ImageGear for .NET
ImGearRecLanguage Enumeration

Identifies the different languages supported directly by the Recognition namespace.
Public Enum ImGearRecLanguage 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearRecLanguage
public enum ImGearRecLanguage : System.Enum 
__value public enum ImGearRecLanguage : public System.Enum 
public enum class ImGearRecLanguage : public System.Enum 
AFR39Afrikaans language selection.
ALB23Albanian language selection.
AUTO-2Automatic language selection (only applicable for spell checking). When ImGearRecRecognitionSettings.SpellingLanguage property is set to AUTO, the actual language of the spell checking will be determined as follows: if ImGearRecRecognitionSettings.SpellingEnabled property is true and only one language has been enabled in the ImGearRecRecognitionSettings.LanguageEnabled property, then this language will be automatically selected for spelling, too. This is the default value for the ImGearRecRecognitionSettings.SpellingLanguage property.
AYM40Aymara language selection.
BAS41Basque language selection.
BEL34Byelorussian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well.
BEM42Bemba language selection.
BLA43Blackfoot language selection.
BRA45Portuguese (Brazilian) language selection.
BRE44Breton language selection.
BUG46Bugotu language selection.
BUL33Bulgarian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well.
CAT11Catalan language selection. Spelling is supported.
CHA47Chamorro language selection.
CHE37Chechen language selection.
CHS120Simplified Chinese language selection.
CHT121Traditional Chinese language selection.
CHU48Chuana or Tswana language selection.
COR49Corsican language selection.
CRO21Croatian language selection.
CRW50Crow language selection.
CZH17Czech language selection. Spelling is supported.
DAN7Danish language selection. Spelling is supported.
DUT3Dutch language selection. Spelling is supported.
ENG0English language selection. Spelling supported (Default for recognition).
ESK51Eskimo language selection.
ESP28Esperanto language selection.
EST25Estonian language selection.
FAR52Faroese language selection.
FIJ53Fijian language selection.
FIN6Finnish language selection. Spelling is supported.
FRE2French language selection. Spelling is supported.
FRI54Frisian language selection.
FRU55Friulian language selection.
GAL12Galician language selection.
GAN58Ganda or Luganda language selection.
GER1German language selection. Spelling is supported.
GLI56Gaelic Irish language selection.
GLS57Gaelic Scottish language selection.
GRE15Greek language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language. Spelling is supported.
GUA59Guarani language selection.
HAN60Hani language selection.
HAW61Hawaiian language selection.
HUN19Hungarian language selection. Spelling is supported.
ICE8Icelandic language selection.
IDO62Ido language selection.
IND63Indonesian language selection.
INT64Interlingua language selection.
ITA13Italian language selection. Spelling is supported.
JPN119Japanese language selection.
KAB38Kabardian language selection.
KAS65Kasub language selection.
KAW66Kawa language selection.
KIK67Kikuyu language selection.
KON68Kongo language selection.
KPE69Kpelle language selection.
KRN122Korean language selection.
KUR70Kurdish language selection if written in latin alphabet.
LAT26Latvian language selection.
LIT27Lithuanian language selection.
LTN71Latin language selection.
LUB72Luba language selection.
LUX73Luxembourgian language selection.
MAC31Macedonian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well.
MAL14Maltese language selection.
MAO77Maori language selection.
MAY78Mayan language selection.
MIA79Miao language selection.
MIN80Minankabaw language selection.
MLG74Malagasy language selection.
MLN76Malinke language selection.
MLY75Malay language selection.
MOH81Mohawk language selection.
MOL32Moldavian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well.
NAH82Nahuatl language selection.
NO-1No language selection (only applicable for spell checking). This value can be used to specify that the checking module will not use the Language dictionary.
NOR4Norwegian language selection. Spelling is supported.
NYA83Nyanja language selection.
OCC84Occidental language selection.
OJI85Ojibway language selection.
PAP86Papiamento language selection.
PID87Pidgin English language selection.
POL16Polish language selection. Spelling is supported.
POR9Portuguese language selection. Spelling is supported.
PRO88Provencal language selection.
QUE89Quechua language selection.
RHA90Rhaetic language selection.
ROM22Romanian language selection.
ROY91Romany language selection.
RUA92Ruanda language selection.
RUN93Rundi language selection.
RUS36Russian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. Spelling is supported.
SAM94Samoan language selection.
SAR95Sardinian language selection.
SHO96Shona language selection.
SIO97Sioux language selection.
SLK18Slovak language selection.
SLN20Slovenian language selection.
SMI98Sami language selection (Combination of the Sami language family).
SML99Lule Sami language selection.
SMN100Northern Sami language selection.
SMS101Southern Sami language selection.
SOM102Somali language selection.
SOT103Sotho, Suto or Sesuto language selection.
SPA10Spanish language selection. Spelling is supported.
SRB30Serbian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well.
SRL29Serbian (Latin) language selection.
START-3Used internally.
SUN104Sundanese language selection.
SWA105Swahili language selection.
SWE5Swedish language selection. Spelling is supported.
SWZ106Swazi language selection.
TAG107Tagalog language selection.
TAH108Tahitian language selection.
TIN109Tinpo language selection.
TON110Tongan language selection.
TUN111Tun language selection.
TUR24Turkish language selection.
UD-3Used internally.
UKR35Ukrainian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well.
VIS112Visayan language selection.
WEL113Welsh language selection.
WEN114Wend or Sorbian language selection.
WOL115Wolof language selection.
XHO116Xhosa language selection.
ZAP117Zapotec language selection.
ZUL118Zulu language selection.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.Recognition Namespace



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