Barcode Xpress for Java v13.9 - Updated
setAdditionalReadingPass Method
com.accusoft.barcodexpress Package > BarcodeReader Class : setAdditionalReadingPass Method
boolean determining whether or not to perform an additional reading pass.

Sets a value which determines if additional processing pass will be performed on a scaled (reduced) version of the original image.

If this property is set to true, additional processing pass of a scaled (reduced) version of the original image will be performed (scale factor equal to 0.5). After analyzing both these images, results from the pass that yields a higher confidence value would be reported. This step is strictly an extra analysis step which increases response time. It can be used for barcode images with repetitive noise artifacts around the bars which cause normal recognition pass to misread.
public void setAdditionalReadingPass( 
   boolean additionalReadingPass


boolean determining whether or not to perform an additional reading pass.
See Also


BarcodeReader Class
BarcodeReader Members

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