ImageGear .NET
ImGearCoObjConvType Enumeration

Specifies the conversion types to convert an ImGearComplexObject class object to an ImageGear.Core.ImGearPage class object.
public enum ImGearCoObjConvType : System.Enum 
__value public enum ImGearCoObjConvType : public System.Enum 
public enum class ImGearCoObjConvType : public System.Enum 
Public Enum ImGearCoObjConvType 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearCoObjConvType
IMAGINARY1Use the imaginary data.
LOGMAG4Use the logarithm (10) of the magnitude data.
LOGMAGP15Use the logarithm (10) of (magnitude data + 1).
LOGMAGSQ7Use the logarithm (10) of the square of the magnitude.
LOGMAGSQP18Use the logarithm (10) of (square of the magnitude + 1).
MAGNITUDE2Use the magnitude data.
MAGSQ6Use the square of the magnitude.
PHASE3Use the phase data.
REAL0Use the real data.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.FreqIP Namespace



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