ImageGear for .NET
ImageGear.Windows.Controls Namespace (ImageGear21.Windows.Controls)
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ImageGear21.Windows.Controls Assembly : ImageGear.Windows.Controls Namespace

Glossary Item Box

This namespace provides WPF Page View and other common controls to simplify development of XAML based applications.


ClassFileOpenedEventArgs Arguments for the PageView.FileOpened event on the PageView control.
ClassFileOpeningEventArgs Arguments for the PageView.FileOpening event on the PageView control.
ClassImGearAnnotationItems This class represents an object that provides access to the menu items that are displayed when right clicking on an annotation mark.
ClassImGearAnnotationSettings Provides a set of settings for the annotation user interface.
ClassImGearAnnotationTemplates Provides templates for creating annotations using the mouse.
ClassImGearCustomMarkMenuItemCollection This class represents a collection of context menu items for a custom mark.
ClassImGearCustomMarkMenuItemDictionary This class represents a dictionary of collections of context menu items for custom marks.
ClassImGearDelegateCommand This class represents a delegate command.
ClassImGearHandPanSettings This class represents the settings for the hand pan mouse tool.
ClassImGearImageConverter This class is used to convert a FrameworkElement passed as a parameter to an image.
ClassImGearMagnifierSettings This class represents the settings for the magnifier mouse tool.
ClassImGearMarksLoadingEventArgs This class specifies a list of arguments for the MarksLoadingEventHandler delegate.
ClassImGearMouseToolSettings This class represents the mouse tool settings for the PageView control.
ClassImGearPageViewContextMenu This class represents a context menu for the PageView control.
ClassImGearPageViewTool This class represents PageView toolbar item content.
ClassImGearPageViewToolbar This class represents a PageView toolbar.
ClassImGearPageViewToolCollection This class represents a collection of ImGearPageViewTools.
ClassImGearRectangleZoomSettings This class represents the settings for the rectangle zoom mouse tool.
ClassImGearSelectSettings This class represents the settings for the select mouse tool.
ClassImGearThumbnailList This class controls operations with thumbnail items.
ClassImGearThumbnailListItem This class represents a thumbnail item.
ClassImGearThumbnailMultiPageAdapter This class can be used to convert a collection of filename strings, Streams, or ImGearDocuments to a collection of ImGearThumbnailPages.
ClassImGearThumbnailPage This class represents a thumbnail page.
ClassImGearThumbnailPageExtension This class represents a markup extension for the ImGearThumbnailPage class.
ClassImGearVirtualizingWrapPanel Virtualizing wrap panel class.
ClassImGearZoomInSettings This class represents the settings for the zoom in mouse tool.
ClassImGearZoomOutSettings This class represents the settings for the zoom out mouse tool.
ClassPageView This class provides a user interface element to use in XAML. It takes an ImGearPageDisplay Class object and renders it, allowing for options to scroll, zoom, and other methods of manipulating the display of an image.
ClassScrollBarIncrement Settings for a scroll bar increment including the value of the increment and what type of value.


InterfaceIImGearCommandManager An interface for providing command related utility methods that register CommmandBinding and InputBinding objects for class owners and commands, add and remove command event handlers, and provides services for querying the status of a command.


DelegateImGearFunc<TParam,TResult> Encapsulates a method that has one parameter and returns a value of the type specified by the TResult parameter.
DelegateImGearMarksLoadingEventHandler This delegate is used for declaring MarksLoading events.


EnumerationImGearAnnotationMode Specifies the mark mode.
EnumerationImGearInteractionArea Specifies the interaction area for editing annotations.
EnumerationImGearMouseTool Specifies the mouse tool.
EnumerationImGearPageViewToolbarMouseTool Specifies the PageView toolbar mouse tool.
EnumerationImGearScrollDirection The direction that the thumbnail items are scrolled.
EnumerationImGearUpdateMode Specifies the update mode.
EnumerationScrollBarIncrementType Types of scroll bar increment values.

See Also

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