ImageGear21.Twain Assembly > ImageGear.TWAIN Namespace : ImGearCountries Enumeration |
Member | Value | Description |
AFGHANISTAN | 1001 | Country of Afghanistan. |
ALBANIA | 355 | Country of Albania. |
ALGERIA | 213 | Country of Algeria. |
AMERICANSAMOA | 684 | Country of American Samoa. |
ANDORRA | 33 | Country of Andorra. |
ANGOLA | 1002 | Country of Angola. |
ANGUILLA | 8090 | Country of Anguilla. |
ANTIGUA | 8091 | Country of Antigua. |
ARGENTINA | 54 | Country of Argentina. |
ARMENIA | 374 | Country of Armenia. |
ARUBA | 297 | Country of Aruba. |
ASCENSIONI | 247 | Country of Ascensioni. |
AUSTRALIA | 61 | Country of Australia. |
AUSTRIA | 43 | Country of Austria. |
AZERBAIJAN | 994 | Country of Azerbaijan. |
BAHAMAS | 8092 | Country of Bahamas. |
BAHRAIN | 973 | Country of Bahrain. |
BANGLADESH | 880 | Country of Bangladesh. |
BARBADOS | 8093 | Country of Barbados. |
BELARUS | 375 | Country of Belarus. |
BELGIUM | 32 | Country of Belgium. |
BELIZE | 501 | Country of Belize. |
BENIN | 229 | Country of Benin. |
BERMUDA | 8094 | Country of Bermuda. |
BHUTAN | 1003 | Country of Bhutan. |
BOLIVIA | 591 | Country of Bolivia. |
BOSNIAHERZGO | 387 | Country of Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
BOTSWANA | 267 | Country of Botswana. |
BRAZIL | 55 | Country of Brazil. |
BRITAIN | 6 | Country of Britain. |
BRITVIRGINIS | 8095 | Country of British Virgin Islands. |
BRUNEI | 673 | Country of Brunei. |
BULGARIA | 359 | Country of Bulgaria. |
BURKINAFASO | 1004 | Country of Burkina Faso. |
BURMA | 1005 | Country of Burma. |
BURUNDI | 1006 | Country of Burundi. |
CAMAROON | 237 | Country of Camaroon. |
CAMBODIA | 855 | Country of Cambodia. |
CANADA | 2 | Country of Canada. |
CAPEVERDEIS | 238 | Country of Cape Verde Islands. |
CAYMANIS | 8096 | Country of Cayman Islands. |
CENTRALAFREP | 1007 | Country of Central African Republic. |
CHAD | 1008 | Country of Chad. |
CHILE | 56 | Country of Chile. |
CHINA | 86 | Country of China. |
CHRISTMASIS | 1009 | Country of Christmas Island. |
COCOSIS | 1009 | Country of Cocos Island. |
COLOMBIA | 57 | Country of Colombia. |
COMOROS | 1010 | Country of Comoros. |
CONGO | 1011 | Country of Congo. |
COOKIS | 1012 | Country of Cook Islands. |
COSTARICA | 506 | Country of Costa Rica. |
CROATIA | 385 | Country of Croatia. |
CUBA | 5 | Country of Cuba. |
CYPRUS | 357 | Country of Cyprus. |
CZECHOSLOVAKIA | 42 | Country of Czechoslovakia. |
CZECHREPUBLIC | 420 | Country of Czech Republic. |
DENMARK | 45 | Country of Denmark. |
DIEGOGARCIA | 246 | Country of Diego Garcia. |
DJIBOUTI | 1013 | Country of Djibouti. |
DOMINCANREP | 8098 | Country of Dominican Republic. |
DOMINICA | 8097 | Country of Dominica. |
EASTERIS | 1014 | Country of Easter Island. |
ECUADOR | 593 | Country of Ecuador. |
EGYPT | 20 | Country of Egypt. |
ELSALVADOR | 503 | Country of El Salvador. |
EQGUINEA | 1015 | Country of Eqguinea. |
ERITREA | 291 | Country of Eritrea. |
ESTONIA | 372 | Country of Estonia. |
ETHIOPIA | 251 | Country of Ethiopia. |
FAEROEIS | 298 | Country of Faeroe Islands. |
FALKLANDIS | 1016 | Country of Falkland Islands. |
FIJIISLANDS | 679 | Country of Fiji Islands. |
FINLAND | 358 | Country of Finland. |
FRANCE | 33 | Country of France. |
FRANTILLES | 596 | Country of French Antilles. |
