ImageGear .NET
ImGearVectAlignment Enumeration

Specifies text alignment.
public enum ImGearVectAlignment : System.Enum 
__value public enum ImGearVectAlignment : public System.Enum 
public enum class ImGearVectAlignment : public System.Enum 
Public Enum ImGearVectAlignment 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearVectAlignment
CONTINUOUSX0x00000080Additional align point is used for alignment along x direction.
CONTINUOUSY0x00000100Additional align point is used for alignment along y direction.
NONE0x00000000No alighnment (default alignment).
RESTRICT0x00000200The text is restricted.
RESTRICT_BASIS0x00000400The text is exactly restricted in the restrict box by the base line.
RESTRICT_BOXED_ALL0x00001000The same as RESTRICT_BASIS at the moment.
RESTRICT_BOXED_CAP0x00000800The text is exactly restricted in the restrict box by the bottom.
RESTRICT_ISOTROPIC_ALL0x00004000Isotropic restriction in the restrict box by the base line.
RESTRICT_ISOTROPIC_CAP0x00002000Isotropic restriction in the restrict box by the bottom.
RESTRICT_JUSTIFIED0x00008000The text is justified inside the restriction box using variable spacing.
X_CENTER0x00000002Text is centered in x directiont.
X_LEFT0x00000001Text is left-aligned in x direction.
X_RIGHT0x00000004Text is right-aligned in x direction.
Y_BASELINE0x00000040Text is base line aligned.
Y_BOTTOM0x00000020Text is bottom-aligned in y direction.
Y_CENTER0x00000010Text is centered in y direction.
Y_TOP0x00000008Text is top-aligned in y direction.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.Vector Namespace



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