ImageGear for .NET
XMP Metadata in PDF and PostScipt

ImageGear .NET PDF component reads the XMP metadata attached to a PDF and PS document, and writes it back when the document is saved. Metadata extracted from a PDF or PS/EPS file is attached to the whole ImageGear document as a common ImageGear metadata tree, which can be processed with General or Simplified Metadata API. The XMP metadata tree is not attached to pages, because it is related to the whole document.

When the ImageGear .NET PDF component creates a new PDF document, it creates and attaches a default XMP tree containing the following schemas: Dublin Core, Basic XMP, Adobe PDF and Media Management. This set of schemas is also automatically populated when a PDF document is created with Acrobat.

The ImageGear .NET PDF component also provides the following methods to work with non-XMP PDF metadata:

ImGearPDFDocument.SetInfo and ImGearPDFDocument.GetInfo. That metadata is stored in a PDF Document Information Dictionary, which is separate to the XMP stream. However, for consistency reasons, the SetInfo would update the metadata in both the XMP tree and the Document Information Dictionary storages, and the GetInfo would access the data from the XMP metadata tree.



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