FRGUIANA | 594 | Country of French Guiana. |
FRPOLYNEISA | 689 | Country of French Polyneisa. |
FUTANAIS | 1043 | Country of Futana Islands. |
GABON | 241 | Country of Gabon. |
GAMBIA | 220 | Country of Gambia. |
GEORGIA | 995 | Country of Georgia. |
GERMANY | 49 | Country of Germany. |
GHANA | 233 | Country of Ghana. |
GIBRALTER | 350 | Country of Gibralter. |
GREECE | 30 | Country of Greece. |
GREENLAND | 299 | Country of Greenland. |
GRENADA | 8099 | Country of Grenada. |
GRENEDINES | 8015 | Country of Grenedines. |
GUADELOUPE | 590 | Country of Guadeloupe. |
GUAM | 671 | Country of Guam. |
GUANTANAMOBAY | 5399 | Country of Guantanamo Bay. |
GUATEMALA | 502 | Country of Guatemala. |
GUINEA | 224 | Country of Guinea. |
GUINEABISSAU | 1017 | Country of Guinea-Bissau. |
GUYANA | 592 | Country of Guyana. |
HAITI | 509 | Country of Haiti. |
HONDURAS | 504 | Country of Honduras. |
HONGKONG | 852 | Country of Hong Kong. |
HUNGARY | 36 | Country of Hungary. |
ICELAND | 354 | Country of Iceland. |
INDIA | 91 | Country of India. |
INDONESIA | 62 | Country of Indonesia. |
IRAN | 98 | Country of Iran. |
IRAQ | 964 | Country of Iraq. |
IRELAND | 353 | Country of Ireland. |
ISRAEL | 972 | Country of Israel. |
ITALY | 39 | Country of Italy. |
IVORYCOAST | 225 | Country of Ivory Coast. |
JAMAICA | 8010 | Country of Jamaica. |
JAPAN | 81 | Country of Japan. |
JORDAN | 962 | Country of Jordan. |
KENYA | 254 | Country of Kenya. |
KIRIBATI | 1018 | Country of Kiribati. |
KOREA | 82 | Country of Korea. |
KUWAIT | 965 | Country of Kuwait. |
LAOS | 1019 | Country of Laos. |
LATVIA | 371 | Country of Latvia. |
LEBANON | 1020 | Country of Lebanon. |
LESOTHO | 266 | Country of Lesotho. |
LIBERIA | 231 | Country of Liberia. |
LIBYA | 218 | Country of Libya. |
LIECHTENSTEIN | 41 | Country of Liechtenstein. |
LITHUANIA | 370 | Country of Lithuania. |
LUXENBOURG | 352 | Country of Luxenbourg. |
MACAO | 853 | Country of Macao. |
MACEDONIA | 389 | Country of Macedonia. |
MADAGASCAR | 1021 | Country of Madagascar. |
MALAWI | 265 | Country of Malawi. |
MALAYSIA | 60 | Country of Malaysia. |
MALDIVES | 960 | Country of Maldives. |
MALI | 1022 | Country of Mali. |
MALTA | 356 | Country of Malta. |
MARSHALLIS | 692 | Country of Marshall Islands. |
MAURITANIA | 1023 | Country of Mauritania. |
MAURITIUS | 230 | Country of Mauritius. |
MAYOTTEIS | 269 | Country of Mayotteis. |
MEXICO | 3 | Country of Mexico. |
MICRONESIA | 691 | Country of Micronesia. |
MIQUELON | 508 | Country of Miquelon. |
MOLDOVA | 373 | Country of Moldova. |
MONACO | 33 | Country of Monaco. |
MONGOLIA | 1024 | Country of Mongolia. |
MONTSERRAT | 8011 | Country of Montserrat. |
MOROCCO | 212 | Country of Morocco. |
MOZAMBIQUE | 1025 | Country of Mozambique. |
MYANMAR | 95 | Country of Myanmar. |
NAMIBIA | 264 | Country of Namibia. |
NAURU | 1026 | Country of Nauru. |
NEPAL | 977 | Country of Nepal. |
NETHANTILLES | 599 | Country of Neth Antilles. |
NETHERLANDS | 31 | Country of Netherlands. |
NEVIS | 8012 | Country of Nevis. |
NEWCALEDONIA | 687 | Country of New Caledonia. |
NEWZEALAND | 64 | Country of New Zealand. |
NICARAGUA | 505 | Country of Nicaragua. |
NIGER | 227 | Country of Niger. |
NIGERIA | 234 | Country of Nigeria. |
NIUE | 1027 | Country of Niue. |
