Accusoft BarcodeXpress v13.9 - Updated
GetBarcodeReaderType Method
AccusoftBarcodeXpress13 ActiveX DLL > BarcodeXpress Object : GetBarcodeReaderType Method
An integer value which represents the zero-based index number of the barcode type from the list of barcode types which the barcode engine uses to search for during recognition.
Returns the barcode type at the specified index value from the list of barcode types being searched.
Visual Basic
Public Function GetBarcodeReaderType( _
   ByVal readerTypeIndex As Long _
) As BC_BarcodeStyle
An integer value which represents the zero-based index number of the barcode type from the list of barcode types which the barcode engine uses to search for during recognition.

Valid values are from 0 to GetBarcodeReaderTypesCount() - 1.

The GetBarcodeReaderType method should be called after the GetBarcodeReaderTypesCount which returns the number of searched barcode types.

For i = 0 To BarcodeXpress1.GetBarcodeReaderTypesCount - 1
    MsgBox BarcodeXpress1.GetBarcodeReaderType(i)
Next i
See Also

BarcodeXpress Object  | BarcodeXpress Members  | GetBarcodeReaderTypesCount Method  | GetBarcodeReaderType Method  | BC_BarcodeStyle Enumeration

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