourceIsotopeName | 0x300A0226 | Source Isotope Name. |
SourceManufacturer | 0x300A0216 | Source Manufacturer. |
SourceMovementType | 0x300A0288 | Source Movement Type. |
SourceNumber | 0x300A0212 | Source Number. |
SourceOfAnteriorChamberDepthDataCodeSequence | 0x00221133 | Source of Anterior Chamber Depth Data Code Sequence. |
SourceOfLensThicknessDataCodeSequence | 0x00221132 | Source of Lens Thickness Data Code Sequence. |
SourceOfOphthalmicAxialLengthCodeSequence | 0x00221035 | Source of Ophthalmic Axial Length Code Sequence. |
SourceOfPreviousValues | 0x04000564 | Source of Previous Values. |
SourceOfRefractiveErrorDataCodeSequence | 0x00221135 | Source of Refractive Error Data Code Sequence. |
SourceOrientation | 0x40101060 | Source Orientation. |
SourcePosition | 0x40101061 | Source Position. |
SourceSequence | 0x300A0210 | Source Sequence. |
SourceSerialNumber | 0x30080105 | Source Serial Number. |
SourceStrength | 0x300A022B | Source Strength. |
SourceStrengthAirKermaRateReferenceDateDA1 | 0x300A022C | Source Strength Reference Date. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SourceStrengthAirKermaRateReferenceTimeTM1 | 0x300A022E | Source Strength Reference Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SourceStrengthReferenceDate | 0x300A022C | Source Strength Reference Date. |
SourceStrengthReferenceTime | 0x300A022E | Source Strength Reference Time. |
SourceStrengthUnits | 0x300A0229 | Source Strength Units. |
SourceToApplicatorMountingPositionDistance | 0x300A0436 | Source to Applicator Mounting Position Distance. |
SourceToBeamLimitingDeviceDistance | 0x300A00BA | Source to Beam Limiting Device Distance. |
SourceToBlockTrayDistance | 0x300A00F6 | Source to Block Tray Distance. |
SourceToCompensatorDistance | 0x300A02E2 | Source to Compensator Distance. |
SourceToCompensatorTrayDistance | 0x300A00E6 | Source to Compensator Tray Distance. |
SourceToEntranceDistance | 0x00400306 | Distance Source to Entrance. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SourceToReferenceObjectDistance | 0x30020028 | Source to Reference Object Distance. |
SourceToSurfaceDistance | 0x300A0130 | Source to Surface Distance. |
SourceToWedgeTrayDistance | 0x300A00DA | Source to Wedge Tray Distance. |
SourceType | 0x300A0214 | Source Type. |
SourceWaveformSequence | 0x003A020A | Source Waveform Sequence. |
SpacingBetweenSlices | 0x00180088 | Spacing Between Slices. |
SpatialLocationsPreserved | 0x0028135A | Spatial Locations Preserved. |
SpatialPresaturation | 0x00189027 | Spatial Pre-saturation. |
SpatialResolution | 0x00181050 | Spatial Resolution. |
SpecialNeeds | 0x00380050 | Special Needs. |
SpecificAbsorptionRateDefinition | 0x00189179 | Specific Absorption Rate Definition. |
SpecificAbsorptionRateSequence | 0x00189239 | Specific Absorption Rate Sequence. |
SpecificAbsorptionRateValue | 0x00189181 | Specific Absorption Rate Value. |
SpecificCharacterSet | 0x00080005 | Specific Character Set. |
SpecificCharacterSetOfFilesetDescriptorFile | 0x00041142 | Specific Character Set of File-set Descriptor File. |
SpecifiedChannelTotalTime | 0x30080132 | Specified Channel Total Time. |
SpecifiedMeterset | 0x30080042 | Specified Meterset. |
SpecifiedNumberofPulses | 0x30080136 | Specified Number of Pulses. |
SpecifiedPrimaryMeterset | 0x30080032 | Specified Primary Meterset. |
SpecifiedPulseRepetitionInterval | 0x3008013A | Specified Pulse Repetition Interval. |
SpecifiedSecondaryMeterset | 0x30080033 | Specified Secondary Meterset. |
SpecifiedTreatmentTime | 0x3008003A | Specified Treatment Time. |
SpecimenAccessionNumber | 0x0040050A | Specimen Accession Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SpecimenDescription | 0x00400553 | Specimen Description - Trial. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SpecimenDescriptionSequence | 0x00400560 | Specimen Description Sequence. |
SpecimenDescriptionSequenceTrial | 0x00400552 | Specimen Description Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SpecimenDescriptionTrial | 0x00400553 | Specimen Description (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SpecimenDetailedDescription | 0x00400602 | Specimen Detailed Description. |
SpecimenIdentifier | 0x00400551 | Specimen Identifier. |
SpecimenLabelInImage | 0x00480010 | Specimen Label in Image. |
SpecimenLocalizationContentItemSequence | 0x00400620 | Specimen Localization Content Item Sequence. |
SpecimenPreparationSequence | 0x00400610 | Specimen Preparation Sequence. |
SpecimenPreparationStepContentItemSequence | 0x00400612 | Specimen Preparation Step Content Item Sequence. |
SpecimenReferenceSequence | 0x00480110 | Specimen Reference Sequence. |
SpecimenSequence | 0x00400550 | Specimen Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SpecimenShortDescription | 0x00400600 | Specimen Short Description. |
SpecimenTypeCodeSequence | 0x0040059A | Specimen Type Code Sequence. |
SpecimenUID | 0x00400554 | Specimen UID. |
SpectrallySelectedExcitation | 0x00189026 | Spectrally Selected Excitation. |
SpectrallySelectedSuppression | 0x00189025 | Spectrally Selected Suppression. |
SpectralWidth | 0x00189052 | Spectral Width. |
SpectroscopyAcqDataColumns | 0x00189127 | Spectroscopy Acquisition Data Columns. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SpectroscopyAcqOutOfPlanePhaseStep | 0x00189159 | Spectroscopy Acquisition Out-of-plane Phase Steps. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SpectroscopyAcqPhaseColumns | 0x00189234 | Spectroscopy Acquisition Phase Columns. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SpectroscopyAcqPhaseRows | 0x00189095 | Spectroscopy Acquisition Phase Rows. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SpectroscopyAcquisitionDataColumns | 0x00189127 | Spectroscopy Acquisition Data Columns. |
SpectroscopyAcquisitionOutOfPlanePhaseSteps | 0x00189159 | Spectroscopy Acquisition Out-of-plane Phase Steps. |
SpectroscopyAcquisitionPhaseColumns | 0x00189234 | Spectroscopy Acquisition Phase Columns. |
SpectroscopyAcquisitionPhaseRows | 0x00189095 | Spectroscopy Acquisition Phase Rows. |
