Image Resizing
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ImagXpress 12 for ActiveX - API Reference > Properties, Methods & Events by Category > Image Resizing

Glossary Item Box


ImagXpress® can resize an image in many different ways. It can resize an image as it loads the image. It can resize an image in the view. It can resize an image permanently using one of the image processing resize methods. The following properties, methods and events are for resizing an image.


AspectX Gets and sets the horizontal aspect ratio of the current image.
AspectY Gets and sets the vertical aspect ratio of the current image.
AutoSize Gets or sets the type of image re-sizing to perform in the view.
LoadResizeAntiAlias Gets and sets whether the image is anti-aliased during a load resize.
LoadResizeEnabled Gets and sets whether the image will be resized when loading an image.
LoadResizeHeight Gets and sets the height to resize the image to when loading an image.
LoadResizeMaintainAspectRatio Gets or sets the option to preserve image aspect ratio when loading an image into the viewer control.
LoadResizePreserveBlack Gets and sets whether when loading with LoadResizeEnabled, black objects in the image should be enhanced during the resize to increase readability.
LoadResizeWidth Gets and sets the width to resize the image to when loading an image.
LoadScaleToGray Gets and sets whether to scale to gray when LoadResizeEnabled is set during a load.
LoadThumbnail Gets and sets the thumbnail style (JPEG and ePIC images only).
ScaleResizePreserveBlack Gets and sets that black lines and objects should be enhanced during a resize of the image to increase readability.
ScaleResizeToGray Gets and sets whether the image is scaled to gray during a resize of the image.
ViewAntialias Gets and sets the anti-alias effect.
ViewPreserveBlack Gets and sets whether fine lines should be enhanced to increase readability.
ViewSmoothing Gets and sets the smoothing effect in the view.
ZoomFactor Gets and sets the value by which the current display image will be resized.


DocumentZoomSmooth Replaces current 1 bit-per-pixel images with an image whose width and height have been doubled and whose pixels have been smoothed.
Resize Resizes the current image.
ResizeEx Resizes the current image according to the algorithm specified by enumResizeType enumerator.
ZoomToFit Zoom factor to fit current image within the ImagXpress control.


AutoSizeChanged Raised when the AutoSize property has changed.
Resized Raised when the ImagXpress control resizes.
ZoomFactorChanged Raised when the ZoomFactor property changes.
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