ImageGear for .NET
ImGearRecCodePageCollection Class
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ImageGear21.Recognition Assembly > ImageGear.Recognition Namespace : ImGearRecCodePageCollection Class

Glossary Item Box

Collection of ImGearRecCodePage objects (Code Pages for writing recognition output).

Object Model

ImGearRecCodePageCollection ClassImGearRecCodePage Structure


Visual Basic
Managed Extensions for C++


Collection of ImGearRecCodePage objects (Code Pages for writing recognition output). Note: The Code Pages are either hard-coded in the Recognition engine (Code Page 437, Roman 8, Greek-ELOT, Greek-MEMOTEK, all the supported Windows Code Pages and the 16-bit UNICODE and WordPerfect) or they are defined in Code Page Definition files, *.SET. The Recognition engine is shipped with a Code Page Definition file called RECOGN.SET.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also

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