ImageGear21.Art Assembly : ImageGear.ART Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ImGearART | Provides general ART functionality and access to the global properties and methods. | |
ImGearARTAccessController | Access controller interface. | |
ImGearARTAccessDeniedException | The Access Denied exception. | |
ImGearARTAccessRights | Defines access rights for the ART objects. | |
ImGearARTAccessToken | The base class of access token. | |
ImGearARTArrow | Represents legacy ART Arrow mark. | |
ImGearARTAudio | Represents ART Audio mark. | |
ImGearARTBorder | Provides mark's border attributes. | |
ImGearARTButton | Represents ART Button mark. | |
ImGearARTCallout | Provides text mark's callout attributes. | |
ImGearARTCreateSecureObjectDataEventArgs | The ImGearARTCreateSecureObjectData event arguments. | |
ImGearARTCreatingGroupEventArgs | CreatingGroupEvent arguments. | |
ImGearARTCreatingMarkEventArgs | CreatingMarkEvent arguments. | |
ImGearARTCreatingPageEventArgs | CreatingPageEvent arguments. | |
ImGearARTCurve | Represents ART Curve mark. | |
ImGearARTCustomController | Provides a set of abstract members for user-defined custom mark controller. | |
ImGearARTCustomDrawingController | Provides a set of abstract members for user-defined custom mark controller, using with WinForms drawing engine. | |
ImGearARTCustomMark | Represents ART Custom mark. | |
ImGearARTDrawingState | Provides a set of parameters for custom mark's drawing. | |
ImGearARTDroppedAttributeEventArgs | Provides data for the DroppedAttribute event. | |
ImGearARTDroppedMarkEventArgs | Provides data for the DroppedMark event. | |
ImGearARTEllipse | Represents ART Ellipse mark. | |
ImGearARTEncryption | Represents ART Encryption mark. | |
ImGearARTFilledEllipse | Represents legacy ART Filled Ellipse mark. | |
ImGearARTFilledPolygon | Represents legacy ART Filled Polygon mark. | |
ImGearARTFilledRectangle | Represents legacy ART Filled Rectangle mark. | |
ImGearARTFreeLine | Represents legacy ART Freehand line mark. | |
ImGearARTGetNotateXpressLayerPasswordEventArgs | The GetNotateXpressLayerPassword event arguments. | |
ImGearARTGroup | Represents a collection of annotation marks united into a single group. | |
ImGearARTGroupArray | Represents an array of annotation groups. | |
ImGearARTGroupEnumerator | Provides marks iteration capabilities over the annotation group. | |
ImGearARTHighlighter | Represents legacy ART Highlighter mark. | |
ImGearARTHistory | Represents an Undo/Redo history of the ART page. | |
ImGearARTHistoryEventArgs | Provides data for the history events. | |
ImGearARTHollowEllipse | Represents legacy ART Hollow Ellipse mark. | |
ImGearARTHollowPolygon | Represents legacy ART Hollow Polygon mark. | |
ImGearARTHollowRectangle | Represents legacy ART Hollow Rectangle mark. | |
ImGearARTHotSpot | Represents ART Hot Spot mark. | |
ImGearARTImage | Represents ART Image mark. | |
ImGearARTImageEmb | Represents legacy ART Embedded Image mark. | |
ImGearARTImageRef | Represents legacy ART Image Reference mark. | |
ImGearARTLine | Represents ART Line mark. | |
ImGearARTLineMarkStat | Represents statistics information about the linear annotation marks. | |
ImGearARTMark | Provides the abstract base class for all annotation marks. | |
ImGearARTMarkEventArgs | Provides data for the mark events. | |
ImGearARTMarkFlipEventArgs | Provides data for the mark flip events. | |
ImGearARTMarkMoveEventArgs | Provides data for the mark move events. | |
ImGearARTMarkPointEventArgs | Provides data for the mark point events. | |
ImGearARTMarkRotateEventArgs | Provides data for the mark rotate events. | |
ImGearARTMarkScaleEventArgs | Provides data for the mark scale events. | |
ImGearARTMarkStat | This class has been deprecated. Provides the abstract base class for a set of classes intended to represent specific statistics information about ART marks. | |
ImGearARTMarkStatistics | Represent specific statistics information about ART marks. | |
ImGearARTNote | Represents legacy ART Attach-A-Note mark. | |
ImGearARTPage | Represents a collection of annotation groups. | |
ImGearARTPageEnumerator | Provides marks iteration capabilities over the annotation page. | |
ImGearARTPin | Provides text mark's pin attirbutes. | |
ImGearARTPinUpText | Represents legacy ART Pin-Up-Text mark. | |
ImGearARTPoint | Represents ART Point mark. | |
ImGearARTPointMarkStat | Represents statistics information about the point annotation marks. | |
ImGearARTPolygon | Represents ART Polygon mark. | |
ImGearARTPolyline | Represents ART Polyline mark. | |
ImGearARTPolyRuler | Represents ART Polyline Ruler mark. | |
