ImageGear for .NET
Working with XMP Metadata

Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is an XML-based standard for storage and interchange of metadata, developed by Adobe Systems, Inc. The standard defines the rules for storage and processing of metadata, and provides a number of schemas for storage of information that is typically associated with images and documents, such as Title, Author, Creation date/time, Rating, etc. Applications can add custom schemas to store additional information.

XMP metadata can be attached to files of various formats, such as TIFF, PNG, GIF, DNG, JPEG, PSD, PDF, PostScript, JP2 and JPX.

ImageGear provides the following ways for working with XMP metadata:

By default, ImageGear parses the XMP stream into its metadata structure, and does not provide the Raw XMP stream. If you don't want ImageGear to parse the XMP stream, and prefer to access the unprocessed XMP stream, set ImGearLoadOptions.ParseXMP Property to false.

During saving, if an XMP tag contains a tree, ImageGear serializes the tree into an XMP stream. Alternatively, if XMP tag contains a byte array, ImageGear saves this array verbatim. 

This section provides information about the following:



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