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ImGearCountries Enumeration

Country constants.
public enum ImGearCountries : System.Enum 
__value public enum ImGearCountries : public System.Enum 
public enum class ImGearCountries : public System.Enum 
Public Enum ImGearCountries 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearCountries
AFGHANISTAN1001Country of Afghanistan.
ALBANIA355Country of Albania.
ALGERIA213Country of Algeria.
AMERICANSAMOA684Country of American Samoa.
ANDORRA33Country of Andorra.
ANGOLA1002Country of Angola.
ANGUILLA8090Country of Anguilla.
ANTIGUA8091Country of Antigua.
ARGENTINA54Country of Argentina.
ARMENIA374Country of Armenia.
ARUBA297Country of Aruba.
ASCENSIONI247Country of Ascensioni.
AUSTRALIA61Country of Australia.
AUSTRIA43Country of Austria.
AZERBAIJAN994Country of Azerbaijan.
BAHAMAS8092Country of Bahamas.
BAHRAIN973Country of Bahrain.
BANGLADESH880Country of Bangladesh.
BARBADOS8093Country of Barbados.
BELARUS375Country of Belarus.
BELGIUM32Country of Belgium.
BELIZE501Country of Belize.
BENIN229Country of Benin.
BERMUDA8094Country of Bermuda.
BHUTAN1003Country of Bhutan.
BOLIVIA591Country of Bolivia.
BOSNIAHERZGO387Country of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
BOTSWANA267Country of Botswana.
BRAZIL55Country of Brazil.
BRITAIN6Country of Britain.
BRITVIRGINIS8095Country of British Virgin Islands.
BRUNEI673Country of Brunei.
BULGARIA359Country of Bulgaria.
BURKINAFASO1004Country of Burkina Faso.
BURMA1005Country of Burma.
BURUNDI1006Country of Burundi.
CAMAROON237Country of Camaroon.
CAMBODIA855Country of Cambodia.
CANADA2Country of Canada.
CAPEVERDEIS238Country of Cape Verde Islands.
CAYMANIS8096Country of Cayman Islands.
CENTRALAFREP1007Country of Central African Republic.
CHAD1008Country of Chad.
CHILE56Country of Chile.
CHINA86Country of China.
CHRISTMASIS1009Country of Christmas Island.
COCOSIS1009Country of Cocos Island.
COLOMBIA57Country of Colombia.
COMOROS1010Country of Comoros.
CONGO1011Country of Congo.
COOKIS1012Country of Cook Islands.
COSTARICA506Country of Costa Rica.
CROATIA385Country of Croatia.
CUBA5Country of Cuba.
CYPRUS357Country of Cyprus.
CZECHOSLOVAKIA42Country of Czechoslovakia.
CZECHREPUBLIC420Country of Czech Republic.
DENMARK45Country of Denmark.
DIEGOGARCIA246Country of Diego Garcia.
DJIBOUTI1013Country of Djibouti.
DOMINCANREP8098Country of Dominican Republic.
DOMINICA8097Country of Dominica.
EASTERIS1014Country of Easter Island.
ECUADOR593Country of Ecuador.
EGYPT20Country of Egypt.
ELSALVADOR503Country of El Salvador.
EQGUINEA1015Country of Eqguinea.
ERITREA291Country of Eritrea.
ESTONIA372Country of Estonia.
ETHIOPIA251Country of Ethiopia.
FAEROEIS298Country of Faeroe Islands.
FALKLANDIS1016Country of Falkland Islands.
FIJIISLANDS679Country of Fiji Islands.
FINLAND358Country of Finland.
FRANCE33Country of France.
FRANTILLES596Country of French Antilles.
FRGUIANA594Country of French Guiana.
FRPOLYNEISA689Country of French Polyneisa.
FUTANAIS1043Country of Futana Islands.
GABON241Country of Gabon.
GAMBIA220Country of Gambia.
GEORGIA995Country of Georgia.
GERMANY49Country of Germany.
GHANA233Country of Ghana.
GIBRALTER350Country of Gibralter.
GREECE30Country of Greece.
GREENLAND299Country of Greenland.
GRENADA8099Country of Grenada.
GRENEDINES8015Country of Grenedines.
GUADELOUPE590Country of Guadeloupe.
GUAM671Country of Guam.
GUANTANAMOBAY5399Country of Guantanamo Bay.
GUATEMALA502Country of Guatemala.
GUINEA224Country of Guinea.
GUINEABISSAU1017Country of Guinea-Bissau.
GUYANA592Country of Guyana.
HAITI509Country of Haiti.
HONDURAS504Country of Honduras.
HONGKONG852Country of Hong Kong.
HUNGARY36Country of Hungary.
ICELAND354Country of Iceland.
INDIA91Country of India.
INDONESIA62Country of Indonesia.
IRAN98Country of Iran.
IRAQ964Country of Iraq.
IRELAND353Country of Ireland.
ISRAEL972Country of Israel.
ITALY39Country of Italy.
IVORYCOAST225Country of Ivory Coast.
JAMAICA8010Country of Jamaica.
JAPAN81Country of Japan.
JORDAN962Country of Jordan.
KENYA254Country of Kenya.
KIRIBATI1018Country of Kiribati.
KOREA82Country of Korea.
KUWAIT965Country of Kuwait.
LAOS1019Country of Laos.
LATVIA371Country of Latvia.
