ImageGear for .NET
ImGearExcelBookPage Class
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ImageGear21.Formats.Office Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.Office Namespace : ImGearExcelBookPage Class

Glossary Item Box

A page object that represents an entire sheet from an Excel workbook as a single page.

Object Model

ImGearExcelBookPage ClassImGearPage ClassImGearRasterPage ClassImGearExcelSheetDocument Class


Visual Basic
Managed Extensions for C++


This class is used to display or print the entire sheet of an Excel document as a single page. To break a sheet into smaller pages displaying or printing, see the Repaginate(Double,Double) method.

Note: Use caution when displaying or printing a sheet as a single page. Because of the large sizes that are possible with Excel sheets, it’s possible that the memory necessary to render the page will exceed the resources of the system. In general, sheets with less than 20,000 cells are safe for rendering as a single page on a modern system. Though keep in mind, the larger the sheet the more time that will be needed to render the page. It is recommended that the paginated ImGearExcelSheetPage objects be used for displaying or printing by default unless the size the worksheets are known.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also

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