Operation Enumeration

Option values used in determining what type of image operation to perform.
Public Enum Operation 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As Operation
public enum Operation : System.Enum 
__value public enum Operation : public System.Enum 
public enum class Operation : public System.Enum 
AdjustColorBalance85Correct clor balance as specified.
AdjustHsl37Adjust the image hue, saturation and luminance components.
AdjustLightness86Adjust the image lightness as specified.
AdjustRgb34Adjust the color image.
ApplyGrayscaleTransform65Permanently levels an 8 through 16-bit gray image to an 8-bit gray image.
AutoBinarize90Similiar to Binarize but for text mode only and all parameters automatically chosen.
AutoBinarize291Similiar to Binarize but for text mode only and all parameters automatically chosen. It uses a different and faster algorithm than AutoBinarize to binarize the image automatically.
AutoColorBalance87Correct the image color balance automatically.
AutoContrast40Automatically adjust the image contrast uniformly.
AutoCrop57Crop the border space automatically.
AutoLevel67Restores and balances color quality within an image.
AutoLightness88Adjust the contrast in light and dark regions of the image separately. This is useful to bring more detail into the shadowy areas of the image, without washing out the light regions.
AutoRemoveRedeye89Remove red eye on an image.
Binarize60Modify the color palette associated with the image, setting it to two colors.
Blend44Blend with underlying pixels in the image.
Blur45Noise eliminated where significant color transitions occur. The blur filters smooth transitions by averaging the pixels next to the hard edges of defined lines and shaded areas.
Brightness21Apply brightness on the image.
Buttonize49Add translucent bevels to the edges of it to give it the appearance of a 3D button.
ColorCount59Color count.
ColorDepth110Color depth set to 1.
ColorDepth247Color depth set to 24.
ColorDepth49Color depth set to 4.
ColorDepth88Color depth set to 8.
ColorJoin61Joins the color components into a full image.
Contrast22Apply image contrast.
Copy36Copy the specified region or image.
CountUniqueColors64Count of the unique colors.
CreateColorImage63Create a color image from a non-color one.
Crop24Crop the specified region of the image. Cropping is the process of removing portions of an image to create focus or strengthen the compostion.
CropBorder58Crop the image borders.
Deskew56Correct skewing of an image.
Despeckle55Blur the selection on the image except those edges. This blurring removes noise while preserving detail.
Diffuse46The image displays as though it were viewed through a soft diffusion filter.
Dilate51Enhance and/or fill in divets in black letters and lines.
DocumentBlankPageDetect83Examines a rectangle on an image, determining if the page is considered blank, based on the amount of data on the page.
DocumentBlobRemoval82Locates and removes large black objects in images such as binder punch holes.
DocumentBorderCrop84Crops borders of documents.
DocumentDeskew75Automatically detects and removes skew from current 1-bt depth images.
DocumentDespeckle76Detects and removes specks from the current image.
DocumentDilate78Examines pixels in the current image and expands the black ones by a given amount in a given direction.
DocumentErode79Removes the black pixels in the current image by the given amount in the given direction.
DocumentLineRemoval77Automatically detects and removes lines from the current image.
DocumentShear81Shears current image clockwise or counter-clockwise.
DocumentZoomSmooth80Replaces current 1-bit per pixel image with an image whose width and height have been doubled and whose pixels have been smoothed.
Emboss25Apply an emboss effect to the image. Emboss makes a selection appear raised or stamped by converting it's fill color to gray.
Equalize19Apply the equalize effect to the image.
Erode52Reduce or erase protrusions from black letters and lines.
Flip1Flip the image vertically.
Gamma38Lighten or darken the image depending on the specified value given.
LoadImage15Load the image.
Matrix31Apply 3x3 convolution matrix filter added.
Median20Apply a median effect to the image.
Merge35Merge image with other loaded images.
Mirror2Flip the image horizontally.
Mosaic18Apply mosaic effect which clumps pixels into square blocks.
MotionBlur29Blur the image in the specified direction.
Negative6Negative image.
Noise27Adds noise (pixels with randomly distributed color levels. This helps to blend a selection into the surrounding pixels.
None0No operation is performed.
Outline17Apply the outline effect to the image.
Parabolic43Brightness is adjusted based on either a convex or concave transform as specified.
Perspective33The image has had the aspect changed for each row or column of pixels.
PicResize54Resize the picture.
Pinch50Apply pinch to the image which squeezes a selection.
PolynomialWarp47Distort the image to conform to a specified shape.
Posterize42Apply a specified number of brightness values altered. This is useful for creating special effects, such as large, flat areas in a photograph.
RemoveDust70Removes specks within color images.
RemoveNoise69Removes noise (pixels with randomly distributed color levels.
RemoveRedeye66Reduces the red reflection displayed in the eyes of people from which a color flash photo image was taken.
RemoveScratches71Removes scratches within color images along a line.
ReplColors30Replicate the colors on the image.
Resample39Change the image pixel dimensions (and therefore display size).
Resize23Resize the image.
RgbColorCount62Gives 3 array sets each containing 256 elements which equate to a count of red, green and blue color intensities of the image.
Ripple26The image has an undulating pattern on a selection, like ripples on the surface of a pond.
Rotate1804Rotate the image clockwise 180 degrees.
Rotate2705Rotate the image clockwise 270 degrees.
Rotate903Rotate the image clockwise 90 degrees.
RotateAngle14Rotate the image by a specified angle.
SaveImage16Save the image.
Separate53Perform color separation on an image.
Sharpen11Sharpen by focusing blurred regions by increasing the contrast of adjacent pixels.
SharpenEx72Sharpens the current DIB by applying a high pass 3x3 convolution filter selected by the user.
Soften12Soften the image edges.
SoftenEx74Softens the current DIB by applying a low pass 3x3 convolution filter.
Solarize41A negative and a positive image blended together.
Swirl48Transform the image from a swirling pattern from the center of the image.
Tile13Break the image up into a series of tiles, creating an offset between the selection and the original position.
Twist28Distort the image in a twisting motion.
Unsharpen68Combines a noise-cleaning filter with a sharpening filter applied to the image.
UnsharpenEx73Subtracts the low resolution image from a normal resolution image to create a masked image.
Zoom32Modify the image to fit the ImagXpress control.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


Accusoft.ImagXpressSdk Namespace



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