Accusoft ISIS Xpress 7
ISX_SetupOptions Enumeration

Option values for the Setup Method to modify what is displayed by the predefined scanner settings dialog.

ISX_Area2Displays a scanner settings dialog that shows the Area button. When the Area button is clicked, an Area dialog will be displayed.

Displays a scanner settings dialog that shows the Area button. When the Area button is clicked, an Area dialog, containing a preview window, will be displayed.

ISX_Binary1Displays a scanner settings dialog that only allows binary modes. This prevents the user from choosing grayscale or color modes.
ISX_Normal0Displays the normal scanner settings dialog.

Displays a scanner settings dialog that will return SCANERR_CANCEL if the user clicks the Cancel button. If this flag is not set, then the settings dialog will always return with no error.


The predefined scanner settings dialog allows the user to change driver specific scanner settings.

ISX_SetupOptions is a flag enumeration that can be treated as a bit field or a set of flags. The following example shows how this enumeration can be used:

Setup (hWnd, ISX_SetupOptions.ISX_Binary | ISX_SetupOptions.ISX_Return);

See Also

Setup Method



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