ImageGear for .NET
ImGearSupportedSizes Enumeration

This enumeration specifies the size(s) the Source can/should use to acquire image data.
public enum ImGearSupportedSizes : System.Enum 
__value public enum ImGearSupportedSizes : public System.Enum 
public enum class ImGearSupportedSizes : public System.Enum 
Public Enum ImGearSupportedSizes 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearSupportedSizes
A019A0 size paper.
A0218A02 size paper.
A0417A04 size paper.
A120A1 size paper.
A1025A10 size paper.
A221A2 size paper.
A311A3 size paper.
A41A4 size paper.
A4LETTER1A4 Letter size paper.
A55A5 size paper.
A613A6 size paper.
A722A7 size paper.
A823A8 size paper.
A924A9 size paper.
B312B3 size paper.
B46B4 size paper.
B5LETTER2B5 Letter size paper.
B67B6 size paper.
BUSINESSCARD53Business Card size paper.
C044C0 size paper.
C145C1 size paper.
C1051C10 size paper.
C246C2 size paper.
C347C3 size paper.
C414C4 size paper.
C515C5 size paper.
C616C6 size paper.
C748C7 size paper.
C849C8 size paper.
C950C9 size paper.
ISOB026ISO B0 size paper.
ISOB127ISO B1 size paper.
ISOB1033ISO B10 size paper.
ISOB228ISO B2 size paper.
ISOB312ISO B3 size paper.
ISOB46ISO B4 size paper.
ISOB529ISO B5 size paper.
ISOB67ISO B6 size paper.
ISOB730ISO B7 size paper.
ISOB831ISO B8 size paper.
ISOB932ISO B9 size paper.
JISB034JIS B0 size paper.
JISB135JIS B1 size paper.
JISB1043JIS B10 size paper.
JISB236JIS B2 size paper.
JISB337JIS B3 size paper.
JISB438JIS B4 size paper.
JISB52JIS B5 size paper.
JISB639JIS B6 size paper.
JISB740JIS B7 size paper.
JISB841JIS B8 size paper.
JISB942JIS B9 size paper.
NONE0No supported size paper.
USEXECUTIVE10US Executive size paper.
USLEDGER9US Ledger size paper.
USLEGAL4US Legal size paper.
USLETTER3US Letter size paper.
USSTATEMENT52US Statement size paper.
ImGearCapabilities.ICAP_SUPPORTEDSIZES capability values.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.TWAIN Namespace



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