SpectroscopyData | 0x56000020 | Spectroscopy Data. |
SpherePower | 0x00460146 | Sphere Power. |
SphericalLensPower | 0x00220007 | Spherical Lens Power. |
SpiralPitchFactor | 0x00189311 | Spiral Pitch Factor. |
Spoiling | 0x00189016 | Spoiling value. |
SrcImgEvidenceSequence | 0x00089154 | Source Image Evidence Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
StackID | 0x00209056 | Stack Identifier. |
StageCodeSequence | 0x0040000A | Stage Code Sequence. |
StageName | 0x00082120 | Stage Name. |
StageNumber | 0x00082122 | Stage Number. |
StartAcquisitionDateTime | 0x00189516 | Start Acquisition DateTime. |
StartAngle | 0x00540200 | Start Angle. |
StartAngleVector | 0x00540200 | Start Angle. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
StartCardiacTriggerCountThreshold | 0x00189717 | Start Cardiac Trigger Count Threshold. |
StartCumulativeMetersetWeight | 0x300C0008 | Start Cumulative Meterset Weight. |
StartDensityThreshold | 0x00189715 | Start Density Threshold. |
StartingRespiratoryAmplitude | 0x00209246 | Starting Respiratory Amplitude. |
StartingRespiratoryPhase | 0x00209247 | Starting Respiratory Phase. |
StartMeterset | 0x30080078 | Start Meterset. |
StartRelativeDensityDifferenceThreshold | 0x00189716 | Start Relative Density Difference Threshold. |
StartRespiratoryTriggerCountThreshold | 0x00189718 | Start Respiratory Trigger Count Threshold. |
StartTrim | 0x00082142 | Start Trim. |
StationName | 0x00081010 | Station Name. |
Status | 0x00000900 | Operation Status. |
SteadyStatePulseSequence | 0x00189017 | Steady State Pulse Sequence. |
SteepKeratometricAxisSequence | 0x00460074 | Steep Keratometric Axis Sequence. |
SteeringAngle | 0x00186036 | Steering Angle. |
StereoBaselineAngle | 0x00220010 | Stereo Baseline Angle. |
StereoBaselineDisplacement | 0x00220011 | Stereo Baseline Displacement. |
StereoHorizontalPixelOffset | 0x00220012 | Stereo Horizontal Pixel Offset. |
StereoPairsSequence | 0x00220020 | Stereo Pairs Sequence. |
StereoRotation | 0x00220014 | Stereo Rotation. |
StereoVerticalPixelOffset | 0x00220013 | Stereo Vertical Pixel Offset. |
StimuliRetestingQuantity | 0x00240042 | Stimuli Retesting Quantity. |
StimulusArea | 0x00240025 | Stimulus Area. |
StimulusColorCodeSequence | 0x00240021 | Stimulus Color Code Sequence. |
StimulusPresentationTime | 0x00240028 | Stimulus Presentation Time. |
StimulusResults | 0x00240093 | Stimulus Results. |
StopTrim | 0x00082143 | Stop Trim. |
StorageMediaFilesetID | 0x00880130 | Storage Media File-set ID. |
StorageMediaFilesetUID | 0x00880140 | Storage Media File-set UID. |
StructuredDisplayBackgroundCIELabValue | 0x00720420 | Structured Display Background CIELab Value. |
StructuredDisplayImageBoxSequence | 0x00720422 | Structured Display Image Box Sequence. |
StructuredDisplayTextBoxSequence | 0x00720424 | Structured Display Text Box Sequence. |
StructureSetDate | 0x30060008 | Structure Set Date. |
StructureSetDescription | 0x30060006 | Structure Set Description. |
StructureSetLabel | 0x30060002 | Structure Set Label. |
StructureSetName | 0x30060004 | Structure Set Name. |
StructureSetRoiSequence | 0x30060020 | Structure Set ROI Sequence. |
StructureSetTime | 0x30060009 | Structure Set Time. |
StudiesContainingOtherReferencedInstancesSequence | 0x00081200 | Studies Containing Other Referenced Instances Sequence. |
StudyArrivalDate | 0x00321040 | Study Arrival Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
StudyArrivalTime | 0x00321041 | Study Arrival Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
StudyComments | 0x00324000 | Study Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
StudyCompletionDate | 0x00321050 | Study Completion Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
StudyCompletionTime | 0x00321051 | Study Completion Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
StudyComponentStatusID | 0x00321055 | Study Component Status ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
StudyDate | 0x00080020 | Study Date. |
StudyDescription | 0x00081030 | Study Description. |
StudyID | 0x00200010 | Study Identifier. |
StudyIDIssuer | 0x00320012 | Study ID Issuer. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
StudyInstanceUID | 0x0020000D | Study Instance UID. |
StudyPriorityID | 0x0032000C | Study Priority ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
StudyReadDate | 0x00320034 | Study Read Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
StudyReadTime | 0x00320035 | Study Read Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
StudyStatusID | 0x0032000A | Study Status ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
StudyTime | 0x00080030 | Study Time. |
StudyVerifiedDate | 0x00320032 | Study Verified Date. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
StudyVerifiedTime | 0x00320033 | Study Verified Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
SubjectiveRefractionLeftEyeSequence | 0x00460098 | Subjective Refraction Left Eye Sequence. |
SubjectiveRefractionRightEyeSequence | 0x00460097 | Subjective Refraction Right Eye Sequence. |
SubscriptionListStatus | 0x00741244 | Subscription List Status. |
SubstanceAdministrationApproval | 0x00440002 | Substance Administration Approval. |
SubstanceAdministrationDateTime | 0x00440010 | Substance Administration DateTime. |
SubstanceAdministrationDeviceID | 0x00440012 | Substance Administration Device ID. |
SubstanceAdministrationNotes | 0x00440011 | Substance Administration Notes. |
SubstanceAdministrationParameterSequence | 0x00440019 | Substance Administration Parameter Sequence. |
SubtractionItemID | 0x00289416 | Subtraction Item ID. |
SupportedImageDisplayFormatsSequence | 0x200000A8 | Supported Image Display Formats Sequence. |
SurfaceComments | 0x00660004 | Surface Comments. |
SurfaceCount | 0x0066002A | Surface Count. |
SurfaceEntryPoint | 0x300A012E | Surface Entry Point. |
SurfaceMeshPrimitivesSequence | 0x00660013 | Surface Mesh Primitives Sequence. |
SurfaceModelDescriptionSequence | 0x00686360 | Surface Model Description Sequence. |
