Barcode Xpress Mobile for iOS
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Swift API

BXRuntime Class Reference

Result Class Reference

BarcodeType Enumeration Reference

Status Enumeration Reference


The following functions are available globally.

  • createGreyscaleImage(_:)

    public func createGreyscaleImage(image: CGImage) -> CGImage

    Creates a greyscale version of a CGImage



    A CGImage object

    Return Value

    A CGImage object which contains the same contents as the supplied image except that it has been reduced to greyscale.

  • setBarcodeTypes(_:)

    public func setBarcodeTypes(types: BarcodeType)

    This function is used to set the types of barcodes which will be searched for.

  • setLicense(_:)

    public func setLicense(license: BXLicense)

    This function is used to send the license to the recognition library.

  • recognize(_:doBlurDetection:maxBarcodes:)

    public func recognize(image: CGImage, doBlurDetection: Bool, maxBarcodes: Int) -> (Status, Result?)

    This function creates an image that the recognition library can process from a CGImage and creates Swift objects to represent the results returned.