ImageGear for .NET
ImageGear.ART Namespace (ImageGear21.Art)
Inheritance Hierarchy
The ImageGear ART namespace allows you to add redlining and annotation capabilities to any application built with ImageGear. If you have an application that can read, display, and print images, with ImageGear ART namespace enabled, you can add marking capabilities, such as lines, arrows, highlighting, and sticky notes to document images, and use them as though you were working on printed sheets of paper. This chapter provides the ART namespace API reference.
ClassImGearART Provides general ART functionality and access to the global properties and methods.
ClassImGearARTAccessController Access controller interface.
ClassImGearARTAccessDeniedException The Access Denied exception.
ClassImGearARTAccessRights Defines access rights for the ART objects.
ClassImGearARTAccessToken The base class of access token.
ClassImGearARTArrow Represents legacy ART Arrow mark.
ClassImGearARTAudio Represents ART Audio mark.
ClassImGearARTBorder Provides mark's border attributes.
ClassImGearARTButton Represents ART Button mark.
ClassImGearARTCallout Provides text mark's callout attributes.
ClassImGearARTCreateSecureObjectDataEventArgs The ImGearARTCreateSecureObjectData event arguments.
ClassImGearARTCreatingGroupEventArgs CreatingGroupEvent arguments.
ClassImGearARTCreatingMarkEventArgs CreatingMarkEvent arguments.
ClassImGearARTCreatingPageEventArgs CreatingPageEvent arguments.
ClassImGearARTCurve Represents ART Curve mark.
ClassImGearARTCustomController Provides a set of abstract members for user-defined custom mark controller.
ClassImGearARTCustomDrawingController Provides a set of abstract members for user-defined custom mark controller, using with WinForms drawing engine.
ClassImGearARTCustomMark Represents ART Custom mark.
ClassImGearARTDrawingState Provides a set of parameters for custom mark's drawing.
ClassImGearARTDroppedAttributeEventArgs Provides data for the DroppedAttribute event.
ClassImGearARTDroppedMarkEventArgs Provides data for the DroppedMark event.
ClassImGearARTEllipse Represents ART Ellipse mark.
ClassImGearARTEncryption Represents ART Encryption mark.
ClassImGearARTFilledEllipse Represents legacy ART Filled Ellipse mark.
ClassImGearARTFilledPolygon Represents legacy ART Filled Polygon mark.
ClassImGearARTFilledRectangle Represents legacy ART Filled Rectangle mark.
ClassImGearARTFreeLine Represents legacy ART Freehand line mark.
ClassImGearARTGetNotateXpressLayerPasswordEventArgs The GetNotateXpressLayerPassword event arguments.
ClassImGearARTGroup Represents a collection of annotation marks united into a single group.
ClassImGearARTGroupArray Represents an array of annotation groups.
ClassImGearARTGroupEnumerator Provides marks iteration capabilities over the annotation group.
ClassImGearARTHighlighter Represents legacy ART Highlighter mark.
ClassImGearARTHistory Represents an Undo/Redo history of the ART page.
ClassImGearARTHistoryEventArgs Provides data for the history events.
ClassImGearARTHollowEllipse Represents legacy ART Hollow Ellipse mark.
ClassImGearARTHollowPolygon Represents legacy ART Hollow Polygon mark.
ClassImGearARTHollowRectangle Represents legacy ART Hollow Rectangle mark.
ClassImGearARTHotSpot Represents ART Hot Spot mark.
ClassImGearARTImage Represents ART Image mark.
ClassImGearARTImageEmb Represents legacy ART Embedded Image mark.
ClassImGearARTImageRef Represents legacy ART Image Reference mark.
ClassImGearARTLine Represents ART Line mark.
ClassImGearARTLineMarkStat Represents statistics information about the linear annotation marks.
ClassImGearARTMark Provides the abstract base class for all annotation marks.
ClassImGearARTMarkEventArgs Provides data for the mark events.
ClassImGearARTMarkFlipEventArgs Provides data for the mark flip events.
ClassImGearARTMarkMoveEventArgs Provides data for the mark move events.
ClassImGearARTMarkPointEventArgs Provides data for the mark point events.
ClassImGearARTMarkRotateEventArgs Provides data for the mark rotate events.
ClassImGearARTMarkScaleEventArgs Provides data for the mark scale events.
ClassImGearARTMarkStat This class has been deprecated. Provides the abstract base class for a set of classes intended to represent specific statistics information about ART marks.
ClassImGearARTMarkStatistics Represent specific statistics information about ART marks.
ClassImGearARTNote Represents legacy ART Attach-A-Note mark.
ClassImGearARTPage Represents a collection of annotation groups.
ClassImGearARTPageEnumerator Provides marks iteration capabilities over the annotation page.
ClassImGearARTPin Provides text mark's pin attirbutes.
ClassImGearARTPinUpText Represents legacy ART Pin-Up-Text mark.
ClassImGearARTPoint Represents ART Point mark.
ClassImGearARTPointMarkStat Represents statistics information about the point annotation marks.
ClassImGearARTPolygon Represents ART Polygon mark.
ClassImGearARTPolyline Represents ART Polyline mark.