ImGearARTPopupText | Represents ART Text mark. | |
ImGearARTPropertyChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the ARTPropertyChanged events. | |
ImGearARTProtractor | Represents ART Protractor mark. | |
ImGearARTRectangle | Represents ART Rectangle mark. | |
ImGearARTRedaction | Represents legacy ART Redaction mark. | |
ImGearARTRichText | Represents ART Rich Text mark. | |
ImGearARTRichTextControl | This class has been deprecated. Represents a control suitable for ART Rich Text processing and drawing. | |
ImGearARTRuler | Represents ART Ruler mark. | |
ImGearARTSecureObjectData | The base class for secure object data. | |
ImGearARTSelection | Provides the abstract class that defines mark selection interface. | |
ImGearARTShapeMarkStat | Represents statistics information about the shaped annotation marks. | |
ImGearARTText | Represents ART Text mark. | |
ImGearARTTextCallout | Represents legacy ART Callout Text mark. | |
ImGearARTTextFromFile | Represents legacy ART Text From File mark. | |
ImGearARTTextStamp | Represents legacy ART Text Stamp mark. | |
ImGearARTTypedText | Represents legacy ART Typed Text mark. |
Interface | Description | |
IImGearARTCurve | Defines ART Curve mark interface. | |
IImGearARTEllipse | Defines ART Ellipse mark interface. | |
IImGearARTLine | Defines ART Line mark interface. | |
IImGearARTMarkIDEnumerable | Exposes the enumerator, which supports a simple iteration over a collection of annotation marks. | |
IImGearARTMarkIDEnumerator | Supports a simple iteration over a collection of annotation marks. | |
IImGearARTPoint | Defines ART Point mark interface. | |
IImGearARTPolygon | Defines ART Polygon mark interface. | |
IImGearARTPolyline | Defines ART Polyline mark interface. | |
IImGearARTPolyRuler | Defines ART Polyline Ruler mark interface. | |
IImGearARTPopupText | Defines ART Text mark interface. | |
IImGearARTProtractor | Defines ART Protractor mark interface. | |
IImGearARTRectangle | Defines ART Rectangle mark interface. | |
IImGearARTRuler | Defines ART Ruler mark interface. | |
IImGearARTText | Defines ART Text mark interface. |
Structure | Description | |
ImGearARTLoadEvents | Contains fields that can be used to pass event delegates to LoadPage method of the ImGearART. | |
ImGearARTMeasurementUnit | Represents a measurement unit, such as Meter, Inch etc. | |
ImGearARTThickness | Specifies the thickness of a rectangular frame. |
Delegate | Description | |
ARTPropertyChangedEventHandler | Used for declaring ARTPropertyChanged events. | |
ImGearARTHistoryEventHandler | Used for declaring ImGearARTHistory.HistoryChanged event. | |
ImGearARTMarkEventHandler | Used for declaring ImGearARTPage.MarkChanged, ImGearARTPage.MarkAdded, ImGearARTPage.MarkRemoved, ImGearARTPage.MarkZOrderChanged and ImGearARTPage.MarkSelectionChanged events. | |
ImGearARTMarkFlipEventHandler | Used for declaring MarkFlipped event. | |
ImGearARTMarkMoveEventHandler | Used for declaring MarkMoved event. | |
ImGearARTMarkPointEventHandler | Used for declaring PointChanged and PointAdded events. | |
ImGearARTMarkRotateEventHandler | Used for declaring MarkRotated event. | |
ImGearARTMarkScaleEventHandler | Used for declaring MarkScaled event. |
Enumeration | Description | |
ImGearARTAccess | Specifies annotations group access level. | |
ImGearARTAspectKind | Specifies the kinds of aspects for the ruler annotation. | |
ImGearARTBurnInOptions | Specifies options to burn in annotations. | |
ImGearARTButtonState | Specifies button mark's state options. | |
ImGearARTCalloutType | Specifies callout types. | |
ImGearARTCapStyle | Specifies the available cap styles of a line end. | |
ImGearARTCoordinatesType | Specifies mark's coordinate types. | |
ImGearARTFillRule | Specifies how the intersecting areas of the shape are combined to form the filling area of the mark. | |
ImGearARTFontStyles | Specifies text font style information. | |
ImGearARTJoinStyle | Specifies the available styles of the shape that joins two lines of the mark. | |
ImGearARTLineHeadType | Specifies line mark's head types. | |
ImGearARTMarkHitTest | Specifies the hit test results. | |
ImGearARTMarkType | Specifies types of annotations. | |
ImGearARTPenStyle | Specifies pen styles. | |
ImGearARTPinAlignment | Specifies an alignment of the pin icon. | |
ImGearARTSaveType | Specifies annotations save formats. | |
ImGearARTTextAutoFitMode | Specifies auto fit mode for text annotations. | |
ImGearARTTextTrimming | Describes how text is trimmed when it overflows the bounds of annotation. | |
ImGearARTTextType | Specifies a type of string in the text mark's "Text" property. |