SurfaceModelLabel | 0x00686380 | Surface Model Label. |
SurfaceModelScalingFactor | 0x00686390 | Surface Model Scaling Factor. |
SurfaceNumber | 0x00660003 | Surface Number. |
SurfacePointsNormalsSequence | 0x00660012 | Surface Points Normals Sequence. |
SurfacePointsSequence | 0x00660011 | Surface Points Sequence. |
SurfaceProcessing | 0x00660009 | Surface Processing. |
SurfaceProcessingAlgorithmIdentificationSequence | 0x00660035 | Surface Processing Algorithm Identification Sequence. |
SurfaceProcessingDescription | 0x0066000B | Surface Processing Description. |
SurfaceProcessingRatio | 0x0066000A | Surface Processing Ratio. |
SurfaceSequence | 0x00660002 | Surface Sequence. |
SurgicalTechnique | 0x00760030 | Surgical Technique. |
SUVType | 0x00541006 | SUV Type. |
SyncFrameOfRefUID | 0x00200200 | Synchronization Frame of Reference UID. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
SynchronizationChannel | 0x0018106C | Synchronization Channel. |
SynchronizationFrameOfReferenceUID | 0x00200200 | Synchronization Frame of Reference UID. |
SynchronizationTrigger | 0x0018106A | Synchronization Trigger. |
SynchronizedImageBoxList | 0x00720432 | Synchronized Image Box List. |
SynchronizedScrollingSequence | 0x00720210 | Synchronized Scrolling Sequence. |
SyringeCounts | 0x00181045 | Syringe Counts. |
T2Preparation | 0x00189021 | T2 Preparation. |
TableAngle | 0x00181138 | Table Angle. |
TableCradleTiltAngle | 0x00189471 | Table Cradle Tilt Angle. |
TableFeedperRotation | 0x00189310 | Table Feed per Rotation. |
TableFrameOfReferenceUID | 0x00209313 | Table Frame of Reference UID. |
TableHeadTiltAngle | 0x00189470 | Table Head Tilt Angle. |
TableHeight | 0x00181130 | Table Height. |
TableHorizontalRotationAngle | 0x00189469 | Table Horizontal Rotation Angle. |
TableLateralIncrement | 0x00181136 | Table Lateral Increment. |
TableLongitudinalIncrement | 0x00181137 | Table Longitudinal Increment. |
TableMotion | 0x00181134 | Table Motion. |
TableOfParameterValues | 0x0018605A | Table of Parameter Values. |
TableOfPixelValues | 0x00186058 | Table of Pixel Values. |
TableOfXBreakPoints | 0x00186052 | Table of X Break Points. |
TableOfYBreakPoints | 0x00186054 | Table of Y Break Points. |
TablePosition | 0x00189327 | Table Position. |
TablePositionSequence | 0x00189406 | Table Position Sequence. |
TableSpeed | 0x00189309 | Table Speed. |
TableTopEccentricAdjustedAngle | 0x0074102B | Table Top Eccentric Adjusted Angle. |
TableTopEccentricAngle | 0x300A0125 | Table Top Eccentric Angle. |
TableTopEccentricAngleTolerance | 0x300A004E | Table Top Eccentric Angle Tolerance. |
TableTopEccentricAxisDistance | 0x300A0124 | Table Top Eccentric Axis Distance. |
TableTopEccentricRotationDirection | 0x300A0126 | Table Top Eccentric Rotation Direction. |
TableTopLateralAdjustedPosition | 0x00741028 | Table Top Lateral Adjusted Position. |
TableTopLateralPosition | 0x300A012A | Table Top Lateral Position. |
TableTopLateralPositionTolerance | 0x300A0053 | Table Top Lateral Position Tolerance. |
TableTopLateralSetupDisplacement | 0x300A01D6 | Table Top Lateral Setup Displacement. |
TableTopLogitudinalPositionTolerance | 0x300A0052 | Table Top Longitudinal Position Tolerance. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
TableTopLogitudinalSetupDisplacement | 0x300A01D4 | Table Top Longitudinal Setup Displacement. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
TableTopLongitudinalAdjustedPosition | 0x00741027 | Table Top Longitudinal Adjusted Position. |
TableTopLongitudinalPosition | 0x300A0129 | Table Top Longitudinal Position. |
TableTopLongitudinalPositionTolerance | 0x300A0052 | Table Top Longitudinal Position Tolerance. |
TableTopLongitudinalSetupDisplacement | 0x300A01D4 | Table Top Longitudinal Setup Displacement. |
TableTopPitchAdjustedAngle | 0x0074102C | Table Top Pitch Adjusted Angle. |
TableTopPitchAngle | 0x300A0140 | Table Top Pitch Angle. |
TableTopPitchAngleTolerance | 0x300A004F | Table Top Pitch Angle Tolerance. |
TableTopPitchRotationDirection | 0x300A0142 | Table Top Pitch Rotation Direction. |
TableTopRollAdjustedAngle | 0x0074102D | Table Top Roll Adjusted Angle. |
TableTopRollAngle | 0x300A0144 | Table Top Roll Angle. |
TableTopRollAngleTolerance | 0x300A0050 | Table Top Roll Angle Tolerance. |
TableTopRollRotationDirection | 0x300A0146 | Table Top Roll Rotation Direction. |
TableTopVerticalAdjustedPosition | 0x00741026 | Table Top Vertical Adjusted Position. |
TableTopVerticalPosition | 0x300A0128 | Table Top Vertical Position. |
TableTopVerticalPositionTolerance | 0x300A0051 | Table Top Vertical Position Tolerance. |
TableTopVerticalSetupDisplacement | 0x300A01D2 | Table Top Vertical Setup Displacement. |
TableTraverse | 0x00181131 | Table Traverse. |
TableType | 0x0018113A | Table Type. |
TableVerticalIncrement | 0x00181135 | Table Vertical Increment. |
TableXPositiontoIsocenter | 0x00189466 | Table X Position to Isocenter. |
TableYPositiontoIsocenter | 0x00189467 | Table Y Position to Isocenter. |
TableZPositiontoIsocenter | 0x00189468 | Table Z Position to Isocenter. |
TagAngleFirstAxis | 0x00189019 | Tag Angle First Axis. |
TagAngleSecondAxis | 0x00189219 | Tag Angle Second Axis. |
Tagging | 0x00189028 | Tagging value. |
TaggingDelay | 0x00189184 | Tagging Delay. |
TagSpacingFirstDimension | 0x00189030 | Tag Spacing First Dimension. |
TagSpacingSecondDimension | 0x00189218 | Tag Spacing Second Dimension. |
TagThickness | 0x00189035 | Tag Thickness. |
TargetExposureIndex | 0x00181412 | Target Exposure Index. |
TargetMaximumDose | 0x300A0027 | Target Maximum Dose. |
TargetMinimumDose | 0x300A0025 | Target Minimum Dose. |
TargetPrescriptionDose | 0x300A0026 | Target Prescription Dose. |
TargetRefraction | 0x00221037 | Target Refraction. |
TargetUnderdoseVolumeFraction | 0x300A0028 | Target Underdose Volume Fraction. |
TDRType | 0x40101027 | TDR Type. |
