ImageGear22.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Formats Namespace : ImGearTIFTagIDs Enumeration |
Member | Value | Description |
ACTIVE_AREA | 50829 | Active area. |
ANALOG_BALANCE | 50727 | Analog balance. |
ANTI_ALIAS_STRENGTH | 50738 | Anti alias strength. |
APERTURE_VALUE | 37378 | Aperture value. |
ART_DATA | 32932 | ART annotation data (ImageGear tag). |
ARTIST | 315 | Person who created the image. |
AS_SHOT_NEUTRAL | 50728 | As shot neutral. |
AS_SHOT_WHITEXY | 50729 | As shot white XY. |
ASSHOT_ICC_PROFILE | 50831 | As shot ICC profile. |
ASSHOT_PRE_PROFILE_MATRIX | 50832 | As shot pre profile matrix. |
BASELINE_EXPOSURE | 50730 | Baseline exposure. |
BASELINE_NOISE | 50731 | Baseline noise. |
BASELINE_SHARPNESS | 50732 | Baseline sharpness. |
BATTERY_LEVEL | 33423 | Battery level. |
BAYER_GREEN_SPLIT | 50733 | Bayer green split. |
BEST_QUALITY_SCALE | 50780 | Best quality scale. |
BITS_PER_SAMPLE | 258 | Bits per sample. |
BLACK_LEVEL | 50714 | Black level. |
BLACK_LEVEL_DELTAH | 50715 | Black level delta H. |
BLACK_LEVEL_DELTAV | 50716 | Black level delta V. |
BLACK_LEVELREPEAT_DIM | 50713 | Black level repeat dim. |
BRIGHTNESS_VALUE | 37379 | Brightness value. |
BYTE_ORDER | 59937 | Byte order. |
CALIBRATION_ILLUMINANT1 | 50778 | Calibration illuminant 1. |
CALIBRATION_ILLUMINANT2 | 50779 | Calibration illuminant 2. |
CAMERA_CALIBRATION1 | 50723 | Camera calibration 1. |
CAMERA_CALIBRATION2 | 50724 | Camera calibration 2. |
CAMERA_SERIAL_NUMBER | 50735 | Camera serial number. |
CELL_HEIGHT | 265 | Cell height. |
CELL_WIDTH | 264 | Cell width. |
CFA_LAYOUT | 50711 | CFA layout. |
CFA_PATTERN | 33422 | CFA pattern. |
CFA_PlANECOLOR | 50710 | CFA plane color. |
CFA_REPEAT_PATTERN_DIM | 33421 | CFA repeat pattern dim. |
CHROMA_BLUR_RADIUS | 50737 | Chroma blur radius. |
COLOR_MAP | 320 | Color map. |
COLOR_MATRIX1 | 50721 | Color matrix 1. |
COLOR_MATRIX2 | 50722 | Color matrix 2. |
COMPRESSEDBITSPERPIXEL | 37122 | Compressed bits per pixel. |
COMPRESSION | 259 | Image data compression type. |
COPYRIGHT | 33432 | Copyright notice. |
CURRENT_ICC_PROFILE | 50833 | Current ICC profile. |
CURRENT_PRE_PROFILE_MATRIX | 50834 | Current pre profile matrix. |
DATE_TIME | 306 | Date time. |
DATETIMEORIGINAL | 36867 | Date time original. |
DEFAULT_CROP_ORIGIN | 50719 | Default crop origin. |
DEFAULT_CROP_SIZE | 50720 | Default crop size. |
DEFAULT_SCALE | 50718 | Default scale. |
DESCRIPTION | 270 | Image description. |
DNG_BACKWARDVERSION | 50707 | DNG backward version. |
DNG_PRIVATE_DATA | 50740 | DNG private data. |
DNG_VERSION | 50706 | DNG version. |
DOC_NAME | 269 | Document name. |
DOT_RANGE | 336 | Dot range. |
EXIF_IFDPOINTER | 34665 | Exif IFD pointer. |
EXPOSURE_BIAS_VALUE | 37380 | Exposure bias value. |
