ImageGear for Java
ImGearColorProfileManager Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearColorProfileManager.

Public Methods
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)areProfilesEnabledGets a value indicating whether the automatic use of color profiles for color space conversion operations is enabled.

Boolean value.

If this profiles are enabled, global color profiles (specified by other properties of this object such as getCmykProfile method and method) and local color profiles ( ImGearRasterPage.getColorProfile method) will be used to perform color space conversions. The default value is false.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)assignProfileAssociates a given instance of a color profile with the specified color space.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)enableProfilesSets a value indicating whether the automatic use of color profiles for color space conversion operations is enabled.

Boolean value.

If this method receives true, global color profiles (specified by other properties of this object such as getCmykProfile method and getRgbProfile method) and local color profiles ( ImGearRasterPage.getColorProfile} method) will be used to perform color space conversions. The default value is false.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)getCmykProfileGets global CMYK color profile to use for implicit color space conversions when global profiles are enabled.

ImGearColorProfile class object.

The default value is null.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)getGrayProfileGets a color profile for Grayscale color space.

ImGearColorProfile class object.

The default value is null.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)getLabProfileGets a color profile for Lab color space.

The default value is the identity profile. It means that input Lab values are directly used as Lab Profile Connection Space values in the ICC conversion processes.

ImGearColorProfile class object. ImGearColorProfile

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)getProfileReturns an instance of a color profile associated with the given color space.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)getRenderingIntentGets rendering intent to use for implicit color space conversions when global profiles are enabled.

ImGearRenderingIntents enumeration value.

Rendering intent controls how color matching is performed during color space conversion. The default value is ImGearRenderingIntents.PERCEPTUAL.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)getRgbProfileGets global RGB color profile to use for implicit color space conversions when global profiles are enabled.

ImGearColorProfile class object.

The default value is null.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)setCmykProfileSets global CMYK color profile to use for implicit color space conversions when global profiles are enabled.

ImGearColorProfile class object.

The default value is null.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)setGrayProfileSets a color profile for Grayscale color space.

ImGearColorProfile class object.

The default value is null.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)setLabProfileSets a color profile for Lab color space.

The default value is the identity profile. It means that input Lab values are directly used as Lab Profile Connection Space values in the ICC conversion processes.

ImGearColorProfile class object. ImGearColorProfile

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)setRenderingIntentSets rendering intent to use for implicit color space conversions when global profiles are enabled.

ImGearRenderingIntents enumeration value.

Rendering intent controls how color matching is performed during color space conversion. The default value is ImGearRenderingIntents.PERCEPTUAL.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)setRgbProfileSets global RGB color profile to use for implicit color space conversions when global profiles are enabled.

ImGearColorProfile class object.

The default value is null.


See Also


ImGearColorProfileManager Class
com.accusoft.imagegear.core Package



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