TelephoneNumber | 0x0040A354 | Telephone Number (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TelephoneNumberTrial | 0x0040A354 | Telephone Number (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TemplateExtensionCreatorUID | 0x0040DB0D | Template Extension Creator UID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TemplateExtensionFlag | 0x0040DB0B | Template Extension Flag. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TemplateExtensionOrganizationUID | 0x0040DB0C | Template Extension Organization UID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TemplateIdentifier | 0x0040DB00 | Template Identifier. |
TemplateLocalVersion | 0x0040DB07 | Template Local Version. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TemplateName | 0x300A0244 | Template Name. |
TemplateNumber | 0x300A0240 | Template Number. |
TemplateType | 0x300A0242 | Template Type. |
TemplateVersion | 0x0040DB06 | Template Version. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TemporalPositionIdentifier | 0x00200100 | Temporal Position Identifier. |
TemporalPositionIndex | 0x00209128 | Temporal Position Index. |
TemporalPositionSequence | 0x00209310 | Temporal Position Sequence. |
TemporalPositionTimeOffset | 0x0020930D | Temporal Position Time Offset. |
TemporalRangeType | 0x0040A130 | Temporal Range Type. |
TemporalResolution | 0x00200110 | Temporal Resolution. |
TerminalType | 0x00004010 | Terminal Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TerminationCardiacTriggerCountThreshold | 0x00189723 | Termination Cardiac Trigger Count Threshold. |
TerminationCountsThreshold | 0x00189719 | Termination Counts Threshold. |
TerminationDensityThreshold | 0x00189720 | Termination Density Threshold. |
TerminationRelativeDensityThreshold | 0x00189721 | Termination Relative Density Threshold. |
TerminationRespiratoryTriggerCountThreshold | 0x00189724 | Termination Respiratory Trigger Count Threshold. |
TerminationTimeThreshold | 0x00189722 | Termination Time Threshold. |
TestPointNormalsDataFlag | 0x00240057 | Test Point Normals Data Flag. |
TestPointNormalsSequence | 0x00240058 | Test Point Normals Sequence. |
TextColorCIELabValue | 0x00700241 | Text Color CIELab Value. |
TextComments | 0x40004000 | Text Comments. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TextFormatID | 0x00005130 | Text Format ID. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TextObjectSequence | 0x00700008 | Text Object Sequence. |
TextString | 0x20300020 | Text String. |
TextStyleSequence | 0x00700231 | Text Style Sequence. |
TextValue | 0x0040A160 | Text Value. |
TherapyDescription | 0x00180039 | Therapy Description. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TherapyType | 0x00180037 | Therapy Type. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ThreatCategory | 0x40101012 | Threat Category. |
ThreatCategoryDescription | 0x40101013 | Threat Category Description. |
ThreatDetectionAlgorithmandVersion | 0x40101029 | Threat Detection Algorithm and Version. |
ThreatROIBase | 0x40101004 | Threat ROI Base. |
ThreatROIBitmap | 0x40101006 | Threat ROI Bitmap. |
ThreatROIExtents | 0x40101005 | Threat ROI Extents. |
ThreatROIVoxelSequence | 0x40101001 | Threat ROI Voxel Sequence. |
ThreatSequence | 0x40101011 | Threat Sequence. |
ThreeDDegreeOfFreedomAxis | 0x00686490 | 3D Degree of Freedom Axis. |
ThreeDImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatchingAxes | 0x00780060 | 3D Implant Template Group Member Matching Axes. |
ThreeDImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatchingPoint | 0x00780050 | 3D Implant Template Group Member Matching Point. |
ThreeDLineCoordinates | 0x006865D0 | 3D Line Coordinates. |
ThreeDMatingAxes | 0x006864D0 | 3D Mating Axes. |
ThreeDMatingPoint | 0x006864C0 | 3D Mating Point. |
ThreeDPlaneNormal | 0x00686620 | 3D Plane Normal. |
ThreeDPlaneOrigin | 0x00686610 | 3D Plane Origin. |
ThreeDPointCoordinates | 0x00686590 | 3D Point Coordinates. |
ThreeDRenderingType | 0x00720520 | 3D Rendering Type. |
ThresholdDensity | 0x20400100 | Threshold Density. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TickAlignment | 0x00700274 | Tick Alignment. |
TickLabel | 0x00700289 | Tick Label. |
TickLabelAlignment | 0x00700279 | Tick Label Alignment. |
TickPosition | 0x00700288 | Tick Position. |
TidOffset | 0x00286120 | TID Offset. |
Time | 0x0040A122 | Time value. |
TimeBasedImageSetsSequence | 0x00720030 | Time Based Image Sets Sequence. |
TimeDistributionProtocol | 0x00181802 | Time Distribution Protocol. |
TimeDomainFiltering | 0x00189065 | Time Domain Filtering. |
TimeOfDocumentCreationOrVerbalTransactionTrial | 0x0040A112 | Time of Document Creation or Verbal Transaction (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TimeOfFlightContrast | 0x00189015 | Time of Flight Contrast. |
TimeOfFlightInformationUsed | 0x00189755 | Time of Flight Information Used. |
TimeOfGainCalibration | 0x00143077 | Time of Gain Calibration. |
TimeOfLastCalibration | 0x00181201 | Time of Last Calibration. |
TimeOfLastDetectorCalibration | 0x0018700E | Time of Last Detector Calibration. |
TimeOfSecondaryCapture | 0x00181014 | Time of Secondary Capture. |
TimeRange | 0x00081163 | Time Range. |
TimeSliceVector | 0x00540100 | Time Slice Vector. |
TimeSlotInformationSequence | 0x00540072 | Time Slot Information Sequence. |
TimeSlotInfoSequence | 0x00540072 | Time Slot Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
TimeSlotNumber | 0x00200017 | Time Slot Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TimeSlotTime | 0x00540073 | Time Slot Time. |
TimeSlotVector | 0x00540070 | Time Slot Vector. |
TimeSource | 0x00181801 | Time Source. |
TimezoneOffsetFromUTC | 0x00080201 | Timezone Offset From UTC. |
TIPType | 0x40101039 | TIP Type. |
TissueHeterogeneityCorrection | 0x30040014 | Tissue Heterogeneity Correction. |
TmLinePositionX0 | 0x0018603D | TM-Line Position X0. |
TMLinePositionX0Retired | 0x0018603C | TM-Line Position X0 (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TmLinePositionX1 | 0x00186041 | TM-Line Position X1. |
TMLinePositionX1Retired | 0x00186040 | TM-Line Position X1 (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TmLinePositionY0 | 0x0018603F | TM-Line Position Y0. |