EXPOSURE_INDEX | 37397 | Exposure index. |
EXPOSURE_PROGRAM | 34850 | Exposure program. |
EXPOSURE_TIME | 33434 | Exposure time. |
EXTRA_SAMPLES | 338 | Extra samples. |
FILL_ORDER | 266 | Fill order. |
FLASH | 37385 | Indicates weither or not flash used when the image was captured. |
FLASHENERGY | 37387 | Flash energy. |
FNUMBER | 33437 | Actual lens f-number used when the image was captured. |
FOCAL_LENGTH | 37386 | Focal length. |
FOCAL_PLANE_RESOLUTION_UNIT | 37392 | Focal plane resolution unit. |
FOCAL_PLANE_XRESOLUTION | 37390 | Focal plane xresolution. |
FOCAL_PLANE_YRESOLUTION | 37391 | Focal plane yresolution. |
FORMAT | 20 | TIF metadata format identifier. |
FREE_BYTE_COUNTS | 289 | Free byte counts. |
FREE_OFFSETS | 288 | Free offsets. |
GPSINFOIFDPOINTER | 34853 | GPS info IFD pointer. |
GRAY_RESPONSE_CURVE | 291 | Gray response curve. |
GRAY_RESPONSE_UNIT | 290 | Gray response unit. |
HALFTONE_HINTS | 321 | Halftone hints. |
HOST_COMPUTER | 316 | Host computer. |
ICC_PROFILE | 34675 | ICC color profile. |
IDENTIFIER | 59938 | TIFF format Identifier. |
IMAGE_HEIGHT | 257 | Image height. |
IMAGE_HISTORY | 37395 | Image history. |
IMAGE_NUMBER | 37393 | Image number. |
IMAGE_WIDTH | 256 | Image width. |
INK_NAMES | 333 | Ink names. |
INK_SET | 332 | The set of inks used. |
INTERLACE | 34857 | Indicates the field number of multifield images. |
IPTC_NAA | 33723 | IPTC / NAA. |
ISOSPEEDRAITINGS | 34855 | ISO speed raitings. |
JPEG_AC_TABLES | 521 | JPEG AC tables. |
JPEG_DC_TABLES | 520 | JPEG DC tables. |
JPEG_INTERCHANGE | 513 | JPEG interchange format. |
JPEG_INTERCHANGE_LEN | 514 | JPEG interchange format length. |
JPEG_LOSSLESS_PREDICTOR | 517 | JPEG lossless predictors. |
JPEG_POINT_TRANSFORMS | 518 | JPEG point transforms. |
JPEG_PROC | 512 | JPEG proc. |
JPEG_Q_TABLES | 519 | JPEG Q tables. |
JPEG_RESTART_INTERVAL | 515 | JPEG restart interval. |
JPEG_TABLES | 347 | JPEG tables. |
LENS_INFO | 50736 | Lens info. |
LIGHT_SOURCE | 37384 | Light source. |
LINEAR_RESPONSE_LIMIT | 50734 | Linear response limit. |
LINEARIZATION_TABLE | 50712 | Linearization table. |
LOCALIZED_CAMERAMODEL | 50709 | Localized camera model. |
MAKE | 271 | Manufacturer of equipment used to generate the image. |
MAKER_NOTE_SAFETY | 50741 | Maker note safety. |
MASKED_AREAS | 50830 | Masked areas. |
MAX_SAMPLE_VAL | 281 | Max sample value. |
MAXAPERTURE_VALUE | 37381 | Max aperture value. |
METERING_MODE | 37383 | Metering mode. |
MICROSOFT_PHOTO_RATING | 18249 | Microsoft photo rating. |
MIN_SAMPLE_VAL | 280 | Min sample value. |
MODEL | 272 | The model name of equipment used to generate the image. |
NEW_SUBFILE_TYPE | 254 | New subfile type. |
NOISE | 37389 | Noise measurement values. |
NUMBER_OF_INKS | 334 | Number of inks. |
