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ImageGear.Formats.PDF Namespace
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ImageGear21.Formats.Pdf Assembly : ImageGear.Formats.PDF Namespace

Glossary Item Box

ImageGear PDF namespace provides full multi-page reading and writing support for the entire document, as well as for a specified set of pages. You can detect, read, write, append, insert, replace, swap, and delete a specified page in the PDF document, as well as to edit its content.


ClassImGearPDEClip Represents a list of elements containing Paths and Texts that describe a clip state.
ClassImGearPDEColorData Provides the abstract class for PDE color data.
ClassImGearPDEColorDataCalGray Represents CalGray color space.
ClassImGearPDEColorDataCalLab Represents L*a*b* color space.
ClassImGearPDEColorDataCalRGB Represents CalRGB color space.
ClassImGearPDEColorDataDeviceN Represents DeviceN color space.
ClassImGearPDEColorDataICCBased Represents ICC based color space.
ClassImGearPDEColorDataIndexed Represents indexed color space.
ClassImGearPDEColorDataSeparation Represents separation color space.
ClassImGearPDEColorRange Represents PDE color range.
ClassImGearPDEColorSpace Represents a color space used on a page in a PDF file.
ClassImGearPDEColorSpec Represents PDE color specification.
ClassImGearPDEColorValue Represents PDE color value.
ClassImGearPDEContainer Represents a group of elements on a page in a PDF file.
ClassImGearPDEContent Represents a modifiable content of a PDF page, which contains elements.
ClassImGearPDEContentAttrs Provides attributes of the PDE Content object.
ClassImGearPDEDash Represents PDE dash.
ClassImGearPDEElement Represents base class for the elements of a page display list (PDE content) and for clip objects.
ClassImGearPDEFilterArray Represents an array of filter specifications usually containing two or less filters: encoding and/or compression.
ClassImGearPDEFilterSpec Represents a filter element in a filter array.
ClassImGearPDEFont Represents a font used on a page in a PDF file.
ClassImGearPDEFontAttrs Provides attributes for ImGearPDEFont and ImGearPDFSysFont.
ClassImGearPDEFontCreateFromSysFontParams Provides PDE Font creation parameters.
ClassImGearPDEFontInfo Represents PDE font information.
ClassImGearPDEForm Represents an element corresponding to an instance of XObject Form on a page or other containing stream.
ClassImGearPDEGraphicState Provides attributes of a PDE element or a PDE text sub-element.
ClassImGearPDEGroup Represents a group of objects in PDE content.
ClassImGearPDEImage Represents an Image XObject or in-line image.
ClassImGearPDEImageAttrs Provides attributes of a PDE Image object.
ClassImGearPDEObject Represents base class for all PDE objects.
ClassImGearPDEPath Represents a path.
ClassImGearPDEPlace Represents an element that marks a place on a page in a PDF file.
ClassImGearPDEPostScript Represents in-line or XObject pass-through PostScript object.
ClassImGearPDEPSAttrs Provides attributes of a PDE PostScript object.
ClassImGearPDEShading Represents a smooth shading object.
ClassImGearPDESoftMask Represents an object for creating and manipulating a soft mask in a PDF file.
ClassImGearPDEText Represents a text object.
ClassImGearPDETextItem Represents a text item object.
ClassImGearPDETextState Provides attributes of a PDE text element.
ClassImGearPDEXGroup Represents a transparency (XGroup) resource.
ClassImGearPDEXObject Represents an arbitrary XObject.
ClassImGearPDEXYZColor Represents XYZ color data.
ClassImGearPDF Provides general PDF functionality and access to the global properties and methods.
ClassImGearPDFAction Represents a task that performs when a user clicks on a link or a bookmark.
ClassImGearPDFAtom Represents a hashed token used in place of strings to optimize performance.
ClassImGearPDFBasArray Represents basic array object.
ClassImGearPDFBasBool Represents basic boolean object.
ClassImGearPDFBasDict Represents basic dictionary object.
ClassImGearPDFBasFixed Represents basic fixed object.
ClassImGearPDFBasInt Represents basic integer object.
ClassImGearPDFBasName Represents basic name object.
ClassImGearPDFBasNull Represents basic null object.
ClassImGearPDFBasObj Represents basic abstract object.
ClassImGearPDFBasStream Represents basic stream object.
ClassImGearPDFBasString Represents basic string object.
ClassImGearPDFBookmark Represents a PDF bookmark.
ClassImGearPDFDestination Represents a particular view of a page in a document.
ClassImGearPDFDictionary Represents a PDF dictionary.
ClassImGearPDFDocument Represents PDF document.
ClassImGearPDFDocumentPageArray Represents PDF document page array.
ClassImGearPDFFixedMatrix Describes a matrix containing fixed numbers.
ClassImGearPDFFixedPoint Describes a point (in two-dimensional space) represented by two fixed numbers.
ClassImGearPDFFixedQuad Describes a quadrilateral with four fixed points (one at each corner).
ClassImGearPDFFixedRect Describes a rectangle by the coordinates of its four sides.
ClassImGearPDFLayer Represents a named object whose state can be toggled to affect changes in visibility of content.
ClassImGearPDFObject Represents general PDF object that provides disposing routine for all unmanaged resources.
ClassImGearPDFPage Represents PDF and PS pages.
ClassImGearPDFPreflight Provides preflight capabilities.
ClassImGearPDFPreflightConvertOptions Provides preflight capabilities.
ClassImGearPDFPreflightReport Provides preflight reporting.
ClassImGearPDFPrintOptions Provides PDF printing options.
ClassImGearPDFSaveOptions Provides specific PDF options for saving.
ClassImGearPDFSecurityData Provides data for the standard security handler.
ClassImGearPDFStream Represents a data stream that may be a buffer in memory, or an arbitrary user-written procedure.
ClassImGearPDFStyle Represents information about the fonts, font sizes, and colors used in a word.
ClassImGearPDFSysEncoding Represents a system encoding for a PDF file.
ClassImGearPDFSysFont Represents a font installed in the host system.
ClassImGearPDFWord Represents a word in a PDF file.
ClassImGearPDFWordFinder Represents a word finder object that extracts words from a PDF file.