TMLinePositionY0Retired | 0x0018603E | TM-Line Position Y0 (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TmLinePositionY1 | 0x00186043 | TM-Line Position Y1. |
TMLinePositionY1Retired | 0x00186042 | TM-Line Position Y1 (Retired). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ToleranceTableLabel | 0x300A0043 | Tolerance Table Label. |
ToleranceTableNumber | 0x300A0042 | Tolerance Table Number. |
ToleranceTableSequence | 0x300A0040 | Tolerance Table Sequence. |
TomoAngle | 0x00181470 | Tomo Angle. |
TomoClass | 0x00181491 | Tomo Class. |
TomoLayerHeight | 0x00181460 | Tomo Layer Height. |
TomoSourceImageNumber | 0x00181495 | Number of Tomosynthesis Source Images. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
TomoTime | 0x00181480 | Tomo Time. |
TomoType | 0x00181490 | Tomo Type. |
TopicAuthor | 0x00880910 | Topic Author. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TopicKeywords | 0x00880912 | Topic Keywords. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TopicSubject | 0x00880906 | Topic Subject. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TopicTitle | 0x00880904 | Topic Title. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TopLeftHandCornerOfLocalizerArea | 0x00480201 | Top Left Hand Corner of Localizer Area. |
TotalBlockTrayFactor | 0x300A00F2 | Total Block Tray Factor. |
TotalBlockTrayWaterEquivalentThickness | 0x300A00F3 | Total Block Tray Water-Equivalent Thickness. |
TotalCollimationWidth | 0x00189307 | Total Collimation Width. |
TotalCompensatorTrayFactor | 0x300A00E2 | Total Compensator Tray Factor. |
TotalCompensatorTrayWaterEquivalentThickness | 0x300A02E3 | Total Compensator Tray Water-Equivalent Thickness. |
TotalGain | 0x00185040 | Total Gain. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TotalNumberofExposure | 0x00400301 | Total Number of Exposures. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
TotalNumberofExposures | 0x00400301 | Total Number of Exposures. |
TotalNumberofPiecesofMediaCreated | 0x2200000B | Total Number of Pieces of Media Created. |
TotalPixelMatrixColumns | 0x00480006 | Total Pixel Matrix Columns. |
TotalPixelMatrixOriginSequence | 0x00480008 | Total Pixel Matrix Origin Sequence. |
TotalPixelMatrixRows | 0x00480007 | Total Pixel Matrix Rows. |
TotalProcessingTime | 0x40101069 | Total Processing Time. |
TotalReferenceAirKerma | 0x300A0250 | Total Reference Air Kerma. |
TotalTime | 0x50FF200A | Total Time. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TotalTimeofFluoroscopy | 0x00400300 | Total Time of Fluoroscopy. |
TotalWedgeTrayWaterEquivalentThickness | 0x300A00D7 | Total Wedge Tray Water-Equivalent Thickness. |
TransactionUID | 0x00081195 | Transaction UID. |
TransducerApplicationCodeSequence | 0x0018980F | Transducer Application Code Sequence. |
TransducerBeamSteeringCodeSequence | 0x0018980E | Transducer Beam Steering Code Sequence. |
TransducerData | 0x00185010 | Transducer Data. |
TransducerFrequency | 0x00186030 | Transducer Frequency. |
TransducerGeometryCodeSequence | 0x0018980D | Transducer Geometry Code Sequence. |
TransducerOrientation | 0x00082204 | Transducer Orientation. |
TransducerOrientationModifierSequence | 0x00082246 | Transducer Orientation Modifier Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TransducerOrientationSequence | 0x00082244 | Transducer Orientation Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TransducerPosition | 0x00082200 | Transducer Position. |
TransducerPositionModifierSequence | 0x00082242 | Transducer Position Modifier Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TransducerPositionSequence | 0x00082240 | Transducer Position Sequence. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TransducerScanPatternCodeSequence | 0x00189809 | Transducer Scan Pattern Code Sequence. |
TransducerType | 0x00186031 | Transducer Type. |
TransferSyntaxUID | 0x00020010 | Transfer Syntax UID. This tells whether the DICOM file uses big or little endian format, which compression is used, if any, and whether the file uses Implicit or Explicit Value Representation syntax. |
TransferTubeLength | 0x300A02A4 | Transfer Tube Length. |
TransferTubeNumber | 0x300A02A2 | Transfer Tube Number. |
TransformDescription | 0x00142222 | Transform Description. |
TransformedAxisUnits | 0x00142228 | Transformed Axis Units. |
TransformLabel | 0x00280400 | Transform Label. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TransformNumberOfAxes | 0x00142224 | Transform Number of Axes. |
TransformOrderOfAxes | 0x00142226 | Transform Order of Axes. |
TransformVersionNumber | 0x00280401 | Transform Version Number. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TransmitCoilManufacturerName | 0x00189050 | Transmit Coil Manufacturer Name. |
TransmitCoilName | 0x00181251 | Transmit Coil Name. |
TransmitCoilType | 0x00189051 | Transmit Coil Type. |
TransmitterFrequency | 0x00189098 | Transmitter Frequency. |
TransmitTransducerSequence | 0x00144010 | Transmit Transducer Sequence. |
TransmitTransducerSettingsSequence | 0x00144050 | Transmit Transducer Settings Sequence. |
TransportClassification | 0x40101067 | Transport Classification. |
TransverseDetectorSeparation | 0x00189726 | Transverse Detector Separation. |
TransverseMash | 0x00541202 | Transverse Mash. |
TreatmentControlPointDate | 0x30080024 | Treatment Control Point Date. |
TreatmentControlPointTime | 0x30080025 | Treatment Control Point Time. |
TreatmentDate | 0x30080250 | Treatment Date. |
TreatmentDeliveryType | 0x300A00CE | Treatment Delivery Type. |
TreatmentIntent | 0x300A000A | Plan Intent. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
TreatmentMachineName | 0x300A00B2 | Treatment Machine Name. |
TreatmentMachineSequence | 0x300A0206 | Treatment Machine Sequence. |
TreatmentProtocol | 0x300A0009 | Treatment Protocols. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
TreatmentProtocols | 0x300A0009 | Treatment Protocols. |
TreatmentSessionApplicationSetupSequence | 0x30080110 | Treatment Session Application Setup Sequence. |