OECF | 34856 | Indicates the Opto-Electric Conversion Function (OECF) specified in ISO 14524. |
ORIENTATION | 274 | Image orientation. |
ORIGINAL_RAW_FILE_DATA | 50828 | Original raw file data. |
ORIGINAL_RAW_FILE_NAME | 50827 | Original raw file name. |
PAGE_NAME | 285 | Page name. |
PAGE_NUMBER | 297 | Page number. |
PHOTO_INTERP | 262 | Photometric interpretation. |
PHOTOSHOP_RESOURCES | 34377 | Photoshop resources. |
PLANAR_CONFIG | 284 | Planar configuration. |
PREDICTOR | 317 | Mathematical operator that is applied to the image data before an encoding scheme is applied. |
PRIMARY_CHROMA | 319 | Primary chromaticities. |
RATING | 18246 | Image rating. |
RAW_DATA_UNIQUE_ID | 50781 | Raw data unique ID. |
REDUCTION_MATRIX1 | 50725 | Reduction matrix 1. |
REDUCTION_MATRIX2 | 50726 | Reduction matrix 2. |
REFERENCE_BLACK_WHITE | 532 | Reference black white. |
RES_UNIT | 296 | Resolution unit. |
ROWS_PER_STRIP | 278 | Rows per strip. |
SAMPLE_FORMAT | 339 | Sample format. |
SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL | 277 | Samples per pixel. |
SECURITY_CLASSIFICATION | 37394 | Security classification. |
SELFTIMER_MODE | 34859 | Self timer mode. |
SENSING_METHOD | 37399 | Sensing method. |
SHADOW_SCALE | 50739 | Shadow scale. |
SHUTTERSPEED_VALUE | 37377 | Shutter speed value. |
SMAX_SAMPLE_VAL | 341 | S max sample value. |
SMIN_SAMPLE_VAL | 340 | S min sample value. |
SOFTWARE | 305 | Name and version number of the software package(s) used to create the image. |
SPATIAL_FREQUENCY_RESPONSE | 37388 | Spatial frequency response. |
SPECTRAL_SENSITIVITY | 34852 | Spectral sensitivity. |
STRIP_BYTE_COUNT | 279 | Strip byte counts. |
STRIP_OFFSETS | 273 | Strip offsets. |
SUB_IFDS | 330 | Child IFDs offsets. |
SUBFILE_TYPE | 255 | Subfile type. |
SUBJECT_LOCATION | 37396 | Subject location. |
SUBJECTDISTANCE | 37382 | Subject distance. |
T4_OPTIONS | 292 | T4 options. |
T6_OPTIONS | 293 | T6 options. |
TARGET_PRINTER | 337 | Target printer. |
THRESHOLDING | 263 | The technique used to convert from gray to black and white pixels. |
TIFFEP_STANDARDID | 37398 | TIFF/EP standard ID. |
TILE_BYTE_COUNT | 325 | Tile byte counts. |
TILE_HEIGHT | 323 | Tile height. |
TILE_OFFSETS | 324 | Tile offsets. |
TILE_WIDTH | 322 | Tile width. |
TIMEZONE_OFFSET | 34858 | Time zone offset. |
TRANSFER_FUNC | 301 | Transfer function. |
TRANSFER_RANGE | 342 | Transfer range. |
UNIQUE_CAMERAMODEL | 50708 | Unique camera model. |
WHITE_LEVEL | 50717 | White level. |
WHITE_POINT | 318 | White point. |
X_POS | 286 | X position. |
X_RES | 282 | X resolution. |
XMP | 700 | XML packet containing XMP metadata. |
Y_POS | 287 | Y position. |
Y_RES | 283 | Y resolution. |
YCBCR_COEFFICIENTS | 529 | YCbCr coefficients. |
YCBCR_POS | 531 | YCbCr positioning. |
YCBCR_SUBSAMPLING | 530 | YCbCr sub sampling. |