Accusoft ImagXpress 13
RemoveDust Method

An integer value that determines how bright a pixel must be for it to be considered a speck.

Valid range is between -255 and 255.

An integer value that controls where the filter boundary begins relative to the speck for smoothing to occur.

Valid range is between -6 and 2.

An integer value that controls how much smoothing is applied to the pixels in the speck or scratch.

Valid range is between -5 and  100.

enumDefectType enumeration used in determining whether a dark or light speck is to be removed.
Removes specks within color images.
Visual Basic
Public Sub RemoveDust( _
   ByVal IPDefectThreshold As Integer, _
   ByVal IPDefectFilterAdjustment As Integer, _
   ByVal IPDefectSmoothingAdjustment As Integer, _
   ByVal IPDefectType As enumDefectType _

An integer value that determines how bright a pixel must be for it to be considered a speck.

Valid range is between -255 and 255.


An integer value that controls where the filter boundary begins relative to the speck for smoothing to occur.

Valid range is between -6 and 2.


An integer value that controls how much smoothing is applied to the pixels in the speck or scratch.

Valid range is between -5 and  100.

DefectTypeDarkA dark defect is to be removed.
DefectTypeLightA light defect is to be removed.
enumDefectType enumeration used in determining whether a dark or light speck is to be removed.

Prior to calling RemoveDust, an Area must be set, using the Area method.

Note: Available in Professional Edition.

See Also

ImagXpress Object  | ImagXpress Members  | Area Method  | enumDefectType Enumeration  | Color Image Processing  | Image Processing



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