Barcode Xpress Linux returns BX_Status for all API calls. For successful calls, it will have a value of BX_Status_OK. BX_Status_OK has a value of 0; Any other return value will indicate some error condition occurred. See error codes for the complete list of possible errors.
Error Information
BX_Error provides access to more error information during processing:
- ErrorStatus - The BX_Status code.
- ErrorID - A string for the error code.
- ErrorMessage - A string that provides a more informative message on the error condition.
Result Information
The BX_AnalyzeResult and BX_CreateResult provide error information.
- BarcodeErrors - An array of BX_Errors for the function call.
- ErrorCount - A count of the number of errors.
- Color or Grayscale Images - Barcode Xpress for Linux works with 1, 8, or 24-bit images. To convert other formats, use the associated ImageGear component.
- Not able to read Barcodes when you know they exist due to poor image quality - There is no set process for cleanup of images. What may work on one image for clean-up, may not work on another. The ImageGear component, which is sold separately, can perform many different cleanup operations such as SmoothandZoom, Dilation, and Erosion which all assist in recognition of the barcodes, but there is no set order in which to perform these operations that will ensure each image barcode will be detected. All ScanFix Xpress (sold separately) cleanup operations are very fast, so an option to consider is performing multiple operations and then retrying recognition.
- Issues with barcode recognition - Some reasons why your barcode may not be detected could be due to poor resolution, resolutions of horizontal and vertical are not the same, the barcode wasn't made correctly according to the standard, bad scanning quality, bad image quality (see bullet two above), or the barcode is a type that Barcode Xpress doesn't read. Attempt to solve any image quality, resolution, and scanning properties using the ImageGear component, which is sold separately.
- Confidence values - Confidence values are programmed into the component. Barcode Xpress for Linux is conservative on confidence values compared to other competitive components so the developer understands when a barcode may not be 100% accurate. This ensures the barcode recognized is producing accurate data.
Error Codes
Listed below is a cross reference of error codes and their corresponding descriptions.
Error Codes | Error | Description |
9000 | OutOfMemory | There is not enough memory to continue the operation. |
9001 | InvalidParameter | Invalid parameter. |
9002 | ParameterOutOfRange | Parameter out of range. |
9003 | InvalidBitmap | Invalid bitmap. |
9004 | UnableReadbitmap | Unable to read bitmap. |
9005 | UnsupportedBarcodeType | Unsupported barcode type. |
9006 | InvalidIndex | Invalid index. |
9007 | InvalidBarcodeValue | Invalid barcode value set. |
9008 | InsufficientWidth | Insufficient barcode width. |
9009 | InsufficientHeight | Insufficient barcode height. |
9010 | UnableCreateUPCE | Unable to create UPC-E Barcode. |
9011 | InvalidLicense | Invalid license. |
9012 | TimeoutError | Timeout Error. |
9014 | InternalError | Internal error. |
9015 | InvalidArea | Area is outside required range. |
9022 | UnsupportedBitDepth | The bit depth of the image is not supported by Barcode Xpress. |
9023 | NullResults | The results object is NULL. |
9024 | InvalidDIB | The DIB object is not valid. |
9100 | PDF417Encoding | PDF417 encoding error. |
9101 | RowCount | Invalid row count for the barcode type. |
9102 | ColumnCount | Invalid column count for the barcode type. |
9103 | SymbolCountError | There is an invalid number of symbols in the barcode. |
9104 | LargeDataSize | Barcode data too large for the barcode symbol size. |
9105 | InvalidErrorCorrectionLevel | Error correction level is invalid. |
9106 | ErrorCorrectionLevelTooHigh | Error correction level is too high, will not fit in barcode symbol with the data. |
9300 | UnableToReadParameters | The parameters could not be read. |
9301 | UnableToReadDIB | The DIB could not be read. |
9302 | InvalidResults | The results object is not valid. |
9303 | UnableToCreateResults | Could not create the results object. |
9304 | NoLicenseFound | A valid license could not be located on the machine. |
9305 | EncodeError | There is an error encoding the barcode value. |