TreatmentSessionBeamSequence | 0x30080020 | Treatment Session Beam Sequence. |
TreatmentSessionIonBeamSequence | 0x30080021 | Treatment Session Ion Beam Sequence. |
TreatmentSessionSetupSequence | 0x30080110 | Treatment Session Application Setup Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
TreatmentSite | 0x300A000B | Treatment Sites. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
TreatmentSites | 0x300A000B | Treatment Sites. |
TreatmentStatusComment | 0x30080202 | Treatment Status Comment. |
TreatmentSummaryCalcDoseRef | 0x30080050 | Treatment Summary Calculated Dose Reference Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
TreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence | 0x30080050 | Treatment Summary Calculated Dose Reference Sequence. |
TreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence | 0x300800E0 | Treatment Summary Measured Dose Reference Sequence. |
TreatmentSummarySequence | 0x300800E0 | Treatment Summary Measured Dose Reference Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
TreatmentTerminationCode | 0x3008002B | Treatment Termination Code. |
TreatmentTerminationStatus | 0x3008002A | Treatment Termination Status. |
TreatmentTime | 0x30080251 | Treatment Time. |
TreatmentVerificationStatus | 0x3008002C | Treatment Verification Status. |
TriangleFanSequence | 0x00660027 | Triangle Fan Sequence. |
TrianglePointIndexList | 0x00660023 | Triangle Point Index List. |
TriangleStripSequence | 0x00660026 | Triangle Strip Sequence. |
TriggerDelayTime | 0x00209153 | Nominal Cardiac Trigger Delay Time. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
TriggerSamplePosition | 0x0018106E | Trigger Sample Position. |
TriggerSourceorType | 0x00181061 | Trigger Source or Type. |
TriggerTime | 0x00181060 | Trigger Time. |
TriggerTimeOffset | 0x00181069 | Trigger Time Offset. |
TriggerVector | 0x00540210 | Trigger Vector. |
TriggerWindow | 0x00181094 | Trigger Window. |
Trim | 0x20100140 | Trim value. |
TubeAngle | 0x00189303 | Tube Angle. |
TwoDDegreeOfFreedomAxis | 0x006864F0 | 2D Degree of Freedom Axis. |
TwoDDegreeOfFreedomSequence | 0x00686470 | 2D Degree of Freedom Sequence. |
TwoDImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatchingAxes | 0x007800A0 | 2D Implant Template Group Member Matching Axes. |
TwoDImplantTemplateGroupMemberMatchingPoint | 0x00780090 | 2D Implant Template Group Member Matching Point. |
TwoDLineCoordinates | 0x006865B0 | 2D Line Coordinates. |
TwoDLineCoordinatesSequence | 0x006865A0 | 2D Line Coordinates Sequence. |
TwoDMatingAxes | 0x00686460 | 2D Mating Axes. |
TwoDMatingFeatureCoordinatesSequence | 0x00686430 | 2D Mating Feature Coordinates Sequence. |
TwoDMatingPoint | 0x00686450 | 2D Mating Point. |
TwoDPlaneCoordinatesSequence | 0x006865E0 | 2D Plane Coordinates Sequence. |
TwoDPlaneIntersection | 0x006865F0 | 2D Plane Intersection. |
TwoDPointCoordinates | 0x00686560 | 2D Point Coordinates. |
TwoDPointCoordinatesSequence | 0x00686550 | 2D Point Coordinates Sequence. |
TypeOfData | 0x50FF0020 | Type of Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
TypeOfDetectorMotion | 0x00540202 | Type of Detector Motion. |
TypeOfFilters | 0x00181161 | Type of Filters. |
TypeOfInstances | 0x0040E020 | Type of Instances. |
TypeOfPatientID | 0x00100022 | Type of Patient ID. |
TypeOfSynchronization | 0x00720434 | Type of Synchronization. |
UID | 0x0040A124 | UID (unique identifier). |
UltrasoundAcquisitionGeometry | 0x00209307 | Ultrasound Acquisition Geometry. |
UltrasoundColorDataPresent | 0x00280014 | Ultrasound Color Data Present. |
UltrasoundOphthalmicAxialLengthMeasurementsSequence | 0x00221220 | Ultrasound Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Sequence. |
UltrasoundSelectedOphthalmicAxialLengthSequence | 0x00221230 | Ultrasound Selected Ophthalmic Axial Length Sequence. |
Underlined | 0x00700248 | Underlined. |
UnformattedTextValue | 0x00700006 | Unformatted Text Value. |
UnifiedProcedureStepCommunicationsURISequence | 0x00741008 | Unified Procedure Step Communications URI Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
UnifiedProcedureStepDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequence | 0x0074100E | Unified Procedure Step Discontinuation Reason Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
UnifiedProcedureStepListStatus | 0x00741246 | Unified Procedure Step List Status. |
UnifiedProcedureStepPerformedProcedureSequence | 0x00741216 | Unified Procedure Step Performed Procedure Sequence. |
UnifiedProcedureStepProgress | 0x00741004 | Unified Procedure Step Progress. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
UnifiedProcedureStepProgressDescription | 0x00741006 | Unified Procedure Step Progress Description. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
UnifiedProcedureStepProgressInformationSequence | 0x00741002 | Unified Procedure Step Progress Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
UnifiedProcedureStepState | 0x00741000 | Unified Procedure Step State. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
UniformResourceLocatorTrial | 0x0040A992 | Uniform Resource Locator (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
Units | 0x00541001 | The Units. |
UniversalEntityID | 0x00400032 | Universal Entity ID. |
UniversalEntityIDType | 0x00400033 | Universal Entity ID Type. |
UNKNOWN | 0x00000008 | Tag not found in the dictionary. |
UnspecifiedLateralityLensSequence | 0x00460016 | Unspecified Laterality Lens Sequence. |
UpperLowerPixelValues | 0x00181240 | Upper/Lower Pixel Values. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
UPSListStatus | 0x00741246 | Unified Procedure Step List Status. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
UPSPerformedProcedureSequence | 0x00741216 | Unified Procedure Step Performed Procedure Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
UPSProgressInformationSequence | 0x00741002 | Unified Procedure Step Progress Information Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
UrgencyOrPriorityAlertsTrial | 0x0040A057 | Urgency or Priority Alerts (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
