ImageGear for .NET
ImGearARTLine Class
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ImageGear21.Art Assembly > ImageGear.ART Namespace : ImGearARTLine Class

Glossary Item Box

Represents ART Line mark.

Object Model

ImGearARTLine ClassImGearRectangle StructureIImGearRGBQuad InterfaceImGearPoint StructureImGearRectangle StructureIImGearRGBQuad InterfaceImGearPoint Structure


Visual Basic
Managed Extensions for C++


C#Copy Code
// Setup start and endpoint for the line.
ImGearPoint igPointStart = new ImGearPoint(0, 0);
ImGearPoint igPointEnd = new ImGearPoint(igPage.DIB.Width / 2, igPage.DIB.Height / 2);
// Setup color for the line.
ImGearRGBQuad igRGBQuadLine = new ImGearRGBQuad(0, 255, 0);
// Setup color for the heads.
ImGearRGBQuad igRGBQuadHead = new ImGearRGBQuad(0, 0, 200);
// Create the line annotation with solid pen style, a width of 4, 25% opacity,
//  open head type at the start point with a 30 degree angle and length of 20,
//  solid head type at the end point with a 30 degree angle and length of 20.
ImGearARTLine igARTLine = new ImGearARTLine(
    igPointStart, igPointEnd, igRGBQuadLine, ImGearARTPenStyle.SOLID, 4,
    (int)(0.25 * 255), igRGBQuadHead, ImGearARTLineHeadType.OPEN, 30, 20,
    ImGearARTLineHeadType.POINTER_SOLID, 30, 20
// Add the annotation to the ARTPage.
igARTPage.AddMark(igARTLine, ImGearARTCoordinatesType.IMAGE_COORD);
Visual BasicCopy Code
' Setup start and endpoint for the line.
Dim igPointStart As New ImGearPoint(0, 0)
Dim igPointEnd As New ImGearPoint(igPage.DIB.Width / 2, igPage.DIB.Height / 2)
' Setup color for the line.
Dim igRGBQuadLine As New ImGearRGBQuad(0, 255, 0)
' Setup color for the heads.
Dim igRGBQuadHead As New ImGearRGBQuad(0, 0, 200)
' Create the line annotation with solid pen style, a width of 4, 25% opacity,
'  open head type at the start point with a 30 degree angle and length of 20,
'  solid head type at the end point with a 30 degree angle and length of 20.
Dim igARTLine As New ImGearARTLine( _
 igPointStart, igPointEnd, igRGBQuadLine, ImGearARTPenStyle.SOLID, 4, _
 CInt(0.25 * 255), igRGBQuadHead, ImGearARTLineHeadType.OPEN, 30, 20, _
 ImGearARTLineHeadType.POINTER_SOLID, 30, 20)
' Add the annotation to the ARTPage.
igARTPage.AddMark(igARTLine, ImGearARTCoordinatesType.IMAGE_COORD)

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also

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