ImageGear for .NET
ImGearThumbnailList Class Members
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ImageGear21.Windows.Controls Assembly > ImageGear.Windows.Controls Namespace : ImGearThumbnailList Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearThumbnailList.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorImGearThumbnailList Constructor Initializes a new instance of the ImGearThumbnailList class.  

Public Fields

Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)CacheItemContainersProperty Cache item containers dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DisplayMarksProperty Represents DisplayMarks dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ItemBackgroundProperty Represents ItemBackground dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ItemBorderBrushProperty Represents ItemBorderBrush dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ItemBorderThicknessProperty Represents ItemBorderThickness dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ItemCaptionBackgroundProperty Represents ItemCaptionBackground dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ItemCaptionForegroundProperty Represents ItemCaptionForeground dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ItemHeightProperty Represents ItemHeight dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ItemsMarginProperty Represents ItemsMargin dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ItemWidthProperty Represents ItemWidth dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ScrollDirectionProperty Represents ScrollDirection dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SelectedPageDisplayProperty Represents SelectedPageDisplay dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)XSpacingProperty Represents XSpacing dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)YSpacingProperty Represents YSpacing dependency property.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyARTPageCache Gets a cache for storing and retrieving ImGearARTPages associated with thumbnail items.  
Public PropertyCacheItemContainers Gets or sets a value indicating whether item containers that are out of view are cached.  
Public PropertyDisplayMarks Gets or sets a value indicating whether marks are displayed in thumbnails.  
Public PropertyItemBackground Gets or sets the Brush that specifies how the background of thumbnail items is painted.  
Public PropertyItemBorderBrush Gets or sets the Brush that specifies how the border of thumbnail items is painted.  
Public PropertyItemBorderThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the border of thumbnail items.  
Public PropertyItemCaptionBackground Gets or sets the Brush that specifies how the background of the Caption of thumbnail items is painted.  
Public PropertyItemCaptionForeground Gets or sets the Brush that specifies how the foreground of the Caption of thumbnail items is painted.  
Public PropertyItemHeight Gets or sets the height, in WPF device independent units, of each thumbnail item.  
Public PropertyItemsMargin Gets or sets the region within the control (in WPF device independent units) where thumbnail items are displayed.  
Public PropertyItemsSource Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content of the thumbnail control.  
Public PropertyItemWidth Gets or sets the width, in WPF device independent units, of each thumbnail item.  
Public PropertyScrollDirection Gets or sets the direction the thumbnail items will scroll in the control.  
Public PropertyScrollToFirstItemCommand Gets a command for scrolling to the first item in the thumbnail list.  
Public PropertyScrollToLastItemCommand Gets a command for scrolling to the last item in the thumbnail list.  
Public PropertyScrollToNextBandCommand Gets a command for scrolling to the next band of thumbnails in the thumbnail list.  
Public PropertyScrollToNextPageCommand Gets a command for scrolling to the next page of thumbnails in the thumbnail list.  
Public PropertyScrollToPreviousBandCommand Gets a command for scrolling to the previous band of thumbnails in the thumbnail list.  
Public PropertyScrollToPreviousPageCommand Gets a command for scrolling to the previous page of thumbnails in the thumbnail list.  
Public PropertySelectedPageDisplay Gets or sets the page display that contains the source image and marks of the selected thumbnail item.  
Public PropertySelectFirstItemCommand Gets a command for selecting the first item in the thumbnail list.  
Public PropertySelectLastItemCommand Gets a command for selecting the last item in the thumbnail list.  
Public PropertySelectNextBandItemCommand Gets a command for selecting the next band item in the thumbnail list.  
Public PropertySelectNextItemCommand Gets a command for selecting the next item in the thumbnail list.  
Public PropertySelectPreviousBandItemCommand Gets a command for selecting the previous band item in the thumbnail list.  
Public PropertySelectPreviousItemCommand Gets a command for selecting the previous item in the thumbnail list.  
Public PropertyXSpacing Gets or sets the amount of horizontal space between thumbnails displayed on the control, in WPF device independent units.  
Public PropertyYSpacing Gets or sets the amount of vertical space between thumbnails displayed on the control, in WPF device independent units.  

Public Methods

Public MethodLoadAllARTPages Causes the ThumbnailList to fire the MarksLoading event for each thumbnail item that does not have an associated ImGearARTPage in the ThumbnailList.ARTPageCache.  
Public MethodReloadItem Reloads the images in the thumbnail items that are currently displayed.  
Public MethodReloadItems Reloads the images in the thumbnail items that are currently displayed.  
Public MethodScrollIntoViewOverloaded.  Causes the thumbnail item at the specified index to scroll into view.  
Public MethodScrollToFirstItem Scrolls to the first item in the thumbnail list.  
Public MethodScrollToLastItem Scrolls to the last item in the thumbnail list.  
Public MethodScrollToNextBand Scrolls the next band of thumbnail items into view.  
Public MethodScrollToNextPage Scrolls the next page of thumbnail items into view.  
Public MethodScrollToPreviousBand Scrolls the previous band of thumbnail items into view.  
Public MethodScrollToPreviousPage Scrolls the previous page of thumbnail items into view.  
Public MethodSelectFirstItem Selects the first item in the thumbnail list.  
Public MethodSelectLastItem Selects the last item in the thumbnail list.  
Public MethodSelectNextBandItem Selects the next band item in the thumbnail list.  
Public MethodSelectNextItem Selects the next item in the thumbnail list.  
Public MethodSelectPreviousBandItem Selects the previous band item in the thumbnail list.  
Public MethodSelectPreviousItem Selects the previous item in the thumbnail list.  

Protected Methods

Protected MethodClearContainerForItemOverrideOverridden.  Clears the container for the item.  
Protected MethodGetContainerForItemOverrideOverridden.  Create or identify the element used to display the given item.  
Protected MethodIsItemItsOwnContainerOverrideOverridden.  Return true if the item is (or is eligible to be) its own ItemContainer.  
Protected MethodOnItemsChangedOverridden.  Fires when items are removed or added to the thumbnail list.  
Protected MethodOnKeyDownOverridden.  Fires when a key is pressed.  
Protected MethodOnMarksLoading Occurs when a point is added to the mark.  
Protected MethodOnRequerySuggested Occurs when a requery is suggested.  
Protected MethodOnSelectionChangedOverridden.  Fires when the thumbnail items are selected or deselected.  
Protected MethodPrepareContainerForItemOverrideOverridden.  Prepares the specified element to display the specified item.  

Public Events

Public EventMarksLoading This event is called when a thumbnail item is first generated and can be used to load the marks for the thumbnail item.  
Public EventRequerySuggested Occurs when the command manager detects conditions that might change the ability of a command to execute.  

See Also

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