UsedFiducialsSequence | 0x00700314 | Used Fiducials Sequence. |
USImageDescriptionSequence | 0x00189806 | US Image Description Sequence. |
ValueType | 0x0040A040 | Value Type. |
VariableCoefficientsSDDN | 0x7FFF0040 | Variable Coefficients SDDN. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
VariableCoefficientsSDHN | 0x7FFF0030 | Variable Coefficients SDHN. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
VariableCoefficientsSDVN | 0x7FFF0020 | Variable Coefficients SDVN. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
VariableFlipAngleFlag | 0x00181315 | Variable Flip Angle Flag. |
VariableNextDataGroup | 0x7FFF0011 | Variable Next Data Group. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
VariablePixelData | 0x7FFF0010 | Variable Pixel Data. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
VectorAccuracy | 0x00660020 | Vector Accuracy. |
VectorCoordinateData | 0x00660021 | Vector Coordinate Data. |
VectorDimensionality | 0x0066001F | Vector Dimensionality. |
VectorGridData | 0x00640009 | Vector Grid Data. |
VelocityEncodingAcquisitionSequence | 0x00189092 | Velocity Encoding Acquisition Sequence. |
VelocityEncodingDirection | 0x00189090 | Velocity Encoding Direction. |
VelocityEncodingMaximumValue | 0x00189217 | Velocity Encoding Maximum Value. |
VelocityEncodingMaxValue | 0x00189217 | Velocity Encoding Maximum Value. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
VelocityEncodingMinimumValue | 0x00189091 | Velocity Encoding Minimum Value. |
VelocityEncodingMinValue | 0x00189091 | Velocity Encoding Minimum Value. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
VelocityOfSound | 0x00144064 | Velocity of Sound. |
VerbalSourceIdentifierCodeSequenceTrial | 0x0040A358 | Verbal Source Identifier Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
VerbalSourceTrial | 0x0040A352 | Verbal Source (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
VerificationDateTime | 0x0040A030 | Verification Date Time. |
VerificationFlag | 0x0040A493 | Verification Flag. |
VerificationImageTiming | 0x00741032 | Verification Image Timing. |
VerifyingObserverIDCodeSequence | 0x0040A088 | Verifying Observer Identification Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
VerifyingObserverIdentificationCodeSequence | 0x0040A088 | Verifying Observer Identification Code Sequence. |
VerifyingObserverName | 0x0040A075 | Verifying Observer Name. |
VerifyingObserverSequence | 0x0040A073 | Verifying Observer Sequence. |
VerifyingOrganization | 0x0040A027 | Verifying Organization. |
VertexPointIndexList | 0x00660025 | Vertex Point Index List. |
VerticalAlignment | 0x00700243 | Vertical Alignment. |
VerticalOffsetOfSensor | 0x00143026 | Vertical Offset of Sensor. |
VerticalPrismBase | 0x00460036 | Vertical Prism Base. |
VerticalPrismPower | 0x00460034 | Vertical Prism Power. |
VerticesOfThePolygonalCollimator | 0x00181720 | Vertices of the Polygonal Collimator. |
VerticesofthePolygonalExposureControlSensing | 0x00189442 | Vertices of the Polygonal Exposure Control Sensing Region. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
VerticesOfThePolygonalExposureControlSensingRegion | 0x00189442 | Vertices of the Polygonal Exposure Control Sensing Region. |
VerticesOfThePolygonalShutter | 0x00181620 | Vertices of the Polygonal Shutter. |
VerticesOfTheRegion | 0x00289503 | Vertices of the Region. |
VideoImageFormatAcquired | 0x00181022 | Video Image Format Acquired. |
ViewAngulationModifierCodeSequence | 0x00540222 | View Modifier Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ViewCodeSequence | 0x00540220 | View Code Sequence. |
ViewCodeSequnce | 0x00540220 | View Code Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ViewingDistance | 0x00460106 | Viewing Distance. |
ViewingDistanceType | 0x00460125 | Viewing Distance Type. |
ViewModifierCodeSequence | 0x00540222 | View Modifier Code Sequence. |
ViewName | 0x00082127 | View Name. |
ViewNumber | 0x00082128 | View Number. |
ViewOrientationCodeSequence | 0x006862E0 | View Orientation Code Sequence. |
ViewOrientationModifier | 0x006862F0 | View Orientation Modifier. |
ViewPosition | 0x00185101 | View Position. |
VirtualSourceAxisDistances | 0x300A030A | Virtual Source-Axis Distances. |
VisitComments | 0x00384000 | Visit Comments. |
VisitStatusID | 0x00380008 | Visit Status ID. |
VisualAcuityBothEyesOpenSequence | 0x00460124 | Visual Acuity Both Eyes Open Sequence. |
VisualAcuityLeftEyeSequence | 0x00460123 | Visual Acuity Left Eye Sequence. |
VisualAcuityMeasurementSequence | 0x00240110 | Visual Acuity Measurement Sequence. |
VisualAcuityModifiers | 0x00460135 | Visual Acuity Modifiers. |
VisualAcuityRightEyeSequence | 0x00460122 | Visual Acuity Right Eye Sequence. |
VisualAcuityTypeCodeSequence | 0x00460121 | Visual Acuity Type Code Sequence. |
VisualFieldCatchTrialSequence | 0x00240034 | Visual Field Catch Trial Sequence. |
VisualFieldGlobalResultsIndexSequence | 0x00240320 | Visual Field Global Results Index Sequence. |
VisualFieldHorizontalExtent | 0x00240010 | Visual Field Horizontal Extent. |
VisualFieldMeanSensitivity | 0x00240070 | Visual Field Mean Sensitivity. |
VisualFieldShape | 0x00240012 | Visual Field Shape. |
VisualFieldTestDuration | 0x00240088 | Visual Field Test Duration. |
VisualFieldTestNormalsFlag | 0x00240063 | Visual Field Test Normals Flag. |
VisualFieldTestPointNormalsSequence | 0x00240097 | Visual Field Test Point Normals Sequence. |
VisualFieldTestPointSequence | 0x00240089 | Visual Field Test Point Sequence. |
VisualFieldTestPointXCoordinate | 0x00240090 | Visual Field Test Point X-Coordinate. |
VisualFieldTestPointYCoordinate | 0x00240091 | Visual Field Test Point Y-Coordinate. |
VisualFieldTestReliabilityGlobalIndexSequence | 0x00240317 | Visual Field Test Reliability Global Index Sequence. |
VisualFieldVerticalExtent | 0x00240011 | Visual Field Vertical Extent. |
VitalStainCodeSequence | 0x004009F8 | Vital Stain Code Sequence - Trial. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