DelegateImGearPDEClip.ImGearPDEClipEnumerate Delegate for the clip enumeration procedure.
DelegateImGearPDFDocument.ImGearAuthProc Delegate describing format of the authorization procedure.
DelegateImGearPDFStream.ImGearPDFStreamCleanUp Delegate describing PDF stream clean up routine.
DelegateImGearPDFStream.ImGearPDFStreamReader Delegate describing PDF stream reader.
DelegateImGearPDFStream.ImGearPDFStreamWriter Delegate describing PDF stream writer.
DelegateImGearPDFSysFont.ImGearPDFSysFontEnumerate Delegate describing system font enumeration routine.


EnumerationImGearPDEContentFlags Specifies PDE content attributes.
EnumerationImGearPDEElementCopyFlags Specifies PDE element copy flags.
EnumerationImGearPDEFontCreateFlags Specifies flags for PDE font creation routine.
EnumerationImGearPDEFontCreateNeedFlags Specifies PDE font flags for creation.
EnumerationImGearPDEFontFlags Specifies font's attributes.
EnumerationImGearPDEFontProtection Specifies font protection.
EnumerationImGearPDEGraphicStateWasSetFlags Specifies a graphics state that was set.
EnumerationImGearPDEImageAttrFlags Specifies PDE image attributes.
EnumerationImGearPDEImageDataFlags Specifies image data flags.
EnumerationImGearPDEInsertElement Specifies pre-defined positions for inserting a PDE element into the content.
EnumerationImGearPDEPathElementType Specifies path segment operators in PDE path elements.
EnumerationImGearPDEPathOpFlags Specifies flags for paint operators in a PDE path.
EnumerationImGearPDEPSAttrFlags Specifies PostScript attributes flags for ImGearPDEPSAttrs class.
EnumerationImGearPDESoftMaskCreateFlags Specifies flags for SoftMask creation.
EnumerationImGearPDESysFontMatchFlags Specifies font matching flags for SysFont find routine.
EnumerationImGearPDESysFontPackageType Specifies system font package type.
EnumerationImGearPDETextFlags Specifies PDE text flags.
EnumerationImGearPDEType Specifies types of PDF editing objects.
EnumerationImGearPDEXGroupCreateFlags Specifies creation flags for transparency group.
EnumerationImGearPDFBasicType Specifies types of basic PDF objects.
EnumerationImGearPDFBookmarkFlags Specifies PDF bookmark flags.
EnumerationImGearPDFCodePages Specifies a code page character-mapping.
EnumerationImGearPDFContextFlags Specifies context flags.
EnumerationImGearPDFDestinationType Specifies the types of PDF object destination.
EnumerationImGearPDFFixedValues Specifies predefined PDF fixed-point constants.
EnumerationImGearPDFInsertFlags Specifies insert flags.
EnumerationImGearPDFOCMDVisPolicy Specifies PDF dictionary (OCMD) visibility policy types.
EnumerationImGearPDFPageDrawMode Specifies PDF rendering methods used to draw PDF page content.
EnumerationImGearPDFPageNumber Specifies pre-defined page number values.
EnumerationImGearPDFPageRange Specifies pre-defined page range values.
EnumerationImGearPDFPermReqObj Specifies the target objects of a permission request.
EnumerationImGearPDFPermReqOpr Specifies the target operations of a permissions request.
EnumerationImGearPDFPermReqStatus Specifies the status of PDF document related permissions methods.
EnumerationImGearPDFPermsFlags Specifies permissions wanted and granted for a document.
EnumerationImGearPDFPreflightProfile Specifies types of supported preflight profiles.
EnumerationImGearPDFPreflightReportCodes Specifies PDF preflight error codes describing incompliance with the specified profile.
EnumerationImGearPDFPreflightStatusCode ImGearPDFPreflightStatusCode defines PDF preflight conversion result code.
EnumerationImGearPDFRevision Specifies Acrobat revision numbers.
EnumerationImGearPDFSaveFlags Specifies save flags for PDF document.
EnumerationImGearPDFSecurityInfoFlags Specifies flags for various information about the security and permissions.
EnumerationImGearPDFSmoothFlags Specifies how a page is rendered (bit flags).
EnumerationImGearPDFStdSecurityMethod Specifies standard security algorithms.
EnumerationImGearPDFTextEncoding Specifies PDF ASCII encoding.
EnumerationImGearPDFWordFinderVersion Specifies word finder algorithm versions.
EnumerationImGearPSLevel Specifies the PostScript language levels.
EnumerationImGearPSType Specifies output PostScript types.

See Also

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