ImageGear for Java
ImGearXMPTagIDs Enumeration
Lists all XMP tag identifiers.

These identifiers represent structural types of XMP metadata, such as Value, Sequence, Bag, Qualifier, etc. ImageGear does not provide enumerations for particilar properties of XMP schemes.

AboutAbout attribute value.
AltAlternative array of values tree.
BagBag of values (unordered array) tree.
DescriptionXMP Schema tree.
FORMATXMP Metadata Format identifier.
ItemArray item tree.
LangLanguage alternative tree.
NamespaceNamespace tree.
PrefixNamespace prefix value.
PropertiesProperties tree.
PropertyProperty tree.
QualifierQualifier tree.
QualifiersQualifiers tree.
SeqSequence of values (ordered array) tree.
StructStructure tree.
URINamespace URI value.
ValueProperty value.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


com.accusoft.imagegear.formats Package



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