VitalStainCodeSequenceTrial | 0x004009F8 | Vital Stain Code Sequence (Trial). This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
VitreousStatusCodeSequence | 0x00221025 | Vitreous Status Code Sequence. |
VitreousStatusDescription | 0x00221066 | Vitreous Status Description. |
VOILUTFunction | 0x00281056 | VOI LUT Function. |
VOILUTSequence | 0x00283010 | VOI LUT Sequence. |
VOIType | 0x00720702 | VOI (Value Of Interest) Type. |
VolumeBasedCalcTechnique | 0x00089207 | Volume Based Calculation Technique. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
VolumeBasedCalculationTechnique | 0x00089207 | Volume Based Calculation Technique. |
VolumeFrameOfReferenceUID | 0x00209312 | Volume Frame of Reference UID. |
VolumeLocalizationSequence | 0x00189126 | Volume Localization Sequence. |
VolumeLocalizationTechnique | 0x00189054 | Volume Localization Technique. |
VolumeOfPTO | 0x40101023 | Volume of PTO. |
VolumeToTableMappingMatrix | 0x0020930A | Volume to Table Mapping Matrix. |
VolumeToTransducerMappingMatrix | 0x00209309 | Volume to Transducer Mapping Matrix. |
VolumetricProperties | 0x00089206 | Volumetric Properties. |
WADORetrievalSequence | 0x0040E023 | WADO Retrieval Sequence. |
WaterReferencedPhaseCorrection | 0x00189199 | Water Referenced Phase Correction. |
WaveformAnnotationSequence | 0x0040B020 | Waveform Annotation Sequence. |
WaveformBitsAllocated | 0x54001004 | Waveform Bits Allocated. |
WaveformBitsStored | 0x003A021A | Waveform Bits Stored. |
WaveformChannelNumber | 0x003A0202 | Waveform Channel Number. |
WaveformData | 0x54001010 | Waveform Data. |
WaveformDataDisplayScale | 0x003A0230 | Waveform Data Display Scale. |
WaveformDisplayBackgroundCIELabValue | 0x003A0231 | Waveform Display Background CIELab Value. |
WaveformOriginality | 0x003A0004 | Waveform Originality. |
WaveformPaddingValue | 0x5400100A | Waveform Padding Value. |
WaveformPresentationGroupSequence | 0x003A0240 | Waveform Presentation Group Sequence. |
WaveformSampleInterpretation | 0x54001006 | Waveform Sample Interpretation. |
WaveformSampleValueRepresentation | 0x003A0103 | Waveform Sample Value Representation. |
WaveformSequence | 0x54000100 | Waveform Sequence. |
WaveformSource | 0x003A0208 | Channel Source Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
WaveformSourceModifiers | 0x003A0209 | Channel Source Modifiers Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
WedgeAngle | 0x300A00D5 | Wedge Angle. |
WedgeFactor | 0x300A00D6 | Wedge Factor. |
WedgeID | 0x300A00D4 | Wedge Identifier. |
WedgeNumber | 0x300A00D2 | Wedge Number. |
WedgeOrientation | 0x300A00D8 | Wedge Orientation. |
WedgePosition | 0x300A0118 | Wedge Position. |
WedgePositionSequence | 0x300A0116 | Wedge Position Sequence. |
WedgeSequence | 0x300A00D1 | Wedge Sequence. |
WedgeThinEdgePosition | 0x300A00DB | Wedge Thin Edge Position. |
WedgeType | 0x300A00D3 | Wedge Type. |
WholeBodyTechnique | 0x00181301 | Whole Body Technique. |
WindowCenter | 0x00281050 | Window Center. |
WindowCenterAndWidthExplanation | 0x00281055 | Window Center and Width Explanation. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
WindowCenterWidthExplanation | 0x00281055 | Window Center and Width Explanation. |
WindowWidth | 0x00281051 | Window Width. |
WorklistLabel | 0x00741202 | Worklist Label. |
X_RayTubeCurrentinmA | 0x00189330 | X-Ray Tube Current in mA. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
XA_XRFFrameCharacteristicsSequence | 0x00189412 | XA/XRF Frame Characteristics Sequence. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
XAXRFFrameCharacteristicsSequence | 0x00189412 | XA/XRF Frame Characteristics Sequence. |
XDSRetrievalSequence | 0x0040E024 | XDS Retrieval Sequence. |
XFocusCenter | 0x00181183 | X Focus Center. |
XOffset | 0x0040072A | X offset in Slide Coordinate System. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
XOffsetInSlideCoordinateSystem | 0x0040072A | X offset in Slide Coordinate System. |
XRay3DAcquisitionSequence | 0x00189507 | X-Ray 3D Acquisition Sequence. |
XRay3DFrameTypeSequence | 0x00189504 | X-Ray 3D Frame Type Sequence. |
XRay3DReconstructionSequence | 0x00189530 | X-Ray 3D Reconstruction Sequence. |
XRayGeometrySequence | 0x00189476 | X-Ray Geometry Sequence. |
XrayImageReceptorAngle | 0x3002000E | X-Ray Image Receptor Angle. |
XRayImageReceptorTranslation | 0x3002000D | X-Ray Image Receptor Translation. |
XrayOutput | 0x00400312 | X-Ray Output. |
XRayReceptorType | 0x00189420 | X-Ray Receptor Type. |
XrayTubeCurrent | 0x00181151 | X-Ray Tube Current. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
XRayTubeCurrent | 0x00181151 | X-Ray Tube Current. |
XRayTubeCurrentInmA | 0x00188151 | X-Ray Tube Current in micro A. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
XRayTubeCurrentInMicroA | 0x00188151 | X-Ray Tube Current in micro A. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
XRayTubeCurrentInMilliA | 0x00189330 | X-Ray Tube Current in mA. |
XRayTubeCurrentInuA | 0x00188151 | X-Ray Tube Current in micro A. |
YFocusCenter | 0x00181184 | Y Focus Center. |
YOffset | 0x0040073A | Y offset in Slide Coordinate System. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
YOffsetInSlideCoordinateSystem | 0x0040073A | Y offset in Slide Coordinate System. |
ZEffective | 0x40101019 | Z Effective. |
ZOffset | 0x0040074A | Z offset in Slide Coordinate System. This tag name has been deprecated, use tag with the same value defined in the previous line. |
ZOffsetInSlideCoordinateSystem | 0x0040074A | Z offset in Slide Coordinate System. |
ZonalMap | 0x1010FFFF | Zonal Map. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ZonalMapFormat | 0x00280722 | Zonal Map Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ZonalMapLocation | 0x00280721 | Zonal Map Location. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ZonalMapNumberFormat | 0x00280720 | Zonal Map Number Format. This tag is marked as retired in DICOM specification. See DICOM specification for alternatives. |
ZoomCenter | 0x00280032 | Zoom Center. |
ZoomFactor | 0x00280031 | Zoom Factor. |