ImageGear22.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Formats Namespace : ImGearPNGTagIDs Enumeration |
Member | Value | Description |
BACKGROUND | 0x624B4744 | Background information. |
CALIBRATION | 0x7043414C | Calibration information. |
CHRM_BLUE | 0x70485983 | Chromaticities blue. |
CHRM_GREEN | 0x70485982 | Chromaticities green. |
CHRM_RED | 0x70485981 | Chromaticities red. |
CHRM_WHITE | 0x70485980 | White point. |
CHRM_X | 0x70485984 | Chromaticities X. |
CHRM_Y | 0x70485985 | Chromaticities Y. |
CHROMATICITIES | 0x6348524D | Chromaticities information. |
COMPRESSED_TEXT | 0x7A545874 | Compressed textual data information. |
CTXT_COMPR_METHOD | 0x70485989 | Compression method. |
CTXT_KEYWORD | 0x70485988 | Compressed textual data chunk keyword that indicates the type of information represented by the text string. |
CTXT_TEXT | 0x7048598A | Compressed textual data chunk text. |
FORMAT | 0x0000000E | PNG metadata format identifier. |
FRACTAL_PARAMETERS | 0x66524163 | Fractal parameters information. |
GAMMA | 0x67414D41 | Gamma information. |
GIF_APP_EXT | 0x67494678 | GIF application extension information. |
GIF_CONTROL | 0x67494667 | GIF contro information. |
GIF_TEXT_EXT | 0x67494674 | Gif text extension information. |
GIFG_DELAY_TIME | 0x704859B0 | Delay time. |
GIFG_DISPOSAL_METHOD | 0x704859AE | Disposal method. |
GIFG_USER_INPUT_FLAG | 0x704859AF | User Input flag. |
GIFT_BACK_COLOR | 0x704859BB | Text background color. |
GIFT_CELL_HEIGHT | 0x704859B9 | Character cell height. |
GIFT_CELL_WIDTH | 0x704859B8 | Character cell width. |
GIFT_FORE_COLOR | 0x704859BA | Text foreground color. |
GIFT_GRID_HEIGHT | 0x704859B7 | Text grid height. |
GIFT_GRID_WIDTH | 0x704859B6 | Text grid width. |
GIFT_LEFT_POSITION | 0x704859B4 | Text grid left position. |
GIFT_PLAIN_TEXT | 0x704859BC | Plain text data. |
GIFT_TOP_POSITION | 0x704859B5 | Text grid top position. |
GIFX_APP_DATA | 0x704859B3 | Application data. |
GIFX_APP_ID | 0x704859B1 | Application identifier. |
GIFX_AUTHENTICATION | 0x704859B2 | Authentication code. |
HEADER | 0x49484452 | Header information. |
HISTOGRAM | 0x68495354 | Histogram information. |
ICC_PROFILE | 0x69434350 | ICC profile information. |
ICCP_DATA | 0x7048597F | Profile data. |
ICCP_NAME | 0x7048597E | Profile name. |
IHDR_BIT_DEPTH | 0x70485976 | Image bit depth. |
IHDR_COLOR_TYPE | 0x70485977 | Color type. |
IHDR_COMPRESSION | 0x70485978 | Compression type. |
IHDR_FILTER_TYPE | 0x70485979 | Filter type. |
IHDR_HEIGHT | 0x70485975 | Image height. |
IHDR_INTERLACE_TYPE | 0x7048597A | Interlace type. |
IHDR_WIDTH | 0x70485974 | Image width. |
IMAGE_OFFSET | 0x6F464673 | Image offset. |
INTERNATIONAL_TEXT | 0x69545874 | International textual data information. |
ITXT_COMPR_FLAG | 0x7048598C | Compression flag. |
ITXT_COMPR_METHOD | 0x7048598D | Compression method. |
ITXT_KEYWORD | 0x7048598B | International textual data chunk keyword that indicates the type of information represented by the text string. |
ITXT_LANGUAGE | 0x7048598E | Language tag. |
ITXT_TEXT | 0x70485990 | International textual data chunk text. |
ITXT_TRANSL_KEYWORD | 0x7048598F | Translated keyword. |
OFFS_UNIT | 0x704859A2 | Unit specifier. |
OFFS_X_POSITION | 0x704859A0 | X position. |
OFFS_Y_POSITION | 0x704859A1 | Y position. |
PCAL_EQUATION | 0x704859A6 | Equation type. |
PCAL_NAME | 0x704859A3 | Calibration name. |
PCAL_PAR_COUNT | 0x704859A7 | Number of parameters. |
PCAL_PARAMETER | 0x704859AA | Calibration parameter. |
PCAL_UNIT | 0x704859A8 | Unit root. |
PCAL_UNIT_NAME | 0x704859A9 | Unit name. |
PCAL_X0 | 0x704859A4 | Original zero(x0). |
PCAL_X1 | 0x704859A5 | Original Max(x1). |
PHYS_UNIT | 0x7048597D | Unit specifier. |
PHYS_X_AXIS | 0x7048597B | Intended pixel size or aspect ratio by X axis for display . |
PHYS_Y_AXIS | 0x7048597C | Intended pixel size or aspect ratio by Y axis for display. |
PHYSICAL_SCALE | 0x7343414C | Physical scale information. |
RESOLUTION | 0x70485973 | Resolution information. |
SCAL_HEIGHT | 0x704859AD | Pixel height. |
SCAL_UNIT | 0x704859AB | Unit specifier. |
SCAL_WIDTH | 0x704859AC | Pixel width. |
SIGNIFICANT_BITS | 0x73424954 | Significant bits information. |
SPLT_ALPHA | 0x70485998 | Suggested palette alpha entry value. |
SPLT_BLUE | 0x70485997 | Suggested palette blue entry value. |
SPLT_DEPTH | 0x70485992 | Sample depth. |
SPLT_ENTRY | 0x70485994 | Suggested palette entry. |
SPLT_ENTRY_COUNT | 0x70485993 | Suggested palette entry count. |
SPLT_FREQUENCY | 0x70485999 | Suggested palette frequency entry value. |
SPLT_GREEN | 0x70485996 | Suggested palette green entry value. |
SPLT_NAME | 0x70485991 | Palette name. |
SPLT_RED | 0x70485995 | Suggested palette red entry value. |
SRGB | 0x73524742 | Standard RGB information. |
SUGGESTED_PALETTE | 0x73504C54 | Suggested palette information. |
TEXT | 0x74455874 | Text data information. |
TEXT_KEYWORD | 0x70485986 | Textual data chunk keyword that indicates the type of information represented by the text string. |
TEXT_TEXT | 0x70485987 | Textual data chunk text. |
TIME | 0x74494D45 | Time image last modification information. |
TIME_DAY | 0x7048599C | Image last-modification time day value. |
TIME_HOUR | 0x7048599D | Image last-modification time hour value. |
TIME_MINUTE | 0x7048599E | Image last-modification time minute value. |
TIME_MONTH | 0x7048599B | Image last-modification time month value. |
TIME_SECOND | 0x7048599F | Image last-modification time second value. |
TIME_YEAR | 0x7048599A | Image last-modification time year value. |
TRANSPARENCY | 0x74524E53 | Transparency information. |
XMP | 0x704859BD | XML packet containing XMP metadata. |