ClassImGearARTPolyRuler Represents ART Polyline Ruler mark.
ClassImGearARTPopupText Represents ART Text mark.
ClassImGearARTPropertyChangedEventArgs Provides data for the ARTPropertyChanged events.
ClassImGearARTProtractor Represents ART Protractor mark.
ClassImGearARTRectangle Represents ART Rectangle mark.
ClassImGearARTRedaction Represents legacy ART Redaction mark.
ClassImGearARTRichText Represents ART Rich Text mark.
ClassImGearARTRichTextControl This class has been deprecated. Represents a control suitable for ART Rich Text processing and drawing.
ClassImGearARTRuler Represents ART Ruler mark.
ClassImGearARTSecureObjectData The base class for secure object data.
ClassImGearARTSelection Provides the abstract class that defines mark selection interface.
ClassImGearARTShapeMarkStat Represents statistics information about the shaped annotation marks.
ClassImGearARTText Represents ART Text mark.
ClassImGearARTTextCallout Represents legacy ART Callout Text mark.
ClassImGearARTTextFromFile Represents legacy ART Text From File mark.
ClassImGearARTTextStamp Represents legacy ART Text Stamp mark.
ClassImGearARTTypedText Represents legacy ART Typed Text mark.
InterfaceIImGearARTCurve Defines ART Curve mark interface.
InterfaceIImGearARTEllipse Defines ART Ellipse mark interface.
InterfaceIImGearARTLine Defines ART Line mark interface.
InterfaceIImGearARTMarkIDEnumerable Exposes the enumerator, which supports a simple iteration over a collection of annotation marks.
InterfaceIImGearARTMarkIDEnumerator Supports a simple iteration over a collection of annotation marks.
InterfaceIImGearARTPoint Defines ART Point mark interface.
InterfaceIImGearARTPolygon Defines ART Polygon mark interface.
InterfaceIImGearARTPolyline Defines ART Polyline mark interface.
InterfaceIImGearARTPolyRuler Defines ART Polyline Ruler mark interface.
InterfaceIImGearARTPopupText Defines ART Text mark interface.
InterfaceIImGearARTProtractor Defines ART Protractor mark interface.
InterfaceIImGearARTRectangle Defines ART Rectangle mark interface.
InterfaceIImGearARTRuler Defines ART Ruler mark interface.
InterfaceIImGearARTText Defines ART Text mark interface.
StructureImGearARTLoadEvents Contains fields that can be used to pass event delegates to LoadPage method of the ImGearART.
StructureImGearARTMeasurementUnit Represents a measurement unit, such as Meter, Inch etc.
StructureImGearARTThickness Specifies the thickness of a rectangular frame.
DelegateARTPropertyChangedEventHandler Used for declaring ARTPropertyChanged events.
DelegateImGearARTHistoryEventHandler Used for declaring ImGearARTHistory.HistoryChanged event.
DelegateImGearARTMarkEventHandler Used for declaring ImGearARTPage.MarkChanged, ImGearARTPage.MarkAdded, ImGearARTPage.MarkRemoved, ImGearARTPage.MarkZOrderChanged and ImGearARTPage.MarkSelectionChanged events.
DelegateImGearARTMarkFlipEventHandler Used for declaring MarkFlipped event.
DelegateImGearARTMarkMoveEventHandler Used for declaring MarkMoved event.
DelegateImGearARTMarkPointEventHandler Used for declaring PointChanged and PointAdded events.
DelegateImGearARTMarkRotateEventHandler Used for declaring MarkRotated event.
DelegateImGearARTMarkScaleEventHandler Used for declaring MarkScaled event.
EnumerationImGearARTAccess Specifies annotations group access level.
EnumerationImGearARTAspectKind Specifies the kinds of aspects for the ruler annotation.
EnumerationImGearARTBurnInOptions Specifies options to burn in annotations.
EnumerationImGearARTButtonState Specifies button mark's state options.
EnumerationImGearARTCalloutType Specifies callout types.
EnumerationImGearARTCapStyle Specifies the available cap styles of a line end.
EnumerationImGearARTCoordinatesType Specifies mark's coordinate types.
EnumerationImGearARTFillRule Specifies how the intersecting areas of the shape are combined to form the filling area of the mark.
EnumerationImGearARTFontStyles Specifies text font style information.
EnumerationImGearARTJoinStyle Specifies the available styles of the shape that joins two lines of the mark.
EnumerationImGearARTLineHeadType Specifies line mark's head types.
EnumerationImGearARTMarkHitTest Specifies the hit test results.
EnumerationImGearARTMarkType Specifies types of annotations.
EnumerationImGearARTPenStyle Specifies pen styles.
EnumerationImGearARTPinAlignment Specifies an alignment of the pin icon.
EnumerationImGearARTSaveType Specifies annotations save formats.
EnumerationImGearARTTextAutoFitMode Specifies auto fit mode for text annotations.
EnumerationImGearARTTextTrimming Describes how text is trimmed when it overflows the bounds of annotation.
EnumerationImGearARTTextType Specifies a type of string in the text mark's "Text" property.
See Also


ImageGear21.Art Assembly



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