LEBANON1020Country of Lebanon.
LESOTHO266Country of Lesotho.
LIBERIA231Country of Liberia.
LIBYA218Country of Libya.
LIECHTENSTEIN41Country of Liechtenstein.
LITHUANIA370Country of Lithuania.
LUXENBOURG352Country of Luxenbourg.
MACAO853Country of Macao.
MACEDONIA389Country of Macedonia.
MADAGASCAR1021Country of Madagascar.
MALAWI265Country of Malawi.
MALAYSIA60Country of Malaysia.
MALDIVES960Country of Maldives.
MALI1022Country of Mali.
MALTA356Country of Malta.
MARSHALLIS692Country of Marshall Islands.
MAURITANIA1023Country of Mauritania.
MAURITIUS230Country of Mauritius.
MAYOTTEIS269Country of Mayotteis.
MEXICO3Country of Mexico.
MICRONESIA691Country of Micronesia.
MIQUELON508Country of Miquelon.
MOLDOVA373Country of Moldova.
MONACO33Country of Monaco.
MONGOLIA1024Country of Mongolia.
MONTSERRAT8011Country of Montserrat.
MOROCCO212Country of Morocco.
MOZAMBIQUE1025Country of Mozambique.
MYANMAR95Country of Myanmar.
NAMIBIA264Country of Namibia.
NAURU1026Country of Nauru.
NEPAL977Country of Nepal.
NETHANTILLES599Country of Neth Antilles.
NETHERLANDS31Country of Netherlands.
NEVIS8012Country of Nevis.
NEWCALEDONIA687Country of New Caledonia.
NEWZEALAND64Country of New Zealand.
NICARAGUA505Country of Nicaragua.
NIGER227Country of Niger.
NIGERIA234Country of Nigeria.
NIUE1027Country of Niue.
NORFOLKI1028Country of Norfolk.
NORTHKOREA850Country of North Korea.
NORWAY47Country of Norway.
OMAN968Country of Oman.
PAKISTAN92Country of Pakistan.
PALAU1029Country of Palau.
PANAMA507Country of Panama.
PARAGUAY595Country of Paraguay.
PERU51Country of Peru.
PHILLIPPINES63Country of Phillippines.
PITCAIRNIS1030Country of Pitcairn Islands.
PNEWGUINEA675Country of Papua New Guinea.
POLAND48Country of Poland.
PORTUGAL351Country of Portugal.
PUERTORICO787Country of Puerto Rico.
QATAR974Country of Qatar.
REUNIONI1031Country of Reunioni.
ROMANIA40Country of Romania.
RUSSIA7Country of Russia.
RWANDA250Country of Rwanda.
SAIPAN670Country of Saipan.
SANMARINO39Country of San Marino.
SAOTOME1033Country of Saotome.
SAUDIARABIA966Country of Saudi Arabia.
SENEGAL221Country of Senegal.
SERBIA381Country of Serbia.
SEYCHELLESIS1034Country of Seychellesis.
SIERRALEONE1035Country of Sierra Leone.
SINGAPORE65Country of Singapore.
SLOVAKIA421Country of Slovakia.
SLOVENIA386Country of Slovenia.
SOLOMONIS1036Country of Solomonis.
SOMALI1037Country of Somali.
SOUTHAFRICA27Country of South Africa.
SOUTHKOREA82Country of South Korea.
SPAIN34Country of Spain.
SRILANKA94Country of Sri Lanka.
STHELENA1032Country of St Helena.
STKITTS8013Country of St Kitts.
STLUCIA8014Country of St Lucia.
STPIERRE508Country of St Pierre.
STVINCENT8015Country of St Vincent.
SUDAN1038Country of Sudan.
SURINAME597Country of Suriname.
SWAZILAND268Country of Swaziland.
SWEDEN46Country of Sweden.
SWITZERLAND41Country of Switzerland.
SYRIA1039Country of Syria.
TAIWAN886Country of Taiwan.
TANZANIA255Country of Tanzania.
THAILAND66Country of Thailand.
TOBAGO8016Country of Tobago.
TOGO228Country of Togo.
TONGAIS676Country of Tongais.
TRINIDAD8016Country of Trinidad.
TUNISIA216Country of Tunisia.
TURKEY90Country of Turkey.
TURKSCAICOS8017Country of Turks Caicos.
TUVALU1040Country of Tuvalu.
UAEMIRATES971Country of United Arab Emirates.
UGANDA256Country of Uganda.
UKRAINE380Country of Ukraine.
UNITEDKINGDOM44Country of United Kkingdom.
URUGUAY598Country of Uruguay.
USA1Country of United Stats of America.
USSR7Country of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
USVIRGINIS340Country of US Virgin Islands.
VANUATU1041Country of Vanuatu.
VATICANCITY39Country of Vatican City.
VENEZUELA58Country of Venezuela.
VIETNAM84Country of Vietnam.
WAKE104Country of Wake.
WALLISIS1043Country of Wallisis.
WESTERNSAHARA1044Country of Western Sahara.
WESTERNSAMOA1045Country of Western Samoa.
YEMEN1046Country of Yemen.
YUGOSLAVIA38Country of Yugoslavia.
ZAIRE243Country of Zaire.
ZAMBIA260Country of Zambia.
ZIMBABWE263Country of Zimbabwe.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.TWAIN Namespace



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