Accusoft BarcodeXpress v13.3 - Updated
MakeBarcodeAdjustBarSize Property
AccusoftBarcodeXpress13 ActiveX DLL > BarcodeXpress Object : MakeBarcodeAdjustBarSize Property
Allows for dynamic setting of the width of the bars when creating a barcode.
Property type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
Public Property MakeBarcodeAdjustBarSize As Boolean
Return Type
A boolean value which is True to increase the widths of the barcode bars to best fit the complete barcode into the user defined image width. Otherwise, False is returned.

The default value is True.

When True, the bar widths will increase to a value which best fits the complete barcode into the user defined image width, set by MakeBarcodeWidth.

If False, the bar width set by MakeBarcodeBarSize will be used, and the barcode will be centered on the image.

See Also

BarcodeXpress Object  | BarcodeXpress Members