NORFOLKI | 1028 | Country of Norfolk. |
NORTHKOREA | 850 | Country of North Korea. |
NORWAY | 47 | Country of Norway. |
OMAN | 968 | Country of Oman. |
PAKISTAN | 92 | Country of Pakistan. |
PALAU | 1029 | Country of Palau. |
PANAMA | 507 | Country of Panama. |
PARAGUAY | 595 | Country of Paraguay. |
PERU | 51 | Country of Peru. |
PHILLIPPINES | 63 | Country of Phillippines. |
PITCAIRNIS | 1030 | Country of Pitcairn Islands. |
PNEWGUINEA | 675 | Country of Papua New Guinea. |
POLAND | 48 | Country of Poland. |
PORTUGAL | 351 | Country of Portugal. |
PUERTORICO | 787 | Country of Puerto Rico. |
QATAR | 974 | Country of Qatar. |
REUNIONI | 1031 | Country of Reunioni. |
ROMANIA | 40 | Country of Romania. |
RUSSIA | 7 | Country of Russia. |
RWANDA | 250 | Country of Rwanda. |
SAIPAN | 670 | Country of Saipan. |
SANMARINO | 39 | Country of San Marino. |
SAOTOME | 1033 | Country of Saotome. |
SAUDIARABIA | 966 | Country of Saudi Arabia. |
SENEGAL | 221 | Country of Senegal. |
SERBIA | 381 | Country of Serbia. |
SEYCHELLESIS | 1034 | Country of Seychellesis. |
SIERRALEONE | 1035 | Country of Sierra Leone. |
SINGAPORE | 65 | Country of Singapore. |
SLOVAKIA | 421 | Country of Slovakia. |
SLOVENIA | 386 | Country of Slovenia. |
SOLOMONIS | 1036 | Country of Solomonis. |
SOMALI | 1037 | Country of Somali. |
SOUTHAFRICA | 27 | Country of South Africa. |
SOUTHKOREA | 82 | Country of South Korea. |
SPAIN | 34 | Country of Spain. |
SRILANKA | 94 | Country of Sri Lanka. |
STHELENA | 1032 | Country of St Helena. |
STKITTS | 8013 | Country of St Kitts. |
STLUCIA | 8014 | Country of St Lucia. |
STPIERRE | 508 | Country of St Pierre. |
STVINCENT | 8015 | Country of St Vincent. |
SUDAN | 1038 | Country of Sudan. |
SURINAME | 597 | Country of Suriname. |
SWAZILAND | 268 | Country of Swaziland. |
SWEDEN | 46 | Country of Sweden. |
SWITZERLAND | 41 | Country of Switzerland. |
SYRIA | 1039 | Country of Syria. |
TAIWAN | 886 | Country of Taiwan. |
TANZANIA | 255 | Country of Tanzania. |
THAILAND | 66 | Country of Thailand. |
TOBAGO | 8016 | Country of Tobago. |
TOGO | 228 | Country of Togo. |
TONGAIS | 676 | Country of Tongais. |
TRINIDAD | 8016 | Country of Trinidad. |
TUNISIA | 216 | Country of Tunisia. |
TURKEY | 90 | Country of Turkey. |
TURKSCAICOS | 8017 | Country of Turks Caicos. |
TUVALU | 1040 | Country of Tuvalu. |
UAEMIRATES | 971 | Country of United Arab Emirates. |
UGANDA | 256 | Country of Uganda. |
UKRAINE | 380 | Country of Ukraine. |
UNITEDKINGDOM | 44 | Country of United Kkingdom. |
URUGUAY | 598 | Country of Uruguay. |
USA | 1 | Country of United Stats of America. |
USSR | 7 | Country of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. |
USVIRGINIS | 340 | Country of US Virgin Islands. |
VANUATU | 1041 | Country of Vanuatu. |
VATICANCITY | 39 | Country of Vatican City. |
VENEZUELA | 58 | Country of Venezuela. |
VIETNAM | 84 | Country of Vietnam. |
WAKE | 104 | Country of Wake. |
WALLISIS | 1043 | Country of Wallisis. |
WESTERNSAHARA | 1044 | Country of Western Sahara. |
WESTERNSAMOA | 1045 | Country of Western Samoa. |
YEMEN | 1046 | Country of Yemen. |
YUGOSLAVIA | 38 | Country of Yugoslavia. |
ZAIRE | 243 | Country of Zaire. |
ZAMBIA | 260 | Country of Zambia. |
ZIMBABWE | 263 | Country of Zimbabwe. |